What are you:
Friday Night Motherfucker!
Slow start tonight so I guess I go first.
Gonna finish a Endless Space 2 campaign and then fuck around in Dead by Daylight.
Violet Evergarden. The visuals are beautiful but the story kinda meh so far.
Going through Edguy's discography.
Holla Forums
Coke Zero.
Big Titted Cow Girls
Kinda down due to Valentines and no gf
Might watch some Initial D
Vidya ost and synthwave
Holla Forums and /r9k/ threads
Pomegranate juice
I don't know man. It should be a comfy day but I have a shitload of work to do tomorrow and the thought that I have to go outside tomorrow ruins my day.
Might try to find some good stuff for arcades I haven't heard of yet.
Old demoscene modules.
Raven of Zurich
Later. Pork roast with spinach-based salad.
No more despondent than usual. Working on drawfaggotry.
Freedom force
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (the 2002 version)
nostalgic i don't even know about what
OP where in god's name do you even live?
Found a Dragonlance book in a goodwill recently, and Fantastic Voyage.
Vanilla rum mousse.
Cranberry juice.
Sleepy with random bouts of hyperactivity.
Monster Hunter: World
infected mushroom
good because of the weeklong holiday
Getting comfy with Banished and Thief 2.
Nothing at the moment, planning on watching the Godfather movies sometime in the next day or so.
Podcasts and bluegrass.
Just finished Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton, now I'm bouncing between 5 Proofs For The Existence of God and Nicomachean Ethics.
It's a fast day so a whole lot of fish.
Ice water
Happy to be alive.
OG Dragonball
I got sick. I'm better, but still feel like shit.
TF2 or that Quake Champions Doom Mod
I don't know if I've been unlucky or if I fucked something up in my settings, but I haven't had a single matchmaking match start at the beginning, it's been matches in progress for at least two weeks and every single one has been a curbstomp as a result. So I hope either my luck turns around or I figure out what setting got fucked up, or it'll be community servers for days.
Downloaded some series of shorts about moeblobs reading books off of Youtube, I don't remember the full name though.
Future Funk
Water and Tea
Later to my waifu
This week has been shitty but relatively productive. I could complain but I've had worse.
A bit of Kingdom Come Deliverance. Pretty badly optimized. Maybe I'll just try the Secret Of Mana remake for now. Hopefully it isn't shit.
Frankie MacDonald
Old school coon tunes. Molemen's Lost Sessions is a neat collection.
Gonna have a burger in a bit
Iced green tea in a bit
No, I already have too many times this year
Not much
Arma 3 or Men of War 2. Depends if I want to be Oberschutze or Obersturmbannführer.
Animes only on Weekdays.
Anything from ShibayanRecords that comes up on random.
I don't. I only write.
KFC chikun dawg
.54 Rum
To Cuckolding obviously.
I should join the military…
Kingdom Come Deliverance. The constant 2-5 second freezes are killing me. The game itself looks really fun, but those freezes are annoying as fuck.
Dire Straits, Clutch, Sasquatch, a bunch of power metal and whatever else I can think of.
Just lurking like always
Had some burgers and fries
Water, I'll have some whiskey later.
I think it's gonna be some thick Draphs. I don't care about the game, but those tiddies man
Nothing much.
My fucking nigga
You read my mind. Seems to happen mostly in towns regardless of graphic settings. Hopefully it can be patched.
DBFZ and Kingdom Come
Samurai Champloo
Pantera, Black Sabbath, Bolt Thrower
GF did it for me
It better be 3D feet
Yeah I have no idea how that went past the QA as it seems to be a problem for everyone.
Replaying the older Spyro games, up to A Hero's Tail. Lost my fucking save to corruption at 95% completion, back to square 1.
The Bible
Don't know yet, nothing with meat though.
Tired and hungry.
My nigga.
It's shit, get a better game.
One piece Pirate Warriors 3 on vita.
The Ace Attorney anime
Game music
Cherry Dr pepper
I ain't telling.
Much better than last week.
stay holy, my friend
Thank you for reminding me user.
Elona and Call of Chernobyl
Going to marathon all the Rambo movies
Reverend Bizarre
Morrowind modding guides, I want to finally make all these mods I've been thinking about
Taco Bell fuck you I like it
Coffee, water
probably not going to today
Pretty okay
I've heard it's a good series of books, how is it so far?
good shit
fortress forever and star trek online
undercover boss
superintelligence, by Nick Bostrom
southern fried chicken strips
fruit juice
demon girls
Holla Forums gets its panties in a twist about TF2, but it's still the best of its genre, at least in terms of games that are played on the daily. TF2C ain't got enough players, TF2V is not-invented-here TF2C with even worse population problems, Fortress Forever is fucking shit after redditors got their hands on it, QTF only gets players on select days, and all the modern shit (Overwatch, totally-not-Overwatch from the Tribes devs, Quake Champs) is all irredemable garbage. nu-TF2 is marred by matchmaking, but it's still head-and-shoulders above 95% of the genre, with the other 5% having too tiny a population for daily play.
Don't know where you live, but after the big cooldown from yesterday's nigh-Spring weather around here, my vote would be for Chili.
Was off work yesterday because sick, accidental 3 day weekend almost up. Still kinda sick
Dunno yet, maybe someone else will inspire me.
I have been watching almost nothing but lupin the third for weeks
See readan
Horus heresy's got some dope audiobook torrents on rutracker, 11 books in.
soup, the thought demands it
yerba matte tea and water
not yet, later
sicker than I did when I started writing this post…
Sorry to hear that.
How's that animoo goin?
I thought it was shit
Rise to Ruins and Armored Warfare. I'm reading chans in between and hoping some erp would happen to me
Mornin lads, got work tonight, fucking kill me. I hate Fridays so goddamned much.
Metal Gear Survive Beta, Dying Light, and MHW.
Also picked up Atelier Sophie and Endless Legend 2 in the Steam Sale.
Girl's Last Tour and Yuru Camp
J-Rock/Pop. Listening to some NakamuraEmi, Sambomaster, LiSA, BRADIO, and plenty of Vocaloid.
Overlord LN Vol 1
One Piece Vol 19
Teriyaki chicken
Coffee, since I just woke up, and the rest of the day will be water
Asian women with nice butts in tight jeans
Pretty good, besides dreading work. Keeping my mind on my trip I'm saving up for keeps me motivated. Being motivated is a nice feeling.
Also had a lot of fun with my buds in the MG:S beta last night and I'm looking forward to playing a little more with them and knock out the Normal-level maps.
Gonna rewatch Collateral later on
Finishing Berserk as i write this
Maryland cookies.
pic related. Going in for overtime this weekend. I say its for the pay. But i just get so fucking depressed now when i stay in for the weekend playing vidya.
Sims 2 and Kingdom Come once it finishes downloading.
Old Spongebob seasons
Holla Forums and Holla Forums
Might order something
Tired. I miss being NEET.
Unreal Tournament 2004 or Double Action Boogaloo
Cowboy Bebop
Windowlicker - Aphex Twin
Pork rice bowl
Kingdom Comes
Catching up on Made in Abyss
Nightcall on loop
How to bomb the us gov't
Currently starvin
Pretty gud besides nogf
Been playing a lot of final fantasy tactics and elona. Both are addictive like crack.
Watched a bit of Qi and T90 while cooking and eating.
Might be reading Murasakiiro no Qualia, seems interesting enough.
A variation of bacalao, a dried cod stew, but instead of cod I used pork also with garlic bread at the side, pic related.
Water, coffee
Nah, did just shower, don't really feel like it.
Will be moving apartments soon. Feeling sorta giddy about it.
Double action boogaloo
Alan thrall, trying to get my squat up.
Holla Forums
While milk
Po ju
Killing Floor 2 with pals. Haven't had as much fun playing something with people in a long time.
Generally just 'nam war era rock.
Nothing really, Holla Forums aside.
Chocolate. What a treat. Haven't had in months.
Ain't feeling it.
Pic related. In a top tier mood right now.
It's like I'm really on tumblr.
I need Kingdom Come: Deliverance
SRWZ3.2 with pirated DLCs
Random electronic and synth
Savin for dinner tonight
Kinda down.
retail WoW
/k/ shit on jewtube
acid house
/k/, Holla Forums
some shitty microwave noodles
3DPD Jap
i've been worse
can't get windows into this new HDD but it can wait
FGR already has links
Switch, probably Jackbox later if Jackbox stream user actually decides to start at a good time
Vinesauce videos
Nothing in particular
Leftover Chicken Parmesan sandwich and sweet potato fries from last night, shit was delicious
Root beer and then water
F-Zero, Speebot
Holla Forums
Neapolitan funicular adoration songs
I just finished reading 1984, finally got the focus to finish it. Pretty good, but there is something I don't understand. In the end, Winston talks about a flashback where he is back at the ministry of love, and he talks about how he finally received the bullet through his head. However, none of the guards are ever described with guns, so I am I assuming correctly that Orwell meant "the killing of a mind" with that bullet? Ending was very good, best part was where he and Julia meet again and they have no physical desire for each other any more.
I should also be reading separation technology and chemical bonding and magnetism.
Had some cinnamon cakes, maybe some crackers later
I shouldn't
Good overall. Celebrated the final day of Carnaval last monday met a nice girl but I couldn't take her home with me - she was thirsty as fuck sadly and shit was pretty good. Had some drinks with friends, good times were had by all. Week of vacation is almost over, and after two rather sleepless nights I finally feel somewhat awake again.
Europe exists you know.
Sounds delicious
What do you write user? Also, why do you want to join the army?
Where are you going? Somewhere international?
Looks pretty good.
It's like you hate good cooking or something
It was around 4-5pm in yurop when this thread was up, hence why I asked.
Unless that counts as night now.
That Switch dog is the worst mascot ever concieved.
oh, thanks anons. I was just posting to have an excuse to post that picture honestly. I'm waiting for the GOG release
Thanks just the same though.
I'm planning a trip to 日本
user, I'd say taking a picture of any food you get would be tumblr, but taking a picture of food you cooked yourself in order to discuss is just fine.
This is triggering my autism so much, holy fuck. Guess I'll wait for FGs releases from now on. Fucking hell.
Search Kingdom Come on a torrent site and you should be able to find "hotfix plus DLC" downloads. Not sure if they're completely up to date.
Didn't see that. Excuse me.
Wonderboy III Monster World II
Cumbia rebajada
Holla Forums
Sweet tea
Dunno yet
Some movies
Self cooked food
Pretty damn good,passed the exam i did a week ago and i got a high grade as well.
KCD, got tired of it and dropped, probably will redownload if some freeplay mod will arrive and more stable patched version. I didn't liked the forced story the most, gameplay itself is fine. Now going to play Dynasty Warriors 9 for a change.
Vinesauce playing Skyrim and Monster Hunter World.
Some slavic folk music
Holla Forums
Meat and potatoes
Coffee, lots of coffee
Trying to find something good to fap, but my mind constantly wanders off somewhere.
Eh, could be worse. Not that bad.
BotW and R6S free weekend demo.
Holla Forums.
Spaghetti and meatballs.
Fruit juice.
A little depressed.
I got two sl60 charcters in DS3 that can get invasions nonstop, Also I got Toukiden 2 in the steam sale so I'll be starting that game, still undecided in what weapon use.
random youtube videos
Ds3 ost and Nujabes
Warlock of the magus world
Dunno dont feel like cooking anything so I'll probably order something
Nah, I want to see if I can go an entire month without it, so far it's has been pretty easy
Ok, something attacked my cat, and the little fucker decided so attack back so it came back in a very rough state had to take him to the vet, he's fine but he will need to be injected, and that just pisses him off
Elona+ and Hotline Miami 2
The Color of Pomegrantes
Lil uzi vert
Metro 2033
Perhaps l8r
Not too shabby
Warframe and XCOM 2.
Had some rice and coffee. Debating on the rest.
Coffee and water.
I hate how every week I tell myself I'm going to write that damn story with the horseshoe crab samurai and all that shit, but I end up studying and playing games and not feeling up to writing. Fuck.
i remember trying warframe some years ago when it just came out, how is it? what type of game is it even? my memory is shit apparently lol
also user as long as you keep telling yourself you will get around to it eventually, you are on the right track, just keep insisting youll do it
Grind fest with zero combat variety.
If you write a word, that's one more word than 99% of the population has written. So even if you don't finish, at least you'll have accomplished something more than the average Netflix-binging normalfag, and you can write a little more the next day.
This is what I tell myself to make myself feel better about wallowing in first-draft hell while trying to make something out of myself by latching on to writing because writing is the only creation hobby I don't immediately want to die while trying to get good at.
Space ninja's doing space ninja things. It's got a ton of grinding, but that's sorta the point. They added fishing though, so I'm going to be getting into that soon.
Yeah, once I start it's fine. The first step is the problem.
tbh just knowing that you want to do it is being very close to doing it, i hate motivational shit but you two both sound like you are on the right track tbh, as long as you want to write for yourself at least.
Some how-it's-made nip channel
Extended tracks of the Deus Ex soundtrack
Class notes, two exams next week.
Sardines, vegetables, maybe I'll grill some burgers later
Chai tea
Exhausted, watching the backlog grow, wish I didn't have to study anymore. I can't focus on school like I used to, the commute is killing me
Beat GTA:V and Captain Toad. Might 100% both, we'll see. Getting through my backlog and working on Alan Wake everyone's favorite forest walking simulator
Naked and Afraid.
Secret of Mana OST (SNES)
Fucking good, TGIF!
Nice. One of the better WiiU games
excuse me
Is it sad that of all the games I have available to me VRChat is the most appealing? I know full well it's solely because it's a source of social interaction but I'm pretty sure that just makes it worse.
Nothing. Maybe some of my mate's attempts at rallying.
Waifu Wednesdays' youtube channel has some good mixes if you're into that kind of genre.
The Coming Race
Eating is for fags and fatfucks. Skeletons like me just drink coffee.
I have a tenga but my dick is bigger than it so I don't think I could even use it if I wanted to.
Lonely, bored, tired. I was hoping The Witcher 3 was going to be better than it is. Right now it's a bit tedious and I'm not sure if it's me taking so damn long to do things or if that's really the pacing of the game.
Looking at the rest of the thread, maybe I should replay some old ps1 games I haven't touched in 15 years. That said most of what I played in those days were platformers which I can't stand any more or are incredibly simple games.
That's what I've felt like doing lately. I didn't have any platformers, though.
Mad Max
The Division
Killing Floor 2
Alan Wake
maybe Double Action: Boogaloo with Holla Forums if they're done being triggered by Steam
The Grand Tour
The first episode of Stargate: Origins (this is the Stargate equivalent of STD and Soy Wars)
The Cloverfield Paradox OST
Natalie Mars
Witcher 3 gets better as you go on, in my opinion. Especially when you get to Blood and Wine. There's always mods too.
dead money , probably some l4d2 later because i miss playing it
XS project
europa 1939(pretty good book but its in hue so dont look into it)
choripans with mustard
pepsi and tang
nothing yet
shitty and tired , cant even hit the right keys
Never posted in one of these threads before. I'll take this following post as a sign that I am falling further and further down the rabbit hole leading to my eventual death.
YU-NO (PC-98)
Rune Factory 4 - really not liking the game compared to the 3, I'm sick of waiting for a chance to marry my wife
For My Legionaries
Iced Tea
Not feeling up to it
Like replaying Katawa Shoujo again. Valentines Day got me into the mood.
For you.
Motherfucker, are you me?!
Sleeper hit of the system, imho.
Oh thank God.
footfags need to be gassed.
I heard foot fetish is directly linked to autism. To each their own though, as long as you spoiler that shit.
Katrina Hartlova
Good getting a 4k tv
Super Mario Land 2 most underrated mario tbh
Nothing atm but C3-Bu looks interesting
Done, to kawai anime critters
What's sexy about this? I don't get it.
Don't bully me Hanako-chan I already did earlier.
The curves, the lines, the shade, the color, the femininity, the toe nail polish, etc, etc. Didn't you watch girls feet in class? I used to love watching girls dangle sandals, flats, etc.
I'm not sure, maybe continue my legend playthrough of Yakuza 0, maybe the Cyriak doom wad again, maybe even buy a mini golf game instead of playing the fucking candy flash one for the 1000th time. I know I'm getting into a rut so I'm looking through all the shit I have for something that isn't too much of a time investment.
Weird real life mini golf courses.
Those umineko songs, the 8-10 minute ones by the three letter artist with the wind chimes and shit.
learning about advance molecular geometry and predicting spectroscopic shfits based off of it.
Meat, rice and beans again. Filling, cheap and delicious with the right sauces and seasonings.
Had a Boylan root beer with the aforementioned meal, it's pretty good but still no Fitz's. Just opened some weird Thai beer that taste blonde but not quite like a pale ale, which is good because pale ale is shit.
Probably just scrounge up a pdf from my collection.
Momentarily tired from the food, also starting to get pretty annoyed from the lack of response on some applications I submitted two months back since the deadline was around that time as well.
Super Mario 3
Music is a metaphorical condiment of life
do people still find time to read?
chicken tendies salad
Coke Zero
to porn
tiered did not sleep last night.
Probably some Houseki no Kuni later.
The Great Gatsby ;^)
Lemon-lime soda
Well I just came so pretty good I guess.
Thinking bout doing a few rounds of siege, burned out on MHW and dooberz for the moment
bad album, good song
nothing yet, absolutely hungry
desire for beer intensifies
not tonight since the roommates are around, would be TOMBOY DOUJINS FUCKING CHRIST HELP MY SOUL
sore, as i type this i'm delaying getting another set of working out in. Afterwards I might go drink out in the normalfag realm just to get away from my apartment for a few hours
begone fool
are that what these are called? I like the horns
it's shit right?
Don't reinforce kids bedroom, newcomer.
I dunno, probably the usual warframe and siege
some old movie if I feel like it, or mushishi
Talking Heads, specifically Sax and Violins
Cave Life Evolution and Ecology, Plato's Republic, High School Inari Tamamo-chan
Water and maybe some juice
I might
Holding on by a thread, or to use the words of Talking Heads,"I'm afraid that God has no master plan"
I'm playing Wizard101 because my cousin wants to play it but got his original account bannu'd. I'm redoing his character for him, going to give him the account as a gift.
I'm farming Waterworks, but I'm stuck with this retard who made one of the others fuck off and then went AFK in the final battle
Radio version of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Not sure yet.
Degenerate stuff.
Pretty good.
I had the game installed but I've never played it before.
MGSV is a great video game
The Brigade (NW Front)
Exhausted from work. 7 more days straight until I get a break.
the first like 3 hours of gameplay is great then if falls on its own ass
I always like those kind of things, pretty fun subject.
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl, I'll check out the double action Holla Forums server sometime
Either Gladiator or Westworld
Snail's House
Nazi Germany Explained
Avoid porn
Feeling pretty good. Lots of prospects are lining up. Lots of potential clients and I'm putting together some good contributions to my github.
I'd be down to play KF2 with you guys sometime. Been looking for people to play with but my friends are poorfags.
Was trying out Dynasty Warriors 9
Dr. Disrespect
Dr. Disrespect
Not right now, later though commerce books.
My favorite type of pizza, extra greasy, with fries.
Favorite energy drink
Very nice
Yeah, it's pretty disappointing. It's basically just another rehash of the first two games with more filler thrown in.
What the fuck it's friday already? jesus christ my life is so fucking empty i didn't even notice.
dude, come on, i'm eating.
Hey, I spoiler-ed them and it was obvious what I was posting from what I wrote.
Nasty,i'd take monster girls or furry shit over this
Is this a request?
Post the original.
Well make a decision.
ɴᴏ ɪᴛs ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛᴇsᴛ ᴍᴇᴛᴀʟ ɢᴇᴀʀ!
I know that sauce, just post it already.
Look what you did! Now the furries are starting to get raunchy.
I'm not posting the whole goddamn thing here nigger.
Hey man, he was (maybe) asking for it.
Million Dollar Extreme every now and then
Atlas Shrugged but I'll pick it up later
not today, need my zinc
shitty but not as bad as other days, plus a bit pissed that Mark didn't fight that ginger on valentines
because jerma isn't streaming tonight for some reason. And i'm too lazy to find a new anime to watch. I also ate too much pizza and the thought of doing anything hurts right now.
Same here, I was getting excited.
Why not?
I'm ready to submit to degeneracy.
FighterZ. Hopping on and off Dystopia. Not sure what I'm doing but it's lots of fun. It's making me wish there were still decent shooters that didn't only have a non-active niche community.
Waco. Rewatching Cowboy Bebop. Maybe give Dragon Ball Z another shot.
Iron Maiden
/ara/, /gfd/, /monster/
Eh. I gotta figure out what the hell I'm gonna do with my life, and fast
Also need to keep an eye out for the nigger who broke into the office in broad daylight.
which one pussied out?
I don't wanna get ding dong bannud for dumping, and I don't want to provoke the space marines.
Neither, just nothing came of it. I guess ginger did as he never supplied an address I think.
sauce on that kemono?
Coward,you offered and now you back out,face to bloodshed.
must you really ask?
I like to think the ginger did but the rumor is that he got a 24 hour ban, unfortunately further discussion of their fight was halted
Would you accept some SFW as an apology? That way I won't get banned.
Hohoho so mark banned him then started talking shit to make it look like the ginger ran away without replying.
Granted I'm pretty sure the fight would be pansy as fuck and a total disappointment even if they were organised enough to bother streaming it.
Nigger they haven't touched the foot freak, At least bring some quality to this thread.
Last friday thread somebody posted a bunch of alien lewds and didn't get banned so i'd say go for it,but if you're that paranoid sure,give me some wholesome sfw stuff.
Just make sure they're under spoilers and keep it to one doujin or a few posts of pics at max.
not exactly, the ginger was talking about how Mark scared away a girl he might have banged but then Mark heard wind of this and the two went at it for a few posts, here's the post where it all begins
I just finished playing Rimworld, but maybe something later
Nothing yet
Water and tea
Alright give me a minute to finish what I'm doing and I'll post the sauce of what I first posted.
My dick is out and waiting
post colony.
Good man and nice digits.
Alright, here we go. This one's short, and I might do another short one later tonight if anyone wants it.
God fucking dammit
That's pretty degenerate, user. You aren't supposed to lewd the critters.
that was thoroughly arousing,more pls
if only.
what's that?
Well the fox girl was,the cringy ass dialogue wasn't
Hello my fellow /a/utist
Honestly that's why I don't mind when doujins aren't translated.
what a waste of half decent art
You can tell whoever did the translation was a nigger trying to be "funny"
If the artist is who I think he is, he does normal stuff too,
user, that was western, so the dialogue was probably put there by the artist.
Am I retarded? Where are the screenshots saved? no steam
Also here's a pdf of the dump when some autist reports 46352f's posts.
Oh i'm retarded,i just assumed it was eastern
to your clip board when you press print screen.
Monster girls next if you got em
Dragon Ball FighterZ. 2.5d 3v3 DBZ fighting game made by the dudes who made Guilty Gear. It's pretty simple, but it's a lot of fun. If you hit dudes hard enough they'll go flying into mountains. It doesn't stick to that power level bullshit either, so running Yamcha against Beerus or Blue Goku doesn't mean jack shit.
Wipeout, specifically XL and 64
Kids in the Hall and some sega genesis demo scene shit
British techno from Wipeout
Is for fags
Meh, had a death in the family recently. But right now I'm worried about my employment; either I get rejected by two places I've interviewed at, or I have two decent jobs that I have to choose from and both have their ups and downs. Either way, I'm fucking tired of the freelance editing work I'm doing now that hasn't payed me a fucking dime.
Dragon's Dogma as a mystic knight
Girl's Last Tour, this show is comfy as hell
Nick Drake albums
Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist
Beans and rice
Not today, been fapping like crazy recently
pretty bad
Is that how the top list works? /kemono/ is on there pretty often.
I'm just gonna give you some mix bag SFW and go play some vidya. Maybe later, past bumplimit or something.
I was wondering when the marines would arrive.
It's just cause an user dumped a manga he's translating.
Pillars of eternity
Alan Thrall on youtube
same as above
Biography on Benjamin Franklin
Sweet potatoes and hamburger
Water and tea
Tall blondes and short buff asian women
Kingdom Come, Overwatch only because it's free
Pop Team Epic
Various folk and bluegrass
The Last Samurai
Eggs and bacon
Wheat whiskey
I dunno, maybe
Ups and downs. On the one hand I have a long weekend (gov't holiday) but on the other it will be meaningless, just like every other weekend.
I figured the in-game screenshot button would've worked.
Its been Hell
Nothing right now. Considering some Grim Dawn or EDF 4.1. I want some kind of mindless kill fest.
good goy show
good goy show
I need to finish the monster girl book about the doctor who heals monstergirls
Ate some pizza earlier
I'm no longer on my man period so my horny levels have dropped.
Breddy good considering I just finished the next part of my CYOA I'm working on. Now to work on all my other backlogged projects.
I'm sorry but I cannot comply. if you look hard on /kemono/ you'll probably find it
I don't remember the artist either but have this instead.
Hardcore Grim Dawn?
It's getting an official translation by the way. It's really comfy
Cold Steel 2 PC, DBFZ, and Monster Hunter World
Nothin. Give me some recommendations. I’m not picky.
Had some porkchops, they are pretty alright.
Been trying to get more water in me.
Not tonight
No. I it will really trigger me to lose several hours because some random enemy type happens to crit hit my shit because because "muh resistances was too low".
Get more resistances ß)
That's pretty cool. Any idea if the fan translation will continue? I can't get enough Tamamo.
Last tamamopost, no bully mods.
I like the difficulty of Grim Dawn but I know it's difficult enough that I will be properly fucked by that one elite enemy that gibs me in half a second. I can't be bothered to autistically engieer muh resistances for every forseeable encounter.
This kills the fun.
The Dark Souls of Dark Souls. I never played it before. Just got to Blighttown.
Jewtube, duh
Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and /fit/
Beer. Recently turned old enough to [spoiler]legally drink. Trying to figure out what people like about this crap. Maybe, I've just never gotten shitfaced enough, but all alcohol's ever done is fuck up my hand-eye coordination a bit and make me kinda sleepy[/spoiler]
5 days into nofap. I'm gonna make it
fucking spoilers. Don't worry, I'll see myself out in shame.
may god have mercy on your soul
I think you already know what I'm gonna say
Nigger, just place two asterisks before a word/sentance, then two after.
Why would you "engieer" your resistances when you could just cap them?
Stalker MLR
Resident evil
Some eletro
Dont want
despite Vermitide 2 and Pokemon threads giving ideas
xenogears and rocket league
started rewatching cowboy bebop
xenogears soundtrack
Holla Forums
had a perch fish fry tonight, good shit
ready to leave my current job. its great money but it has nothing to do with what I want to do in life, so i started updating my resume this week and should push out a few applications next week. I'm just upset that once I leave, I'll never get to see that cute girl staring at me again
i'm terrible at approaching girls i've never spoken to and I cant think of anything natural to say
More furry aras pls
Military grade, high velocity, armor pericing, spegetti fired from jeans.
I don't hack.
I hope you like ovens. You're going to end up in one.
you too
pls dump
Walk up to her and say, "Hey, show me your vagina."
Shittiest taste in this thread. Might as well fantasize about Jews.
Rats are capable of empathy.
Freya is about only (((kosher rat))) you can jerk it too and even then it's still very degenerate. Almost as degenerate as gadget.
That's too blunt. Instead say "Hello Ma'm, I'm a gynocologist. Would you like a free exam?"
Had Phantom Brave in, but I don't really feel like playing.
YuruCamp, painting videos.
Nothing is really interesting me, but I'll probably default to Pink Floyd.
The Bible
Sauerkraut and kielbasa.
Don't feel like it.
Depression is pretty strong today. It's tough to get up and do anything.
Lots of faggotry going on in this thread.
Gadget is actually preferable in this case, since she's professionally made and isn't just animeshit
I didn't articulate that very well but you know what I mean
user, I'm not trying to get laid, i'm just trying to hold hands
only faggot I see is you not following lent
Yeah, same reason why it's mostly porn boards that pop up whenever someone dumps a set but the mainstream porn ones like /wx/ /vx/ and so on don't come up often because their UIDs are too high.
user please.
Are you talking in compairson to Freya? Or vermintide rat thots?
An isolated thought,- I wonder if anyone fapping to the vermintide thot rats got off to the idea of bug chasing since as you should know rats are vectors of disease, especially in the nurgle influenced world of warhammer.
I had to set up two tree farms because I chopped down almost all the trees to build what I have
Shit, you're right.
You can use stone or metal to build anything, you know. Furniture included though stone beds reduce their restfulness.
Make sure you stay on the Drake's Valley side. Good luck, trooper.
Well shit, you got me.
Everything went downhill, thanks to this thread.
Just beat Pirate Warriors 3, really shitty how badly they just gloss over shit near the end of the game, shit like Kanjuro just gets completely ignored and certain characters will have rooms, but won't show up, like the giant babies. Also the translation starts to get weird too, in one scene Luffy says in plain english "Jet Hawk", and the game normally calls it that, but for that ONE scene, they use the Funimation translation for it, "Fire Fist Pistol".
I made this tonight. It works surprisingly well.
I like all the used material to match, plus I like the way wood looks
It didn't show the still pic, so here.
OwO whats this?
God, I forgot I even had a patreon.
We're all gonna make it.
Fucks sakes, its a like a domino effect.
bring it up always causes a cascade every Friday Night thread
Despite being kinda simple, I fucking love this stick. Mine has been rocking for over 6 years and still works perfectly.
same as it ever was
And the best part is as long as >FAPPAN is there it'll keep just keep repeating itself.
MMBN 5's DS port. I was in the mood to play MMBN and I hadn't played 5 in a while. Might play some MonHun XX since I found an english patched .cia
Might watch some Macross or Genesis Climber Mospeada, though my friend's been bugging me to watch Durarara!!, is it any good?
Some songs from Eve, mainly from Bunka, his newest album. hooktube.com
Devilman, the original manga. I've also been reading some Terraformars.
Just had some roast chicken and some steamed veggies and I'm having some Reese's cups for dessert.
Dunno yet, probably some plump 2D qt3.14s.
Meh. Got bamboozled today, but I hung out with a friend and tried out his VR setup so I'm feeling a bit better.
as someone with an eldrich abomination for a waifu that regularly masturbates to guro, I'm 100% certain that the desire to fap to it (whatever "it" may be) is not because of some latent desire for fur but because basically anything feminine enough is fair game.
I'm surrounded by quality men!
Oh, yeah that's why I like the male rats. No homo.
Jesus Christ this post.
What in the actual mother of all fucks did I just read?
You could stick a feminine anime face on pretty much anything and someone would want to fuck it.
The real question is, do you like her true form or just Saya the loli?
The less human the better,i got a xeno/nightmare fetish,bring it on
I would have liked Saya a lot more if her end game wasn't genocide of the entire human race. Oh, and also without the NTR garbage
Guro isn't even that bad. Wait until you graduate into piss & scat induced brain drain ala starship troopers.
I'm into furshit for these reasons:
You're fucked up though.
well,now i know never to touch that VN with a 20 foot pole
That's a fine get if I've ever gotten one.
I'd buy that if it wasn't for the Sonicfags that occasionally pop up.
Pretty much this, normal furshit is either 1000% gay or fucking disgusting to look at.
i didn't read thread before posting and reading the following posts
this thread was already fucked
feels bad for contribute to such faggatory
I love my little desert flower no matter her form but in all honesty the true form isn't shown enough to make that judgement.
The music and the distortion in the eldrich voices triggers my ASMR if that helps though.
I wouldn't call it that because it's not deliberate though saya does get raped at some point. The thing that does it gets killed so make your own opinions.
I don't think you realize what you are getting into.
I had blocked that part out. Was the rapist insane too or something? Why would he want to rape an eldritch horror?
Are you talking about e621? Because all boorus work like that.
Yes, but it has lots of specific tags and images are usually well tagged. With most other boorus I've seen you're lucky to have anything beyond gender tagged.
Pretty sure that's just one or two guys. Probably best to rule them out as exceptions rather than assume they're the rule.
But user, those are near infinite. Surely you can find it through that? Or are you afraid of being a bigot and assuming?
I do know what im getting into
This is the worst Friday night thread in several weeks, arguably months. Fucking animals, my god.
This is the best Friday Night thread we've had in a while. Keep it up.
so are we doing this or what?
Stop Lucifer
Only if she turns into a horrifying monster that sucks a cock
Danbooru is really good but the needing a danbooru gold pass (they literally call it that) for loli/shota and the autism over quality control kills it for me. I'm not a big fan of e621's tags honestly. Aside from the insistence on using confusing western furfag terms instead of more precise weeb shit, there is shit like using the "cub" tag encompassing both loli and shota making in an unnecessary pain in the ass to find what you want.
You're a braver man than I if you'd stick your bepis in that thing.
Now we're talking.
If your goal is to crash this thread with no survivors.
post it fag
I blame people flagrantly handing out (you)'s and being surprised when they get a reply. Reminds me of the FO3 thread where that one guy was just giving everyone (you)s who posted. Holla Forums is just easy to bait I think.
I may go ahead and make a thread later just to test waters. Something like..
or maybe
Something to that effect. Guranteed replies.
Now it's my fault you didn't read the file name.
I'll honestly take this degeneracy over the normalfag shit these threads usually attract
Post more monster lewds ya faggots,if it doesnt have more then 2 eyes and 2 limbs it don't count.
or zero eyes.
And to think, it all started becase some footfag couldn't keep his dick in check.
All my stuff is free. I'll use nhentai.net
You're gonna have to be more specific frindo otherwise you'll end up with shit like this.
Degeneracy serves a valid purpose in staving off normalfaggotry, but Friday night threads are meant for comfy discussions of current games and liqour.
Speaking of, what are all you fucks drinking? I just made an old fashioned out of pic related, works pretty well.
I mean shit like this,meandraco tier stuff,anything that most people would find horrifying but doing lewd shit instead.
My spit.
/d/ here barely gets a few posts a month.
Yeah too bad normalfags only play shit games, so you won't get that. Let them get filtered out first, then discuss vidya
neither of those things happen unfortunately.
then begone with it,only monsters and aliens are my level of degeneracy.
If I drank regularly I'd smash myself up with some Wild Turkey. That stuff doesn't fuck around.
Yea, you gotta venture to another chan for a more active /d/.
That's some fucking eldritch shit right there. The closest I'd have that I can think of would be an old tentacle rape peice but I don't think that's the flavor you want. I'd show you a monster hunter one. I think that's what you'd want.
go for it,it's closer then anything else posted in this thread.
Pls no bully mods.
This thread is fucking swarming with faggots and degenerates holy shit.
GTA V with mods. I got mods to make the game look beautiful, a mod that makes people grab gunshot wounds when shot and stumble around like in GTA IV, a mod to make the blood and decals not shit, and a mod to make the vehicles feel a bit more like GTA IV's vehicles. GTA IV got a lot of things right with the vehicles and the way NPCs react to being shot.
TF2 videos. None of that faggy (((live commentary))) or (((unboxing))) kikery, just some dude posting highlights of his recordings of him fucking around in casual and community servers with no shitty commentary. youtube.com
Vidya OSTs. LISA has some really good shit. Embed related.
Holla Forums, what else?
Just had leftover pizza. If you eat pizza, and don't put hot sauce in your ranch, then you're a fucking faggot with shit taste.
Water, the patrician's drink.
Not in the mood right now. I' trying to will myself into fapping less.
Fine, I suppose. Fucking tired because I only got around 5 hours of sleep last night. I just went to my neighbor's house to dogsit for half an hour for the last time. I'm supposed to check on the dog and make sure she has food, water, and an empty bladder every few hours. I just did my last little visit, and I should be getting around sixty or so bucks in the next few days.
I bet you drink beer, faggot.
Bayonetta Super Mario odyssey and whatever else I wanna play
Chowder pop team epic and some other cartoons/anime
Melvins Dillinger escape plan don caborello Primus behold the arctopus carnivore and jungle rot.
Swedish death metal and maybe some jojo
Double cheese burger and fries from five guys
Fat asses and maybe some anime girls
Pretty good
Knob Creek is also 100 proof, pretty much the same as Wild Turkey 101.
Shit I forgot how many pages this thing was.Anyway there's enough shit there for you to backtrace the rest through google image searches.
(we're fucked big time m8)
I'm always scared I'll develop a fetish for this shit cause I don't think I'm quite as repulsed as I should be.
Me personally, I genuinely love them. I think it's cause I'm so hateful and cynical of women and people in general that by removing some of that humanity I'm willing to trust them more. I also imagine this is why so many anons like 2D, it's basically that but not as extreme.
I don't eat pizza with just ranch by itself. Do you take me for some kind of faggot? I have the base ranch itself, a small squirt of southwestern ranch, and some Texas Pete all mixed together, and it's actually really fucking good.
You never know man. You might be one degenerate doujin away from stumbling across a new fetish. No one starts on double penetration futa tentacle rape with dick nipples. Theres a progression to this sort of thing you know.
Have you seen Holla Forums tonight? This thread is hardly nothing compared to the sonicfag lol thread going on.
torchlight 2 on elite, getting close to the end, I think.
saw bladerunner 2049, it was alright
reddit's cringey q stream
nothing, though metro 2034 is on the bedstand
fish and salad
maybe later
mixed but alright
I didn't even know we had a LOL thread up.
You can't be serious.
I never understood ranchfags, that shit is gross.
We honestly need as much repulsive degenerate shit as we can get right now to repel the cuckchan refugees that have been shitting up Holla Forums and Holla Forums.
I keep seeing shit about sonic. Apart from Buttface the rouge no one is jerking it to any sonic characters unless they're CWC tier. If anyone is posting the tails & cream pictures they're probably just fucking with you I hope.
You would have had the degenerate not bitched out on posting that comic.
See: >>14338876
You sweet summer child.
Personal shit and shit I need to give for college.
I want to join the army to become a man and stop being a selfish welfare cunt that makes shitty sjw games and collects money on the degeneracy of my nation.
I want to beat the ever living shit out of that god i hate moetrash
IIRC Krystal has her own hentai games. She's sorta sonic genre.
I've already seen it. It's like a police standoff between the baby fur faggot and other anons, except it's like the cops are egging the criminal to kill the hostage by posting the entire comic. I'm still reading the thread so I don't know if he actually did it yet. Jesus fucking christ.
Learning Melty Blood. I'm leaning towards F-Moon right now, so I'm trying to find a character I like. It's harder than I thought it would be.
random youtube videos
random vidya OSTs
posts on Holla Forums
That comes later.
Like I've done nothing productive with my life.
I remember when sonic boom was still a thing you had faggots everywhere wanting to fuck the badger.
user I…
Crystal is full on furry. Sonic and co. are about as furry as something like mickey mouse.
Embed related.
Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums threads.
Raisin Bran.
Imagination; remembering high school teacher.
They're the same amount of fur. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a deluded sonicfag who wants to be slightly better than the rest of the yiffers.
Probably cause you're not playing anything. Go play some videogames faggot.
Jesus are you fucking blind?
The magic wore off some time ago. I mostly only lurk here.
Going to rewatch Jin-Roh for the 15th time just for the stunning visuals
Miami Horror because some posted it here.
Neuromancer, finally got a physical copy and I want to finish it.
Flowerless bread with peanut butter and honey
Mixed herbal tea
Fictional CP
Suicidal…for many reasons.
I fap to some pretty depraved shit but I don't think I could keep it up for sonic characters. I want to believe no one else would fap to such bad character designs.
Kyrstal has some wiggle room a little.
I don't even want to fucking know.
Are you?
Sure is moe in here
That explains the depression. Holla Forums would make the happiest person alive depressed.
Oh, I get it. Cause of her tail
wiggle wiggle
What are you on about, faggot. Look at the fucking characters and how they look.
The design is still suppose to be cutsie, its just that they end up getting beaten. Almost like one of those fetishes, hmm
Update, listening to ZAMAGI now because it's superior.
What did he mean by this?
Point is, moe is a genre, not an artstyle
Update 2: Listening to Friday Night Jazz over at /animu/
Oh yes, very moe these two.
MOE IS A WAY OF RAIF! for homosexuals and degenerates
Thinking of buying this but aside from the DLC what's wrong with it.
Alice's Restaurant.
Psych book.
3rd-degree burns on female arms.
I think what he meant was their proportions are fucked. They work fine if you're playing a 2-d side scroller but the moment you try to make it "realistic" it falls to shit real quick.
Compare that to Mario Odessey. He may be a midget but at least he doesn't have noodle arms and a ridiculously out of proportion head.
Moeshit refers to things that has it's entertainment basis around cute girls, but also almost nothing else; practically interchangeable with 'cute girls doing cute things'. MiA has monsters and laser arms and shit, so as cutesy or comfy as it is every now and again, it's far and away from moeshit.
Seriously, don't do that. Processed meat normally has random things like vinegar, spices, garlic and so on in it and those things can kill an animal that strictly eats meat.
The Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb
Apocalypse Now
The Turner Diaries
Scrambled eggs
Erza Scarlet's cow tits
It also has a plot, as opposed to being slice of life.
the word you are looking for is melancholy.
Jesus Christ stop playing ignorance you fucking faggot.
Since fucking when? Last time I checked it basically means cute. Whatever, my point is that "moe" character design is an abomination and deserves violence.
Nyet. They're perfectly fine 99% of the time. Hell I give my dogs chocolate, my last dog lived well in excess of what most dogs her breed live.
You're wrong and retarded.
assassin's creed: we wuz kangz-CPY
yugioh gx german dub
my brother's music when I'm browsing
nothing today
kind of shit, I'm becoming a fat fuck and my mantits are so abnormally huge I'm afraid it'll look like I have gynecomastia, maybe I even have minorly. I'm never going outside fuck that shit
Well, fuck you too then. I'm going to bed.
They aren't in high concentration, good meat doesn't use trash preservatives and many of the types of meats in that picture are basically raw and just salted and dried.
Why do you even possess that such hot trash? How starved for games are you? Jesus go take up knitting or something!
Stop getting fat then.
Trust me, you don't want to be like me and have a doctor tell you "if you keep going like this you ain't gonna hit 40". Lost 15kg in 2 months, still on a diet.
It's easy if you know what to eat - basically lotsa protein, absolutely no starch, only integral grains and pastries, no sugar, minimal dairy(or only the low fat shit), lots of fucking meat - just not pork.
Lastly, don't starve yourself. Eat multiple times a day(I do 5) but in small portions. 3 main meals + 2 snacks consisting of something like a banana or some oranges and you'll be fine.
Also, cut out all junk food. Everything. Every. Last. Thing.
Walk 5-10k a day…just walk. You'll be sorted out just fine.
What's wrong with pork?
High fat content.
Not halal
I fucking eat out of boredom, so if I stop eating I'll just fall into a depression. All of the games, anime, movies, tv-shows and internet I consume are utter mediocrity and if I don't "spice" it up by eating like a cancerous landwhale
it'll become so bad that I'll just hate living. It's probably true that at some point in the past, the level of all around fun and happiness was the same as it is now and the the eating has become a cancerous habit and addiction that ultimately added nothing to my life but more potential problems and unhappiness, and that also means if I stop this awful habit it's going to get even worse than I ever felt before
Golden Slumbers
The Silmarillion
League of Legends r34
Quite fine honestly.
How can you stand reading that? It's about as try as reading the bible.
Get a hobby. Eating for any reason other than the need to eat and the occasional personal satisfaction is plain old unhealthy.
Get over yourself, self pity is a miserable attribute.
Spoken by someone who's never read one.
I'm quite a big fan Tolkien's work. I'm already done reading The Fellowship of the Ring and The Hobbit.
Every sentence starting with "and" grated on me to read any further than a quarter the way in.
I hear eating a lot of pork can cause pancreatic cancer. I… think my grandfather had that, but had liver cirrhosis from drinking all day (he was a stonemason)
Reminder that Halal and Kosher slaughter involves cruelly cutting open a conscious animal's neck and making them bleed to death
Huh, good thing I guess that the most pork I eat is the occasional pulled pork sandwich or porkchop
ahhh back from work fuckin finally. Wound up having to stay another 40 minutes past when I was supposed to clock out; such a pain in the ass. But now I'm home and I can kick back, play some vidya, and maybe even watch a little GLT.
for the most part. I had fun playing it with my buds though, just dicking around the staging area having a free for all was more fun than the actual game tbh
yeah. I'm half-way studying up so I won't be a (completely) illiterate gaijin. Also bought a travel guide that I'm looking through that goes over mannerisms, things about the language in general, social dos-and-donts, that sort of shit.
Alan Wake was good. American Nightmare should NOT have been an Alan Wake game.
remove yourselves from the gene pool
had a monster rehab earlier, back on water now.
i don't drink alcohol
As in the energy drink? How the fuck can you stand those things? Monster is one of the worst of energy drinks but even the subtler ones just taste and feel like syrup.
GLT is nice for a nothing show though. Did enjoy it.
Considering downloading (((Overwatch))) again because all rooty tooty point and shooty game servers are dead here.
Nagi no Asukara OST
Water, vodka soon
Sorta lonely. I hate living in Australia.
yes, the same brand. Rehabs aren't carbonated for starters though, they're teas. They're a little sweeter, and have flavors like Pink Lemonade and Raspberry. I had a Pink Lemonade earlier and it was pretty good. I'm saving my Raspberry one for tomorrow night.
also it only has 6g of Sugar and 10 Calories to a can, so I rather like that aspect of it too
don't do this to yourself user.
play the metal gear survive beta.
I don't think we get them in my country. We just get the regular stuff. 6g of sugar sounds like barely anything for those kinds of drinks too.
If FPS servers are dead, just play something else. Don't do that.
The problem is that when I get drunk I just want to steamroll games and shit talk people but MP games have been condensed down into FPS or mobas, normally I'd just play R6S but I've hit the point where my casual games are pseudo-comp games and it's boring now. I'd play fightan games but they might as well be as dead as arena shooters here too, I'm burned out on MHW because it's got no variety and fuck all content, so I've got nothing to play.
I put 12 minutes into the beta and wish it simply never even existed.
then play the Metal Gear Survive Beta. At least it's something, or TF2
Great book
I ended up just getting drunk and playing no games instead of playing (((overwatch))). It's mainly due to the fact that I have literally no friends so no matter what I played, I couldn't fight this feeling in any fucking right
I love you.
You should be bullied like there's no tomorrow
I've read I think a good chunk of the series, years ago, and it was kind of like reading through somebody telling a personal DnD campaign that went on for several years. I found it really enjoyable, though I could understand how somebody might not.
The hell are you talking about? There's nonstop fightan generals. There's constant new releases of good games and it's easy as hell to look at just about any game new or old, pick it up at pretty much any given time and find somebody to play with. They're not the same experience and not as fun to play drunk, but they're nowhere near as dead as arena shooters on or outside Holla Forums
In Australia. Arena shooters and fightan games are fucking dead in Aus, although fightan games less so, but still dead enough that you're either fighting the same complete newbie and bodying him over and over again or playing some tournament tier player that just fucking buries you every game.