Losing control?
Whats your favorite sports game?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite sports game?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mario Tennis and Power Tennis. Don't know which one is better.
Don't play sports vidya, unless you maybe count kart racers in years past.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Parents leave tomorrow. Can't fucking wait. They are driving me crazy.
am I stupid or is everything I do rigged from the start?
Im losing control of my bowels all over this thread.
Good morning, faggots.
NBA Jam.
I hate you faggots. Have fun >3
Peace and quiet are awesome.
How goes user
Whats good in the hood monica
I'll allow it.
What'd you do today user
How goes faggot
Morning. Upper management gave me some shit to do tonight so I can't stick around for long. Fuck I can't wait for my weekend to start
Sports games are fucking garbage
stay dead you dumb shitposting cunt
What are they making you do?
Mornin all
won't be hanging around long tonight; gotta work in about 12 hours. How you lads all doing?
Playing anything fun?
Pick anytyhing up from the steam sale?
I picked up Endless Space 2 and Atelier Sophie. I've also spent most of my evening playing the Metal Gear Survive Beta.
neat, gonna have the house to yourself long? wish I could get my house to myself…
Do minigames count?
You work at night?
Got a 4-day weekend so I'm actually here for once. Don't have to be back until Tuesday. Picked up the Radiant Historia remake on Tuesday, but I haven't put much time into it because classes leave me burnt out. Got through Valentine's Day alright so that's nice.
Probably the dodgeball game on the GBA. That was my shit back in the day. One of the first GBA games I got.
Not much. Went out to a store earlier and saw a copy of Digimon World for the PS4 there for a cheap $12. Not sure whether it's worth getting.
I'm gonna wait till I have PS Plus to play MHW.
Is Radiant like a series or something?
I didnt get to talk to the qt in english class. She was reading and i didnt wanna interrupt her. I also got a better look at her body and she is skinnier than i am.
I'm doing fine
Don't treat me like that
Gotta move some empty skids and relocate some excess washer fluid stock to make room for a delivery coming today
Yeah. Graveyards at a gas station.
An entire fucking week! Its going to be so great.
Of course they do
Online dodgeball game would be fun.
What you going to enjoy your time off?
Oh thought you were lewd user.
Yakuza Bowling.
What's up my niggas. I wasn't here for valentines day thread. What did you guys do for that day?
I got a haircut today, playing vidya, listened to some music, and learned that Dad has a chest infection and a "small heart attack" and is spending the night in hospital.
I usually come to these threads with less than 12 hours before my next shift.
I remember there being a lot of hype for the last digimon game if its the same one.
Do anything fun today?
I hate that kind of shit at jobs. Always had to organize inventory at my last one and it drove me crazy.
I also got danganronpa 2 today. I was a bit hesitant because the characters looked a bit more out of place than the first but i like it more.
No, it's just the one game and the remake.
This dodgeball game was weird. Lots of special moves that do stuff like home in or explode or whatever. I'm not sure how I'm going to spend my days off though. Probably just video games and stuff.
No. If you're thinking along the lines, Radiata Stories and Radiant Historia are two separate things. Radiant Historia got a 3DS remake for reasons I don't see much of a point in (especially since the DS is playable on the 3DS and the original was well liked enough), other than the double dip fans and get them to buy DLC.
I find her really really qt. Next chance i have and she isnt reading im gonna talk to her.
Oh I should look it up then.
you can still play it offline
trust me, anytime i spend money now that runs through my mind.
I need to get to bed soon though tbh, i only had 4 hours of sleep.
Sorry fam, hope your dads alright.
Any good vidya?
Got Ritsu some nipponese chocolates. How goes fam
You gotta do something crazy! Make the most of your time
No you won't
I remember not really liking digimon world, but don't remember why. Cybersleuth was enjoyable despite its many flaws, and I'll probably be starting hackers memory soonish
It sucks but I don't mind it. More references for the resume
I know that, but I'd rather not feel lonely.
Im gonna do it and get her phone number. It wont be hard since i dont think she has a boyfriend and i think she likes me too.
I did nothing because the day holds no significance to me.
Same as always. Nothing. Laughed at Mark getting bantzed, so that was at least fun.
The PS4s seen two games here to my knowledge: A Digimon Story and a Digimon World. I'm just not real sure what to make of the latter, whether it's translation's any better than DS was, or if it's even a good game in its own right. Never did play the PS1 games, and supposedly it's a reimagining of the first one.
I have began adding my own body to the prayer machine.
I spent a couple hundred bucks when I got that job last year then saved literally every penny after. You need some self control monica
I just fake my resume every time honestly
How do you think that if you've never talked to her
It's really good. I pirated the original years ago and it's got a pretty interesting story about time travel and such. It opens on a pretty dark note.
I don't really want to do anything crazy. My girlfriend only gets 2 of those days off too so we can't just bang all day or anything.
When we're waiting for class she sometimes looks at me and smiles.
I've been giving Cyber Sleuth some consideration as it was by a developer I've liked prior games from, but at the same time I remember seeing it be considered pretty hit or miss in Vita threads. Also think I've heard Hacker's Memory is getting censored here anyhow.
How'd the spaghetti turn out?
I never could get into the ps1 games because your digimon grew old and died and shit. Too much autism for me
Looks like you need a second girlfriend. Is she pregnant?
Mostly just fucking around in Melty Blood, trying to find a character that I'd like. I considered buying F-Zero GX for $30 for just the disc and case, thinking I could easily replace the box art, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea.
I only pirate if I really hate the dev, also I have toaster so it's a no go.
what's that?
What's so qt about her exactly?
Did she love them? Alright. I wasn't a depressed sack of shit on valenines day because I hung out with nip girl that goes to my school. I brought my switch and we played mario kart in the library at school. It was tons of fun actually. Going to do it again tomorrow.
Well at least you got some good laughs.
Tecmo bowl for gameboy, love the shit out of that game.
chronic kidney disease
She just has a really skinny body and really small boobs but not flat chested. I dont think alot of people would find her too attractive.
I honestly have no idea.
I'd do it just for the fact GX is fun as fuck. Depends on the price of a complete one in canada though.
Which nip girl?
Yeee they were pink and heart shaped
How goes user
you can get through some good bits of the Low Rank story stuff though.
don't worry, i have other means
plus i'm actually looks at picking up another side job on either thursdays or saturdays. There's a raise on the horizon for me too
Again I don't want to lonely even in the hub.
God no. I hope not. I mean, we did it a couple times yesterday but god I hope not.
I have a flashcart for the original DS, that's how I pirated the original.
You can play the original via flash cart and I would assume emulation, and even new DS copies are still cheap last I checked due to it being reprinted after original run copies hit obscene enough prices.
Supposedly the remake has a mode that removes the fucking combat. What the fuck.
The one that isn't so pretty. The one that is more traditional nip. She's the second nip girl that I met. She studies athletic training as well.
Something about her looks cute? describe her.
Sounds like pure hell tbh
Sorry I think I just cursed you. Time to start stocking up on diapers and things fam
My will to hang on is slipping. I've gotta hit the sack. Catch you nerds tomororw night.
the gathering hall is always lonely because you can post a quest online from any quest board.
Black hair, slightly big nose, small body, really qt face. ritsu ignores me when i go further
Oh hey plank didn't see ya.
What about the ship, also night.
Well good move spending V day with her. When you making your move?
Cya next time fam
From what I recall hearing they had to shit literally as well.
Well, Atlus is getting into hatable tier, at least their prevalence these days for DLC and adding original the Maries to ports/remakes.
Still gonna go talk to her. If i can get one date and/or a kiss i will have achieved my goal.
Yeah, it's basically "game journalist mode". I guess you still have to fight the bosses. Why would you skip the combat, though? It's great.
I think conception on Valentine's Day would be a sign that it has to be kept anyway.
I had an awkward moment happen while shopping today.
>pumped up kicks starts playing on the radio
>find myself having trouble keeping a straight face
Eh, the DLC thing on the fightan is more on Arc imo and the dlc for Persona 5 wasn't that bad it was just aesthetics. I agree on the Maries though.
Is this your fetish user?
Yeah. Could ruin valentines day for your daughteru with that to help keep her pure
I don't get it
Depends. Should I use this tenga I drunkenly purchased or should I just keep it there on my desk?
My dick is longer than it I have concerns about the internal width
Played the shit out of one of the og xbox NFL games because they had broken sliders on character creation. Made a quarterback that was the biggest and fattest mother fucker on the planet weighing in at over 200kgs and could move that mass like a freight train. Had him push to the end zone with two people hanging off him at one point. Also my main kicker could make a field goal from the kickoff which was a hilarious way to start a match.
Consider: If you were born in November, and weren't super early or late, it's likely your parents fucked you into existence on Valentines. You can try this sort of thing for other holidays as well.
I don't understand.
I seriously wish more devs would have something where on easy mode you don't get an actual conclusion to a game's plot. I remember some faggot reviewer whining about how a Mega Man game had no finale to its plot, only to get blown out in the comments that he clearly played on easy mode if that was the case.
Fuck no. I just remember seeing some people discussing it in prior Digimon threads I'd skimmed, resulting in a hilarious-if-taken-out-of-context post of "I hope the shitting mechanic is more forgiving this time."
Don't let him do that to you. Smack him in the mouth.
hi. What's going on with you my nigga?
Other nip girl is too busy being a slut so I decided to hang with this one instead. Anyway not sure if she'd would handle the BIGU AMERICAN DICKU
Slightly big nose huh? White girl? Jewess?
Top kek
save me from the utter mediocrity tbh
I think it'll be easy. How hard can it be? I was able to ask out the qt in math and it went just fine. Just avoid the slutty looking women and dont be a sperg and you have a good chance of getting at least a positive response from them.
I hope I never have a daughter. I don't want to be that guy but I think I would be one of those dads who's creepily protective of his daughter, to the point of almost coming across like he thinks her virginity belongs to him.
Can't complain i guess. Most of Holla Forums is shit at the moment though, feels like a combined force of cuckchan and reddit has actually managed to make the board quality slip horrendously.
I don't know about tengas but most onaholes just stretch if you are too long for them. I'm longer than a couple my holes but never had troubles.
I remember playing some football game as a kid at a friends house and it had custom characters. Made some tiny stupid fast dude on it and if he got the ball he was uncatchable. But if he did get tackled he'd get injured every time and be out of the game. Was silly.
Nothing, waiting to get PS Plus so I can properly play Monster Hunter World.
Pumped Up Kicks is a song most people associate with school shootings, mostly because of the lyrics. It's a meme song tbh.
It does belong to you though
If shes truly a traditional nip girl its going to be hard to banger anyway
Uh huh thats what they all say
this has a hard plastic coating and I'm not sure if it comes off when you break the seal but because it has lube in it I don't want to break it open until I want to use it.
I see. I don't really listen to music beyond vidya and animu.
Yeah but it's weird being so protective of it. I feel bad for girls with dads like that.
i have 70 gigs of vidya OSTs on my pc
why not post them?
I barely browse the internet at all these days so I'd never notice.
Ahhh. Similarly David Bowie has a song called valentines day thats apparently about school shootings.
Theres a nip one thats a "virgin" hole that has a small layer you bust through like a hymen and has red lube inside to simulate blood. Kinda want one.
Well, it's not like I'm not dumb and don't shitpost.
Arab? Wear jihab? You can't breed with shitskins mang.
You got friends to play it with? I was playing it earlier today with some friends. Having tons of fun with it.
How was work?
True, true fam. I prefer that anyway. I don't like slutty girls. She might be slightly easier to get because she isn't really that pretty so maybe she likes attention. She told me she has american friends but none of them are that close to her.
Terrible upload speeds. It would take me forever to upload even 100 megs.
I seriously have to question the idea of it. I mean, sure, you can say it adds "realism" but at the same time it just seems like it would be a damn annoyance. Especially if a game uses food for health/leveling.
You got a Mega to rev up user?
Yeah a couple.
She doesnt wear and kind of muslim garb. Her skin is brown and she has a big nose, and has black hair. i would do it thoim an eighth portugese so its not like it would be race mixing:^)
Just because you want to fuck them yourself. You monster
Is she the sorta weird ugly but kinda cute that a lot of nip girls are? Or just regularly ugly
Realism in games is often more annoying than fun anyway
I guess i can make one and upload all day.
only me is allowed to be dumb tbh
Old enough to bleed is old enough to breed. If I thought I had a chance I'd probably try to get with my girlfriend's younger sister, and she fails the "half your age plus 7 years" creepiness test.
Your pic worries me. Will you just join random servers and hope for the best? Join nip servers and have fun maybe.
Weird ugly? Hmm I'm not sure what that means but I guess it would be that. She acts really cute like most nip girls so she's got that down at least. And she seems to be really kind. Maybe a bit more independent than most nip girls though.
Sounds halfway between horrible and interesting. Do it.
I've been thinking about this for a while, but how many hours should a person get daily? I find myself sleeping around 5-6 hours if I have work the next day, and 8-9 hours on my days off.
Would nips accept a gringo? Don't worry I have at least one friend who plays it.
8 is what doctors say. I try to get more.
How old we talking here
That number for me is fucking 21. Disgusting.
Does she play a good voice game?
If I were rich I'd buy em by the dozen. Seems a little shitty because once you use it once all the novelty is gone.
Maybe make a list of what you have first, then see what people would like.
True. I'll say that "realism", even brown and bloom, can have its uses, but the overdose of it over the years has been annoying. Vidya should be a good way to escape the actual world, to do something you couldn't in life, rather than so much angled towards being grim and gritty, brown and shitty.
She's 19. The number for me is also 21. Great body though.
6 is best if you're working. That's all I know.
I sleep about twelve if possible. But then again it's been cold lately and I rather stay under the sheets longer.
same here fam.
I see. Well just be careful she doesn't doesn't have a bomb in her anus when you are ass fucking her.
Maybe. They have certain rules though. Like certain emotes (wave hi when entering server). Nips sure do love their rules.
Voice game? Hmm nothing really special about her voice. Not high pitched.
I get pretty bored of games set in a modern setting fast. Give me robots and demons and shit.
Try for a threesome with your girlfriend
How bout the feet?
I'll take a screenshot tomorrow and upload it, then take requests if there is anything worthwhile. I know i have yakuza 0 and miitopia
Im not a fag. I dont fuck asses. im gonna convert her to christianity first before i fuck her
Somehow I get the feeling she wouldn't want to see me in bed with another girl, even if she's there too. Especially not if that girl is her little sister.
It changes with neural plasticity, which decreases with age but at differing rates per person.
I'd rather follow rules than be stuck with a bunch of euphoric ledditfags.
Get them to kiss at least.
When you posting your girlfriend anyway
Forgot I wanted to mention that is seems Shin Seikoku: La Wares got a 1.00 finished English translation a few days back.
Whats the gameplay like?
I find that I'm putting off playing/replaying vidya unless it's on my pc tbh.
I used to sleep twelve on days off. Then something gets in the way of my sleep.
every waking moment is a fresh new level of stagnation tbh
Feet? I don't know. Seem average size. She wears running shoes so I can't really tell anything about that.
True. Try it out and let me know how it goes I guess. I want to play a little before I sleep but I also want to study more japanese.
Do you honestly think it'll work? Her father will probably track you down and shoot you with an AK
Why the fuck would I want to watch them knowing I'm not allowed to join in? You some kind of CUCKOLD?
And I'm never posting her. More potential for trouble than it's worth.
Im willing to take the risk. I want my qt arab gf and im gonna get it.
Too lazy to go to your consoles?
I might, but I might be too scared to go.
Probably not to your liking. Just figured I'd mention it. Doesn't seem like there's much information on it, even on the translation group's page for it.
I mostly emulate stuff anyway so thats never a problem
You are killing me monica
Because yuri is the best, especially when incest is involved.
Yeah but it's not fun if I'm only allowed to watch.
Your funeral fam. I'm jesting (kind of).
Other nip girl has good feet I think. I saw her take her shoes off once. But only saw her feet in socks.
I have pure intentions.
No thanks! Thanks though
But when you kiss your gf after its like indirect kiss with the sister!
The only kissing I want to do is her womb with my dick
After all that drama before you are already thinking about cheating. You are going to get in trouble again
unironically, yes. I've become that lazy nowadays.
We were hiking so the socks were probably pretty sweaty.
Stop lying
This a good thing you dummy
I'm not thinking about cheating, I'm just fantasizing. I always do that anyway.
I want to love her and marry her and have a family together.
Is it in the same room?
Fantasies often lead to action
le thread's almost over! you guises… xd
Is your room big?
I guess it's a good thing I'm too lazy for that action to be anything more than jerking off to her. Can't even pull that off tonight because I'm too sleepy.
Rits I like good feet as much as the next guy but being a footfag is unhealthy
Define "big" Because it's probably not as big as you think it is.
Your girlfriend walks in on you jerking off to pics of her sister. What do
I'm not as bad as some guys honestly. I don't like disgustingly smelly girls feet. A light sweat smell is good though.
It's a good thing my consoles are right next to my PC.
Well given that I usually jerk off with my phone, just turn the screen off. It's not like she doesn't know I jerk off. The level of thirst I always have is with me jerking it. If I wasn't doing that I'd be ten times worse. I tried nofap once and a few days in my balls started to ache and I got so sensitive that walking around was an issue because my boxers were getting me off from rubbing on my dick.
Next time I rearrange my room, I'm putting everything right next to each other. Maybe I'll downgrade the tv to something smaller.
Going to bed. Night.
I've been only letting myself fap every other day for the past few weeks. Makes my onaholes feel 10x better. Its nice.
Cya next time user
See you around.
Are you a boobs guy?
I'm plenty sensitive, I just need to keep my sex drive under control and that's the only way I know how (until I can talk her into sex 3 times daily). Anyway, I'm out. I'm very sleepy and I want to go curl up in my nice warm bed.
Cya next time fam
This pic feels like it could pass for a wallpaper background if I end up deciding Yukari is the best P3 girl once I play it.
Shame this place has constant entropy or something because it gets so dusty so quickly.
good taste. Also, that pic is from the movie when the mc is in the hospital. Not really a spoiler since it's really early in the game. I find her very underrated tbh.
I have that too.
Question: If I don't have a printer, where would I go to have replacement box art printed out? I'm planning to get F-Zero GX if the price doesn't go up again, and I'd like to replace the box art, because I get autistic over small details like that.
XD it's wolf spider
I'm too much of a shut in to know.
I'm off to bed. See you guys around.
Same, night dude.
m8 that's a sunfish, even says on the file name
Sid Meier' Pirates
No faggot, I just woke up. I gotta go to work in a few hours.
Stop this gay bonding experience meme with other gaytards. You need to hate each other because you're all fucking gay.