I made a thread !

I made a thread !

Other urls found in this thread:


someone make a different thread and we'll use that

and I posted Christmas goat in your thread

subtle said you aren't his boyfriend, why u be lyin to us slut? :^)

it's horrifying that this is what we as humans are becoming but all the power to those dolts, I think we'll all just continue to be attracted to who we are

really? I wonder why there were more of them when I was young, cause I'm certainly not from that timeframe lmao


I've got yellow fever but only find 0.00001% of black girls attractive. guess I'm hitler.

I've been playing runescape since 2005 when I was 9, I'm not really interested in replaying a game I already played for 4 years

She's just tsun

yes by the dumb person's ruling, you are racist as fuck and should chchchcheck your privilege

Apparently it was related to infighting over "corruption" post-Soviet Union and economic issues.

nice titie

can i join this thread?

but I'm a transracial transexual hypersexual lesbian jew, I have no privelege!

As long as you don't blog about your day.

I don't think so, I think you need to find yourself someone new

I bet they wish they were back in crimea


you don't want to fuck/get fucked by all black people so you have tons of privilege

hi nezi!

I may have forgotten to type something.

I just remember his comments on how even the concept of nation was "oppressive" to people that don't live in that "nation".


why does it not focus the quick reply text box anymore after I click a post number to reply? I can't start typing immediately after clicking a post number, have to select the quick reply box manually...uguuu

Hi Tracer, how was your day?

Thank you dear ^^

hello oodles of boobles~
how are you? :3

Neither was your life
also no shit but I also played Maplestory a lot as a kid
f2p mmos are all like this

I've been playing since runescape classic
the nostalgia is like half the reason to play


im oke! how're you


anytime bae hart

Or his comments about how he's a feminist and every issues needs to be fixed by just giving unqualified and inexperienced women jobs and positions of power and/or just give them money.

I don't harbor much nostalgia for 2007 runescape. and personally I think that a lot of people now are so blinded by nostalgia goggles that they don't even consider RS3 runescape

also played maplestory when I was a kid. it was... decent. but holy FUCK did that go downhill

heehee ex dee

im okay
gotta leave for dinner now though unfortunately, sorry >.<


I thought the only people that played f2p MMOs were people who couldn't convince their moms to buy them a real game.



unfortunately due to how voting works here, i only had the choice of trudeau or harper

and i wasn't about to fucking vote in harper again

awww ok, have a good dinner nezi :3

who you callin a fag
big vagina lover

I just liked Maplestory because it was cute pretty much. The combat was cool.

I had World of Warcraft when my mom felt like buying me a real game but yeah pretty much lmao
that's why they're all so cancer


I don't know what tyler oakley is from but we should make camps for him and his kind since we are all already hitler for having sexual preferences that include white people in any way

harper is daddy but he's wrecking my asshole and this country
might as well vote in trudeau so the country isn't (nearly) as wrecked. i actually wanted jack layton but he died RIP daddy layton

in hindsight, next election apparently the conservatives are pushing for ... whats her name, i can't quite recall

I am not like someone with a lot of knowledge toward societies ways of going but is it not easy to assume that all these sjws making white men the monsters and discriminating toward them is just going to cause a bigger rift in society between races? so essentially worsening what they aim to stop? am I missing something?

*sigh* only halfway there

fat chicks do way more stuff

oodle, gimme a hug


I beat oodle there

thx fam

ehugs are the way to go


anytime for you grims


hey sebs, how it be?


m maybe we can share our body heat also brb lol

Endlosung der Quebecoisfrage.

oh my

There's a /rwby/ on the suggested boards list and it's all conspiracy theories about his wife murdering him.


h ughug


degenerierte französisch

Zionists need to be gassed.

rice, quinoa+kale, grilled chicken, and squash

I wish I could eat at home more ;_;

Herring filets in dill-herb sauce
mmh, bone apple tea


I agree

I mean, that's just a given.

I thought spoils was oodle cuz flag


finally a good opinion




Gas the fatties.


you're gonna need a bigger gas chamber

there's no way you're going to fit them all in there... might as well leave them to me.


Are you just going to eat them?

Like Lord of the Flies but just fatties instead.

her left leg is also fucked up


Eat them out, probably.


I know, I still like the picture.


tfw you'll never be a cute witch irl




Y-you're still cute to me Nezi! uwu

What did he mean by this?

Just think of how many calories it takes for fatties to sustain themselves.
They'd all die from cannibalism because they'd be too lazy to actually go work for food.

Everyone wins.

i want you to know i cringed doing this



top kek I'm like a 2/10 nice bait though :^)

To each their own I guess.

You're nice though :( I give you 8/10

I cringed so hard doing this.


dont meme at me

you're really good at that


A cannibalism Highlander would be great.

Fat people are gross.
Get standards.





What are you, my daddy? RESPECT MY SAFE SPACE

He clearly didn't beat you enough.

Ugh. God. Disgusting.


rly makes you wonder

why are we doing this



we need the memes to survive
that's why


is that why you are supporting trump

post what i like

it'll be totally fun and likely lewd

You want me to?

why not


there's like a new reason every other day

Why should I though?

mmmf why not

why the fuck

I'm not that nice.

Doesn't matter anymore though, already voted.
Just gotta hope for the best I guess.

you are already appeasing me

good luck


no stop


why torture me like this

He should've made you go outside more to exercise.


i love it when theyre shiny

Don't post monkeys.


im all hot and bothered


says the fat fucker

Is that so?


reported for zoophilia



I know Tsuchi enjoyed that one

I forgot how "we love literally every minority and will financially support them even though they contribute literally nothing economically. S-see? We're not racist!" the British are.


got any more bdsm?

We have White Lives Matter marches, the same as you

Not off my head.

ok buddy

thats a shame


oh yes

Report me for unskilled player.
I fucked a play of the game by jumping to the wrong person for my res.

you horrible person you

It made the game take, like, another minute.
I'm such a scrub.

yeah you need to be locked up, please stop resisting arrest

This isn't arrest; you already have your dick out.

wew you really take this lewd places really fast but nothing can undick you now so the deed is done anyway

I did not, and do not consent to this.

you know what's fucked up?

I grew up so poor that the price of putting down a pet was just astronomical for me. I felt like it was my burden on my mom because it was my cat that was getting old. the cat would no longer eat, pee or shit in its litterbox, it was in pain and on the way out.

and because I felt like it was my responsibility I took the cat into the closet and choked it to death. cat necks are surprisingly hard to break. and because I didn't know what to do with it I put it in the dumpster

You know what's normal?

That no one gives a shit.



Tell me more about that cat of yours.


why are all the cat killers trannies in here

seems to be a theme

I mean, you gotta be pretty fucked in the head if you wanna flip your own dick inside out and act like a female.
Actually, it's a requirement.

I mean that's true enough

That is kinda sad though

I have the mental image of those kids who turn their baseball cap inside out and call it a "rally cap" now as some sort of weird metaphor for that.

hey subtle wanna see my waifu getting railed


It reeks of shitdicking jews in here


What's even more sad is the people who allow it to happen, even push it instead of correcting the problems.
But that shit takes up too much time and it's more profitable to push people into pill mills and a medical complex that profits even more so.
Nobody wants help though, we all want escape. Just look at what we consume on a daily basis. On a societal level that is.

I was talking about the cat and fish


Subtle is a tranny.
Don't bully him.

What If I meme him?


Yeah, sure.
Just don't make fun of his vagina.

The "Subtle is a tranny meme" is bad enough ty




pick a song

Xylene #3

Well I can't do instrumentals.

Do not bully my subtle she's going through a difficult transition

Alright, no instruments involved!

I ain't even clicking that.

Why not?

Desu "tranny killer" Garrison has really fallen to his mortal enemy.

Genesis - I can't dance




*hugs cute girl with empty eyes*



I tried. I can't do this.

I'm fucking insane bro.


I thought you just wanted a song recommendation and not something to sing, sorry about that.


That just has a weird cadence to learn that quickly.


SD I'm so fucking tilted please just kill me

why do these buttfuckers think being gay and fucking feminine men in the ass puts them any less at odds against God and/or nature than being a tranny


Ah, alright.
I'm learning something new everyday.

How comes?


The beat of the song.

Most songs are rather predictable in terms of what the next line is going to sound like. The words will change of course, but the sounds are usually predictable.

That is what makes pop music such a thing. They are just easy to listen to.

oops i forgot to spoiler that

also that's way to fucking deep for me


totes adorbs

*nibbles on yummy treats with her*

You could do the honours too

I literally
lost two LoL games in a row

Desu told me you hated me and I wasn't allowed to go near you, sorry.


Well, Justice has songs which tend to be a bit monotone in the term of the beat so it's pretty easy to follow.

Just two?
That isn't too bad, like after 3 I'd say that it would be getting somewhat bad.

I totally forgot to keep watching Michiko and Hatchin
I'm a racist...


it's a good series

rawr =w=

me on the upperleft second from the left

you're posting super sonico
so your opinions are worth less than dog turds


Ha, that's not Sonico.

I have returned

with ice cream

One was really my fault
I told team to baron and we got wiped and lost
But the other my top went 0-14
I think it feels way worse cause I only just started playing ranked

Well good job you failed :c

he knows you'll steal his cock away from him.

me 2

rocky road lyfe

Sorry, I'll leave you alone now.

What? But I already have a boyfriend.

that webm made me think the drummer guy was forced sweating because psycological terror
as he raise his hand he about to slap dat boi

That happens to everyone.
Could have just had a bad match, unless they were just flat out grieving.
That could explain it, but I don't really know that feel since I never played ranked in LoL.


wow thanks???
you gonna suck my cock while you're down there??


*hugs tight*
kewl webm euro beat ♥

lets leegu after our ice cream

the one on the left is like a white obama

my dick looks like a white obama

But his cock is the only cock I want in my life.


it doesn't actually

it actually has a nice sheen to it

No wait

It's just the same as any other game
It feels worse because I've played less games overall
Like years feel shorter the older you get


i bet

Hi master



i wanna try ashe! i saw epic world clip of project ashe snipe enemy port and win game

at least as adc i wont be afriad to go in for kil cus im not fragile delicate support!

It's still just 2 matches in the thousands which you've played through.


adc's are fragile too, and ashe has no escapes

keep your situational awareness at a maximum my dear


prove it.

the merchant sells
the goyim buy

That sounds like a dumb thing to prove.

Wish you're never playing with me stfu

dont be that way

she haz built in snipe ward scanner whole map~
i play safe and farm and slow with w and build 4 stak and q for machine gun slows and kite and melt them into gold in our teams pockets then i return to peaceful farming minion practice with me W


To be fair, I am actually mentally ok. I think.

I'm starting to really give no fucks about what people might think. I am just being me.

thats a good policy

you never even added me ya bish

that's cute
I'll take the one on the right

Have you been playing CSGO mostly recently?

You don't have to be so hasty


I am making questionable choices, but fuck it. Right?

But I failed.


what choices are those

Shouldn't that mean the mission was over?

That kind of looks more dangerous to the wielder than whoever it's going against.


He'd probably shoot me if that were the case.

Well, only like 5 matches past 3 weeks.
1 Defeat, 4 victories.
LEM someday.

Potentially financial ones.

But I am doing it to help out somebody.

Bullets can't travel that far


be careful

It's a smart bullet



Three sheets to the wind, love. Three sheets to the wind.


vr is the future squashie

yes ecchi

elicia gear

And good graphics are a thing of the past.



Go play with your moe moe kawaii girl đź’– League champs or go pretend to be internet lesbians with someone


Now I've lost 3 in a row, is it time to sudoku?

Because we're talking again does this mean I made you fail twice?


It means stop posting.

There's probably a smart nuke on the way.


Fuck my mmr went from 1508 to 1415 from 3 games

Maybe you should call it a day for ranked and try again tomorrow, the stars will be in a different order and RNGesus might be more pleasant.

Er, *playing.
Posting works, too, though.

je voulais dire
poutines grasse

You're a disgusting human being.
Seriously, spoil that next time.

This makes me want to vomit

Are those peas?

Jesus Christ, fucking off yourself.

No good comes from tears for me, love. I'm naught more than a bird on the wind, taking the breeze where it wills.

That supposed to be poutine with peas on top?



I think Canada would be at the bottom of the list of targets for that

Too late I already got another game :x
If I lose this I think I'm just gonna take the silver border

lol I thought you were being unnecessarily harsh, I'm glad I was right :3

Please, stop.

That wasn't me.


I'm actually Japanese and I just pretend to be Canadian.


Alice is Japanese too.
But does anyone actually know?

Maybe just stop after that?
Well, it's not like you can't play it later on with friends to get out of that placement.

Then who was it?

Then what do you think of Western weeb culture? It's great right?

After that, yeah
Because I need to sleep

She is only half Japanese so it doesn't count.

You need to stop.

Everyone has shit taste in waifus.

No "after this one" after that.
Early wake up?

I've got one that's even better.

True, I forgot about the Korean part.

Who eats this shit?

I have no idea, but I find it pretty sad that after all this time Grim still fails to recognize me.


Stop encouraging him.

better get 73LP for that game then, bitch.

Hi Echo



you should try buffalo wild wings' tex mex version. It's moar nutritious for ye.

Hi Echo

I'm going to filter you.

Who's top tier?
And you can't say ship girls

Some afternoon machine learning lecture

Actually I think I might not have it, I'll need to doublecheck that
Professor said it might be linear algebra/calculus catch-up for MSc students

bone app the teat


Hi Emma

who the fuck is pawn

That looks like sausage gravy and hash browns kind of. Now that is some good shiznit.

Try not to create a skynet there.
Probably for the best to double check so you can sleep those hours.

Some loser faggot who just started posting here one day.
What a fucking dork.


Hi Echo

Bye Echo.


I know right.
Man, this pawn guy is really twisting me out of shape.
Man, why won't he leave?

This is the best conversation I've ever had.



washboards aren't good at conversation


That's disgusting.


he's pretty gay

At least I got recognized properly.


Hi guy from shitty ex-communist country.

I dont recognize you properly?

Do not what?
Start a petition to get Pawn out?
Because I've already done that.

truth, I can also prescribe things so yeah


Well clearly not





exaaaactly there are a lot of people here in need of a daily dose to get through the day, that's why a real doctor was needed and now I'm here

Luka fucking triggered me man
twice today it was 1v9

try tomorrow

That's what I always thought too.

I think one last game was worth it


What the fuck happened ?

lets play video gamees together

Well, better not push your luck.


omg did died?

So you can trigger me just like you triggered Grim?!



nope i don do evil


I won't I'm seriously done


You are evil



I like how the person asked about the homo hot lips part not the part about them getting fisted lol great priorities

Good, good.
Got the whole day off then, or?



We can go deeper.

Some of them are epic

And this, is to go even further beyond.



Every time you eat a subway, a puppy dies

Yeah ^^
I have some cyber security assignment over the weekend but it feels good to know I've got a lot of free time coming up the next couple of days



goodnight nerds




3 x 365 x 30 = a lot of fucking dead dogs

I woke up one morning and fell a little further down.

night fam


no wait


He'd be dead himself by now.

Sounds great.
Cyber security?
Do you need to make your own security program or just like theorize?
Any plans for the newfound free time?




a polite reminder that erin only posts when he wants money

nice thread