Monkey's Paw Thread!

Post a wish and another user posts the horrible outcome.

I'll go first:
I wish for a game with a comfy open world to explore.

Other urls found in this thread:

By comfy, you'll be given a large open world with absolutely nothing to do, but there will be no dangers like scary monsters, hard bosses, and cheap traps.

I want a good Star Fox game where I just go forward shooting bad guys.

You get raped by a nigger and get aids when you go to buy it.

Is this the continuation of Mark vs Ginger thread?

You'll get it, along with forced multiplayer integration, always-online DRM requirements, a weak story, and endless pushing of overpriced DLC that gives it a pay-to-win feel.

I want a good replacement for Need For Speed, with endless car customization so I can rice things out to my heart's content.

Fucking vols

It's so comfy you forget to stop playing and die from exhaustion.

Besides the weak story, since the story of Star Fox is pretty shit, you nailed the horrible outcome.

I’m going to intentionally fuck the industry up as much as possible. I wish for EA to acquire Nintendo and Sony. Not including Microsoft because no one gives a shit about them anymore.

Wouldn't even be a 'story' per say, but like a collection of freeze-frame 3d models with terrible, Treehouse-tier voiceovers. All tied into a barely-coherent mess that only serves to support the DLC buy-in.

AlienSoldier 2

EA now holds a monopoly on games, and Steam, GoG, emulators, ect. are outlawed, no more PC games, only online-only consoles that spy and collect data on you. For a monthly fee, like UK's TV Lisceance but for games.

A decent fighting/ beat 'em up with sub par animtions and a shit story with terrible voice acting

C&C Renegade 2 in Red Alert setting.

A good game made by competent programmers.

I wish Mark the kike cakeboy dies a horrible death.


My biggest wish is for a new Animal Crossing on Switch, give me nightmares with how badly ir could possibly get fucked up.

I want a decent Diablo clone that doesn't have fucking retarded controls where you point and click to both move your character and attack.

Wish granted, you get a brand new racing game complete with all the customization options you can imagine. But, other than a dozen or so parts and cosmetic items, all customization is locked behind a pay wall of $1.99 per item and the controls are about as slick and intuitive as a bulldozer driving through a pool of molasses.

It's a re-make.

It's a first person shooter with 5 skills. Now you just need to click to attack.

I want a good game

It's not the genre you like.

I want another Jak and Daxter game

I want a Nioh 2.

A resetera member becomes the board owner.

Why is monkeys paw so popular on Holla Forums?

Smithing texts get used up after crafting. You can only reroll each stat on an item once.

I want a Gothic 5 with the quality of Gothic 2 NotR.

i wish all these cuckchan threads would leave.

So, the Warframe model then?

I wish for kikes and other non whites to have never existed

Oh, it will be a Jak and Daxter game, but it'll be an attempt to return to the first game's style. But it feels empty and forced. It'll be a Super Mario Oddysey clone that's as lifeless as the post-game of the game they copied.

I want a new Unreal singleplayer

They get more frequent.

Your question is answered but leaves you with incurable autism

Humans never evolved

I wish for Holla Forums to become a positive place

Granted, but their absence only creates a vacuum where whites will never know the true evil that kikes are capable of and they end rounded up the moment any alien form pulls any Jewish trick whatsoever.

Welcome to Holla Forumseddit! Apply for an username and be civil towards each other!

I want a new Super Mario Strikers game by Next Level Games. I don't care how poz'd it will become or if they add Waluigi dabbing into it, I just want to feel the fun flowing again.

I wish to stick my tits between Tifa's dicks if you know what I mean.

It's VR exclusive

I want Mega Man 11 to be fantastic

I want another sly cooper style of game. Basically a cartoonish game about a thief if it's lupin the 3 doesn't matter if it's pozzed

they leave, and are replaced by neofag/resetera.

Cease it or I'll give you a taste of my shoe!

I want Holla Forums to be good again

Granted, the post quality of Holla Forums improves dramatically.

But 20 minutes later, Holla Forums goes offline forever.

I wish that Minecraft never turned cancerous.

The main character is a strong independant black woman who steals from the white patriarchy and gives to the opressed women.

How would that be different from now?

they actually find a way to DNA ban you from the board, no matter what computer you use you are still banned.


It becomes good then becomes reddit as the negativity was keeping them away.

They show it at E3, it's good and in a playable form, but that's the only place you will ever be able to play it as a nuke takes out Valve's servers and wipes the game completely from existence a few months before release.

I wish for VR to be perfected to the point where I can kiss and smell and marry a virtual girl who loves me and is as smart as a real person.

exclusive for consoles, no mod support.

wish for remaster of Tomba 1&2

It's a mobile remaster by frenchmen.

anime tiddies

they're too big for your tastes

I wish that all the corruption that politicians and video game company employees do would be exposed to the public and broadcasted in nearly every ad for a year.

Women ban it because you won't take care of her child.

If you kiss the girl you get every disease imaginable in real life, she stinks worse than an unwashed African and she is as smart as an average Ethiopian.

I wish for developers like Paradox to stop making DLC's and just integrate them in the final game, without you having to pay for the "DLC", you just pay for the base game and that's it, no DLC bullshit.

Granted. But you will need to buy Nintendo Labo Mario Strikers set to play it properly. Also the piano Labo play set to really get that fun feeling again

I wish for Metriod Prime 4 to be just as good as Metriod Prime

Your wish is granted, but nothing happens because most people(and I use the term lightly) are brainwashed idiots on drugs.

Granted, but every DLC it's automatically fixed in your game rather then being possible to be activated, with an update they make a bug that create old version unplayable and you will be forced to play stronk wymen of color event without being able to get rid of it

HD graphics for OSRS

Your wish is granted. Metroid Prime 4 comes out, but it is a carbon-paste of the original Metroid Prime. Nobody realizes this except for you, however, as the entire rest of the world has been stripped of all memory that the original was ever released. No copies exist, and the only mark that anyone has to it having ever been, is that something must have existed before Metroid Prime 2. Because the graphics are not up to par with the modern day, the game gets horrible reviews by modern fags, and Nintendo decides to finally end the franchise entirely. In the end, you can do little but grasp onto your copy of "Metroid Prime 4" as the last remnant of a world which once existed.

I Wish for black people never to appear in video games ever again.

everyone is a mysterymeat brown instead.

They only port the assets of current RS3, with the ugly new armor models, and not the actually good original HD update from back in the good old days

I want SJW's and lefties to be booted out of the gaming industry as a whole and replaced with sane and competent individuals.

granted, but everyone thinks gamers are sexism and racist and ruins all you real life relationships, and you get makes like Jews did in WWII, thus even if you go to buy anything pepole go out of their way to treat you like shit.
Also taxed out the ass, like worst than the Aussies are.

God Hand 2 with Shinji Mikami in charge.

They get people from IGN to assist with creating the game.

I want a Mario game that has creative stages with little stories in each one, kinda like what they tried to do with 64, but explored more.

Every story is patronizing leftist garbage written at a saturday morning cartoon level.

Granted. A new IP called Metriod Prime comes out that has nothing to do with Metroid and is fucking garbage, yet somehow manages to get three sequels.

Sounds like a fair trade off since everyone already hates me and the tax where i live is a high way robbery.

I want a true 3D Kirby game made by platinum games

Bethesda still owns Mikami and Todd Howard decides to personally oversee all development and demand changes as he pleases.

Copy abilities are removed and replaced with a fancy version of Sword, the katana, with a five page list of combo moves.

I want an Ace Attorney Investigations 3, and for it to be brought overseas.

Metaknight game. Could be good.

I wish for a sequel to the Viva Pinata series on PC.

Granted. Edgeworth is the murder victim of the first case and his replacement is Bobby Fulbright. Don’t ask why he’s suddenly alive.




That's pretty good but I was thinking since it's owned by naughty dog it will be a shitty last of us clone.

>(((cinematic))) cutscenes

Eh,as long as it's enjoyable i wouldn't care,but denuvo would be a deal breaker.

Wish Granted. GH2 Kickstarter campaign opens next month. 2PP, Yachtclub Games, and all those other hipster faggots are on board so you know it will be great. Don't forget to pay for the higher tier rewards so you get the merch.


being an intelligent virtual girl she identifies you as a beta loser and is disgusted by your advances.

Up to the player,isn't it?

Granted. While the gameplay and adventuring is fantastic and fun, the art and character direction takes a tumblr twist and Metroid is now the choice game of tumblrettes and feminism. Samus is implied to be trans and this new direction carries over into smash bros and other games xe appears in

I want The Summoner 3 but as if 2 never happened.

Granted but it's filled with loot boxes and in game microtransactions.

I wish EA would go bankrupt.

Activision all their stuff.

Do you live in SanFrancisco?

I want Valve to start making video games again, and not walking sims, mobile trash, or card games.

Sounds good to me, normalfags fuck off away from me and my games

Granted, and the first game they make is an Overwatch clone with DOTA2 characters.


Fronter gets it's shit together and Elite Dangerous gets better.

videogame crash

It stays crashed and never recovers.

That's a good thing. No industry means games are a hobby again, and we can start publishing games at local small computer stores in plastic sleeves.

Frontier only pulls this off by selling itself to Bethesda, who lets the game get better for six months before drowning it in microtransactions and turning the aliens into omnipotent diversity-loving San Franciscans.

I wish western games learned how to make attractive female characters again.

Wish granted.
In return, all japanese female characters now look like shit.

Open source New Vegas engine implementation in the vain of OpenMW with no difference in story or gameplay mechanics and stable performance, working network play, dynamic shadows and NVSE support.

The only mods being made are fetish material of the most grotesque and unconscionable variety that makes you sick to your stomach.

Well Zero suit Samus will look interesting

Granted, but you can only host modifications on Bethesda's mod shop, and you have to pay them a fee/give them a cut of your profits to host it. All other Beth modding sites get Shoah'd overnight.

Aha, but If it supports NVSE it will support NV mods that already exist.

First off there's nothing stopping me from using the mods I already have, second even if it was somehow locked to beth's service it's open source so I can just change the folder associations and recompile to whatever CPU architecture/OS I use. Easy peazy.

Valve's current policy on refunds is unsatisfactory. I want the games on my steam account to be redeemable for cash regardless of any reason.

That makes no sense at all because you don't own any games on Steam at all. You only rent games.

Everybody who does that is unable to make a profit because they are incompetent at managing their businesses. The 3% who are able to make it past the year 5 threshold close shop anyway because they don't know how to invest their profits and end up pissing them away. Video games are written off as a passing fad and eventually forgotten about as the next big thing comes along.

physical games count as a license too, it's not exclusive to steam.

I don't rent them. I don't make rent payments on my steam games and I am not borrowing them on a lease. "Renting" is not the word you're looking for.

I'm paying for the privilege to play them with no recourse or compensation if the service is discontinued. That means a lot of my money will be flushed down the toilet so I think it makes perfect sense to have the compensation I wished for.

I wish for nintendo to die

Granted, so all the normalfags flock to Sony, and every good game becomes a PS5 exclusive, locked to 30fps with frame drops, of course.


Don't think so user. Hobbyists have quite the preservation instinct. You can never really kill a hobby. Profits didn't matter to early computer game developers, just the fact that someone would play their game, enjoy it, and possibly mail them a letter congratulating them or telling them how much they enjoyed the game was payment enough,

The Switch will become the iPhone of Nintendo and 10 years from now will just be hardware revisions with full backwards compatibility of the console's catalog. It'll become the strongest console on the market and Sony/Microsoft will either copy them or have to become PC developers. The gaming landscape will just be Switch [Insert model name/number here] and PC, and all will be right with the world.


That's already happened though. At least in this universe the playstation has good exclusives.

They all go to whatever your next favorite hobby is.

It has Denuvo and is locked to 30fps (unlocking framerate breaks the game's physics).

Its another multiplayer only game with lootcrates. Community servers are heavily restricted in what settings they can change (anything that circumvents the microtransactions is banned).

All the fixes are locked behind another paid expansion.

EA and Ubisoft survive the crash and are the only companies still making games.

That's a good thing.

it's on a monthly subscription. bethesda continuously scans your computer via malware that comes with your OS and lies dormant until the game is installed then checks for legitimacy of the game/mod files. if it detects any kind of cracks, hack tools or unofficial (free) mods you get abducted by a highly trained SWAT-like team of elite soldiers, locked inside Todd's pitch-black basement and brutally raped daily for the rest of your life.

I wish I had a Dating Sim with the girls I'm friends with or have been friends with as the characters I can date.

I want a truly open world game,where i can do everything,go into every building,do every profession,as close to real life as possible

The game has real world distances to all locations, and none of the resource area's or nodes are clearly marked. All of the interactions to 'do everything' are obfuscated through complicated processes and routines as well as a poor UI.

I want Megaman to be as good and prominent as it used to be, with objectively good titles released regularly.

You have to pay a quarter each time you die to continue in a 'We're bringing back Arcades' style monitization scheme. Games also cost 75 dollars.

While the $75 business is shit, the first half sounds easily crackable enough that I could wait 6 months to get it for free. I think I can live with this trade, giving what good comes out of it.

fantastic,truly realistic

but that's cheating!

I don't give a fuck. It means there would still be hope for man.

I wish there were no negative repercussions for anyone's wishes

That's not a game.

i just want another stalker game

Too bad faggot,he wished it,but the downside is he gets turbo ass cancer.

i wish his turbo ass cancer gets replaced with sunni horse anus

It's made by bethesda.

be more specific on how the works
what is it like
what route will it go

The zone has teleported to San Fransisco and you have to fight against mutated Trump voters as a transgender mickey mouse haired black moslem xir. It's a reskin of FO4

It's like FO4, only buggier.

I wish for the Japanese to start using English so I don't have to continue learning Japanese or use a machine translator to avoid butchered localizations.

but i asked for there to be no negative repercussions for anyone's wishes ):

but it's made by Ubishit

I wish for a gimmick-free, consistently fun VR game

As the Japanese devs learn English, they become more and more westernized and the Japanese games industry becomes just as cancerous as the western games industry for all of the same reasons within five years.

well the monkey paw has to work in some way,if nobody gets affected then it's not a fucking monkeys paw,it's a fucking monkey handjob

I wish everyones wishes only had negative repercussions

I wish your future wife gets NTRed in front of you.

i wish anime never existed anywhere, but your mind, and you couldn't reinvent it because everyone would think you're deranged

I wish you became a furry.

What if he already is one?

i wish your parents were bronies so they could name you something like Sparkelight

Granted. You become his sentient fursuit, unable to move or speak.

I wish your dad was a nigger.

And you become his pet dog, the one he likes to fuck.

Granted but the one fucking my wife is your wife so you get NTRed too.

I guess that counts as NTR, right? I mean, we have the hilarious tale of dykecuck and all.

bike cuck had some seriously good porn come out of that

It's double NTR

I wish RuneScape was fun again.

every day is pride day.

Hell, that's a win win if the community reacts the same way they did in OSRS. Everyday would be an anti-gay riot.

its a 3rd person cover shooter developed by Bioware with gay romance options.

Granted, but you are paid in monopoly money

That sounds like an indy title.

An eroge where every time you have sex the game gets harder with no upper limit and no way to reset difficulty.

I wish the next tes and dragon age releases are good

I haven't played OSRS since the first few months it came. What the fuck is this shit?

They are good somehow, unfortunately they had to fire all the SJWs to achieve this, and the SJWs came back a day before release to firebomb the buildings. You never get to try the games.


I want an NFS set in peacetime 1939 with the gameplay loop+track design of High Stakes, the physics of Assetto Corsa and flight sim levels of detail for every driveable vehicle interior.

Granted. But the only available vehicle is the Ford Model T with a max speed of 25mph

why would you want this?

Why wouldn't you want this?

It's a sluggish battle royale game.

Oh fuck, this one hurts.
I wish for a kid-freindly adventure game that plays like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
I once had a dream about seeing my 5 year old son (I actually don't have one) having genuine fun playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R, so this idea popped in my mind.

I wish that no one in this thread besides me gets their wish and those before me do not have their memory of the wish that was granted to them before being taken away.

Now it's just another Obama thread ,full of hope but no change. Fuck your waifu faggots.

Because you've already got a Cadillac

never mind I’d play it

Mod Homo forced a pride event nobody wanted, people rioted and it got removed.

The next games are good. They're so good, indeed unseating the older games as the objective best of the franchises with incredible gameplay and unpozzed writing. This extends the longevity of the franchises by decades, and leads to the devs being forced to make yearly inquisition reskins and mobile games for the rest of their lives.

Your wish is granted. All previous wishes are revoked and the wishees have their memories of said wishes erased. However as you wished all the anons in this thread get to "fuck [their] waifus" and you don't.

user, that’s just called NFS World. I used to play that PoS.

eh not any different from now with skyrim

besides being good of course

there more reactions?

There's a few youtube videos of faggot soyboys getting triggered over the fact that the community didn't want this event, but other than that there isn't much. Mister Metokur did a video on it if you want anymore info on the event.

I want Silent Hill 5 made by the original Team Silent, Akira Yamaoka makes soundtrack

They've all lost their touch since and make the whole game like "member Silent Hill?", same with the soundtrack.

I want an open world GTA clone PS2 style, graphics and physics be damned for a lot of content and a satisfying campaign.

Those two images are such powerful bullets against the "boy's club" arguments for game dev.

It's made by RS, it's a MMO with microtransactions and loot boxes, and Shark coins. The name is GTA Online and mainly targeting Chinese market.

The jew is scared

Your pic is 3D CGI made by Tumblr. So the nose is a flat red 2D sprite.

I want a porn game where I can cuck all the soy boys by fucking their SJW gods like an alpha nigger.

You get your wish, and are forced to fuck realistic models in VR.

You get a PC with absolutely no software on it. Within the box it came in lies a sheet of paper that says "program it yourself".

Did I miss another meltdown? That's what I get for playing video games.

I'm pretty sure one of the volunteers is a communist at this point or it's just Mark unleashing his inner heeb.

Shining Force 4.

I came to make sure nobody wished upon a specific ip. Nobody did, carry on.

A new NHL hitz with 3 on 3

I want a good MMO with no pay2win, engaging gameplay that keeps you coming back, containment servers for slavs, BRs and pedros, and a reasonable subscription model I can afford.

I wish people would start doxing internet moderators who censor and try to remake existing communities in the image of their faggot Redditor friends. But that's not a video game, so instead I wish that all normalfags would stop playing vidya and fucking up the industry. My preferred method of facilitating this is by them all dying in some disaster that only affects them, while leaving the people they've fucked over free to choose their own path in life from then on.

I wish you had enough money to do that.

IP locked to japan, all VPNs banned.

You do, but it gets taken over by hipsters and sjw who slowly replace everything you love with tranny shit


I just want to enjoy video games again

You do get to enjoy video games, not because they've gotten better, but because the utter lack of good games made you lower your standards. You even unironically enjoy candy crush and facebook games.

thank you user :3

I wish for a future release for Portal 3, Half Life 3 and a new Valve IP all made for VR only.

I want all these cuckchanners exiled and I'm willing to suffer the consequences on behalf of the board

What is the appeal of these threads? I get that it's like a thing where user's can be creative, but it's not even that funny or clever.

Kinda. some user who apparently knows Mark ranted about how he's some farting autistic fuck who talks about lolis and cockblocks him from getting laid.

It must have been true, since mark got triggered as fuck and thought it was some ginger friend of his. He even said for him to come and fight him kek

Archive link of that thread please.

I don't have that, but I do have a screencap of the best parts.

Shit nevermind, the archive link is in the cap.



You overcook it, which turns it into a mushy mess.

Yeah, I guess.. but that doesn't quote on quote "burn it" to where it's black and crispy, as the term burn implies. Is Courtney just illiterate?

I think it's the joke.

One of me exs put spaghetti in a sauce pan of cold water over a high flame with half of the
stiff noodles hanging over the edge.
I was never able to get her to explain what she thought would happen.

Granted, but it's only available on the WonderSwan

I want a REAL sequel to The World Ends With You (not a remake)

I want a sequel to Skies of Arcadia

I wish for all of the small children, 12 year old ad revenue baiting jewtuber niggerfaggots, (((roleplayers))), and rulecucks to be completely and PERMANENTLY BTFO from Garry's Mod's community.

ok, but now they all just loiter around outside your house with nothing to do

Basically you put the noodles in before the water is boiling. Let it sit. Now you have burnt spaghetti noodles.

How the fuck does that make sense? Why MY house? I never said I myself would be the one to make them BTFO. Hell, I could borrow my neighbor's 12 gauge for a spell and force them to leave and never come back.

kids are edgy these days, they wanna be shot, didn't you hear about how 17 of them sempeku'd themselves in florida just for memes?

She leaves it unattended for so long that the water boils away.

another sonic game but without sonic.

Bamco and Toei team up with Sonic Team to release pic related.

I wish anthem was made by a competent developer, under a competent publisher, and was actually good. Oh boy let's see what happens.

like this

It's a shitty low poly indie game that's only on Android and it's infested by ads and play at 1 frames per hour.

I said actually good, so I'm not sure
applies but everything else you sunnuva

Holla Forums stops making shit template threads, but you're still a cock guzzling faggot.

I want Rockstar to give me the fucking multiplayer content in my single player.

You have to pay for it. A LOT for it. Nobody is able to crack this content.

Well then I wish for you to get hit by a car and eaten by dogs. So nothing bad will happen to me because of your death.

everyone will praise it execpt you :^)

it's the perfect online multiplayer experience, but no one gives it a chance or wants to play with you because they're all too busy playing Overwatch and PUBG clones

I want a good mmorpg game to come out, I've been itching for a good one for so long

This is truly the most painful monkey's paw

it is the greatest mmorpg ever made but the race and skin color of your character is being rolled out at the start of a game, because in real life you cant change your skin or race. You can have only one character and roll per account.

I wish for a qt and loving gf

You get one that's all you could ever ask for, but >she's a post op tranny, and thus cannot conceive children

You do find one but she's quite stupid and falls for the "love is for everyone" meymey that's the latest craze in College. She tries for an open relationship with you and 5 guys and one of them gets her pregnant.

good one, I would have settled for a pre op if she was perfect but post op is too much even for me

lol like the Frys gf from that one futurama movie

i'd fucking take it as this point and if i get a black character ill just pretend to be some dindu


Granted. It's great. But it is released only in Somalia never to be released else where in the world.


They're both made by modern Square Enix.


I want a Xenogears remake with all ideas fully realized on a good budget.

It's pay to win.

I want the Dark Souls 1 remake to be exactly as much of a buggy, broken, unbalanced mess as the original was at launch.

>tfw it may as well be real if the new metro game is well received

It is. But it's been outsourced to bethesda and now has bethesda bugs and unbalances.

I want a fallout 2 remake.

If you're not even going to try, go home.

It's made, and on time as well. Unfortunately, it was turned into a live adaption movie made by netflix, with poz pushed in.

I want pandemic back.


I wish David Bowie was alive to make another game

I want rainbow six siege to have a single player campaign


It's heavily scripted and linear, With no destructible walls except the ones we tell you to.

I wish a good game came out.
Monkey's paw that shit faggots.

It doesn't suit your tastes.

I want a Dynasty warriors game that tries something new.

the game is so good you lose all motivation to play any other game, and your will to live once you beat it.


it's on xboxone only.


Whoever wrote that should be shot in the fucking head. That was so forced and unfunny it physically pained me.

The game is good bu

Tsao Tsao would execute this man.

God damn it I hate this cocksucking piece of shit phone

Anyway, the game comes out and is GOTY material but the fans are absolutely insufferable and the game quickly becomes a multi-billion dollar media franchise, becoming a pop culture staple for half a century to come in many incarnations. You quickly grow to despise the franchise but it's so pervasively popular that your friends, your family (even your parents), your co-workers, every online community and even any children you might have can't get enough of it and it follows you to your deathbed.

i wish for a wario world 2 that really push the fucking potential that have the first one

The afterlife is worse.

It's as shit as the multiplayer.

I wish for an /ak/ game with plenty of waifus and where your (custom made) character's choices matter

It's a telltale game :^)

It's made by leftists who fill it with anti-gun propaganda.

It's exactly what you want, except it caters to furry, scat, and diaper fetishes.

I want a good version of I Am Alive.

I could handle that honestly. Would be a fair trade for a good game.

Me too.
Therefore it's going to be made by Ubisoft, again, and it'll be open world with towers to climb and shit.

come on guys i had this one set up for you!
the answer should've been "but it's an SAO spin-off"

so in other words it'll be a mediocre/bad game yet again

I want to control video games with MY MIND.

It's only on PS4. There's only a physical release, but so few copies were printed due to poor sales that they're scalped to well over $200. And you didn't get a copy in time.

I have no reason to live as it is. How will that affect me?

It would be unresponsive, clunky, and you end up with massive headaches.

Easy one, I want a new Battlefield: Bad Company, or something similar.