One Dollar Man completely lost it
One Dollar Man completely lost it
Where's Satan-poster when you need her?
Has Molymeme no shame? Comparisons like this seem very silly to me.
Not an argument.
It's amazing how this outsider, renegade , fringe anti-establishment philosopher manages to have the same beliefs as my retarded cliche conservative uncle who watches Fox news all day. Who'd of thunk that by using the methods of Socrates and universalizing your values you would become Rush Limbaugh light.
It always astounds me how capitalists can ignore everything jesus said about living a humble life and rich people were all going to hell
You see, great wealth indicates being part of God's elect who were chosen to have stewardship over the earth. Poverty is indicative of not being part of the elect, and thus being doomed to Hell after a miserable life.
t. Calvinist prosperity gospel
ITT this shit is all over again. Thanks to DNC actual satanist pedos.
Also dressing yourself up in Christianity to get more sheckles and followers works in america, boyo.
You ask yourself.
How do i unite all these people who hate each other, who are divided by gender, and race.
Jim jones would have been more successful if he wasnt a complete sociopath
I've noticed that, too. For example, there's this political science professor at my campus who's well known, and refers to himself as a "Jeffersonian", when all he does is spout Conservative, Republican boot licking rhetoric.
Those comments can't be real it's like an automated robot spouting out crank slogans
Satanism, what?
Wasn't satanism originally a parody of christian rituals made by a bunch of intellectuals?
Basically a bunch of fedora tippers of the time would go into abandoned churches and just fuck, eat, drink wine, do stupid basic rituals and write down runes that didn't mean anything and the entire thing was a wink wink nudge nudge we're smart we don't actually believe in this bullshit kinda thing?
I mean, it was pretty self indulgent but wasn't "evil" in nature, it was the ritualistic equivalent of The Onion.
Then the church got pissed off and started spreading rumors that they were killing virgins and babies and shit so deranged individuals heard the rumors and ACTUALLY started doing violent rituals thinking it would summon the devil and so on and that's how the whole "satanism is evil as shit" meme started.
Then you've got modern organized satanism in the US with Anton LaVey that is basically one guy that jerked off to Ayn Rand all day and decided to organize a religion based on her work with a bunch of rituals thrown in that don't actually mean anything and are basically just for show.
That's all there is to this entire thing, right?
Did i miss something along the way?
I think certain conservatives who live in a welfare liberal social bubble tend to get a Yoda complex where they think there basic cliche conservatives viewpoints are some kind of transcendent revelation that only they truly understand.
In Stefan's case it helps that dumb audience makes you scramble for the lowest common denominator in order to catch more craven conservative cash.
It's pure cancer.
We are going to need a bigger gulag.
Is there a way to deactivate YouTube comments? All they do is cause suffering, eg. top comments:
So much for secularism and the enlightenment.
Nope. Satanism was the original troll religion. Pissing off christcucks and causing moral panics all day everyday. More than fedora tipping, it was to show how silly, oppressive and paranoid religious fanatics really are.
Hence why we put up the Baphomet statue outside of that Midwest courthouse, just to show the double standards and hypocrisy of christcucks.
t. satanist
Protestantism was a mistake, tbh
Shocking I know.
Satanism is just catholic church PR move, there always will be someone who believes in horned imps as long as someone worships them.
Is that you Satanfag?
Never underestimate the power of an autistic shitposter
Most Satanic panics come from shitheaded Protestants, not Catholics. Check out Jeffrey Victor's work on the subject.
No I'm someone else. Long time lurker, infrequent poster. There are more satanists out there than you think.
You guys are pretty spooky.
You can disable them with youtube center and other scripts.
What is le one dollar meme about anyway?
Somebody call ghostbusters it's getting spooky in here.
There is literally no difference between what you and I believe.
Prove me wrong.
Following Stefan's logic here, then MLK Jr. was a Satanist.
Is this an assertion he'd be comfortable making?
how many layers of self interest are you on.jpg
I'm not going to have time to watch the full 50 min. Someone mind summarizing?
lets raid the comments these people need to know how dumb they are
Jim Jones have literally been /ourguy/ if it wasnt for the whole mass suicide thing.
Reminder that Paul "Romans 9" of Tarsus was the first revisionist and that Jesus' entire teaching revolved around helping each other in the real world through good deeds and thereby lifting up the poor and downtrodden in defiance of a corrupt world which was not endorsed by God.
That's Protestantism, fuck, it embodies the spirit of capitalism
Dear Lord, is that screencap real?
Molymeme confirmed /mu/tant.
whoever had the fortitude to click that "Show more" button a thousand times to get to these old ass videos is a very dedicated person
is this a parody