What is your opinion on Margaret Thatcher?
What is your opinion on Margaret Thatcher?
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Best rodent head of state ever
I could run through all sorts of things, but we've heard most of it before. It's one of those political situations where you start to think maybe the answer is somewhere in the middle as you pick up little pieces of nuance, but eventually as you assemble the complete picture you wind up back where you started.
One hopes the ChristComs are right just so she's burning in hell.
peak of british conservatism at that time
a lot of it didn`t work out so well
A crying shame the IRA didn't kill her
Regan tier world leader.
Which is to say death was too good for her. Frankly should be brought back to life and kept in a perpetual state of pain.
I wish necromancy was real so that we could resurrect her and put her in a gulag.
Deserves the wall.
history repeats itself, first as Thatcher, then as Farage.
Glad she's dead though. But she should of been deader sooner. Stupid provos.
Her policies were popular at the time and well recieved by pundits.
30 years later most think they were shit.
And yet no one seems to have learned from those mistakes at all.
Well in terms of the the electoral system that the UK has, she was popular enough with a sizable minority of the nation who continued to vote for her in 3 successive elections. Which is pretty much all you need. Still she did have amazing luck what with the almost 50/50 split among the opposition parties (Labour and The SDP-Liberal Alliance) and being the PM when the UK armed forces won that war over some sheep in the south Atlantic.
Blinding rage here: She imposed defence cuts in 1981 which would've sold the Royal Navy's aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships.
And she got away with it because Argentina jumped the gun and invaded before they were sold.
Did one thing right: and that was rek the Argies.
Apart from that, she is a right cunt.
Proof that accelerationism doesnt work.
Hey I'm not a fan, just pointing out what amazing luck she had, and it was the 1983 landslide General Election victory helped by the conflict in 1982 which lead to the Torys governments successful crushing of the Miners Strike in 1985. Followed by the Torys government deregulation of UKs financial markets (Big Bang) in 1986.
Remember this was the PM who in 1980 was being beating in the polls hands down by the Michael Foot lead Labour Point, one point Labour were 24% ahead of the Torys. And after the Labour Party split in 1981, the Torys had sunk to third place in these polls.
The dame got lucky.
Oh I know, just raising trivia. The 1981 defence cuts tend to be forgotten.
Even after the split, the SDP and Labour were both individually ahead of her in 1982 iirc. Then the war happened.
Would hate fuck.
she was worse than hitler because at least we could rebuild after the german bombs, thatcher permanently ruined this country
As quickly as you'd like, maybe. But leftists were in opposition and weren't elected and her and Reagan began the process that caused the 2008 crash, which looks set to happen again, and if that doesn't stop capitalism, again, and again, and again, and so on and so on.
She permanently changed the psychology of Britain.
Not many leaders can do that.
At this rate capitalism will finally be crushed in ~2350AD.
In the mean time we endure neoliberal hell.
There are graphs on the first page saying it will happen in your lifetime you dumb fuck.
still think Foot would of suffered under the heat of a general election where The Falklands War never happened. As the Labour split occured before the Falklands war. Though I could image the general election of 1984 (couldn't imagine Thatcher calling an early election) being almost a 3 way split. With either Torys and Labour in a minority government postion (probably more likely Labour), and with the possibility of the SDP-Libs winning the popular vote but not really translating in seats and still being third party in the house of commons.
oh wow, graphs!
You just want a lits of swear words and insults, or what? I guess I'll stick with just my best shot, which is that she and many of her cronies were connected to the fellow in the pic related, and to his noncery.
Nah, then her and her shitawful policies would be muh poor innocent martyr cut down in their prime that have never really been tried the way they were supposed to, and need to be.
Capitalist reactionary puppet
Fuck the old bitch Maggie!
I find the hatred for Thatcher indulgent, the sort of communal despise that fills the appetite for a visual, livid embodiment of bonded hatred. She embodied all the snobberies, for working women, for sub-urbanites, for conservatives, for daring to stand out, for the people of little england the left supposedly does it all for. Those who now sod over the meanie opinions of those that do not see Corbyn as a capable leader of the labour party, or PM, as such being demonetization, a witch hunt, were and are the most eager stake burners of Thatcher, she revealed the spite in those who represent politics as a battle between the horrible and the decent, the little boy behind the priests robes.
Why does this read like I've heard it before in some newspaper article or other.
It's bothering me. It's not a quote, is it?
It's probably the sentence in which I mention the snobberies, I read it somewhere else, could be Peter Hitchens but knowing that he now sees Thatcher as another incarnation of Blair, I'm not sure.
well my hatred comes for the fact that her shitty ideology really fucking destroyed my family, but yeah but fuck me for being indulgent yeah.
doubtful? How?
It's true that the hate Thatcher gets should be spread out more evenly. John Major was little better but he's less hated because he has a less abrasive personality.
What a tit.
Blairite warmonger detected!
Because in the intricate process of family ruination, I have seldom seen a politician as the culprit, I have no reason to assume you are different.
Such an answer to everything leads to an understanding of nothing.
broken clock.
He's better then Christopher Hitchens. Sure. But thats a low bar you're setting their considering CH last couple of decades.
Brit/pol/ pls
If only you knew. I suggest you don't assume. Thats all.
And this…'but if we had communism we would have had everything we ever needed so the fault lies with capitalism'
you doing the assuming thing again. Just stop that.
fucking micks
I'd rather assume based on my own knowledge than to assume the truth of everything that is told to me.
Both Peter and Christopher were pretty bad. Peter is a neocon who seems not to care for anyone who doesn't have the same skin colour as him, and supports imperialism. Christopher was also a neocon, Islamophobe and person who spoke about religion, debating with people who know nothing about philosophy (which is fitting, because he didn't either).
Peter is all-round pathetic. Christopher was mostly pathetic (turning almost totally so) in his later years. Mostly because of his fedoraness, support for bourgeois interest wars, and association with the likes of Dawkins and Harriss.
Oh, and this is a nice little quote from "philosopher" Dennett:
Thatcher caused unemployment and unemployment frequently wrecks families.
They were turbulent times my friendo thats all I can tell you. Not fun to endure.
It's not exactly a secret that Thatcher cluster-bombed various communities.
Maybe, just maybe 12% unemployment and an economic orthodoxy where unemployment still hasn't dropped back to early-70s levels has some knock-on effects on society.
It's retroactively portrayed as necessary, of course, but the truth is there was always an alternative - and that alternative wasn't even communism or socialism. No. It was still neoliberalism, just slightly less dogmatic.
She was perhaps the most enthusiastic neoliberal politician in any relevant country. The only issue with her hatedom is that more people don't read into the depths of how vile the things she was up to really were, how much of her popular image is nonsense, how unnecessary the whole thing was - since of course, you have many Labourites who think she was a bitch but that Blair was a-OK because he gave us muhinimum wage. It's a question of consistency. When it comes to the actively malicious, hate is unquestionably justified.
Yeah you're some snotty 20 year old who didn't actually experience thatcher's government.
She knew the harm she was doing and revelled in it.
Fuck her.
not that guy, and I don't like Thatcher from what I've heard of her (I'm 20 myself), so I would qualify as a snotty 20 year old too, just with the opposite opinion
I knew a girl into "politics" a couple years ago who liked Thatcher. I went to a private school, go figure.
ding dong the witch is dead
wait. wat? she said 'really', but I've been saying TINA for ages, TRINA sounds stupid.
Which would make anyone who doesn't keep industry afloat on subsidies a family wrecker, when the government doesn't give, it takes away, everything that could be -hypothetically- had if government spend more, is a loss.
They were, darker, seedier, harsher, but not a moment of the fall caused by Thatcher.
Maybe, just maybe, the 60's and 70's were an era of western industrial dominance that allowed an unsustainable economic growth on which the social democratic state was based.
It's this sentiment that explains such a lot, the idea that the ills of the era were a grand act of sadism, that your pain is done for someone someone else's enjoyment. It's perverse.
She was offered money by the EU to retrain miners and ease their immediate hardships, and she said no.
She wanted them to suffer, for whatever reason.
It's not perverse, it's true - whether you see it or not.
It's TINA, apparently:
They closed even the profitable industries, refused to offer others for privatisation (Ravenscraig Steelworks comes to mind.), and in other cases privatised viable industries straight into the hands of asset strippers.
The alternative of sticking people on the dole caused state spending to increase under Thatcher.
And maybe, just maybe had Breton Woods been salvaged (or Keynes Bancor proposal adopted) that era would have continued indefinitely.
Maybe, just maybe TINA is a lying whore.
NHS reform under Thatcher, Local Authority reform under Thatcher, Northern Ireland under Thatcher…and then all that miner stuff too…all of it affected my family. Shit dude I'm the type of person who gets annoyed by the myopic hate of the Torys on the left in the UK that leads them just to vote Labour all the time because of the person leading it, but her influence during a few brief intense years on my family lingers.
And I hated John Major loads. I hated him enough to vote for Tony Blair. That would be the myopic thing I was talking about.
regardless not because
But when the government gives by cutting the top rate for porky, and takes away by hiking VAT, that's fine, right?
I've heard this before but could never find a source on it.
Regardless, her refusal of state owned industry is not an act of sadism, politics is not a matter of the good feels vs the bad feels, I thought you marxists of all people should know that.
I agree with Thatcher being too permissive on venture capital, a more corporatist model like that of Germany would have worked out better. Her biggest flaw was her adherence to Hayek, like all leaders, she needed a dot on the horizon, a frame of reference, it was when she acted as a true believer that she was at her worst.
Europe and America would have stayed the industrial center of the world with the rest being perennial periphery, the law of the handicap of a head start wouldn't have been a thing and the economic boom would have lasted forever and ever if only this or that person didn't make that decision here and there.
How undialectical of you, comrade.
That's a pretty big fucking flaw to have. (Also, I'm interested in how you rectify "politics is not a matter of the good feels vs the bad feels" with the fact Hayek-types basically amount to "The state doing things gives me the bad feels."
That's a ridiculous simplification when you consider the sheer scope of multilateral capital controls. It's not about trapping the world in 1970 forever, but altering the circumstances under which globalisation occurred - all the Bancor does is ensure trade balance between countries. That still leaves scope for foreign investment in China, etc, so long as balance is retained
It's not too unreasonable to suggest that growth would have been higher and income distribution more equitable had that been the case, even if outsourcing still developed going forwards, China still rose up in prestige, and so on.
The primary losers in such circumstances would be the worthless financial speculators who still dominate the world today. Which I'd consider another bonus of such an organisation…