Losing control?
Whats your favorite love story in a game?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite love story in a game?
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I hate you faggots. Have fun
I fucking hate Valentines Day.
Don't exactly have one as of yet.
Happy valentines day everyone, Ritsu here
Gonna have a bit of rum and watch k-on later while eating lots of my nipponese chocolates. Gonna be comfy as fuck.
P3 Minato and that dumb tsundere Yukari are too cute together imo.
I'll go play DOA5 before I sleep.
Why its a mostly made up holiday anyway.
How goes fam
How goes user
I don't think I've played a game with one of those.
Fucking around in the Bayeux thread.
Because every year it reminds me that I'm alone and everyone else looks like their ideal mate.
I was afraid this question would be hard to answer honestly
How goes user
Is that a cajun game?
Yeah, St. Valentine was nothing related to couples and shit, and when it was created it was for dumb feasts and shit.
I think my waifu helped me get over that.
Waifu when
Theres no such thing as a dumb feast
Tired and needing a haircut. Also it snowed again.
I know, Thanksgiving is still my fav holiday.
I don't think I could commit to a waifu, knowing full well she isn't real.
You don't know that.
I haven't cut my hair since I left for nippon. Its getting kinda ridiculous. Considering shaving it all off myself.
I barely get christmas presents anymore and it's less focused on the feast.
Well you're wrong doofus.
It's 4 AM and I'm awakening to go to work once more, everything I do feels wrong and there's nothing to get up for anymore.
I honestly should have cut mine while I was there.
I dunno, my neighbor says she sees mine wandering around smoking everywhere.
Just get a tulpa then
Get more presents then
Work until you can quit and do something fun like I do.
Prove it then. Tell me how someone can love something that doesn't really exist.
Get a new job, maybe?
I wanted to buy some clothes when there but forgot
Didn't know there was a name for those tbh
Be spoiled
I've been wanting to read goebbels journals but I'm afraid the translations will be kiked up
I don't wanna waste shit.
I'm not even necessarily making ones for vidya there, just shitpost ones. Fun times.
the one with squigly and long dong johnson
This is how I feel every time I have work the next day. At least I have Wednesday and Thursday off next week.
Then stop wasting so much air and stop breathing
Make a 4am one
How goes user
I have no explanation, weird things happen around me.
I just bought myself socks when I was there. Had a whole bunch of shirts and pants made for me there already.
It is a good time to learn german.
no u
Watch some Gurren Lagann during your off time.
If I were going to bother to learn a language it'd be nipponese
I don't have a problem with wasting things
What you drinking
no u
no drunk
cold onez
don't tell me what to do motherfuck
I can't wait to get beer next week. Got so much anime and stuff set up to watch
Maybe I'll just post girls I like this thread.
What PS1/PS2 game should I look for if I go out tomorrow? I probably won't find shit but your suggestions give me (you)'s I guess.
Don't tell Okada what to do motherfuck.
i'll fuck that dude up
Then wait for the JP translation.
Ain't that the truth.
Find vagrant story
Fucking Megaman Legends monica.
And before you ask about price the next thread if you do see it, 30$ or so
Also kings field 1 or 2.
Okada has a 600+ reign as world heavyweight champion, who the fuck are you?
As says, TTGL is a good cure for depression.
Maybe. Currently making a Bane one.
i graduated top of my class at marine sniper school
How is TTGL a cure for depression? Or does going into why spoil it?
I could just have the one german dude I know see if they translated it correctly I guess. He might get arrested for reading it though knowing germany.
I forgot the name of the VN, but I remember my waifu and I strangled her bully on the rooftop at school. Good game.
How goes user
Whos your waifu again?
It's just on overall extremely upbeat show about will to strive. Helps that the universe actually operates around it, to the point logic and planning aren't necessarily smart compared to hot blooded fuck-your-shit.
It's about someone who has low confidence in himself so that helps.
Okada beat a devil summoner, and a terminator. You ain't nothing.
Technically if you say something bad about the holohoax and you end up somewhere in Germany long after the fact they'll arrest your ass.
What do you think's better, Alchemist Pavel, or Doctor Plaguel (IE: "Plague Doctor")?
i killed a bin laden and rothschild nigger what
What if I praise the holocaust instead then
And why would I ever want to go to Germanistan in the current climate?
Plague doctors are the best. Always liked their imagery
I dunno. If you aren't a yid oy veying at it 24/7 I just wouldn't speak of it.
To look for nazi gold.
Not actually her, I forgot the name of that character
How goes user
Didn't someone find a train full of nazi gold a few years back and it got confiscated and given to jews?
Sometimes I don't know what's right or wrong in life anymore. Like nothing makes sense and I'm just drifting by, hoping something interesting would happen.
Whats dragon tail taste like I wonder
I dunno bout that. Sounds like those slavs who found a few gold bars and were tightlipped about the whole thing. Personally speaking I'd go look for the Amber room. I'd like it reconstructed in my loading room.
Calm down there, Simon.
The amber room is that entire room made of gold right? Would be a shame having to cut all that up to sell
Pretty good apparently
T'is coming along finely.
The fuck is that
Didn't know they had planes back then
No, Its carved from Baltic Amber, 15,000lbs of it. I have a good idea where it is but there is no way I'd be able to get at it.
Pleasure, food, anime, cute girls, spite.
Is amber worth all that much? How could you possibly know where it is
Could also just make one of a canoe, but I'm wanting to see how closely I can get approximate a plane with the given tools.
What DBZ games are worth playing/owning?
Never heard of that term before.
Yeah looks pretty good at least
Xenoverse if its still got any community.
Tooru, eating her tail that she cooked
Not Z, but consider Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure.
She ate her own tail?
Your waifu is weird!
I still haven't watched that show, really need to for leggy loli
Xenoverse's community has more than likely moved on to Xenoverse 2.
How are the GBA Dragon Ball games anyway? All I know is that Legacy of Goku 1 was shit.
Is that the JRPG one?
To mock those who want me gone.
Depending on the size it can be worth a bit, its the craftsmanship that went into carving everything is where its value comes from.
Knew someone who'd been on the eastern front.
2 is alright. It does a lot of things a little better but gets some other things wrong. Still worth playing though.
Nope, beat em up with kid Goku and Krillin. Also had an arena mode where you could play as a bunch of different characters. Legacy of Goku subseries were Mana clones to my knowledge, while Attack of the Saiyans was a JRPG by Monolith Soft.
LoG1 is shit to my knowledge, but I've heard LoG2 and Buu's Legacy were quite good.
Why hasn't someone just dug it up then
I'm interested. What system was it on?
Oh yeah that's right, that was when he was good.
Most folk went to the grave with their secrets. Its like people who brazenly hang repossessed jew art on their walls. They'll never tell you were they came from.
You got any of that?
Krillin was always bad ass. Proof that manlets are the best
Kanna is cute but tooru and quetzelcoatl are still better imotbh
t. vanilla midget fan
NDS. From what I recall it's focused specifically on the Saiyan arc, but I think there's some post game shit with Broly or something. I haven't played it myself since I never really see copies where I live. That was back when the only reasonably easy to find Monolith Soft titles were just Xenosaga I and II for the PS2.
How do I be happy?
Oh wow, another set of trips for me tonight.
By not dwelling on sadness.
I can't say. Its not I'm the one who put them on the walls.
I never see the other two while looking through fan art so
Tien isn't human
Could you sell those without some jew swooping in sueing?
Trips proove he's better than Krillin.
How do I do that? Every time I try to make myself feel better I'm reminded of how shit my life really is.
Nice trips. Tien should've been used more tbh.
fuck that, how is everybody?
Anything good going on?
Work here has been going great, scored a Steel Battalion CiB for cheap last weekend, and now grabbing an original 1979 Space Invaders Cocktail cabinet this coming up weekend for cheap as well.
Fuck yeah
There be markets for such objects out there. But why would I sell war trophies.
I'm doing good. 3 days until my parents leave and I have the house to myself for a week.
Thats pretty damn cool. How many cabinets do you own user?
Not all of us are rich fam
Set it aside and focus on what you like. That said, I'll admit I'm a NEET layabout that's more or less content with being left to my own devices, so take that advice how you will.
Neat, hope you didn't have to pay much.
This is the best way to live. I don't get how NEETs like us end up all depressed
Is that the suicidal one?
I've been playing Monster Hunter World, that's it.
That is neat.
Selling war trophies is a great shame.
Made a MAME a long time ago, already have a Megatouch in there sitting on my mini fridge.
This will be restored to its former glory which I need to find only a couple things. Glass, the metal clips to hold it down on the edges, get a reprint of the original cards (pic related), and get the coin op working which I have a friend saying he can do that.
Speaking of house to yourself, Ive been house sitting for 2 weeks. Still have one more to go here.
Two Benjamins is all it took. Pick it up Saturday.
More than I'd want to spend on accessories for a game (and an admitted cabinet), but that's just by my standards for spending money. I usually try to stretch what spending money I have by lurking for good deals. Nothing like getting shit you've had an eye on for a half, to a sixth, of what it averages elsewhere.
The only arcade cabinet I want is the k-on one. Never even seen pics of one before though.
What did you do while house sitting? I don't know all I'm going to do besides drink and watch anime.
You didn't fight for them
You lost me. If you're talking about Tien, I don't think he's suicidal.
Nah, the suicidal one was Chiaotzu.
That means shes more popular
old 4chan screencaps are always great tbh
Its my responsibility to not let them leave the house all so willingly. Its like people who sell their holdings for quick pleasure that only fucks over their young in the end.
I was talking about the pic from
I have no young
watched GameCenter CX and worked.. work 50 hours a week, but hey its paying off, weekends stream for fun on twitch to meet people and talk about vidya.
Ive been hunting for a Steel Battalion for over 10 years, and struck gold. To finally play it again, and now have my own version (always played on a friends when he had it back at launch), and to also look into Xlink to play online.
My advice is Sometimes you gotta indulge. Especially getting my promotion at work, you gotta pay yourself first.
Besides.. my game collection is almost done, just snagging the last couple things like the super expensive stuff.
I got a new episode of GCCX lined up for next week. Glad someone else is translating now
Pretty sure Elphelt isn't suicidal. I never sat through Xrd's story mode so I wouldn't know.
Don't you shrug at me you shit
Nevermind thought she was a som date sim chick.
Oh. You're thinking of DDLC, aren't you? I still gotta get around to "playing" it. Although I've been spoiled about Yuri's death and the truth about Monika, so I think that may have killed it for me.
We're done.
I wasn't the dude who spoiled it for you, did I?
Ad populum is not an argument though
No, you weren't.
shit, what game and episode?
Fine then DFC>anything else
Oh ok. Also, I wouldn't be able tell if that's Naoto if I didn't see the filename.
It's the hair.
Looks like its going to be a comfy one.
I made someone play it and the reactions were great.
I know, but I'm saying that the hair wasn't that accurate.
you do know there is a 24/7 stream of GCCX on twitch right?
How does one find peace?
Expedition deep innawoods. They gotta be spoopy woods though.
Like already translated stuff or is he doing one of his 24 hour runs?
Look for it
dying near someone you love and shit
Why spoopy woods? What if I get killed by wild animals?
Because there is nobody else in those spoopy woods to bother you on your search other than the rare folk who are searching for the same. Like the sun man looking for the sun.
Days gone by, days that shall never return, and of which the archives have all died as well.
Well, all the more power to you. I've noticed that I'm mostly content myself these days, at least as far as what systems I have access to and can afford to drop money on (IE: SNES is a no go; stuff I'd like to play is way too expensive).
What if you didn't?
Oppai > disgusting flat chest
By posting more Naotos
already translated stuff, its pretty cool
good taste.
I prefer to watch things at my own pace, usually when I watch gccx I pause a lot to take breaks and game. Thanks though
Someday I'm gonna find what it means to be happy. It's just not gonna be today. See you guys tomorrow.
Cya next time fam
Kind of want some drawfag to make that with Presea saying she's twenty-eight. Though at least she has the excuse of having a fucking parasite leech off her growth for like sixteen solid years.
Take it easy m8
Nah, tits are too fun to play with
Night dude.
You can play with small titties too you know
time for bed, night all
Cya next time user