IQ and gaming ELO

Exploring the relationship between video game expertise and fluid intelligence

"B-b-but LoL is for *insert slur here* " fags BTFO forever.

Also explains why Holla Forums is so hostile against mainstream competitive games they are dumb cunts who can't win

wtf i hate Holla Forums now

I hate mainstream competitive games because they're designed around being an e-sport first and a game second. Older games, for example, Starcraft, Melee and TF2 have a meta molded by the players rather than the developers. But then you look at newer games like Overwatch or PUBG and they're trying their damned hardest to force these games as e-sports, even going as far as to have leagues and tournaments funded by the developers themselves. It completely defeats the purpose of a community driven effort and it ends up killing the competitive aspect of the game, and not long after that, the game itself.

Wow, thanks user!

nice try shill

Fuck I needed that laugh OP.

thanks op i cum on cat she hiss at penis

They tried to push this real hard when I was in college. It's pure bullshit. It's common sense that some people are born faster or with better hand-eye coordination than others, but if you dare say some people are born smarter than others, people in the education industry flip a shit. A retard, literal or figurative, will NOT reach the level of the normal or high intelligence students if you just believe in him.

Yes, only intellectual people with 200IQ can enjoy MOBA…
Nice rebuttal, OP, you won the internet.

Funny thing that Overwatch gameplay is complealy unsuited for be e-sport. It is terrible spectators game. Who decided to turn OW into e-sport was not blessed with high IQ.

As for PUBG don't see how its gameplay affected by e-sports in any significant way. Its core design "how do me make FPS team deathmacth with large map?" "if we just drop players in such map they camp forever and match would never end" Why do we need deathmatch? Because it is most attractive type of mission for uncoordinated players and caters to largest possible audience. Deathmatch is bread and butter of public servers.

I never found any game other than fighters to be watchable competitively because you're constantly bouncing between multiple povs.

ASSFAGGOTS are played primarily by retards. Within that population, the less retarded are better at ASSFAGGOTS.
Non-retards don't even play these shitty "games".

trips of truth

Same could be said about LoL or DotA 2, which is basically DotA dumbed down for plebs

This is like that study where Trump voters were "confirmed to be uneducated" or some shit right?
Fucking lel

Satan, pls.


Reasons making OW unwatchable don't exist in aforementioned mobas. Reasons: first person view in conjunction with high gameplay speed, high density of action.

You are not bright one, aren't you?


You can't even micro units in league.

wtf I love ASSFAGGOTS now

Not too smart to shot yourself in the foot like that.

DotA players don't need to make narcissistic screeching threads, like pea-brain LoL players, to know the pointless outcome. There's no point to talking to 500 MMR shitstains in the first place. All the best players are on, promo code: BSJ.

Damn. You showed me how smart you are. You must watch Rick and Morty

Reaction speeds and multitasking are not measured in the WASI II IQ test.

Elo is a proper name, not an acronym. You don't capitalize the whole thing.

Why the fuck can't LoL fags understand this?

Maybe he's talking about Electric Light Orchestra?

This may be true for the extremes of the ranking spectrum, but it certainly isn't true for the middle. It is not uncommon to see people who suck and get coasted to higher ranks by pure brute force and luck, and people who don't really care about the rank and play it casually.

How does this btfo anything? Anyone who is at the pinnacle of any sort of hobby is going to have a significant degree of intelligence.

This doesn't change any of the criticisms people put on the assfaggot genre.

It's a completely pointless study stating only that water is wet.

Fuck off retard, and Mark pls ban anyone who bumps this shit thread

But i often heard opposite opinions that in popular games the dumber you are the better is performance.

Mike Tyson was arguably the greatest heavyweight boxer in history and is literally retarded

This is stupid.

They tested the IQ of people who play LoL and found a correlation between ranking and IQ. That makes sense. However, it doesn't mean that smart people play LoL, just that the smartest ones who do rank the highest. It's like saying that the smartest monkeys are the ones who can throw their shit with the most accuracy.

Did they compare these IQs to those of people who DON'T play LoL. I thought not.

LoL is a gook clicker. Play a real strategy game, faggot OP.

Are you implying a game is only shit if higher skill isn't correlated with higher intelligence?
How would you even make a game where you are more likely to win the dumber you are?