>Stage = Level = Map
>1up = Extended Play = Free man
> Loss = Death = Player Miss
Any other jargon kinda piss you off Holla Forums? I know fighting game terminology is especially annoying.
>Stage = Level = Map
>1up = Extended Play = Free man
> Loss = Death = Player Miss
Any other jargon kinda piss you off Holla Forums? I know fighting game terminology is especially annoying.
Other urls found in this thread:
Actually all those terms have slightly different definitions. My video game design textbook really goes into detail over the subtle differences.
No retard Act = Level
I don't know anyone that calls "Lives" 1up, extended play, or free man. Maybe you should stop talking to people who don't play video games, OP.
>Opening Poster = OP = Fag
Why the hell does map piss you off? It's the most reasonable of the three there.
What fucking hole did you crawl out of?
An Act is not a level, it's a set of levels, like in Diablo.
It's just jargon.
It's found everywhere.
I've never heard someone say this shit, it sounds retarded enough to be real and used in reddit
Maplefrogs call stages/levels boards.
"Avatar" and "board" as video game terms don't really get used much any more.
Donkey Kong Country = Donk KINK Kong Country
It's for my video game design degree. Lots of colleges have been offering them now.
for got to reply you.
What's the title, guvnah?
how do i set up a date with this stud
Wracking my brain, the only time I can think of hearing the phrase was by timmy turner's black friend when they got trapped in a video game.
It makes sense at least and was thought up before reddit was a thing.
Sonic uses it the same way. A "zone" is a level, and is composed of acts.
It's really old. It dates to arcades. When you get an extra life in an arcade game, it's a "free" man, because it doesn't cost you extra quarters.
underrated post tbh
How about Miss player instead?
Anyone who replies to this thread seriously is an idiot.
A set of levels is called a stage stupid.
no but those are some serious dubs
Basically any shitty retarded terms that don't need to exist.
Anyone who replies to this user is seriously an idiot.
Get over it.
Roguelike is fine when it is used to refer to games that are actually like Rogue, because it really is a genre of its own. It's only retarded if you use to mean "a game of any genre with around as many random elements as diablo"
Go fuck yourself you fucking newfag.
No, a level is a measure of power, as in "I am a level 15 paladin", stupid.
Diablo 1 was created as a graphical, simplified version of Rogue.
It's Original Post you newfag
You're not much better dhipshit.
Levels and stages are sequential, maps are not.
fucking this
I’ve heard extra guy, but not free man.
I've never understood why people call kills in FPSs "frags". I assume it comes from using grenades, but why use it when you shoot people?
Also calling your character in an MMO a "toon". You aren't playing bugs bunny.
Map is just a synonym for level used by some games, such as tactical games. Level is used more often but they are equivalent. There is no need to be upset.
I'll clip ur mom's magazine nerd
Blame Quake.
Wew fucking lad.
I'm youngfag and even I know people used to say free man, or extra man based on how extra attempts were often represented a little sprite of the player character in the corner.
Post this pseudointellectual cancer you fag. I want to see the miserable state of education surrounding vidya.
They're called extra lives, who the fuck says "extended play" or "free man"?
The Japanese.
"free man" is something that might have been said in the NES era and basically never again. Then again, all three of those sound like ancient terms
They still use it in tons of Mario games, just not Odyssey. Christ, are you twelve and Odyssey was your Mare-e-oh?
first* Mare-e-oh?
To be fair lives are an ancient mechanic.
No, more like SMB3 was my LAST Mario
Back when I was a fucking goyim that played World of Warcraft, I got into an argument with some faggot who insisted "toon" was the right term and "character" was stupid, it got so heated that the entire fucking raid group dissolved because of the shit-flinging that erupted.
That's some amusing autism.
>(((you))) = fag
I swear "toon" was a post-2005 thing when newfags started flooding the game after that one South Park game. Now, that may sound stupid consider WoW was always a newfag magnet, but we're talking about a whole other level of cluelessness. They're complete inability to co-operate made the game unplayable and eventually caused it devolve into the glorified single player game it became.
*meant episode here, obviously.
You play through a stage, you play on a map.
And morons use it when they actually mean move sideways.
You stop that shit right now
I've played on many parts of a stage and I've played through one corner of a map to the other.
It's okay user, you'll eventually learn how to use English properly.
Rogue was just an adventure game with permamanent death, nothing more. Stop putting it on a pedestal.
All this people taking the bait.
What most people call "adventure game" is something pretty different.
point and click adventure =/= adventure
zork and full throttle are different game genres whether you like it or not, reddit.
The world would be permanently, measurably improved if everyone who calls customizable avatars or player models "toons" was suddenly killed.
The absolute worst. It's painful to hear this used and I don't even play MMOs
life insurance
I don't get it
Never mind it's the McKids episode, forget I said anything sorry
Makes me furious
I hate most of the "professional" Smash terms
Noticing a trend of 'W' starting these words too
The term frags comes from Quake and UT where a lot of kills are done with the rocket launcher or other explosive weapons.
Does the term Roguelite make you feel any better? Because it just makes me angrier. Stop trying to fit the word Rogue into the term just call it something else. How many fucking people these days have even played Rogue?
They do have traits in common.
I call it die & unlock.
Reminder: These are in the same genre as Rogue, Nethack, Unreal World, Andband and IVAN.
I agree. There needs to be a new name that mocks roguelites for trying to associate with actual roguelikes.
is a file where terrain data is stored so that a game can render it
can be considered a level, but is frequently delineated as a part of a level
is an abstract "unit" of gameplay
"map" became a synonym for "level" after Doom came out, because each level was its own map, and that same standard was followed in Quake, Half Life and many later shooters, but that does not necessarily need to be the case
Fuck. I call controllers paddles and can't seem to shake it out of my head.
This is true, I've abandoned the concept of a life years ago.
"Strafe" doesn't even relate to movement to begin with. It means fucking "punish" in german, so really, it's arbitrary.
Don't worry, it's just assmad closet normalfags getting self-conscious :^)
Roguelike is a shit genre name to begin with.
Remember back in the 90s every fps was called a doom-clone? Then someone with a brain realised that shit wasn't going to work in the long run and coined the phrase first-person shooter? Notice that we don't have any autistic debates about it now because the genre's very name succinctly summarises what defines it? Imagine if we had stuck with doom-clone, or even gone with doomlike. Then when games like portal got made we would have started getting complaints about how obviously different from doom portal is. We would have then had people throwing the phrase "doomlite" around to try and compensate.
That's what's happened to roguelike. The genre name should have been dropped for something better a long time ago.
No, eat shit. If we drop the Roguelike name and go with some broad, generalizing term like 'permadeath-ASCII-dungeoncrawler' then future games will continue deviating from the original until the genre stops resembling what it started out as (kinda like fps games!). Roguelites help make a distinction between actual roguelikes and games that have fucking nothing to do with Rogue.
The problem is that roguelikes are a subgenre of RPG with very nuanced characteristics. What do you propose we call it? Permadeath dungeon crawlers? Each name I could think of would bring endless autismal fits over the name not being accurate enough. Roguelike is vague enough for autists who disagree to inject their own idea of what it is, which prevents all discussions on games in the genre from devolving into semantics.
anyone have the >toon copypasta?
Roguelite is better but still bad. I have actually tried Rogue.
This is also fine, "indie devs" who call their spawn a roguelike when you keep unlocks after dying grind my gears.
No they are not, check the berlin interpretation.
What this guy said
Atlantis confirmed
Reminds me of RPG. Most RPGs tell nothing about the gameplay most of the time. Action RPG? Sure that works but Tales of Hearts R and Fallout being under the same label is bizarre.
As for roguelikes, how about something along the lines of BASIC (as in the computer language) Adventure Game or Procedurally Generated Dungeon Crawler.
Thread winner right here. How did this shit even get started? Was Disney's Toontown that much of a trendsetter in MMOs?
Fucking off yourself
Is this Player Miss?
When playing Contra, my old man'd always call lives "reinforcements"
"Allegedly" (this is based on self-proclaimed MMO oldfags that I found on Jewgle), "toon" was a term that arose so that RPG players could feel less attachment or show that they don't identify with a character they generated. As a guy who's played tabletop RPGs for 10 years, I find this to be very retarded, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it were true because even most tabletop RPG players are very retarded. There are some traditions, like giving human traits to the dice or RNG, that are fun, but that just sounds very cringeworthy, like the person saying it honestly thinks their dumb character is a perfect representation of themselves in high fantasy.
If it wasn't for his eye and nigger lips he'd look half decent.
So posers then. You can go on urbandictionary right now, a site founded in 1999, and the oldest entry for toon as used in MMOs is in 2004 which even then mocks the term. It was never a "MMO oldfag" thing, period.
No, it was used in EverQuest. I know a guy who used to play EQ and knew others who were so addicted to EQ it ruined their life and they used the term.
I think "Please send tell" has stuck around because it abbreviates to "pst," which indicates that you want to whisper something to someone. It's a play on words.
if it's an RPG it's a guild, if it's an FPS it's a clan.
or if you're like a guy who was part of my UT clan and hated the term "clan" because he grew up in appalachia, it's a "team"
Sounds like a fag.
To him "clan" meant his inbred family fighting other inbred families over stupid shit, which he worked hard to drag himself away from.
he was a cool guy, I respected it.
So, like this?
>Question block = Mystery block = Hmmm block = clang thread
Opening Poster truly was a faggot today.
First time I hear about these.
Wonder what wicked weirdo would warp words in this way.
And we have a winner.
You sicken me.
Anyone have images from that incident?
There is a video of 4 guys doing a factory during the "incident" on jewtube somewhere.
Not going to post it since I'm secretly phoneposting from bed.
Act=Episode=Mission Pack=Map Pack
It's what I usually call Doom .wads with less than 9 levels. Those with 9 levels are called episodes, those with 27 are Doom Megawads, 32 are Doom II Megawads, and 36 are Ultimate Doom Megawads.
This is beautiful bait and I intend to use it myself at some point.
>Character = Avatar = Toon
Mission packs and map packs are not equivalent to an act or episode. To begin with, the former two imply expanded content over the base game
Furthermore, a map pack does not necessarily have mission-based or story-based content. They are strictly just maps
Scene comes from 3D modeling programs; at the time, their primary use was in creating movies and TV shows
I've never heard sentence used in that way. Can you provide examples?
I keep hearing of this place but don't know what it referring to.
Pic related on OP's brain.
>Nigger = Porchmonkey = African American
>Kike = Heeb = Jewish Person
Yeah, I'm taking this bait. Permanent death has never been defining to Rogue or Roguelikes. It's the unique turn and tile based gameplay that you can't find in any other genre. Not the permadeath, not the procedural generation, not complexity, not ASCII. It's a genre of gameplay based on a those specific criteria.
Also, "Adventure Game" is the single worst excuse for a genre name I've ever heard. It explains literally nothing. How many games can be described as "an adventure"? What kind of gameplay is "an adventure"?
I've been to a college in recent years. They have vidya design degrees, and like every other class they'll probably have overpriced textbooks to sell you.
Did someone say CLANG?
If Toontown was that much of a trendsetter, then griefing would widely be called "Greening". I'm guessing that "greening" refers to the fact that sad toon health icons are a sickly green.
Not to fucking with greehorns?
I fucking hate
I think I get it now.
Son of a…
"Frag" originally appeared in Doom, and it came there from an actual military term "fragging", which stands for a deliberate killing of a fellow soldier/officer. Considering all players in Doom belong to the same faction, its use is somewhat justified.
>kebab = camel jockey = sandnigger = Muslim
came here to post this
Clever nigger
where the sauce at
Diet shitskin
Water shitskin
Deja vu
where the fuck are her nipples
You're right all games are roguelikes by the berlin interpretation. It's shit and you should kill yourself for trying to follow it
In the Bluray DVD release that's going to sell like shit because the show was hot garbage when it aired.
The W man is well disliked on Super Smash.
Some niggers use the term board.
Where did he get that Fluttershy toy though? Every single one I ever seen were complete dogshit quality.
Have you niggers never played Mario?
Stage = World or equalivant. If someone asks how far along in the game you are, or, what "stage" you are at in the game you'd tell them what world you're on.
Level = Level or equalivant. The level within the world.
Map = Specific portions of a level, i.e, there's multiple stages to a castle. Alternatively, it can be used to group distinct types of levels together. "That level is a castle map" or "That level is a map with floaty islands"
What are you, an uneducated nigger?
A Wombo Combo is a continuous combo between two players
Wobbling was named after the person to popularize/do the Ice Climber infinite chaingrab, whose name was Wobbles
This I dont know where the fuck it came from, other than when you use the reflector it looks like you get a lense-flare "shine"
Wavedashing, Waveshining, etc, is called that because when performed correctly it looks like you're moving like a wave does in the ocean
You're just retarded if you don't get why you need to name this stuff.
Isn't Everquest that ancient MMO that was basically just infinite dailies and nothing more?
You think that isn't dogshit quality?
Fuck, that webm almost killed me. Even without the edit, how can the animation be that bad? Like how does an entire production staff go through with making something so shitty from start to finish?
One hilarious term that I used to encounter in online games that seems to have died down (though I occasionally still see it in German sessions) is "nab" for noob. How did it arise?
One ironic spelling for noob is "nub", people would start missing what it supposed to mean reading it like the actual word (as in a small knob of some kind) and started making ironic misspellings of that, thus "nab".
Sounds britbongy.
Not really. It was more like
Everquest was just kill monsters: the MMO.
not always. Sometimes there were interesting quests
of note is that the quest structure required you to actually communicate with the NPCs by sending them a /tell. This would let you ask about various keywords that popped up in their conversation (or someone else's conversation if you hae a good memory) instead of clicking a guy and getting a list a la WoW
Fuck off you got me
That's the price you pay for taking on a rare deepwater jew unarmed.
This is exactly what I was going to look for ITT. Any time I've asked faggots why they use this term they get defensive but won't say why.
Season 2 of Kemono Friends really went in a different direction.
That's really odd to say the least.