Fast and furious weeb grindan

Anons, do you have some anime action game where I can go ultra fast, do some crazy flashy combos and grind 500 different bars and stats for months?
Bonus points for not being some only game filled with microtransactions.

Xenoblade 2, though you'll have to wait for a Switch emulator to develop first to play it. Patience is a virtue they say.

Nioh kinda.

Are you sure mate? I played 1 and X, and those while weeb and grindy, where anything but fast.

I played it a bit, it's not weeb and crazy enough for what I want. You can't even do air combos and shit.

Need a bump on this.

Have you tried PSO2?

Yeah, it's slow, it's online and smells like p2w, though I didn't get far enough to know.
Same as Cosmic Break and that Gundam Battlefield clone.
I need something really fucking fast, like I dunno, Virtual On tier of fast, but in a PvE game with RPG elements.
Metal Gear Rising and Vanquish look fast from videos, but they don't really feel fast when you play them, since you have so much time to react to everything.
And when I say fast I mean fast combat, like fast strikes, fast dodges, fast parries, not moving around like sonic or whatever.
DMC4 can get pretty fast, but there is barely any grinding.
Fuck I don't think I have any good examples.

She has no sheath for the sword she's holding out and it's pissing me off.

Does Warframe count as a weeb game with all its asian infulence? If so that fits your description to a tee.

Oh shit, you're right. I'm immediately deleting it from my PC.
Here's a better one.

That floaty piece of shit aint fast at all. And it's straight fucking up pay to win from get go.
It's mobage tier of jewery.

It's not fast at all, in fact it's even slower than XC1/X.

Not to mention they're not fucking action games.

its right here you double nigger

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae

oh shit didnt read the grindan part
sorry op

Phantasy Star Online. It's super easy for westerners to get into nowadays and it's free. It's basically sci fi Monster Hunter with the combat you're looking for and way more bars to fill.

I'll just wait 15 years :')

Oh shit oh right, I came up with good example.
Nier Automata. It's a full on action game with dodges, and air combos and shit, but it also has several layers of grinding - you can grind your main level, then you can grind your chips, then you can grind your capacity, then you can grind weapons, shit for your pod etc etc.
Yeah I want something exactly like that, but faster.
NA is kinda slow, it gets fast in certain boss fights like against Emil or shmup segments, but in general it's kinda slow.
Yeah I want faster Nier Automata of some sort.

I saw that game on Holla Forums. Apart from main character it looks pretty bland. And I take it there is no grindan aspect as well.
Is combat fast though? Do you feel like time is slowing and shit?

I played some older PSO games like BB and Portbles and fuck those are slow and clunky and I fucking dunno. I dig the stat-wars-anime setting, but gameplay just doesn't work for me.
PSO2 is kinda step in right direction with faster dodges, air combos and stuff, but still it's even slower than Automata.

You're retarded

Oh and yes in PSO1 or Portable you can play offline if you want, but in PSO2 you need to login every time and there is no offline mode.

If modern PSO doesn't work for you (note that it has changed almost completely over the years) then I don't know what does because going any faster is basically musoushit at that point. It gets faster as you progress through the game and find new skill disks as well.

Code Vein seems to be exactly that.
Hopefully it's good, seems at least decent from what their showing.
Don't know how they'll approach the Open World though.
Also, try Elona+

That's not a sheath you triple nigger. Look how long her sword is, where would the rest of it go?

Like this?

Raiden has a dagger that he never uses
And that has infuriated me ever since I noticed it for the first time

it might be a open shealth


Not even with his foot?

that's his sword from 4, and i'm pretty sure he does use the knife in 4.

Never played 4, but did play Rising, and I'm 100% sure that's his sword in Rising and that it has a knife and that he never ever touched the damn thing

The one that fucks with me is, what the hell is Raiden slicing on the games cover? There's no enemy or boss in the game with that kind of piston-limb looking set up. It's also asymmetrical.

Soulworker is coming out soon.

Oh boy.

In early demo footage, before project was given to platinum games, you can see raidem dual wielding his sword and knife for some attacks in his combos.
This attacks are not present in the final game.

For some reason Raiden lazily whapping down the brick arches is hilarious. Thank god they gave it to platinum, that looks like it would play awfully.

Holy shit that's cheesy.

Please, it looks to be more innovative than the final product, slicker too.

I'm trying to make a functioning version of Jetstream Sam's gun-sheathe to see if the blank firing would actually help with draw speed without dislocating my arm.
It's probably the most "practical" out of all the stuff in MGR; all it needs is adjustment to the gas system and some nigger-rigging to the trigger to bullpup the action and it should function just fine.

Innovative is a good rewording for tech demo. It still looks like it'd make for a hilarious thing to fuck about in but you can easily see exactly why they had so many problems. I've seen plenty of things like this before, where a super cool concept just can't survive the application to good game design and either gets removed, watered down, or put in place to horrible results.

In one of the sengoku basaras your best method for grinding is getting a 5000+combo and 1000+ kills on ichigaya
Does that fit the bill?

ys1 original

I emulated SB3 Utge and it was kinda meh.
Being full jap didn't help either.

Wherever you go you must shitpost huh.

Why would it be the only one that's open?