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GamerGate 2.0: Electric Bogaloo incoming?
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How is that any different from previous GDCs though
GDC: Just as irrelevant as gamergate.
Hope you get a lot of (You)s posting this in the GG general, OP.
What this guy said
Hasn't it always been sjw shit?
for fucks sake
gaming is dead. why politicize fucking computer games
As far as statements go, interactive mass produced art having politics is one of the least controversial statements I think anyone could make.
Yeah I suppose that's true.
Whining about social justice warriors in gaming is such a dead horse that the horse is liquified. Late Capitalist entertainment is such a banal topic with such obvious motivations for either party that I fail to see the logic of anyone who still grabs at it.
It's done. Focus on actual political discourse.
do you even play them? would you politicize chess or poker? they're for fun you daft drunk chink political games could be their own genre but saying all games require it is total shit
Nice to see GCD is still as trash as ever.
Alright then you concede video games aren't art
if movies are political, which mostly everyone agrees, then videogames are political
Adorno died for this
only applies to games that are trying to be movies. the ones about game mechanics have all kinds of different protagonists, many (perhaps most) aren't even human.
only recently because we've hit a fever pitch with it
look back a couple decades and you'll find movies weren't ham fisted poitical statements
What can you really say about this other than "wow that was fucking dumb" ?
The first one looks bad, but I see what they're getting at
White makes or whatever are often the default protagonist in media.
Although I don't think that's nearly as much as the case now as it used to be, and it's not an issue the left should care about
oh no how dare they
why not? if it serves as effective propaganda than we should.
Doesn't this board exist bc of Gamergate?
Another thread for Holla Forumstards to hijack, great, and again it's more irrelevant shit that only fuels reactionaries.
So because 4chan exists because of anime anime should be posted everywhere too?
i am telling you it doesn't. even if you were to go so far as to say it's subliminal messaging these political ideas are not going to reach the target through a computer game
people should have just had respect for the medium as it is but now it's going to be total dogshit and nobody will buy anything. so then long standed IPs will get political like call of duty, which everyone will find tacky and ridiculous (battlefield 1). nothing is going to get accomplished doing this
Idk the way I understand it is a lot of old fags saw there was an initially leftist message in the movement but were disappointed to see it hijacked
I'm all for inclusivity but this womyn and her idpol slide gotta go. She's already going into hiding according to her Twitter.
I don't know much about GDC but according to the comments above this is the norm.
I don't think it's a big deal, but it's true. You don't think that has any implications for how systemic bus may exist?
That said, of course X group is going to be highly represented in media when X group is the majority in the society
so fucking what. white people incidently make the protagonist white
why is this so wrong apparently?
Whites aren't a majority in the US.
Hasn't this already happened with call of duty? They made a big deal about the futuristic game being about robot warfare and shit didn't they? They got Kevin Spacey (known now for House of Cards) to be the villain, which seemed like they were going for something political from the marketing I failed to avoid.
Yes. Not leftist in the sense of anti-capitalism, more traditional liberal or libertarian. Early on when the gaming press was calling GG nazis, the thread took the spook spectrum test and this is the result.
Sure about that?
The market for games is in the west mostly. Most westerners are white. Most gamers are male. There's really not anything more to it than the meme that a white man protagonist will sell more due to be relatable. I'll point to this once again
Gamergate was a fucking disaster. As a movement I supported it from the beginning; anything that attacks corruption and censorship is good to me, but it was very very quickly hijacked by reactionaries turning the movement into something against "cultural marxists" (lol), not realizing they were the same shit GG was criticizing.
I really wish people would turn over the page and stop talking about Gamergate and act like it never happened, because now it's nothing but reactionaries and desperately trying to make it seem like "hey it was actually a good thing" is futile and does nothing for leftism at all.
as a POC, neolib whites and their "HATE YOUR WHITENESS" fucking aggravate me.
They're doing so much damage to actual awareness of the plight, I almost fucking think they're plants.
I forgot to add in Hispanic whites which would probably make it more like 80%+ and a majority for the forseeeable future. Many children in America are and generations from now will be part-white
So it doesn't make too much sense to go full SJW and say "fuck white people" when approaching the working class whether we're talking today or decades from today
But surely if this is true:
then wouldn't it make more sense to not ignore it and instead evaluate it?
Well it's hard to discern to what degree you are correct and it's a result of "market forces" and to what degree it's because white makes are"the default" human being in popular consciousness
🔟years ago we had Steve Jobs👨🏿🔧, Bob Hope🙏& Johnny Cash💵. Now we have 🚫no 🚫Jobs, no Hope 🙏& no Cash💸.Please dont let Steven 69 ♋️die
If you can't tell, does it even matter? They're having the same effect.
are you retarded?
What's with the random capitalization of words in the third pic? Legit looks like someone had an autistic fit on a keyboard.
You're right, I was mostly referring to those trying to paint Gamergate in a good light when whether Gamergate was good or bad at the start is ultimately irrelevant after the Holla Forums takeover and all the terrible shit they did in the name of "ethics in gaming journalism".
what do you mean?
Does it matter whether or not they're plants when they are doing what a plant would do (sabotaging the left)? They're a pest regardless of their origin or intentions.
Look back a little further and you'll see otherwise. Explicit government "partnership" in production and pre-production is hardly a new thing.
The main purpose of mass entertainment is cultural and moral transmission, whether there's a huge production and distribution organization or just a folk story passed from parent and child.
For those of you just tuning in at home, if you've ever wondered what some lobbying firm bills for under the heading "social media outreach," wonder no more.
Very old women and very woke people write everything in title case, I hear.
It's got more uppercase than needed, which tells you they mean business, but it's not all uppercase, which would read like shouting. It's a classy medium between normal case and capslock. The capitalization carries an air of officiality and authority. If Your Statements Are Capitalized Like Titles, They Carry More Weight.
Yeah dude politics in movies is a recent phenomena.
Holy shit can we just kill all gamers already?
Next thing he'll say is that political messages back then weren't "hamfisted."
Cultural Marxism awakened a whole generation of white men thank you you dumb ugly misshapen cucks
now ask yourself if it was mandatory like it currently is
Laugh while you can, whitey. The legacy of Karltural Marx will catch up to you. Soon you'll be playing the chocolate skinflute and enjoying your liberation from toxic masculinity.
oh yeah I agree. I feel as most POC would call her out on this bullshit if she was even remotely relevant. We do a pretty good job shitting on Lena Dunham. Too bad people like this GDC chick turns so many people off before she can be called out.
But it isn't mandatory. Vacuous shit devoid of any political agenda (aside from reinforcing bourgeois cultural hegemony) is being pumped out constantly by Hollywood and the gaming industry.
Please teach me master.
I didn't know we were currently under a feminazi regime.
Video games are an ideal setting for this kind of shit because it's full of socially awkward people who don't know how to handle conflict well. Pair that with the developers' dependence on publisher money and game "journalism" marketing and there's not much they can do. I had high hopes for GG before people like Adam Baldwin (who first tweeted the hashtag) made it about muh regressive leftists.
You literally just gotta practice and pay attention to what he likes. Getting someone to let you suck their dick isn't hard either.
Stop using neoliberal incorrectly, it doesn't mean the "PC police" or whatever the fuck you think it means. It refers to privatization, deregulation, free trade etc.
Feminism has a lot of clout in Hollywood fam. When Oscar speeches include feminist talking points they get rapturous applause and make the news for a week.
Since when? I thought GG was known as a right-wing movement.
Before some Holla Forumstard jumps at me, I know it wasn't at the start.
Into the trash it goes.
I don't think I could go through another gamergate, they are too crafty and numerous and now I see young teenagers talking about them like they saved the world or something.
Reminder this is what Gamergate coupled with Holla Forums brewed.
I never kept up with the intricacies of GG. I just knew some Tumblrina slept with a guy for good reviews and the Yin and Yang of Autism came out in full swing from both sides.
I just avoided it like the plague.
I envy you.
It was painted that way from the start (inaccurately) but Holla Forums and opportunistic reactionaries (Breitbart) and radical centrists (Sargon) slowly co-opted it into being about some bullshit "culture war".
That's the most retarded thing about this. Runner up is thinking this is some deep shit coming from an 11 year old.
That happened and people on 4/v/ started saying "I don't like this," some fag made a video and then the gaming press started saying gamers (their audience) are sexist losers. Basically the trust fund kiddies who are playing 1-dimensional chess in the vidya industry forgot how capitalism works.
He didn't say that there was anything "wrong" with it, rather that it was just is.
Just 'cuz you want something doesn't mean you can wish it into existence, comrade!
I always fuckin' knew it: GG was a left-libertarian movement hijacked by the aut-right. Which is a damn shame too; as far as consumer revolts went, it was honestly pretty great.
To this day, I still have no idea what the fuck the mean by this.
GamerGate, at least in the form I knew it, has come and long since gone. But I remember it well; the highs and lows; our myriad allies and aggressors; I remember it all.
Nowadays it's been twisted into something unrecognizable. What started as a grand reaction against neolib censorship became another vehicle for the alt-right. But for a brief moment back in late '14, I really felt like I was part of something great.
Stay spooked nerd
It was just tumblr fucktards, fucktard.
That's true, but it also refers to 'neoliberal social justice', an unofficial shift among the faux left to creating race/gender balance among the bougies and pushing for symbolic rather than material gains for marginalized proles.
But it's wrong. Stop mangling terms because everybody else already does.
It also perfectly describes the present form of idpol, in which market rules and principles are deemed normal and proper for group relations as well. Neoliberalism is a totalitarian ideology and your pedantry doesn't change that one jot.
Actually the 10% aren't the audience. Forced memeing is not identical to pandering.
Fucking kill yourself, neoliberal. Your personal brand is worth less than nothing.
No it was the entirety of the Gawker newsmedia, the entire bluecheckmark twitter, the entire gaming media sector and he developers themselves who demonized and turned on the community. They made games like DA:I to fucking mock us and push us into submission. Now every fucking game that comes out HAS to have a female playable character, it HAS to be marketed towards blacks and gays. The last Battlefield game had a fucking black soldier in it, of all the wars they could have done that (WW2, Vietnam, Civil War, Korea) they picked WW1. New Dishonored, Zero Horizon, the New Mass Effect and Dragon Age, all the new AAA titles pander to people who either DONT FUCKING CARE about being pandered to or aren't even playing the game. No black kid gives a fuck that there are no prominent black DBZ characters in Boudakai or that Link is blonde and blue eyed or that Kratos is white as snow. Literally no gay guy who is a hardcore gamer gives a fuck about being represented. Its social engineering straight up. The idea that this was a war between neckbeards and purple haired sows is nonsense. It was a culture war between the burgeoning internet culture and the Neo-Lib Idpol mass media machine. The internet will be gay and not give a fuck about it, it will be feminine and not give a fuck about it, it will say nigger and worship fat asses and not give a fuck about it. The one thing internet culture has is irreverence and humility, it isn't pretentious. The mainstream media worships at the altar of MUH OPPRESSED HUEMANS and MUH HUMANISM. Everything it does is ceremonial, ritualistic, autistic and self referential. Its fucking disgusting that anyone who deny the clear as day CULTURE WAR that was waged on us.
Jesus fucking Christ, and I thought I was autismal when I randomly capitalized the important words without thinking about it.
Oh we finally got a reactionary in the thread.
Yeah, Holla Forums would never do that, huh?
every single fucking time
Nothing I said was reactionary at all
pol weren't even half of gamergate and a huge portion of the gg'ers rejected pol and Trump as they gained power and influence. I am one of those people who vehemently supported the GG movement to expose collusion and crony capitalism in the gaming industry along with ferreting out culture war nonsense, I don't support pol and I don't support Trump. so eat a dick
What was pedantic about that post?
Ah you're just sperging out at this point.
In this case, both sperging out and your suicide are perfectly rational, perfectly desirable, perfectly just outcomes.
Gamergate was a retarded movement even to "expose collusion and crony capitalism in the gaming industry" though.
That's been ongoing since before most of GamerGate were born. The industry has literally always been trash, and all the movement really did was rally pure ideology to defend the decisions of cowardly companies.
If a company alters a product because of Tumblr protests, the last thing that needs defended is the company itself. They are the problem.
Fuck off edgy Holla Forumstard.
Auspicious digits, and they weren't. No matter how badly you want pol to be GG, because it fits some narrative or suits your biases its not the case. I know this first hand from interacting directly with a huge number of the supporters on Twitter. It isn't pol's movement, Holla Forums and Holla Forums are not the corpus of interested parties involved in that conflict.
You're either Holla Forums falseflagging or a straight-up schizo (wouldn't rule it out with how your posts have been). It's common knowledge that GG was taken over by Holla Forums. This trash doesn't have anything to do with leftypol at all anymore and it's time to move on and think of new movements instead of trying to "retake" something that for the most part was more consumerist than ethical.
>>>Holla Forums
Yes and it was a wonderful opportunity to synchronize with Occupy and expose Nerds to the harsh realities of capitalism and cronyism. Instead it was purposefully hijacked by the Mainstream Media and the Right Wing to act as a staging ground for neo-political movements. Which is why some people still think pol is gg when they are two distinct movements.
Friendly reminder that gaming is bourgois decadents that in all likelihood will not exist as an industry after the revolution.
didn't occupy die in like 2011-12
What the fuck
wtf i hate the left now
just like pol can't help but call their opponents subhumans. leftists can't help but gaslight their opponents as "mentally unwell" hasn't changed since the Cold War era KGB and won't change ever more than likely. I'll take the victory tho, if you have to resort to gaslighting
Planet earth can't handle your plastic bullshit
The moment he said Holla Forums had nothing to do with Gamergate it became obvious it's just a Holla Forumstard falseflagging.
the embers were still burning
go back to tumblr retard
Also no more Holla Forums after the revolution. Everyone who posts here should be sent to work camps
Otaku culture is also counter revolutionary
you literally gaslighted me though, I never said pol had nothing to do with gamergate I said that pol wasn't the movement and that pol wasn't even half of the people who were pissed off about people being called racists or sexists for not wanting their sub-culture being destroyed by idpol and crony capitalism. Multiple posters have literally gas lighted me.
kys desu
Your theme song:
don't put words into my mouth Holla Forumsermin
You'll just have to adapt from 2d games to 3dpd AR games. Guhross!
Second that.
Do you realize just what an ass you make of yourself not only favoring bourg culture, but pretending among yourselves that it it isn't the most hilarous and utterly worthless crap ever produced?
not agreeing with your reactionary posts doesn't mean i value bourg culture you fucking trash
you could use the time to think of a new movement that doesn't easily get hijacked by Holla Forums instead of beating a dead horse for 3 years and counting
There was literally one level where you played as a black guy in battlefield, most of the levels you were w white guy. Of all the things to get upset about, that's one of the stupidest. It's not like there weren't American black soldiers in ww1
He's probably the kind of person that only reads headlines.
You label me as reactionary based on what, exactly? Whig Theory? Don't you know that liberal ideology belongs in >>>/trash/ , not here?
As if the thread couldn't get worse.
Cultural reductionist pls go. (though I would argue that cultural products and the people ultimately have a dialectical relation with each other, cultural media is hardly the deterministic force it's being portrayed as)
What Gators need to understand is that all this cultural sensitivity isn't some ebil leftist conspiracy to ruin their games, it's a part of capital's need to expand its market. What you have now is the roughly the equivalent of "shove romance subplots into every movie to bring in a bigger female audience" with movies a few decades ago. Even if you were to purge the esjews from the video games industry entirely, they'd probably just revert to the old tactic of shoehorned romance subplots and have BLAST HARDCHEESE stop shooting goons every now and then to pine for his love interest (so, basically Bioware games).
You're not going to solve anything until you recognize that the core of your problem is that video games are a profit-driven industry and that the need to generate profit, and as large a profit as possible, is what is behind most of your woes with this medium, not some kind of leftist infiltration.
There's a reason almost all of 4chan calls Holla Forums the "proto-Holla Forums" and why they were the most hated board before the "normalfag" boards (Holla Forums, /r9k/, Holla Forums, /sp/) rose to power.
I guess this might also explain why Gamergate was effortlessly taken over by Holla Forums too.
You'd think they'd realize this when despite all their whining about "PC culture" and le spooky SJWs the games they dislike so much are still selling like hotcakes.
God I hate gamergay. How people didn't realize the industry worked this way before is beyond me. All these games getting hijacked by SJWs were going to be shit anyway. Stick to classic 90s PC games like Gothic, Diablo, and Ultima for a while. By the time you run out of those we will either be dead or have socialism and the developers won't have to answer to retarded publishers.
The developers will have to answer to retarded politicians, instead. Good alternative.
hmm, yes, socialism is anarchism
Frankly I wish faggots like you would fuck off. Your lack of sympathy for the censorship, the character assassination, historical revisionism against people who really just wanted more trustworthy journalism is exactly what continues to deliver them into the hands of reactionaries. Leftists pretending it didn't happen is the absolute worst move and only leaves a space for more endless idpol shitflinging between liberals and conservatives when we could actually be converting people to your side.
Diablo is shit fam.
GG was idpolitics at its worst. It deserves to be forgotten.
I'll fight you irl.
The first Diablo is a classic. kys fag.
Anarchism is socialist.
Eat more shit pleb. I beat you think Black Isle RPGs are good too.
I don't know how you can compare Black Isle Infinity Engine trash to the original Diablo. My guess is you never played it.
They're both click-to-move shitheaps.
Anarchism is a form of socialism.
Eh, you're right about capital and profit and stuff, it's just that all your specific statements are blatantly false.
Trust me, people in GG understand market forces behind changes in game design better than you and me.
Geezus H tapdancin Xist, you're deluded. I saw the exodus from 4chan and saw how GG was hijacked by pol to scapegoat SJWs as the entire thing. Hell, I was one of the people out of the 140 on that GG political thingie that keeps getting spread around.
Let's be clear. It WAS about journos. pol hijacked it to attack SJWs. ALL. FUCKING. DAY. pol didn't do shit to make up new journo sites. It didn't do anything to make the journos irrelevant. No, the problem was that liberals had power and you dumb fuckers trusted Milo "I wanna fuck kids" Yiannopolous because he talked about cultural fun as a faggot.
So instead of exposing corruption, it was a vehicle to devolve into a pol shit fest.
This is true. A lot of people forget that image boards weren't the only actors in GG. Plebbit and KotakuInAction became bigger than the image board contribution like 3 months in.