Is he /our guy/?
What do you think of The Amazing Atheist?
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We don't have to suck the farts of every person who likes a milquetoast SocDem just because that's the best we'll ever likely see in the classcucked wasteland of burgerstan. Especially idiots like the Amazing Autist
How many times are you going to post his videos here? He's a socdem through and through although I hear Ben (the guy who runs his podcast) was/is a commie.
I only posted one video of him. Didn't know there were more TAA threads on this board right now…
No, stop shilling him here.
He's ok
He's pretty terrible, there is a complete lack of any intellectual effort and instead asserts his feels and then occasionally backs them up with a headline that sounds good. Also, purely subjective, but he's really uncharismatic so his videos are always a chore to watch. At least he isn't as lazy as Sargon
There's one every few days recently, and they all use a screenshot of the video in question. It's a really obvious format.
as he a commie or "commie" (look at me guize i'm edgy)
i'm confident that the guy will inevitably see the light of communism.
he'll become like a Zizek but with proper understandable english
He looks like a child molester and is obnoxious. If we want a political figurehead/mouthpiece I would recommend pretty much anybody else over him.
No idea. Someone on here posted that he was a commie in a previous "HEY DO YOU GUYS WATCH THE AMAZING ATHEIST" thread. I posted again in case someone has more information.
He looks sexy, would date/10
Quality comrade
I see some of the callers got a bit ruffled than others.
What's the fun then?
Maybe it's the Amazing Autist himself tbqh famlad
Do not kid, he is the next zizek
I want to believe but, seriously, only Communism, massive wealth or a completely uncommon family environment/genetic heritage can produce a philosopher of Zizek's calibre.
Just another run of the mill standard anti-SJW. He doesn't particularly bother me, I think most normies probably are thinking what he's thinking right about now.
Why is he wearing a hood?
Just like his name imlies hes good at tearing apart religion and little else.
He's one of the only "anti SJW" personalities that doesn't pander/ally himself to the right which is refreshing, still he's kind of an idiot.
I like bananas
I really liked his television show pilot
this e-celeb shit is getting annoying
especially since most of them have nothing to do with the left
that really isn't an argument tho.
now thats just ridiculous.
doesn't matter if the guy lived in wild his whole life and never went to school.
he still make sens, and i don't remember seeing one of his videos i didn't agree with.
i don't like his fedora tipping ways, but i have to give him credit for being rational and not fall for the spook and feels.
No, bananaman is awful, and it's only a matter of time before he too starts drifting towards right-liberal bullshit, if not simply ends up the way Carlgon did.
Much better potential for being /ourguy/ are that crossdresser and le balding anti-anti-SJW-while-not-quite-being-SJW Britbong from pic related.
Atheism is the key to get rid of religion. But the work is done in western countries. Islam is the next objective.
smh fam, islam was a dead religion back in the 60s and 70, the US brought it back to fight communism.
we can remove religion and secularize those fuckers back, but it will take decades and i don't think any government will do it because those dumbfucks are useful idiots
Apparently him and the drunken peasants talked shit about jimmy dore but I haven't seen the clip. I watch their podcast and its really hit and miss but when it hits its hilarious.
Islam was a normal religion. Those women in the pencil-skirts that you fuckers love to parade around, most likely, were at least culturally muslim. They were also, generally, upper-middle and upper-class. Islam is not some kind of all or nothing thing, where it's either booty-shorts or burqas. There's a hell of a lot of nuance.
He has some okay stuff.
He said he "likes" some things about Socialism.
He said Communism "doesn't work".
Hes pretty meh.
Don't hate him, but don't love him.
The guy mocked a rape victim and shoved a baby up his ass while pouring liquid shit all over himself.
No thanks.
*a banana, not a baby
It was chocolate.
Oh well in that case it was super normal
… He's leftish and against SJW's, which is good enough for me!
He has already apologized for mocking her like 9000 times what does he have to do for you people?
I was watching his video on Trump's stance on weed and he was being pretty transparently hypocritical. He mocked people protesting Trump up until that point, after which he pretty much said people should go full smashie on him. Like, he's gonna pretend like people mad at Trump had no rational concerns about him but the second tiny hands comes after his bud he's gonna do a complete 180? Dude is too obsessed with 'triggering le SJWs xD'
He real is seeming to move further from the skeptic community and more toward our area. He 's begining to give me a jimmy dore vibe tbh
If muke got on DP he could convert him to our side
Jimmy Dore>>>>>>>>>>TJ>>>>>>>>>>Sargoy of cuckkad
He my babies first rational thinking, window into hating religion and finally part of the reason I started to hate liberals and Obama specifically. Also he did a series of videos against this Libertarian idiot and gave the best argument I've ever seen for how a free market is impossible in capitalism and how it would end up resembling marxism or communalism if put into practice without practicing fraud or coercion. In fact my number one argument against capitalism is that its entire basis is just that, fraud and coercion. So while he's a cringey fedora faggot who has a god complex and is a total degenerate, I do appreciate the path he helped steer me onto and I would probably be a lot more of a normie if not for him.
He's big into Nietzsche
the thought experiment basically was that if you actually compensated workers for what they produced and actually charged what it cost you to make things you would make zero profit and goods would be distributed to everyone who needed them according to their output for society and basically nothing else. Essentially destroying the ability to hoard resources or to coerce others into compensating you for more than you've earned. Which is the entire basis of intellectual property rights, rent seeking, price gouging, capital gains, making money off of money etc. Capitalism literally can't sustain its own ideal mode of existence, because the forces that drive it: greed and deceit, would not be able to accommodate true competition and cooperation. Therefore, Capitalism is always some kind of mixed economy that makes use of markets which are heavily influenced by the state. There's never been a market that wasn't influenced by the state and by corruption, fraud and coercion. If that seem incredible to you, you should look up the number of pending cases by the SEC against major fortune 500 firms from just the last 6 months its absolutely staggering. There has never been a for profit, privately owned industry that has not exploited or deceived its customer base and received help from the state in doing so. Go watch the video, its rather basic but the conclusions he draws are convincing and really borderline irrefutable.
I get what you're saying. I thought you/taa meant that right wing economic policies would look like communism in practice rather than being internally inconsistent like you describe.
Oh ok
He's bananas
Ben is his best friend and he's a communist (though also a stoner) and he hasn't convinced him.
Also, Jimmy Dore may be on their show soon. They say they want him.
lets move on now
He's actually only 32.
I've enjoyed his videos for a long time. He tends to focus entertainment factor over ideology now'a'days, but I still generally like his stuff.
I see what you did there
Naked Ape just made a response video to this and basically ripped TJ a new asshole for providing literally zero sources and making shit up half the time.
He looks like god damn Socrates next to Carl.
He might actually manage a response to leftist instead of verbally shitposting for five hours
I used to like him a lot, before the Ancap, Alt-right, Libertarian, anti feminist conservative, cancer came in, then I realized he was an ideologically lazy liberal and stopped following him and all the Skeptic Youtube Atheists.
are you me?
Nope I dont worship Marx Lenin and Stalin.
Yeah, he's not gonna plot his arguments and call everything a logical falacy like the rest of the anti-SJW crowd would because he's actually trying to be sincere instead just proving a point to jerk off his own ego.
He's a lot like Zizek in that regard, except he lacks the fancy academic formation and the reputable intellectuals to quote from.
I found him very relatable when I was a liberal, his older stuff is really good and borders on Libertarian Leftism.
Sargon isn't lazy, he's just pretentious and self-satisfied. He doesn't believe his ideological opponents deserve any better than his 5 minutes, and in a way he's right considering that attitude is what gave him his audience his narrative's influence.
Years ago I recall watching a video where he described his sisters girlfriend saying she was a socialist while they were at mcdonalds.
So he stole her chips. She protested. He said, but this is socialism, you have to share in socialism so I get all your shit.
He grew up in the south and had some Libertarian leanings early on, even still he criticized Capitalism and Capitalist Culture on multiple occasions in his early videos.
It's wrong to hate burgers for being burgers.
Then go get crushed by capitalists.
don't you need to read to do that
except that Zizek is 100 times smarter.
I hope he dies in a fire, to be quite honest
Dying would be a good start.
look I know it's fun t laugh at retarded e-celebs and all but everything has a limit
Carl can't be bothered to read, watch, or listen to half the people he disagrees with because he is lazy as fuck. His audience just happens to also be lazy af
i want it back