Why are socdems such pussies?

Every time I try to instill the importance of riots and protests in causing political change, socdems always tell me that "violence is never the answer" or "I only support peaceful protests". How do we make them realize that the threat of violence is necessary for true revolution?

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Yeah they've fallen a long way from being Freikorps stormtroopers

Brainwashing from generations of propaganda endorsing 'peace' and not actual healthy society

Because they're retards.

Socdems need violence more than anyone. Our entire reason to exist is basically so that when you're burning shit I can go "Hey, if only there was a way to make him stop burning shit without killing you, maybe if you meet him half way…"

Good soc, bad soc.

See, I think you've confused SocDems with your standard run-of-the-mill liberals.

The reason I call myself a Social Democrat isn't because I'm too much of a pussy to go full AnCom, but rather because I don't see full-fledged socialism being feasible in current US politics. In a country that decries fucking socialized medicine like it's the second coming of Josef Stalin, proposing anything left of SocDem is essentially political suicide.

Make no mistake: If the revolution comes, I'll be one of the first to grab a gun.

I unironically support batallions of Katana Nerds hopped up on Meth, Tren and Test acting as shock troops during the glorious uprising

Reminder that the IWW was once a major force in America. With the Internet now a thing, the FBI has its hands tied behind its back when it comes to repressive ability.

Plus, with reworded arguments against capitalism from Stirner, you could probably convince a fair amount of the "don't tread on me" people or at least show their "libertarianism" to be full of shit.

There's no reason to be a Socdem when everything's lined up for actual anarchists (not smashies) to take the wheel. Your sentiment's not entirely misplaced, though. I get where you're coming from

Because they value continuing their current way of life over going to jail and effectively ending their life.


Jesus fucking christ, people actually believe this

You are ok, fam.

But you still need to apologize for Rosa.

What, are they playing 4D chess, ahead of every move like 1984's Thought Police? Everything can and is published on Wikileaks. They're only able to contain the left because they always nip organizations in the bud and because the mainstream left is so incompetent and full of idpol.

If a mass class movement did form, they wouldn't be able to do to it what they did to the Black Panthers.

Eh, I group them under the SocDem umbrella.

Possibly because my own political path has essentially just been "Liberal becomes increasingly disillusioned", never managing to transition to any other left-grouping because I don't believe it can be implemented - even Social Democracy can't be implemented, and if it is then porky will just fuck it up.

Holy fucking shit the average alt-politics person is as dumb as the average normie

Well, what's your great revelation, o genius user? That we should sit back in our armchairs as the oceans rise, leading to mass migration and ultimately a nuclear apocalypse? Posadism and Bordigism are obviously dead ends.

The least to be done is to see what can be used within the world of normies. If you can't be bothered to even try organizing anything because you're petrified out of fear of infiltration a priori, why do you even care about socialism?

I'm sorry to group you with them but the only reason I say socdem, is because all the people I know who say pussy shit like that are socdems. Also I tried commenting on the futility of electoral politics and importance of riots in a secular talk video and got immediately assailed with the "I only support peaceful protests" meme.

The FBI are actually more powerful than before user.


Actually yes I really think the more we interfere the more things will go awry
Normies are bug people. They don't deserve to inherit a new world.
i'm anarchist, I despise socialism. I just fucking hate pol and libertarians so I come here. Found Stirner on twitter from alt-left/dirtbag-left anons and then came here. I don't give a fuck about communism or socialism. They're about as desirable as Catholic or Shia Theocracy.

Why do you think anarchism is better than socialism?

riots and protest have one served liberal agendas (or fascism like in Ukraine) in the last years

Because the individual should not be dominated by the whims of the mob and materialism is absolutely baseless and nonsensical.

What about the natural human inclination towards community?

I think you'll see that the only people decrying that are the various aristocracies who gain from keeping social benefits contingent on employment or other obedience to authority. The people have learned a few things since 2009. As have the uberpeople.

You can distinguish sham protests from real ones because only real ones get put down with real force.

Anarchism is socialism, you dumbass. Read Kropotkin! (yes, he talks in terms of rights, but many of his proposals are in line with what egoism considers acceptable)

A necessary improvement upon Stirner is that material conditions and social relations do, at least partially, inform what is in the self-interest of the ego. Without that realization, Stirner's easily coopted by lifestylists like Hakim Bey and ultimately by capitalism.

i'm not sure where you got that, lots of people hate "obamacare"

Because it's a corporate giveaway that doesn't actually give healthcare to people

Public-private partnerships with high finance and mandatory consumption are socialist now? That's very interesting. Please do go on.

"Socialized" healthcare isn't socialist either.

Nothing about anarchism doesn't allow for community

This, neither are cute media marketing terms like "healthcare" in the first place

It's a massive step up compared to what happened before, and people fucking hated it.

People are against obamacare and the very concept of single-payer healthcare in general because it's "socialist".

Half the people didnt even know the ACA was Obamacare. Republicans attached it to Obama so that people would hate the program without actually knowing what it was.