Is there anything us Europeans can do beside wait for Marxist revolutions in Africa and Asia? Using the freedom we stole from 3rd world countries, we're relatively free workers, with major opportunities for self-employment and the such. (Of course, this freedom is merely a muh privilege as the cost to keep up this lifestyle is paid in the rights of 3rd world workers.)
Inaction is inherently reactionary though, and I want to know if there is any way I can be more useful.
Is there anything us Europeans can do beside wait for Marxist revolutions in Africa and Asia...
"Merely a "muh muh privilege"", nice going me. No idea why "muh" is there.
Because there is a word filter on "privilege" that puts a "muh" in front of it, newfriend.
P.rivilege is automatically word-filtered to "muh p.rivelege"
You wait for material conditions in the West to degenerate. Porky is already abolishing a lot of the accomplishments won by the labor movement in the past century: eventually people will get pissed at this erosion of their quality of life and be more open to leftist ideals again.
Oh, alright then. Seems fair, death to idpol and all that.
I share your view that the revolution must start in the third world. I guess that the best way to help would be to go there and agitate; short of that, you can promote revolutionary movements and donate to them. Donating is often illegal though.
And then porky buys them off again with another New Deal.
You have more faith in capitalism than I. Crises of increasing automation and environmental destruction are coming - the problems may be too big to resolve in such a way.
The USA will just crush it. Do you know how obscenely huge the US military and navy are and how far-reaching its ability to project power? A revolution in a place like West-Africa would just get put down by them and their NATO slaves with the help of local reactionaries.
Exactly, any revolution that has even the slightest chance of success would have to start in the US.
Which is unfortunate because the US working class might just be the least class conscious group of people in the world.
Revolutions are not supposed to happen in the peripheries of capitalism you shitdick, and "we live well because we explore the third world" is some babby's first leftism shit.
Except that's where they do happen.
Aye, going to Rojova is a great idea which I heavily consider, in fact we should all consider it. Always nice to explore alternatives too though.
Used to happen, because of the Soviet Union and the global network of Marxist-Leninist movements financed and supported by it. This isn't the case anymore, and it didn't work in the first place.
The Soviet Union was itself the result of a revolution on the peripheries of capitalism.
It came closer to working than Western attempts did.
It didn't work because the so called 'ML movements' that the USSR supported were most often nothing more than national liberation movements that adopted the veneer of ML to cash in on those sweet, sweet revolutionbux.
The USSR knew this and didn't really care because they were more concerned with shafting the US than actually spreading the movement.
You don't get any points for coming close. It failed, move on.
Yep, and the entire revolution was predicated on the idea that a revolution in Germany would happen concomitantly. Without core countries to support it, any revolution will collapse.
Great logic, I guess Juche is also more commendable than anything we do in the west because the Communist party in Korea is in power and here it isn't.
That's not an argument against ML though. Imagine the accomplishments of the USSR but multiplied by ten in a high end country like USA, Japan or Germany.
Move on, sure, but we have to learn from the past. History shows that revolution has been strongest in backwards countries.
We're talking about where it will start. Of course the revolution has to spread after it has begun. The example of Russia/Germany indicates that the starting point is likely to be in the more backward country.
What has a 70 year old regime, established by foreign occupiers, got to do with revolution? China would be a better example, and although it is currently not commendable, that has nothing to do with what I said. I said it came closer, and it did, when it was undergoing revolution.
Seizing power is the first step and you can't get anywhere without it. So far the first world has shown very little revolutionary potential.
Biggest chance for a revolution in the first world was probably Germany after WWI. If all the Freikorps didn't feel betrayed by the left after Versailles, they probably wouldn't have held so much reactionary views.
In both revolutions after WWI - in Russia and Germany - the alienated soldateska, depressed with their defeat and feeling betrayed by their leaders, made the decisive difference for the success or failure of the revolution.
America is distracted by Islamic terrorism, actually this is the perfect environment for a communist country to form.
Although i can not think of any places that that will happen in.
It feels like communism is sort of dead.
Even the supposed communist states are just state capitalists now, although i will give fidel props for not selling out cuba till he died.
The upper class of third world nations are mostly westernized, they get western educations, they will in all likelihood take their nation down the road to neoliberlism.
Like, what if mexico became communist?
You fucking bet the democrats would be demanding a wall lol
That's a huge spook though and mostly fearmongering. Just compare the amount of terrorist attacks in Europe with the amount in the US since 9/11 - and it surely hasn't been becoming less of a difference since the recent influx of refugees and migrants.
It's more likely that you die in the US by a falling piece of space garbage that hasn't entirely burned up in the atmosphere than dying in an actual Muslim terror attack.
All american effort is now put into battling Islamic extremism.
Lets say there is a communist revolution in brazil, they attain nukes, become butt buddies with cuba and spread communism through out south america.
All while america fights isis and al quaeda, and the taliban, and , and , and.
there already was the pink tide in south america, what if it turned red….,