Name a better game intro Holla Forums. I dare you.
I bet you will just come up with some artsy shit.
Name a better game intro Holla Forums. I dare you.
I bet you will just come up with some artsy shit.
lmaoing @ ur game
Not even the best C&C intro. Probably personal favorite though.
I don't get it, you just posted a webm of today's news?
Shameless ripoff of Road Avenger.
Im sorry for jewtube.
Both came out during the same year, and Battle Mobile has actual gameplay.
Except Road Avenger is a port of a 1985 laserdisc arcade.
This is 10/10 taste
Too bad the game doesn't live up to the intro
Flashback was chock-full of animated cutscenes, and that was impressive for a game that fit in two floppies. The space-saving trick: they were generated with vector graphics in real time.
My bad, still BM is better.
Excellent taste, user.
Helghast did nothing wrong
Time to fix that.
Even if the game itself was disappointing, Blizzard still is one of the companies with the better CGI intros.
Move out of the way faggots.
Cool as fuck, and it's translated?
I was so fucking excited to play this game when I first saw the intro cinematic.
It's not as good as I remember it being, but I still doubt any game will give the same sense of adventure that watching this gives.
Here's the game and a guide. Have fun.
Shit, that's the game's soundtrack. Here's the game.
no contest
All the intros for this game were great
Remember to max your volume when watching the best
This isn't Mech 2, but when that game came out, its opening cinematic was considered the best CGI of the time, which is crazy looking back on it now.
this is the best. That's what got me into techno and other electronic music.
Wasn't an intro so I didn't.
Helgan did absolutely nothing wrong or morally questionable
I've always thought Brood War's intro was top tier.
I think this is the one I remember most distinctly from when I was younger
man the mercs intro is burned in to my memory, the flames washing over
Best answer right here. Titties, fightan', and some sweet rockin' tunes. I fapped to this intro back in the day.
I'm gonna go back to the 16-bit days before CGI shit and just go for a classic tune that gets you pumping.
Interesting how the original C&C involved so much collateral damage and killing civillians. Then in Zero Hour it's practically all gone, save the start where the GLA launch a chemical attack on Yurop
One of the best ones ever made to be honest.
post more RTS intros
It's not all that good, but it stuck around in my mind
You got it
The chess thing makes pretty good. Otherwise it isn't much.
It's shit. Marines acting stupid and dying in droves to orcs
Reminds me of the one from FFT where it jumps straight into a battle.
The original Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior opening is a classic, but Super was gobsmacking when I first saw it. Seeing the massive and detailed sprite-work when Super came out blew my fucking mind. I'd never seen graphics that big (literally) before. Ryu took up the whole screen, and he was animated in parallax layers to give the illusion of depth as arms and shoulders bounced at different speeds. It helped that I was a Street Fighter nerd as a kid.
Fuck yes, this is another great one. I love the whole aesthetic they've got going here. I don't understand how this game can be in the same world as FFT with all those furries and scalies but whatever.
Zelda 2's opening theme is seriously underappreciated. I used to leave the NES and TV on as a kid just to listen to it while I went to sleep.
Have your (You) and begone.
It reflects the gameplay though, hes capturing a point in order to call down a steel rain.
I'm just gonna drop this here. Cause Motoi Sakuraba did some of his best composing work ever on this game, but every keeps on gushing on about Souls.
It's gorgeous
You all have shit taste and should be ashamed of yourselves
all the persona openings are pretty good
Best racing game coming right through
7th Dragon 2020
not a mikufag but this one's pretty good
short and sweet
RIP Relic.
Use hooktube at least you fucking faggots.
For what reason?
He thinks youtube isn't a dying site that will somehow datamine you for watching a video with less than 2k views. If hooktube could get timestamps going and generally worked as well with most browsers as traditional youtube embeds did I would probably do it as well. As it is I can safely say it doesn't fucking matter.
You're a dumb ass and it was hardly a few years ago when anons found out that reddit automatically shadowbans you if you direct link from here. Not to mention it's a jewgle platform, so they will take all the data they can from you and if you do not clear your cookies, it will add up to create a personality profile of yours. If you are a dumb ass who doesn't care about his opsec, might as well post your address and phone number on kikebook.
They're already demonetizing every video ever posted there anyway. It's not like it needs authorization from somebody from Holla Forums viewing it to do that when the slightest sound or frame of a video is enough to confuse the bots and do that anyway.
Unless you go to reddit who fucking cares?
If you're retarded enough to not be able to clear your cookies you frankly deserve to be spied on by jewgle.
What are they gonna do? Send me Pineapple pizza? I assumed people who post here already use a VPN or some way of masking/circulating their IP to evade bans anyway. Honestly where do you think we are?
Of course you would never attempt to evade a ban with a VPN right?
Witcher 2 kind of sucked but damn.
I'm not gonna bother for this kind of shit. I bother with hooktube when I need to prevent some eceleb faggot from getting views
Thanks for reminding me that it could have been anything like MM8's intro instead of a product placement whose primary benefit was a bunch of memes that were created over a decade later.
I always wondered what the ork used to destroy the Dreadnought. Like a HEAT mine with a magnets.
Tankbustas come with those in the tabletop but the game never had em, though the models still carried them around.
Its rare to see this many quality posts, nice work. Here's my contribution:
Combed the thread just for this, glad someone posted it before me.
Soul calibur games always have memorable intros
Do you think the Ruby Spears Megaman cartoon exists because the producers who were sold on this pitch were lead to believe the show would look like that (albeit, with fewer frames of animation)?
It looks that way. According to this interview, Capcom had dictated that the original design would be used, but RS's test audiences didn't care for the look.
I submit for the approval of the Vidya Society; G-Police 2
Skipped around, so not sure if this one's been posted already, but Rise of Legends definitely deserves a post.
This is the game I want to play again at least once in my life.
I know nobody has the CD images anymore.
I know it will never run on any operating system past win 98.
Still I will fight for this game. I want to play it before I die.
That is insanely impressive.
My fucking nigger. Yes.
Here you go.
I wanted to post Earth 2150 Lost Souls' intro, but man it's worse than I remember, even if the game itself has excellent atmosphere.
Have Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion instead.
Done, next time try hard OP.
Get the fuck out with that trash.
After 22 years of first playing it, I still think it's the best.
Came here to post this. It's a classic and will never stop being amazing.