Losing control?
Whats game has your favorite character creator?
Losing control?
Whats game has your favorite character creator?
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Eh, Monster Hunter World because I don't have to work too hard.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
God I'm tired. Last two days couldn't sleep at all and just roll around in bed for hours trying to. Didn't help my parents brought family over at like 8pm last night.
Why did they bring annoying fam?
I'm back, I finally got a night where I can afford to stay up.
I'm not much into character creation, I'm very bad at it. I guess dork souls cause it's a fun game.
Why are you sleeping at 8pm?
same here. I only got around 4.5 hours of sleep at night and felt like shit. McDonald's is what's keeping me awake during my shifts now, and my sleep schedule is too fucked to be fixed at this point.
Who's the Sam Hyde of 4 am?
The food does that? Unless your talking about breakfast idk.
Mornin lads, how you all doing?
Playing anything fun?
I've reached an ultimatum. I'm going to go to Japan instead of going back to school in the fall. I have my whole life to pay debt and be in school and shit. But in 2 years the Summer Olympics will probably kill Japan. So I'm saving now; and already have $1000. I'll still pay my student debt along the way while getting in shape, but I'd like to stay in Japan for about 3 weeks or maybe a month even. I know there must be plenty to see and do. I want to visit it all. I'm all fired up for it. I'll be putting in the application for a passport SOON.
Soul Calibur IV
damn man, that's pure misery.
Welcome back user, how you been?
I tried to go to sleep at 6pm. And because I like to wake up at like midnight.
How goes user
Who knows
I'd kill for some mcdonalds right now. Will probably chug the rest of the dr pepper I got to wake up in a minute.
How goes fam
Been to the rijksmuseum. Absolutely stunning. I took some pics too!
I guess dragon's dogma. Not hard to make waifu and it actually impacts the game with your character's size, weight, height and other stats.
Also, I want to die. We should genocide all waterfowl so the flu stops spreading.
beautiful user
Good morning, faggots.
I'm not really into character creation.
Japan is great. See the token parts of the cities, but also try to avoid them. The small towns are great but they don't speak a lick of english. Also visit the fox sanctuary.
Do you just wake up specifically to make 4am?
Monster Hunter World, spent an hour on the character creator.
Does your family hate you?
Nice fam! I'm glad me bugging people to go see nippon is having results.
Are you going to train around the country? Do you have a list of places you are going yet? Are you going to soaplands?
Max lewd.
How goes user
Sup nigs. how you feeling?
I'm not really feeling too well. I've had better days to be honest. I have some rum in my kitchen that looks mighty tempting.
It does? I always just made two little girls to go on an adventure together.
How do you find a girlfriend if you are in your late twenties and never had one? Is it even worth trying?
Probably Fallout: New Vegas, I don't usually customize my character much
well you certainly aren't going to find a girlfriend by not trying.
It'd still be on humans though.
How goes user
Whats good in the hood monica
I just like being awake at night because I have the house to myself.
Whats wrong fam?
Sick, tired or what?
imo 3DPD is shit
You'd probably be more fruitful asking /r9k/ than 4am, my dude.
I too like that feeling.
what did he mean by this
had a feeling that would be the case. Still, I'd like to tour around and see the countryside too.
how'd your Mila turn out?
sounds like a pretty good plan right now.
barely right now
not intending to but may once
Feels fucking good man. Saw all the classics.
Elder scrolls had a great one. Didn't mind the dark souls one nor the M&B one.
That is an alright plan. You're gonna want like 5-6k if you want a long trip.
Get swole.
Mostly the shitty coke, but the food's not bad, per say. I usually just get fries and a jr. chicken burger. Shit's cheap and tastes better than I thought I would.
work was boring. At least it was a weekend, and not as much work comes in on weekends. Also I learned that one coworker and a friend I haven't spoke to in a while both got DBFZ. the coworker mentioned he had Goku/Vegeta on his team, and he didn't mention his third character. My friend doesn't have much fighting game experience outside of the times I destroyed him in KoF XIII and USIFV, so I'm surprised he got the game at all.
ok might've bungled up the eyes but it's fine.
First you have to ask yourself, why do you want one
Oh yeah, my parents are leaving on vacation for an entire week next week at least. Its going to be so damn comfy.
You gotta do a soapland. Prevent you from becoming a wizard famalam.
I'll dig up my old notes from when I was planning my trip and give them to you sometime, might help.
What is that second pic
that's what I had in mind honestly; about $5k~$6k. I can have that saved before the end of summer.
working on it myself tbh.
spoiler alert
characters eyes always look bungled
Yeah. If you're loli you can get into goblin holes and spider pits, but if you're yuge you run faster and can carry more shit.
I'm either dying or wishing I was dead, this flu sucks and it feels like it's gonna be sticking with me until the end of the week, god forbid. Just end it all. Fuck.
I mean you have to go see some parts of tokyo and kyoto, but don't spend all your time there. The forests and small towns are far better in my opinion but if you don't see nijo castle you've committed a sin.
sounds nice
Fam girl problems will probably kill you in the end. Pick your poison. Either go find a stupid bitch that will break your heart once something better comes along or be alone but at least you won't have a dumb broad fucking you over. Maybe your only chance is to find qt shy girl that would never cheat on you.
Ah, well I had plans with a friend but they kind of blew me off to hang with someone else. I hate inconsiderate people.
How goes user
DBZ games attract more than just fighting game fans so
I get the house to myself next week, and last time that happened I got really fucking sick with bronchitis and couldn't enjoy it. I'm terrified thats going to happen again.
Hows life since you got a job?
Lame. You need a better friend
Is this a true friend that made a mistake or a "friend".
lol I didn't want her too look like a psycho so I guess it's fine.
Yes it attracts nigs.
I didn't, I'm just back at college
I'm tired and I have to go to work tommorow.
Make a mcgangbang. Dollar menu burger inbetween a jr chicken. It'll run through you if you eat healthy though.
Sore all over and honestly thinking of upgrading how I into webbing.
Then you're on the right path. Bring a big pack though, something with a frame and can carry 60-80L of goods.
As someone who fucking hates story in games, I prefer it.
How goes user
They have to go back
Oh right.
Hows life since you got a college?
I'm tired and I have to go to NEET tomorrow
Its worth a try I guess.
Hey now, insertion and personal divination is a great asset.
Clearly the solution to my fever and splitting headache is goreshit. I suggest you also listen as the strength of the goreshit track gains holiness and clarity the more there are to commune.
It's okay. Classes are a pain in the dick and I got no friends.
Already deep into 80s pop right now fam
You're not getting indoctrinated right?
to the ghettos?
Do you at least eat breakfast, that helps you out throughout the day.
"friend" i suppose.
Yeah, I know. This happens sometimes. friends blow me off to hang with someone else. Do you think some rum would solve this problem?
Making friends in college is the biggest meme in the universe, almost as big a meme as figuring out what you want to do in highschool.
You could be deeper in chiyopop.
Just seeing if anyone would take the bait.
Do you have any real friends?
To the grave
Two fingers
As cute as some of the music you post is, I never can listen to much of it tbh
Some days I find myself skipping breakfast. Even then it's usually something small like some toast or a bowl of cereal. Maybe even just a glass of water before work. It's a miracle I get by at all tbh.
I mean, I'd like some that are in the state. Most of my old friend I can only talk to when I go home.
Nah, I fell for the STEM meme.
I don't know how you're supposed to honestly. You can't make friends in classes cause you only have one in common usually, and all the clubs I go to either no one talks to each other outside of it or they've already made friend groups.
i'd appreciate that.
eh I doubt she would looks that bad
noted as well. Any other suggestions? I've never traveled before beyond the rare family road trip.
I reply to literally everyone so thats not really fair user
I thought you were canadian or australian
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I don't feel right until I've had one.
Grab some snack bars or something to eat before you go into work
just a couple really. one i've known for almost 10 years. These things happen I suppose. You got any friends?
might also solve my problem
Mass graves because a single grave is too nice.
Breakfast is a very important meal. You should try to get at least some toast or something.
STEM still isn't indoctrinated.
Yeah, but DOA designs are pretty complex to make I found out.
only online
Like gear webbing, like the guy in the middle, well exactly like his stuff.
Traveling suggestions? Avoid what seems to be a tourist trap, jap land is fairly safe so just try and not piss off the locals. You probably should take a crash course on jap etiquette
Yeah, well, you should because it's great and you're a nigger.
I never realized how detrimental this would actually be, it's such a pain in the ass. I want to be AESTHETIC not ASSthetic.
Cliques are for niggers. If you're going to a collegiate club you should only do it to hunt for girls, tbh. Normalfags are a cancer, and finding those not normalfag'd is a rarity and a moment that you should cherish as it's a precious moment that you'll never forget, like the trip.
Similarly, hang niggers.
Why does she look so old? Yoza isn't that old?
Life isn't fair.
let me see!
eeuuuuuuuhh i guess there's a book or "for dummies" guide on that then.
I've yet to screenshot her.
Do what I didn't get to do and rent a car to go drifting in. Theres a company that rents out AE86s and stuff near a mountain pass and everything.
Watch some comfy anime to take your mind off it
Straps then?
You said graves though.
Nijo castle was just an example, but you do need to visit the big shrines in the city and the castles. They are absolutely incredible. I wish I could remember the exact names of the places I went. The big two are kinkakuji and ginkakuji. They are like the eiffel towers of japan. Absolutely beautiful.
The classes themselves aren't, but the people in the fields unfortunately are. But that's just college campuses in general.
Nope, burger.
I go to the clubs for my own good. They give me at least some small semblance of connection to people, so I don't feel entirely isolated.
Aren't you supposed to start eating like nothing to lose the fat?
This isn't life user
Just don't do as I do and use non converted cash. Most places just do cash or credit.
Load bearing ones yeah. They kinda don't have that magical padding modern stuff has.
I find myself deciding between "do I want to get more sleep before work?" vs. "Do I want something to eat before work?" I usually get up an hour before work, since where I work is about a 6-7 minute drive from where I live. Also showers take about 20 minutes to get showered, dry off, and get dressed again. I try not to be slow, but I like hot water too much.
Every time I tried that, it was horrible
I think finding shy qt girl is my only chance, but I have trouble devise a plan how to find one
I gave up so many times on so many things I don't think its possible to have hope
1500 calories a day instead of 2k, or what I can now take while still maintaining weight and gaining muscle mass, 3k. I do that, but it's SO FUCKING SLOW.
Also you'll like this track for sure.
Ok that's good.
Just ignore them.
That pic reminds me. Feminists want SNK to censor the Heroine game. But yeah, try to fit something in there like a pop tart.
All he has to do lose the fat is exercise and have a negative calorie intake. Instead of shoveling 2k+ into his face, eating something like 1500 is enough to get the body to burn fat.
I lost hope once then I crashed a car and survived with little damage. It can't be worse than that.
because all the characters look like shit
fuckin rad
I see I see. So I should make a point to visit all of the really big stuff without paying for the tourist trap-tier shit.
ah right, I can just pop by an ATM in a 7-11 and withdraw all I need in Yen, after a conversion fee, right?
What state you stuck in for college?
Why you roleplaying as a nazi then
Take a shower the night before
Listening to yryr character songs anyway tbh
If you set up a charles schwabb account you don't have atm fees and it supposedly has good usd to yen rates. Was going to do one but never got around to it.
Now that's some bait.
I don't think the local mart would take my card. Its just best if you got cash, just don't keep it in one spot though.
Been that way my whole life, tucked in shirt, suspenders and such. Used to run around in a mishmash of jap, burger and german gear as a kid, only now I've managed to standardize on something that looks good.
Still got a (You)
What kind of parents did you have
I do. Like I said, got no friends.
Basically. Depending on how long you stay, I'd say devote maybe two or three days to the city attractions, then stick to countryside, then have a day or two for buying a bunch of weebshit merchandise in the city again before you leave. By they way the rural inns are very nice, and often have public baths just like anime. I recommend trying it. And if you're going in the summer, for the love of god wear a ton of deodorant and get a fan or something. You're gonna be drenched in sweat and so will everyone else including the native japs.
u wot?
Do you have any friends?
crackling noises and a roaring sense of inadequacy despite all your efforts.
Mayhaps but at least I knew it was bait going in. You did manage to get this one though
None from college no, but I have about six people I still talk to and would consider close friends.
How does that happen when you're down?
ok good, as long as you have someone.
Where all did you go in nippon?
das rite
A maid, and two WW2 vets. Parents really weren't around due to work and whatever. Nothing like getting a brick of 22 handed to you and told to remove all the rabbits.
Hallucination. I fill a noiseless room with imaginary sounds.
Was the maid cute?
Are you like 50?
At what age should I kill myself If I'm still single, a virgin, or in a dead end job?
Hang in there.
I''m horny
Can't go wrong with a good wrestling game
I think a lot of people here assumed they'd sudoku at 30 myself included
Though I've said before, shit changes fam
Yeah, but I still wish I had some here. Only one friend still plays vidya and seldom does he play it with me, and the rest will send an occasional text. However when I go home we meet up and have fun times.
Tokyo, kyoto, a few rural towns, and mt.fuji.
Don't, ride the kali yuga.
Go have fap.
doesn't matter
also doesn't matter.
Honestly if you spend your money wisely you'll end up richer than most collegefags, but that involves investment.
Breathe with me.
a charles schwabb eh?
eh? Do they not take mastercard or something? That's what I've got..How could I withdraw my money then?
this is actually a pretty damn good idea.
i'll have to find one that maybe speaks some english to some degree
FUCK that noise. I was planning on going in the fall/winter anyhow. Maybe after New Year's.
OH. Speaking of baths. I'm curious, how exactly does it work? I mean I know in muh anime they always have the towel around them in the bath n shit, but when they shower off BEFORE bath, I mean is that a straight up "get yourself clean as a whistle" shower like I would take at home? would it be a social faux-pas to thoroughly clean my nether regions in a public shower area before entering the bath?
Go jerk it to a doujin or something.
I wish I still hung with my irl friends.
Don't hesitate. Pull the trigger now. You won't be able to regret your decision after you're dead.
wats your fetish(es)?
Probably younger than you. The old man couldn't run the inside of the house and teach basic school stuff so there was a maid who broke my hand because I refused to learn English. Cute, yeah shes pretty and walks with a limp now but whatever.
I couldn't say, it didn't like the debit or the visa.
Know how you feel user. I've been only letting myself fap every other day, and todays my fap day.
How goes user
I might have to do kyoto next time I go.
A charles swabb investing account or something. Its in my notes
so I should just get some sort of credit card that's neither VISA nor Mastercard?
ah okay. I'll poke around about it.
big asses and vore, keep them very seperated for the love of everything that's good.
I'd look into it. I mean I brought 7500USD in cash when I went, yet I didn't have to pay where I was staying.
Why didn't you speak english?
The fuck kind of weird life do you live user
Start getting into beer fam
Drinking is a big part of nip culture you know. Plus its really comfy going to bars full of broken salarymen
What should I be investing into? I tried my hardest in life to avoid debt, yet I still got hit by the debt kikes anyway.
I don't own any guns, and it's not easy to get a gun in leafland.
I wish I had time to hang out with my IRL friends tbh. Now they're all at UNI or have since moved away.
I'm not 30 yet and always imagined I'd an hero by now.
The shower is a spritz to remove dirt and sweat, and then you just chill in the bath. It's the same as if you go to a public pool. The goal isn't really to get clean but to just relax in the water.
Try and reconnect. Make a throwaway goybook if you have to. I had a weebfriend in middleschool who is a fucking translator in japan now and I need to get in touch with him, haven't spoken in years.
Kyoto is the cultural center. The castles and shrines are great, and is about japan's history. Tokyo is for the anime stuff.
I know glass houses and such but why?
Same way. I haven't fapped in a long ass time. It's catching up to me, especially around fucking valentine's day, damn it.
It's 4 am, too much shit to read for my head
I don't know, it's just there.
Long term stocks. Most things grow steadily, and so long as you put bets in different markets and not in competing businesses you'll do fine. Also, pay attention to what trump does since you can usually pull out before he does something big, watch the jews crash the market around him, and then make out like a fucking bandit.
oh was it part of a student program or something? Either way. Neat! Cash is best though eh? I'm guessing the airport would surely have a conversion counter or something then?
ah okay, thanks for clearing that up for me.
So really the thing to do would be just get CLEAN clean after I get back to my hotel or whatever. Baths are for relaxing. Got it.
The irl friends I'm talking about are basically old high school who drifted apart.
Yukari too innocent.
Probably one of the last holdouts who spoke German at home. It used to be the second most spoken language in America, some newspapers came with English and German up til the 80's.
I have a family there, long story short don't dick foreign women. Airports have currency exchanges, I got dragged to a bank to do it. When it comes to baths and stuff you just sit onnabench and clean yourself then go innabath.
And here I was hoping for something original. I've seen it all and done it all. For once I'd like to be disgusted again.
It's a metaphor. Means "go for it". OD on some syrup than leafy.
Vore is almost vanilla. Even gore vore is pretty tame by my standards. Most people pick up fetishes from stuff they see in the media subconsciously.
I know I got a life/soul drain fetish from the movie Hocus Pocus
I fucking hate video games. Why do I even play them.
Getting a gun in leafland is easy you lazy nigger.
I liked having a hotel like literally across the street from asakusa. Had the place to myself every night. Was comf to walk back from a bar and have a few cigs while enjoying the little waterfalls and stuff there.
Why are you not fapping
Boredom? Lack of fulfilling anything else? Empty people, empty friends, boring landscapes and shitty cities? Competition? There's a bunch of reasons why.
Have you tried writing a blogpost about it?
Good night all.
First pic related then?
I would read up on it elsewhere too just to make sure, but that was my understanding of it at least. Have a fun time.
The slow burnout is always the worst.
You have a bery low bar and a very wide stretch of the word vanilla.
neato. The best hotel I was at had an open air bath overlooking the lake in front of mt.fuji.
You've conditioned yourself to whenever you're bored. Try watching movies or reading books. I would recommend starship troopers, the thing, or nature documentaries like blue planet or planet earth.
Are you sure you aren't 50. Why two WWII vets? Were they gay together? What happened to your parents
What games are you playing?
Never! If big boss can start a mercenary army at 56 years old as a crippled guy with one arm, you can make something of yourself too!
That sounds really relaxing
Cya next time you drop by
what are you sad sacks doing for valentines day anyway? I already know the answer I think.
Holy shit white rum burns my throat. How does anyone drink this stuff
there are other breakcore artists out there you know
Yes, but I probably didn't help with it.
Buy some chocolates for Ritsu, have a few drinks and watch k-on most likely.
Also white rum is for mixing fam. Get some coke.
I'm aware.
I'd rather not right now
Guess so. Had it as long as I can remember. I keep it out of everyone's way.
that was part of my plan tbh
neat, problem solved then.
how come?
thanks user! Have a good night.
I have the day off, so nothing. I'll probably post some valentines day art I have saved, but that's it. I could post what I have so far, if you guys want.
Psyche! There was no question mark.
See you shits tomorrow.
great taste
But why though
shit nigga. I don't have anything to mix with. fucked. there's some margarita shit that I could sip I suppose.
do it faggot
I started with the more benign tentacle rape like most people and gradually graduated from there. No one starts out as a complete degenerate.
Purchased a Hello Kitty apron for my 3dpd. Gonna see if I can get her to be naked except for the apron so I can live out my fantasy of molesting my waifu while she's cooking while only wearing an apron.
She's pretty eager to please so I have no doubt she'll comply.
I got tired of mixing shit and I hate hard booze without it. Its part of the reason I'm drinking beer a lot more lately.
Going to try to convince the folks to leave me some money when they go on vacation. Will buy a ton of beer if they do.
Because great grandfather owned the family property, his friend lived in a cabin behind the shop and they just played with guns every fucking day and talked about dumb shit they did innawar like fucking things up. Nothing like stories of putting bolshevik commissars in the ditch. Parents had cash and tended to travel and worked innacity. I got to be the heir of the old mans property and guns.
Getting shitfaced and probably picking chocolate up at the post office.
Just don't knock them up. Daughter didn't like the fact I was using burger money everywhere to the dismay of clerks and such.
ok sure.
I want your life
absolutely nothing
I'll probably just spend that day off like I spend all my days off
i MEANT it was my plan to bang at least one.
i'd rather it not be a soapland if I can but i'll settle. I'd rather somehow find a cutie while i'm touring around and have get to spend some time with her
of course I won't
you can actually get away with doing that?
that sounds awful for the clerks
Valentines day? People celebrate that?
I thought it was just an excuse to get bullied in middle/highschool and later for girls to bully their beta providers.
Good night
Fam I don't want to be mean but if you don't think you could pick up western 3dpd, its not going to be much easier in nippon.
Cya next time user
Guten Morgen.
valentines day is only decent if you have a signifigant other, otherwise you're better off fapping to 2D and hating everyone who's happy.
see you later.
What about the people who are dating 2d and are happy?
I think the 30-40hr's of sleep a week I get would be enough to break you.
I honestly gave the cornerstore lady a hundred dollar bill every time I did a beer run. She chased me away with a broom once.
Sleep well.
Sounds like my kind of night. Could be worse fam. Could be living on the street.
I dunno if people celebrate it. I think couples do just to follow normies traditions
There's chocolate at post office.
You're a good husbando. I hope rits appreciates it.
I use the terms interchangeably although I shouldn't because we're not married yet.
>running my hands up the side of the apron to fondle her tiddies
Holy shit. you got an asian gf or something? why is she so eager to please?
Soritsu. It's not that I don't think I can, it's that I haven't even cared to try.
that's pretty damn funny actually. I'd be mad too if I was a cashier and some foreigner handed me foreign cash.
I'm not really complaining
I slept 4 hours a night most of last year while working so I could go to nippon fam
I am the best in all things I do
While apron only is hot, I don't get the appeal to it honestly. Either your food gets burned cause you are fucking around, or it gets cold because she finishes cooking then you fuck her.
And this is coming from a guy with a girls and food fetish.
Until It's possible to bring 2D to reality, I don't consider dating 2D a "real" relationship. There's only so much love you can have with a series of still images and screencaps of a fictional character.
Why are you spoilering "she"? Is she actually a tranny or something?
Well better start trying. Its a skill like any other. Practice
You'd be surprised. I've dated plenty of 3dpd, been in long relationships.
I feel the same feelings I do with Ritsu as I did then.
That small nip flash is enough to get you banned if it wasn't spoilered?
I get mailed stuff from time to time. Postman don't deliver to my neck of nowhere and the UPS guy will call me to come pick my shit up.
To be fair I kept telling her the change was hers. I think her will broke after four times.
With my line of work and daily activities you'd go insane let alone being constantly sore.
I'm already constantly sore
When do you guys learn to truly value something? There are times where I feel like I don't value anything, not even my own life.
Maybe. Just taking precautions just in case.
pass. I'll have a month to try in Nipland.
she was probably sick of having to run to a bank to convert it every time
She's Hispanic. When day of the rope hits I'll be sent to one of the camps. Until then I may as well ride it until the wheels fall off.
It's not so much she's eager as much as I'm autistic she knows I have explicit tastes. Luckily for me her heart is pretty big. Her ass is pretty big too
She doesn't need her tits for cooking. I won't actually interrupt the food preparation process because her cooking is breddy good.
I blame Holla Forums culture. The idea that anyone might have a girlfriend is sacrilege here. I figure it's best to keep it spoilered to keep the assorted autists and spergs from shouting out "3dpd! 3dpd!"
Holy shit nigga. Latinas are crazy bitches. But they are crazy in bed as well. Fucking horny sluts.
I need stronger drinks damn it
Make sure tokyo is where you are flying out then. In case you gotta soap it up
Whats the best thing she cooks?
Damn I'm hungry. Woke up just before the thread so haven't eaten yet
Ain't we all.
That is what I figured, I almost wanted to come back with my own broom but than I realized I was in an incredibly civilized place and shouldn't rock the boat.
They age worse than Slav women.
i was planning on starting/ending in tokyo. Like that user suggested, ending specifically so I can buy up all my souvenirs and weebshit on the last few days i'll probably make a week out of it
a philosophy I try to live by.
Not rocking the boat unless my boat gets rocked first.
I'm off to bed. See you guys around.
Night, dream of amazons and shit.
Besides that I could get the wife mum to go get me beer. She was more than happy to take my money.
Sleep tight user
Theres this sweet spot, a few hours after I wake up but before I start to get tired where I don't hurt or anything. Its nice.
Nakano broadway. That place was awesome. Imagine a mini akiba inside a mall. So much to buy
Cya next time fam
Plank nigga here. you fuckers. need more dirnks..going to get refill. don't go to sleep yet you pussies
i once drank for 6 months straight
yea she's good at tackling my degenerate requests.
She makes good chillie and pulled pork. Dices up vegetables and all that shit.
Yea I've seen her mother. Still, she really does love me and loves loving me. She also likes vidya and animes.
All in all I could do worse for sure. She also makes good money which will support my stay at home dad lifestyle.
How did that go? Fun? Terrible?
How's dealing with her outside of bed?
Why do you spoil she? Is it a tranny or something
I find laying in the dirt like a deadman makes the pain go away for a tiny bit.
The best for ya I guess.
I drink everyday and have been doing so for the last six years.
Nakano Broadway, noted.
send me your notes you nignog
i'm wondering this
once in a lifetime experience
how much do you drink daily? ever think about quitting?
I take a comfy bath everyday, so refreshing. Make it so hot that I come out of it all red.
I looked for it earlier with the charles schwabb thing but can't find it. I'll find it eventually
Minimum of 12 beers or if I'm out on a long walk its a shot of 98% moonshine.
Naw, can't abandon a friend like that. Besides when you see serious shit drinking eases that pain.
Baths relax me too much, I'd drown if I lasted that long in one.
is your liver fucked?
i just mean your notes in general, not just the schwabb please
Decent? I run her foot baths and do massages for her. She works hard so if anyone needs taking care of it's her.
I try to be considerate towards anons who don't want to see the girl based pronouns and be reminded they're forever alone.
why fuck with beers? Just go straight for the hard stuff and skip the foreplay. Start with some wild turkey.
I'll steam em at you when I find them. They aren't in my nip trip folder which is surprising. And I can't remember what it was called despite it sitting on my desktop for a year while I updated it all the time.
Sadly my bathtub is too shallow to drown in
Hows her foot game monica
Because beer replaces bread, hard stuff is for dinners and partying. I prefer suntory over wild turkey, though the latter is nice on a hot day.
Nothing like a deep tub.
oh i see
rip. All righty then, no real hurry anyway. Gonna be another year before I go anyhow.
Kissable and suckable. I don't have a foot fetish or anything. I just like watching her squirm.
I can't enjoy beer. They all taste pissy to me. At best I can tolerate wine coolers but at that point I may as well be drinking some sugar water for all the good it will do get me tipsy.
was it worth it though?
This isn't the nigger girlfriend is it
Research research research. Especially if you are gonna go around the country. I spent a lot of last year looking shit up
Some beers are an acquired taste. Cheap piss will be cheap piss.
Any particular travel guides/books you'd recommend?
No, thank goodness. She has petite feet. Unless your waifu is a literal Amazon you don't want her feet to be bigger than yours.
A lot of youtube helped me. I watch a few travel channels
Luckily I don't have that problem
Thanks for the notes Soritsu.
I'll be heading off soon to play some bideogames and then sleep.
You lads have a nice night.
yeah, i'll be looking into quite a bit of youtubeshit for this. Thanks again.
Night, Yoza. Might go too.
A thought occurred though. What about manlets with little feet? Not only do they have to deal with being shrimps but there's a good chance any girl they get with is gonna have bigger feet than them if the girl is even average sized.
anyone left?
The dawn draws near. People are either crashing or getting ready for work now. The only only ones left now are the ones who truly have no life. We live outside time. We are the highlanders.
well it's not too late over here. only 3 am. but i will pass out soon too. the alcohol hurts.
good to have you here though fam.
take it easy
i'll try. today was a bit rough emotionally for me. good night.
Why is this site so fuckin dead god damn. No pages will load and the images are done for.