Command & Conquer Thread: Titan Edition

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Turrets just want to be your friend

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Best C&C is Generals. Second best C&C is its expansion Zero Hour. Third best C&C are mods for Zero Hour.
Feel free to continue your thread.

I remember an early version of c&c where the artillery would basically level the terrain down. So much so that you could make gigantic craters.
You also had buildable rockets that would fly in a direction and blast the first target they could.

Does anyone remember which version this is ? It looked like tiberium sun, but when I installed it years ago I had none of these extras. Was it a singleplayer only thing ?

It was Tiberian Sun, though the mechanic was not well thought out. It happened in MP as well. Nod arty used to be retardedly OP and still to this day doesn't miss.

thready reminder that Tiberium is delicious, consume it regularly

it's not that they weren't thought out but that the game was rushed out by EA

That's honestly believable with the state of modern defense procurement.

(You don't deserve them)

All you faggots do is disappoint me.

t. kane

Yeah it was TibSun that did the leveling mechanic with artillery, however it fucked with building and didn't really enhance gameplay so it was cut.
Victory Games was gonna bring that mechanic back with Generals 2 since it ran on Frostbite 2, but…well…we know how that game turned out. I still cry at night

In other news, China has put the MiG from C&C Generals into service.



I made this just to reply to your post user

I still got a ton of issues even with the 1.03 unofficial patch and compatability mode. I'm still getting missing dll messages, so beats me. I gave up on it.

Firestorm nerfed Nod artillery a bit, making them rather useless against moving targets.

TibSun, and it was a horrible fucking mechanic.
Missiles were just Nod Cluster/Chemical missiles, and you could fire them anywhere you wanted. Only Firestorm defenses could stop them.

(crashes into ocean) CHINAAAAAAAaaaaaaa



I really like the OC visceroid.
tfw no renegade sequel in Red Alert Universe

I see you.

In today's industry, some things are better left as dreams, user.

Also, daily reminder that Kane won.

Shaping the land of the dead.

One of the best things in Generals

how do i play with anons

Say whatever you want about twisted insurrection & mental omega but they have some really cool shit in their mods. TI's colorful maps are gorgeous and mental omega still brings some neat looking units to the table.
Shame that they have so many overdesigned & ugly buildings/units on top of all that which turn it into a pixelated mess. If they just put more care into that stuff & kept it simple like the original games would I'd consider them near perfect mods

Any mod that has non canon fanfic campaigns and donut steel units/buildings/factions is automatically shit.

Would it have been good?

By your logic all mods are shit.

Fuck no.

holy shit, THE most cancerous thing today and I've just watched WoT



Show pics of benis.

Not all. Most, but not all.

I lost so much respect for MO after experiencing Foehn. Such a terrible implementation of a questionable at best idea.
Twisted Insurrection's GloboTech isn't anywhere near as bad, I can kinda imagine them as a weird Forgotten counterpart, but TI is complete balls on a basic gameplay level so I'm hard pressed to care.

As an FPS without microtransactions, maybe.

As what they presented, fuck no.

I just got Generals working. After years of completely no change of playing the game, because of the mess of drm having dicksucking sessions with cd keys. And no fucking wonder, it was IGG "version", that was possibly cracked/repacked/installer improved or something by Blaze69. It just works.

Disastrous Holla Forums Game Night when?

Post hype multiplayer

Depends if the netcode is shit or not.

we'd need to play it modded because it's still massively unbalanced unless you're not also talking about Zero Hour

It's not good, but it was good enough to have a 3v3 over hama 3-5 years ago, so it might be better now. We could do it the old way and make lobbies in irc and then just password restrict lobby to a hama server. Change password by the game and we would be good. Maybe.

Missed your point. Obviously we would play Z:H.

we'd need to play contra or something then

Say what you will about that dumpster fire known as Red Alert 3, but if there's one thing it did right, it was the naval combat.
EA took the naval combat of RA2, and expanded it greatly, even letting us build on the water!


One of the few games where navy isn't useless, eh

I have to spoil this for you, but I have not played contra or any other mods. I'm giving a really serious thought about putting up a C&C Gen Z:H Hama server, but I should know something about the mod "Contra", if it would be the one hosted.

Could you give me the minimal possible "what's different"?

I remember RA2:s naval to be fucking great. I remember C&C3 to not have naval at all. Almost like it was NOT born from a human, but from a "think-tank", that was so overdone in the early 2000 - cyber punk in modern era. Liked C&C3, just for the mechanics of the units.

Would you rather play DTA again? I'ts a mix of everything 2D, really good, but also not as good times as Generals.


The one thing RA3 did right was it made naval combat actually fun. In RA2 naval units were an afterthought, as not many maps actually allowed the use of a navy due to how little water there was. But in Red Alert 3, every map has a naval focus.
Over half of the units in the game have been made to be amphibious, and all buildings (except for Barracks, Walls, and War Factories) can be built in the water. The naval units are also really great as well, ranging from small assault to capital ships.
However, this caused the land combat to suffer, as they were more focused on making sea combat fun instead of land. Hell, the Tesla Tank was cut from the game as a non-campaign unit because of the Soviet Sting Rays, which were amphibious Tesla Tanks, but shitty on land.


Quads checked.
Can we do a RE3 hosting night? I would like to have a 1v1 or better 3v3 with anons?

It just seems to me, that there are not enough real RTS fans here to make anything happen. I just don't know.

I'd rather play Kane's wrath or tibwars with the tiberium essence mod

I've not seem much of shockwave but it seems to be the most base game friendly

it's a complete overhaul of the game, rise of the red does some interesting things too but contra is the micheal bay take on thing. I dunno if you'll get enough people from here to play your server so I don't suggest it unless there's a toury night tbh

too bad it's a shit game that's also another starcraft clone along with gay goo and dow3

this over RA3 any day

RA3/TW doesn't run on my system. Not sure if I'm the lone one who has this problem.

Why do people like generals so much? It's so bland in comparison to other games in the franchise.
Units move like they're constantly slipping on soap, effects look and sound so weak, they feel like units are being tickled to death. Units, buildings and even the (fucking horizontal) GUI are fucking gigantic and look like toys, just like in RA2. Everything looks like it's in slow motion. The game just plays too tame and simple, most likely limitations of the engine but still I gotta ask why is it so popular anyway?
Yes I played through it all the way to the end with all factions both in the base game and ZH along time ago, but it felt lackluster in comparison the more down-to-earth designs and atmosphere of TibDawn, RA1 and TibSun. At least those tried to take themselves seriously, which is a big part of C&C's appeal in the first place.

I had a problem where it wouldn't run but I don't remember how I fixed it, pretty sure the solution is out there. I think it was also something really fucking dumb.

that's their first C&C and muh quirky units voices

Supposedly it's some retarded conflict with integrated intel video drivers (even if running with a dedicated GPU), but old drivers to roll back to don't exist for my board.

That'd explain some things. It just baffles me how the one game in the series that's the furthest away from C&C's formula (second only to C&C 4) in gameplay, graphics and design gets this much attention.

Hell, it wasn't even made by Westwood. It was a fucking spinoff made by the same people who made RA2.

see I don't hate generals because it did it's own thing and while it was decent for that, I do hate that the engine was used for Tib warz and then the settling was dumbed down from futurism apocalypse to reclaimism apocalypse


The setting wasn't dumbed down. You don't see the level of Tiberium infection in TibWars because GDI's been controlling its spread and cleaning it up in the 17 years of relative peace they had after the end of TibSun. Their efforts to stop the spread of Tiberium drove the crystal to "evolve" to not require fauna and flora to spread, since GDI was removing mutated trees and animals from the world.
The lack of Tiberium mutations and spread in TibWars is directly the result of GDI's efforts in reclaiming the Earth. That's kind of their job, other than fighting Nod.

though it can't explain why hover technology got canned except for these guys

Horrible mismanagement from the GDI. WHich is why I loved tiberium essence, it restores the tech to TibSun levels.

ZOCOM Being a bunch of cunts horded Tib protection suits and not giving it to everyone in the GDI Army

Honestly the GDI are a bunch of assholes. Except for Steel Talons, they rule.

yeah, Steel Talon Juggernaut are great if only they got snipers inside them

EMP tech ramped up a lot in TibWars. I'd imagine EMP'ing hover vehicles would fuck them over way more than land vehicles, given they're not supposed to crash into the ground when their hover is disabled, or even worse if it was hovering over water.
Alternatively, they probably decommissioned it to save money, since they already had an artillery units (Juggernaut) which was more powerful and could fire over water anyway. They were ultimately replaced by Slingshots for the anti-air role, because they just sucked in every regard.

Limpet drones were useless too, so they were decommissioned.

IIRC Shatterers and Slingshots (the former being ZOCOM's pet project retrofitting anti-Tib utility hover vehicles into badly built weapon platforms) were also decommissioned at the early stages of TibWars, as part of Kane's Wrath takes place before the actual war. Hover tech was fucking expensive to maintain (same reason why GDI decommissioned most mech units save for the Jugg)

no it really was dumbed down, why else was the basic trooper unit for Nod replaced with a "Militant " to then be changed back sort of in KW but still have the name? and the rocket squad icon still retain that design choice not to mention that the reason why it's dumbed down is because it's a straight up generals reskin

TibSun Nod infantry will forever be the best. 10/10 aesthetics.

Nod's second defeat in TibSun, followed by CABAL fucking up whatever remained of the Brotherhood, effectively destroyed the organization, splintering it for the 30th time. Slavik's victory at the end of Firestorm came at a big cost, and plenty of people disliked his command in Kane's absence.
Fast forward 17 years. GDI's been doing moderate progress in stopping Tiberium, and Nod went underground, back to its criminal roots from the days before the arrival of the meteor. Due to lack of funding, manpower and weapons after the end of Firestorm, they had little to work with and their supplies were mostly gone, which would explain why Nod's infantry is actually comprised mostly of militias.
As for the soldiers in uniform in KW, you can either consider them the last actually equipped soldiers of Nod who've survived CABAL's bullshit, since KW starts before TW, or you can consider them a reference to the old soldier design from TibSun.
Not sure why the rocket militia stuck around, but they look fucking cool anyway.

C&C3 did have naval they just weren't buildable in the final game. The earlier builds of the game they played a much larger part.

the CGI? yeah they look better then the FMV costumes

do you see the step down of writing tib war has?

But user, Tiberium's always evolved and Nod followers have always been fanatical/breaking apart.
Doctor Moebius noted that the crystal is so good at adapting to the environment and GDI's reclamation efforts that it could be considered a lifeform rather than an element, which is why it's always changing. The amount of change it underwent between TibDawn and TibSun was way bigger and more impactful than the changes it underwent between TibSun and TibWars. It mutates, but GDI's focused all of their effort into removing anything mutant from the face of the planet since TibSun due to how much damage mutants caused during the war, as shown in many TibSun missions. It's just not there anymore because GDI was sick of it, so much that they unwittingly made the crystal evolve into something worse.

Kane's research of Tiberium's and stealth tech has been happening long before GDI first saw their said tech being deployed. With Tratos dead, and CABAL back under control, he was the one person on Earth who understood Tiberium the most, and his knowledge was preserved when CABAL put him in a tube to regenerate in a secret bunker at the end of TibSun.
There were missions in KW where Kane orders LEGION (the player) to recover the stealth technology. And that's all without considering The Black Hand and their information archives, which are basically Nod's CIA, primarily responsible with reuniting the Brotherhood in case Kane gets blasted by an Ion Cannon.

Nah fuck that, the devs were too lazy and uninspired to continue on where TS and FS had gone. So they turned the setting from "hellish, alien flora and fauna" to "Mad Max but with green crystals, and also lots of bloom".

I would have accepted the lampshaded explanation if they had at least kept in line with the sheer level of desolation and ruin that TS had, just with crystal instead. Some of the artwork seems to do this idea justice, but in the actual game? Nah.

I mean, I didn't tell you anything that wasn't lore. If you wanna blame someone, blame EA, because the devs did all they could to keep TibWars from becoming an esport, or worse, something like RA3 or C&C4.
The point of TibWars is that Tiberium's spread has reached critical levels, and has stolen all the minerals from the ground all over the world, which is why a lot of the flora and fauna are dead (other than GDI's efforts) and everything looks barren. Do remember that it's been almost 60 years since it first arrived on Earth.
By the way, the sequel Westwood was planning was also meant to go the same way with Tiberium being pushed back. Even so, you can see the atmosphere of TibSun is still present in TibWars. Hell, you even posted a picture of the theming right there.

Yeah I know, EA is ultimately responsible for the demise of everything it ever touches. All the same, it really didn't feel right.


see I don't think it "evolved" from tib dawn to tib sun just that it's effects weren't in full bloom because the concepts were still there in both games, tib wars having a different concept entirely just shows that the writer did not care.
religions don't deduce when they fracture, they build up again, Nod isn't any different and yeah you're right Nod is ahead but the thing is it's not some kinda magical level of ahead it's more, in dawn field operational prototypes, in sun better applied understanding of those prototypes, in wars ????? thing looks cool and glowy.

you don't remember the HUGE push at launch to make the game into a sports scene like starcraft 2 was?

Reminder, this game was cancelled because it would be have been too good for EA's standards, so they gave us cnc4 instead.

nah it would have been another generic shooter the same as the trend which was going on at the time or it would be made into a open world GTA clone

Looked to be a neat squad-based shooter where you could order troops around from the ground.
Maybe the multiplayer could have been like renegade too.

But that doesn't fucking matter to someone like me, that loves command and conquer.

It looked to be more in the line of Republic Commando than anything else, tbh. My only gripe was the
gimmick. I love wacky sci-fi guns in FPS's, and the C&C universe is ripe for that kind of shit.


Actually from what I've heard and seen it was meant to be more Brothers in Arms and EA only got cold feet about it when basically Brothers in Arms flopped.

We actually got MP footage. It was nothing like Renegade. It was more like Brothers in Arms with RTS elements; such as being able to construct buildings, capture Tiberium pikes, and order in units.

>Doesn't know about the Nod Arsenal that you could use or the Scrin

well brothers in arms was a gearbox game

Was what it seems like it was meant to compete with.

TibSun and TibWars are pretty close in terms of atmosphere. It's just that TibWars doesn't look like it's perpetual dusk hour in every mission. That said, it's still there. It's just that Tiberium doesn't need the local flora and fauna to spread anymore; it's already all over the world by the time TibWars happens. Remember that the main method of Tiberium proliferation is through underground veins (which when grown large enough, breach the surface, as you can see in-game in the middle of tiberium deposits).

But it did. The mutations it causes in Carbon-based lifeforms was already a sign of it. Infecting flora and fauna was one of the many means it used to spread. Hell, mutant life like Veinhole monsters and Floaters were first observed at the end of TibDawn, a clear result of Tiberium finding new means to spread itself. In TibWars, there was just nothing left alive for Tiberium to infect in most Yellow/Red zones.

Well, yeah. At the beginning of Kane's Wrath, Kane has literally nothing left to use. Nod was in shambles and had to rebuild. Kane himself already had the knowledge of Tiberium no one else had, and the Black Hand preserved valuable information of Nod's tech, save for the stealth (which they promptly set off to take back from GDI, just like they did in TibDawn and TibSun). When Kane does get his tech back, he shuts down LEGION (the player) and only reactivates him decades later, when Nod is back to full strength. Did you not pay attention to the campaign?

Tiberium was actually ahead of its time on many levels. Check out the GVMERS documentary on it. It had some mechanics that most other devs could only dream of putting in their games.

Well the USA does have some of the worst artillery of the major military powers.

Oh god my eyes.

Tournament maybe.

I'm pretty sure you can connect by IP instead of using hamachi, much better that way around.

Mostly multiplayer and the setting change, personally I don't count it as a 'true' C&C because of the gameplay changes but it works.
I too prefer the first three games for not going over the top with silly, RA1 > RA2.

Looks more like a Republic Commando type of thing than a Brothers in Arms game to me.

To be honest it's both but definitely more Brothers in Arms vibes in MP
Fast foward to 3:30.

EA pushed that IIRC.

Tiberium was supposed to be a sequel to Renegade, i don't see where you come with the conclusion about
When Renegade was renown for being one of the few FPS of its era to still keep the thousand-gun toting one man army commando despite being an EA game released after Halo.

But i disgress. It would still have been complete shit because of AAA shovelware standards. Even the mock artwork for it was generic "hey guys we're copying Dead Space and Republic Commando but with BIG GDI MECHS" kind of deal. Scrin even look like they were copied straight from Final Fantasy X.

No that would be Renegade 2
and it was a Prequel

abit strange if so, you'd think COD modern warfair would be the first choice

it changing wildlife into things to spread tib with wasn't something it evolved, it was the default state of it of which wasn't fully developed till tib sun and the writing behind GDI removing all mutated life-forms so that's why tib wars is like a deathworld is REALLY not thought out at all purely because of Tiberium Algae. did GDI remove all the water on the planet to remove tiberium? because that's they only way removing Algae or plankton is ever going to happen. I did pay attention to the campaign, I just think the story is fucking stupid in Tib wars

I get that you're just saying that this is the lore in Tib war but I'm saying it's fucking trash. also I think I saw that video from that dude, I dunno though.

REpublic commando wasn't that good tbh

wasn't Renegade 2 supposed to be in the Red Alert 2 timeline? or something


No. They purified it. Purifying water is the easiest shit to do. Fuck, you can even remove radiation from it.

EA we are talking about. They wanted a piece of every pie back then. They made Medal of Honor try and compete with not only Call of Booty but also their own Battlefield games.
Yes and trying to connect it to the events of Tiberian Dawn somehow.

they purified the entire ocean within 20 years


Well Westwood was originally going to connect Yuri to the Brotherhood of Nod in their Tiberian Incursion game. Seems they wanted to connect everything and scrample your mind the process.

I mean yeah it's connected but only in red alert

No, but that doesn't mean they didn't do jack shit in 20 years.

They wanted to connect it in Red Alert 2 as well somehow

I'm not saying they didn't do anything, I'm saying that in actual we should have had Tiberium "terror from the deep" wars

Yuri was scrin

We could have that, but apparently all the water from yellow/red zones became tiberium glaciers over time.
In fact I think we only see normal water in missions/maps located in blue zones. It makes sense.

Yuri's gatling tank.
Plus the tank crews are gunpowder addicts.


Holy shit

guess it makes sense?

These scare the fuck out of me

in the name of B^U

Don't look up Shoggoth's user.

exactly why I posted it

Shoggoths don't scare me.
But that THING?
It's fucking terrifying

you can napalm muslims

he wasn't talking about it in-universe

Honestly Tiberium Wars deserved more attention for multiplayer. You can have some intense close matches in it.

it's certainly alot more balanced then zero hour but it's also not as deep tbh

Damn that was close. Nod rocket squads were always my bane.

Generals is excessively complex imo, whereas C&C 3 pits the complexity on player tactics

Kane's Wrath pro scene pulls some crazy shit sometimes.
Look at how much they sacrifice to kill/save a heroic rank Juggernaut at 18:00 in the embed

I don't know, Tib wars meta seems to be rush into blob or eco into blob with some change up here and there depending on your answers and problems

Nearly every RTS has the deathblob phenomena though, save for maybe Broodwar due to the amount of units you can select being limited to 12 or something

that's usually down to

So who did we play in the Nod campaign?

i guess size doesn't matter.

If she had a benis she would be erect right now.

Unknown. Disappeared after 2002.

I got my benis right in here

gamefaqs.please use

Got the original of that?
who's the artist anyway?

some deviantart


are we collecting really bad and old C&C meme edits now don't look at the mlp stuffs

What they should've done was shit on SC2 for having you buy three games to get all three factions' campaigns.

bad for business that is


not anymore

are you going to tell me alexander the great wasn't an anime girl either?


I love 40K and I'm telling you right now that it does matter.
Space Marine is a piece of shit

Space Marine was arguably the best 40k videogame the franchise's ever had, barring DoW.

I don't know, Final Liberation is up there.


What a useful statement.

You're wrong and Space Marine is a generic boring stale piece of shit and makes Renegade look like a masterpiece in it's setting in comparison.

everything else is fine but you fuckers forget chaos gate and all the older games tbh


I never played it, looks like a neat Xcom clone so I'll give it a try

Meanwhile, On Planet Ultramar

I'm fucking sick of the Ultrasmurfs and Gorilla man,the 8th Edition just made me hate them even more.
Matt Ward should be executed for his sins

Are you a manlet?

But I just praised the game and I like it, I just don't think it does the setting justice

How dare you question your spiritual liege.

The new lore is fucking retarded
No wonder the emperor is telling everyone to cut girlyman's life support in tts

"Cut his life supports and disband that fucking Smurf village"

It's almost like they are trying to merge End Times and Age of Sigmar for 40k
Necrons, Eldar and Imperium are all working together


this is a joke right

what is wrong with it ?

It's not
It could hypothetically get more retarded if what everyone thinks is going to happen to Yarrik happens


I stopped following what's going on when Primaris marines dropped.

Is Yarrik going to become the leader of a WAAAAAGH?

I feel morbid curiosity overtaking me.

Well to give a small dose There is nothing to suggest in the new lore that you can't have a mixed Imperium-Eldar force and it would break canon

I'm just glad the Sisters are getting more attention.

Found the xenos

so what is going on with lore ? I only get my news from Arch and Vaults of Tera

they should've spent all their noblebrightness on Tau and stop all that crap
man that's some heavy duty derail


we've talked just about everything C&C related

pic related,000_8th_edition
If you want to read more of the fluff.

The clock has been turned from 5 minutes to midnight to 4 minutes to midnight.

well I'm still waiting for some C&C multiplayer action, for one, even if I lost my keys

Goddamn fuck off with the 40k shit, you have entire boards for it.


thx m8


Can't even kill the xenos now well not this one anyway.

Cadia got destroyed and the Eye of Terror expanded and split the Imperium in two
Nids are coming but Necrons are going to do their best impression of the Imperial Guard and hold the line against them
Eldar got a new God that can potentially kill the Chaos Gods and a faction of them decided to ally with the Imperium of Man
Said faction that allied with the Imperium brought Girlyman back to life.
Girlyman created Nu SPHESS MEHREENS to replenish but really replace the old ones
Commissar Yarrick may do something that will leave Ork fans and indeed everyone scratching their heads
Tau realized this isn't a good time to piss anyone off and are probably going to sit this one out

Oh! And the Primus Marines are basically Space Marines 8.1. They were worked on by Cowl on secret orders from Papa Smurf before he left for the Great Crusade.


that's what standalones are for

I haven't played it tbh

What the fuck were they thinking?

I'm more concerned about inability to play Generals because of that, I know 1, 2 and RA1 are free now. What's the way to do that, though? DTA for 1 and RA, original for Tibsun or something else?

"Only two factions is boring and you can balance with three" is probably what they thought.

the games them self dude

"aw it's like a cool shrimp thing, that totally fits in with scrin aesthetics"

4 was what was going to be in tib sun and tib wars is just a reskin of generals

It looks fine. You forget this wasn't even the main Scrin army. It was just a small harvesting fleet, so their forces were smaller and more robot like then traditional Scrin stuff. The actual Scrin army is much more massive in design and better looking. Unfortunately, because Tiberium was cancelled, we never got to see the Scrin's full military.

The problem wasn't the aesthetics of the unit, but the 3500 grenade-type damage volleys every 4 seconds at a range of 200 kilometers that can hit your units from the fog of war, and could destroy a Mammoth tank in 3-4 volleys (and one volley to destroy ANY anti-air on the ground), all while costing less than a Mammoth. And it can also get a shield upgrade and a movement speed upgrade.
In short, it was a long-range anti-everything-on-the-ground unit.

This. It's literally fine.
The ship in Tib Sun might just of been an autonomous scout, the ones in TW were a mining expedition, and Tiberium were their real forces.

Oh. Nevermind then.

No idea :^)

That Scrin soldier on the last pic looks so fucking cool. It'd be a badass Tier 2/3 melee unit.

So there's this now, no way usable, but a start.


Looks promising.


is C&C asset compatibility such an important matter?
at first I wanted to scorn them for remaking such an old engine, but then again RA3 used it and it looked decent



is this RotR Arena again or something else?

A mod for Kane's Wrath.

that isn't an issue because they're made out of paper and so slow that any one click will remove a fleet EZ

that's because it's a scraped design from Tib sun




Shoggoths were never human. That thing is a constantly angry tortured human meat sack.

Fucks sake dude.

Another project is called "Thyme" (because "sage"). Basically it's going about things in the reverse way, injecting itself into the base engine and slowly replacing it, similar to Ares for the RA2 engine.
Also currently not unusable.

Yes, it's very important, both for ease of use and legal reasons. People want to mod CnC games because of the content, but the engines are old, filled with bugs and limited. A successor engine needs to be able to import the assets from the base game, otherwise EA can send cease and desist notices if their assets are being used in other games engines that don't have that native asset bridge. As long as it has that, EA has actually been pretty accommodating to CnC modders overall.

If you ignore the base assets, then now you are creating EVERYTHING from scratch. Keep in mind that things like RotR took like a decade to get where it is because they could only find the time enough for 1 release very few years. And all they did was heavily fuck with the factions. Pretty much no one wants to remake the thousands of textures and environmental bits and pieces. They just want generals to not run like an ass stuck at 30fps, look nicer with some new shaders, fix some bugs and imbalance, and finally add their own favorite piece of overpowered bullshit.

They were thinking "Hey no one has done a mass producible flying artillery unit with a fuck ton of AOE projectiles for some reason. This'll make the scrin fun and unique"


So what's this about OpenRA being Reddit? What happened?

I know, I'm just mad I had to download another gig of shit to play it

Sooo it's not ok to make something similar to SAGE, but it's ok to make something that works identical? I am confused.
Also, those faggots should join forces. It's of no use to do the same thing twice.


Honestly I hope someone has the copypasta of everything they fucked up besides engineer rush butthurt. i.e. fact they fucked with the game for NO reason

I have this only. I think I saw what you asked for, but forgot to save it.

When it comes to engine remakes using the original assets, EA is basically fine with it as long as there's the "The people using this new engine and our assets still bought our games" qualifier. The engine requiring importing of assets from the original games has so far satisfied this.

It was the same thing with the RA engine remakes before EA opensourced/freewared the oldest games.

For something like that, you would need to talk with EA with a solid plan and get their permission, similar to what the Renegade X team did.


Planetside:Tiberium when

Yeah I wish I saved it myself. Fact that they gave Allies the Hind really says it all.

It got cancelled.

I'm pretty sure no multiple-open-world MMOFPS C&C game ever existed.

As a Salamanders player I just want more fluff on them. Hope Vulkan comes back with a model but fat chance of that happening



Gets me everytime

It was a really good OC until the cancerous Wojak

I just want S.T.A.L.K.E.R in the Tiberium setting

but that's just crude brainlet wojak


no u

no u

Yep, and it should stay on cuckchan where it belongs.


Full match if anyone is interested.

I kind of want the TTS canon to be the real canon. Is that bad?


It's not a rush if it's mid-late game and/or the enemy was prepared.

Replaying RA1 right now
Jesus fucking christ why does this even exist. Creating RA has to be Westwood's biggest fucking mistake.

Nice bait user

Nah fuck off
They managed to make the mechanics actually worse than TibDawn

God GDI is getting pathetic.

Did you just call me GDI, you shitter?
I bet you suck mutant golf balls through a garden hose.

Care to explain yourself, or are you just gonna be a baiting faggot?

You're probably a GDI spy.



he's not wrong tib dawn was pretty much spot on but RA had alot of problems

RA1 has blaring fucking problems that were not even present in TibDawn

They completely fucked the pathfinding to the point of frustration. The game itself is not difficult but it's fucking annoying when it plays like it's inherently broken on the base mechanics. It's very fucking noticeable and if you think otherwise you're a rose-tinted glass wearing faggot.
I fucking love C&C myself but I am also capable of independent thought and fully able to recognize flaws in the things I like, so cut the bullshit.

He's right about one thing.

Multi-Engineer is fucking gay

You missed the fact that units will charge suicidially towards enemies when ordered to attack even when they can fire from their current position. It makes using V2's and Arty a massive ass pain to use cause they will charge into the range of an enemy turret for example rather than remain at a safe distance.

Red Alert is one of these games that could badly use a remake and just a remake. Before OpenRA went to shit it was essentially such a thing. Seriously attack move is desperately needed in early C&C games

Oh and I forgot to mention that the only means of anti air defense for the soviet faction are sam sites. The only anti air unit they have is the Mammoth tank, which is pretty fucking pricey to be used as means of AA.
Meanwhile the allies can just spam rocket infantry to take down Yaks and MiGs.

Fuck, that one too. And the soviet V2 is also fucking useless for everything except maybe destroying bases.

Post best havok quotes


You want some more? KEEP'EM COMING!




One thing you can do to replace attack move (as much as I wish it were in the old games) is move your units and press "G" occasionally when you find enemies. It's the guard command, it makes the units attack anything that comes close, and also chase enemies down.

It would hurt somebody's feefees.

Because "Muh toxic masculinity!"
It's why Duke Nukem is a feminist pussy now.

Did this thread get nuked again?

It looked godawful and played even worse.

Not going to happen, pic related

I don't know, what has been nuked?

Well that's fucking gay. Somebody needs to go tell the opensage faggot to stop being a bitch and team up already.
It's like they don't know why PPSSPP turned out so perfect.

What I meant is that it doesn't look like a game from 2003.

What would happen if Stanks got replaced with Spank Tanks?

Paladin Tanks are absolutely broken and you know it.




Should I submit myself to play C&C 4 to record webm reminders of its shittiness?


I once tried to play it.
I threw up

A friend bought me the game.
I could never get it to run because of some shitty EA server error.


Suppose that a company is going to buy the rights for C&C or make a C&C clone with similar mechanics and names and whatever.
Which of the titles should it emulate? Is there a gimmick or two from the other ones that should be added or any modification to the formula? Which factions and what setting should it work with?

I feel your pain, man.

Red Alert 3 has the best timeline

Red Alert 3:
-"Greetings, commander. Welcome to the apex of the Allied Military Command."
-"Let's get you started. Let me introduce you to your personal escort-stripper"
-"A personal stripper? Sir?
-"What? Of course WE have personal strippers, unlike the communist pigs, who share them. We do not share, commander."
-"But an escort…"
-"YES, Commander. We do not sink to the level of socialist communists here."
-"Enough chit-chat, let's start with making a video chat communication link with your enemy commanders. I can assure you, you will find them both satirical and funny stereotypes."
-"A video link to our enemy commanders? Sir?"
-"Yes, of course. We have the technology to do that, so why would we not?."
-"The war. Sir."
-"The war is on the battlefield, commander. The strategic command is not. We just like to change a few words with our enemies to spice things up. It just makes this war so much more fun. What a world we live in, right?"
-"Yes, the world…"
-"I know. I would have slit the throat of "mister know it all" myself, if I would have been there in that science expo."
-"Russians killing Einstein using a time machine. The way we got this amazing timeline? Did you think that we didn't know?"
-"Right. Let's get you "on the field"."

Best timeline ever.

I don't know if EA's collapse is becoming more or less probable, as of late.
I think that what should happen is Red Alert clone, mainly because to get Tibsun atmosphere you need something like tiberium (that'd be too much of a rip-off), while generals have AoA that's sorta thematic.

They had absolutely no reason to have so many pornstars in the game but it's one of those things that I don't believe anyone had objections with. Could've actually put more money into making a better game though.

You know the exact reason why.
Also check this shit out
Jesus christ this game's boring as hell

You don't have to post these

Be glad these are images. I'm putting my hand in the actual acid vat here, documenting the horrors.

I though I had forgotten about that.

C&C4 doesn't exist friend. These are just silly shops and we can rest easy knowing that the series ended on kane's wrath in a fairly okay way! Never happened! Never at all!

those zonetroopers (what the fuck do they even have for weapons…) count as one unit (a squad)?

Nope. Three different, individual units.
Left one's a Zone Raider
Right one's a Zone Trooper
Middle one's a Zone OC donutsteel


Should I continue documenting this cacophony for future reference? I promise I'll spoiler the cancer for the faint of heart.

what mods should i take for C&C generals?


do it
I want to see others' reactions


it must be done

To be honest I want to play this just to see how bad it gets.

The game is great. It was a "every unit has a special thing" design. Failed hard because some units don't have the bare minimum to make them useful. Like no designated move to home button on some of the bombers. (fixed by having a universal move to home button) Or some infantry units just don't go prone, even if totally hammered with short range artillery - meaning they get completely fucked even though they should easily survive the second salvo of the tank attack.

And obviously some air units can just kill all other air units Res to Res: MIG:s kill everything.

But it's not all bad. Everything can be countered. It might need miragetech, orbitals, fastdrops or weird use of troop transport+special unit.

I just like the game. It's so off the rails that it's fun. Example:
**Long game. user sends a big fucking mass of tanks to my base. Went full Autist with the tech. Barely keep them from killing my base. Meanwhile we are doing a Sovietcopter/AA-turret build dance. Finally get my tech done, while they where in my base. Supermagnet their whole clumped together mecharmy to the skies. Instantly drop that army as an orbital drop to their air-bases. Suddenly no enemy mech in my base and no worries on air. Build base up, while trying to expand, but exp was shut down. Did a great Natasha landing and AA-turretting his air (probably 50k in resourses) in a lucky encounter. This gave me crucial 3-5min time to build a twinblade fleet to end the game.

TL;DR Luck, fun, luck, fun, luck. Just bomb them. Suuuuper weapons!

Literal grinding required in the campaign
See that crate? There's billions of them around. Units drop them all the time when they die, and each one grants one rank-up to whoever takes them
Look at all those heroic units I got in about 5 minutes!

peak wew
what were they thinking


Pandering to closed markets can make a man do strange things.

Prehensile Dick Tank claims another victim
Look how scared the trooper looks!



good oc tho

I am just guessing that, as with anything, their biggest downfall was trying to appeal to the consolefags. Part of me feels it got the pace from Generals without as much build up to big attacks and the exaggerated caricature designs from Red Alert 2, but made them even less feasible - though that may just be because they wanted a more eighties look, so everything feels like it came out of an Austin Powers movie.

Also, don't know bout you guys, but there's something just so timeless about the graphics of the earlier games. How exactly did they port those 3d models onto sprited format? Did they just go frame by frame or did they use other techniques?

When will we reach nuclear liberation from islam?

You forgot to mention that half the campaign is set in goddamn Germany

Pornstars in C&C is tradition. Good chunk of the RA2 actors were porno stars for example.

Wait a second I see nothing here?

I'm da trash tank
I eat gah-bage

ok what the shit

what do they mean by this

That no one can be bothered to check changes in """"C&C"""" 4

man, if there were fan art of ZD and ZR's being grabbed by Scorpions, that's fine

Typical GDI hiring shit-tier furries.

Also, if C&C3 was a proper blend of what it currently is/was, AND it's predecessor of Tib Sun's atmosphere and Terrain deformation., I'd have no complaints, It's still my favorite, though, so Tiberium Essence is a good mod.

They didn't. Those are individually hand-made sprite art.

Technically speaking, C&C4 was a good game.
It just should of been a spinoff, and not a mainline title. Fuck.

I'm not sure that requiring players to level up in order for them to unlock all the units in multiplayer is good RTS design, "technically speaking" or otherwise

I don't know. I personally enjoyed unlocking the units and everything, and it gave me more of a means to familiarize myself with the tools at hand rather than be swamped and overwhelmed by everything at once. This said, they could of done it the way RA2 did it, too. But I go into any C&C game with open minded zero-expectations.

not homo then

Christ, The worst thing about C&C4 is that the college-graduate developers it was dumped on will be shit on for eternity for something out of their control.

nobody actually cares enough to watch credits and look for those people, so no, merely EA is getting shat on

At least that's a switch. I wish 2K was the one shat on for Evolve instead of TRS getting flack for a game they had no control over.

You fucked up
then again what would the marauder turn into if it ever scooped up CnC4

That guy reminds me of a sad ex eceleb cuck that sues people for 20 million dollars.



You have to grind the campaign to have the units unlocked for the campaign itself too.


Reminder that Renegade was the first nail in the coffin.
Continuum was the second.

Joe Kucan actually shitposts on Holla Forums :^)

Speaking of shitposting, I remember seeing a webm of Joe reading some poem with cnc footage in the back, anyone still got that?

There you go user. Fixed it for you.

Yes thank you EA for making great games, and totally not screwing it up.

People should've been insulted by Red Alert 3 for the sole fact that EA invested heavily on literal porn actresses to be a major selling point, viewing the fanbase as profitable simple minded retards who buy games for muhdik reasons rather than the game itself (not that the game was good anyway, so it makes sense).
I mean, porn is nice, but what the fuck does it have to do with an RTS game? Who cares though, buy our softcore, goy.

GDI Thot spotted.

renegade was good, though?

Tiberium saga >>>>>>>> wacky dumbed down kids-show-tier alternate history


yurifags begone

I am Yuri.
Obey me.

The light of Kane compels you.

Yuri was one of Kane's elite.
Fuck off GDI Spy

I know, and that makes him Kane's subordinate.
Following him instead of Kane himself makes you the GDIcuck.

Holy shit GDI you're sad.


I made this happen

My sides

I simply took the base another /radcorp/ guy made and amended it to better reflect on recent colossal fuckups.


wake up noddybois

Only the multiplayer. Everything else about it sucked mad dick.

Words echoed by so many small vidya developers in the 90's…

fuck dude

this song fucks me up every single time

They don't make them like this anymore

The most famouse scene of Tiberian Sun is literally the reunification of Nod under Slavik's command.