Is this a male or a female? No one has ever given a straight answer.
Is this a male or a female? No one has ever given a straight answer
She used to me a man.
You know that expression "If you have to ask you can't afford it."?
It's kind of like that.
How nice of the article writer to just call it Starcraft to try and fool people.
Looks like a man, baby.
She's actually a very passable trap, good on "her", be a good example. Wish I could as effeminate.
this is funny
that's basically admitting it's a trans fag
A MAN, and continued proof that men are better at video games than women.
Its a girl (male)
Like pottery
feminine penis
So even the top female SC player is still a dude. Women utterly BTFO..
But I want to be a cute little sissy boy who programs and playa video games
Me too :3
Let's do it!💖💋
That word has a definition, one which you do not seem to know.
That picture is honestly disgusting.
This is the most entertaining part of the new transfag acceptance movements. Accepting that transfag MtF are actually legally female means they have to let them compete as females, which means all female competitions will become dominated by transfags. Maximum kek.
better looking than most trannies.
D-do what exactly 😳
She never actually hid it and people used to talk about it back when SC was popular.
Scarlet actually is one of these trannies that I actually have some respect for. Mostly because she actually never tried to push this bullshit or promote herself using it.
Later social justice picked up and everyone tried making articles about her.
Well, tbh, I don't give a fuck what transfags do. Attention whoring gets on my nerves regardless of gender. So good on him, I guess. However, no one can ever make me accept transfags as acceptable. A man can only pretend to be a woman, not actually become one.
what are you, gay?
Sad and true.
Still not as feminine looking as Theryn Meyer though.
and I fucking hate trannies
The top left picture there is a tranny?
Trap is someone who fools you, she fooled me. Hence, a trap.
Becoming a trap won't fix your problems user.
Nekkid cuddles :3
I don't have many problems, I'm just horny.
A trap is just a convincing cross-dresser, not a transfag. You could easily argue that cross-dressers are mentally ill. But at least they don't physically mutilate their bodies, or take hormones to trick their bodies, with the goal of physically being transformed into women.
It looks really cute.
I'd fuck it.
Yes, and you are gay
Yes pls~
Oh yes, that's true. I didn't know the OP pic was a tranny
Is the dick still attached? Because if not, then it really is technically not a trap anymore.
Yeah, you're right. My mistake.
No worries m8.
It is much more a case of her just being good SC2 player and that is it. She never really attention whored it herself so I don't mind it.
I actually blame social justice. If I have learned someone is a tranny today, I would immediately assume it is attention whore.
Getting in shape in which you can pretend to be a trap could help many people here.
Trap thread? Trap thread.
No, thank you
I would post my lewds but i have my face on them and dont wanna share it on 8ch
Maybe 6 years ago people would've actually given a shit about this kind of news. What a shame.
Crop and post 'em faggot.
>not >>>/cuteboys/
No you dont understand, they are already uploaded somewhere and someone might reverse imagesearch it even with the crop
Smh tbh IMO famalambergini
I'd let him top.
Traps are for heterosexual sex with milfs, and you all need Jesus.
You don't even need to see them to spot it.
Are there people that think this freak looks like a woman? Compared to OP's tranny this thing is a fucking monstrosity.
he competed in a tourney for women and won, cementing the retardation of the idea of transgenderism. furthermore sc2 is deader than my hopes and dreams, and blizzard killed it, so grats on the bitch playing a game that all of the old broodwar pros abandoned, ensuring he has little actual competition.
It's like that one runner in the latest Olympics. One look at her shoulders and musculature and you could tell.
That runner was actually a hermaphrodite, it was born physically deformed that way with internal testicles
Would've worked great as a Blizzcon cosplayer though I supposed.
Men have faster reaction times then women to both audio and visual stimuli, in games that require quick inputs like RS and FPS games a male gamer will always have an advantage over a female one, although I doubt he could compete with a Korean those guys seem to worship that fucking game.
Esports are cancer regardless.
God, I want to fuck Astolfo.
I want to be Astolfo
The amount of anons referring to him as a she is troubling.
But this user knows what's up.
It is funny how much better Holla Forums reacts when the trap is slightly more passable, unlike in AGDQ
I didn't know faggot porn could be this cheesy.
I dread to think who they will parade around next year.
Even if mentally ill, actually putting in any effort into passing is at least bearable compared to being a fat piece of shit with a 5 o'clock shadow like
Pretty shit make-up tbh
You have a nice body.
Yaoi can be a goldmine sometimes user.
Does anyone else just pick pronouns out of laziness? If I knew someone a certain way before they became a tranny, I'll continue to address them that way until it stops feeling natural.
I'm not going to go out of my way to change my speech because some retard gets assmad that I'm using words they don't like. This includes Holla Forums.
>mfw I'm too masculine to get a Trap bf
i'm pretty sure most traps go for masculine guys.
Not most, a lot of traps just go for other traps.
The art is so good but the writing is so bad
This, unless you're after femboys or shit like that, those guys are whores.
what do you think?
Wanna have sex?
Start lifting weights, stop watching porn and find a girlfriend.
You'll be cured within six months.
It would be nice if we could go back to the sanity of the pre-omni gender days when there was only male, female, or both/neither (hermaphrodite).
Where do I find traps then?
I can't exactly go around asking everyone that looks feminine if they have a benis.
Fun story: The last "trap" I pursued turned out to be a pre-op tranny which got upset and accused me of being a "chaser".
Yeah, the ones I've talked to only seem to be interested in other traps or femboys at the most.
I know femboys are un-faithful sluts.
Every time I hear the advice to work out I can't help but remember my lardass of a friend who started taking hormones, lost a 100 pounds and is now an iron pumping qt.
>>>/cuteboys/ zeemap is a good place to start
I assumed only traps and femboys were welcome there.
I'll check it out, though.
Thanks mate.
The board is for all kinds of faggots from bears to traps. and trannies because Admin won't make them leave unless they grow tits
Well fuck, the only markers near me are 2 masc tops and 1 masc bottoms…
People will not post markers but will respond to them, I know this from personal experience, worst that happens is that you're still stuck at square 1 with a marker no one responds to.
Don't jinx me user.
I have a hard enough time finding a relationship as it is.
Posting it now, hopefully I find someone.
Thanks for your help, pal.
I wish you the best.
Who cares. S/he isn't starved for attention so I'd just leave her to play her dead game in peace.
Well, it's done now.
All I can do is wait.
It's always a man
if it didn't have a penis at one point it looks enough like a man you would feel weird fucking it
god is this thread disgusting