It's time to gas the fatties

It's time to gas the fatties.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good night

it's time to gas you



a slice-of-life anime about a german philosopher and his adventures in his daily life



remember what i said earlier bbgirl




Then gas them all uwu


True, then I will just stick to this one.

Synecdoche New York? Nope, couldn't put time into it yet. I should be able to watch it tomorrow.

okie doke

whoops. thanks. missed it.

well I'm certainly not one to judge, I just think it's totally fucking insane.

also expensive as hell to need/want that much.

I've plenty of dosh.

And I only drink cheaper stuff in excess, the good stuff I'll have a small glass at a time.


what the fuck dude why do you ignore me

^^ owo

18-20 used to be my limit before passing out

im sorry I dont mean to
things happen and I have to leave sometimes

accept my tucked penis

how do

do you want my approval?

you won't get it with that lame picture

oh you want them off~?

so that just leaves the fact that it's fucking insane to drink that much.

I drink mixed drinks in small glasses and get drunk in about 3-5. I love being a lightweight.

my god grim
you finally post a good picture

i wanna see your home!

Well, I'm capping myself at 12 for tonight. I doubt I'll be able to get to my old usual ever again.

Time for nee nee
Pls the ne nee


when oile spills in ocean, it go on top of water
why not just light on fire???

food for thought,


that's a slightly better one
I can't get over how pale you are

it's unreal

duly noted

how many drinks does it take for you to get drunk hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?



pretty sure I could handle 12, but it would be rough.

nini scoots.


i am a lil lilly


it interests me ^ ^ ♥

That's adorable.

bunny cunny

meh maybe


hi thakns

gudnight scootse

if we're talking like, 250ml glasses, probably 3.

He's going to track you down, stand outside your window, and throw rocks at it.


the real answer
because it's not physically possible

high flashpoints combined with super thin oil layers and relatively low surface temps = it's NOT lit

also if you could somehow burn it all, it would give off emissions and debris equal to a volcanic eruption

not feasible


stobbit youre making me blush

*pets nice bunny*
all up to you~
if you feel like it. ^ ^

i remember taking this last winter

how ambrosial


hi grim, thanks for your respone to proposal.

you are wrong, as you see, oil is a flammable.





that's too big a word for me
please use babi words alskling


we can take millions of mcdoland straws from mcdonald drinks, connect them all in sequence, and suck all the bad emission into space?

go for it
turn it into a business service, charge governments billions


you live in a nice place!

I'll take it if it means I spend so little on alcohol and get drunk off less, meaning I basically never have hangovers or anything like that. which is good because I drink so damn much. speaking of which, time to start.


it's a suburb of cape cod. takes awhile to get anywhere

I've never had a hangover either.

I find this incredibly hard to believe.

why is chrome made of shit?

On average, I drink about a gallon of water per day.

Let's hold hands!

I rather fix this stupid browser first

Pain and suffering on a scale no human can imagine.

very isolated...

what went wrong? tell me.

fine fine but only for a few minutes


indeed. beach is about 10 minutes out though

very pretty

i like city life

the text in the search bar thing is now twice the size of the text anywhere else

yeah I guess that would do a lot towards helping.
shit man, even I don't drink that much and it's hot as hell here.

24/7 swamp-ass here.

I sweat all that water out man.

Florida sucks.

I wish I lived in Washington state again.

have you met florida man yet? and if so did he eat your face?


change it in setting then~ ♥

I had too much green tea and now my stomach hurts

don't 👏 call 👏 yourself 👏 an 👏 anime 👏 fan 👏 if 👏 you 👏 haven't 👏 disappointed 👏 your 👏 parents

You're going to become a woman.

edgeless is future

wanna meet up im in ft lauderdale :)


You must be the biggest anime fan.

this picture is wonderful

Mine were disappointed when they found out how much I paid for my Samus statue lol


also $1300
also chinese

no thanks

I'm in Orlando, so, no.

I just left from living there you missed out :(


h-heh totally ironic guys

this is the lowest effort i've ever seen you put in on a burn
congrats on your new rock bottom

I would have made you move out
if a nigga can afford a thousand dollar cum bucket a nigga can afford an apartment

Missed out on what, exactly.

Gay sex clearly.

Something I think

in new york city?
don't kid yourself

a thousand in nyc is barely half rent

I'm not interested, then.

did, didn't change shit

sucks bro


fuck you I bet you cum all over your fucking bird you nigger

Why do people live there again?


meltingpot of all cultures, you can start as an immigrant with no skill and become a fucking cash mogul a year or two later

all it takes is a lot of luck and hard work

900 here is one month rent for a 1 bedroom
i didnt say in new york city

your default system text language input text size accesibility mode large font settings
reboot browser accidentel hotkey press

memes my man memes

okay the first part made sense then you lost me



my pops came here as an immigrant
$20 in his pocket
he now has a family, nice house nice neighborhood, and makes enough to own more property here


holy shit, subtle sounds adorable.

dry heat, wet heat. it's all shitty. let's move to ireland together.

I'm all for it, just wish shit wasn't so damned expensive.

back off
that's desu's daddy

yeah that was new york city years ago
there's not really any reason now to live there when you can work outside the city and commute

not a good thing?

Gonna go after Loco now?

Memes are truly a terrible thing.

computer is useful tool

set computer the way you like

accidental button press will mess u up tho... :c

what does subtle-kun sound like? uwu

your opinion is wrooooong

um I guess so

yeah it really sucks how money is needed for things.

just sayin'

maybe to deliver a nice slap upside the head.

pretty high pitched. and british of course.

i wanna hear subtle!!!

*hugs tight*

woa o ^ o

He has a British accent.


Ireland was just a costly place, last I was there. Saw some relatively cheap houses for sale though. Only concern of mine is getting a job there.

im jelous

You can have a British accent too!

it too difficult!

You don't say?

whats up?

is your name supposed to be an overwatch thing or like an actual tracer round?

i'm relaxing to adorable sounds and webms a stufffs
while posting here and watchin you tube



Not at all complex!
I mean you could have a Canadian accent!


sounds like fun

oh wew, had zero idea that's actually a pretty neat thing to draw a name from

Not the first name I used, but people recognize this one the most, so I use it the most.

I'll w your oa

we could just claim that we're muslim immigrants.

is it alright if I ask about the other names? curiosity is a bitch

I think I added you, sent the add or whatever


I've only the beard, I don't have the willingness to behead people I disagree with and fuck children.

James Bond
Dr. Cox
Dick Tracy
Elwood Blues
The Hawk
James Gordon
Kamen Rider Skull
Kirii Otose
Lupin III
Ms. Smith
Pink Panther
Rex Banner
Spaceman Spiff
The Doctor
The Shadow
Tracer Bullet
Vietnamese Guy
War Doctor
White Shadow

Isn't that just an American accent but saying "eh"?

Don't forget "Sorry"

Sometimes, they can't say u.

jesus that's a ton of names

also aboots

And that's not all of them, it's been a while since I updated it.

i dunno... maybe

its cozy and happyness with a small side of lonelyness

ive seen drcox before
greyfox is ancient!
there were alot of redacted back then...
hazama is anceint but ur not that hazama
Nox used to be kewl and freindly to me but we grew apart when he vanish...
woah! old roscarchs
who is sissel

Tracer has many aliases.
Salad user was the best

don't forget aboot and hoose

It is.
Still is.
I'm the fourth that I know of.
I'm the only Nox I know.
Rorschach was Insider.
Main character from Ghost trick See:


why so many though?

loneliness* but why is that?

Why were they so happy?

yeah. and I'm so white even printer paper makes fun of me, so maybe that wouldn't work...



Boredom and time.

Bitches love green.

Nigga you're neon white.

That sounds like some salad tossing persona.

nudgy wudgy

It was an excuse to post anonymously and viciously make fun of ponyfags and make them rage-quit.

anyone know where to buy a bra that has a cup size bigger than G?
probably not

Guero will be fine.

probably kill yourself I think

shit post successful

he's saying you can wear me as a bra

fair enough


show me salad user pls!

roscarchs was insider who was ban who was nezumi?
woah... ghost trick.. that's prolly still untouched on my ole defunct iphone4 lying round ere somewhere!



because i live alone?



I'm saying you need a bra.

Hm hm.

I knew Insider as Rorschach the longest, others may have used the image. I don't know who Ban or Nezumi used.

Should play again.

haha xD
kill yourself I think

Is that really a thing or just a joke about fat people?
There's not really man-bras, are there?

proabably should
maybe you should too? we could do it together

On second thought, don't answer that.

I'm so white that white people be like "DAYUM, you white!"

Seems legal to me.



I'm pretty sure the only monkey to say such a thing would stab you and steal your wallet.

yeah... i'd just have to dust off the years of dust on it, recharge it, and boot the ole thing up.

it was kinda fun
Now I have this shit on my search history

NOW you tell me

Your mom will be so proud.
You made a sacrifice so we didn't have to.
What a brave "man".

The implication being that you're so white other people appear blacker around you.

Shouldn't be a problem in Ireland.

Except for the timing based puzzles.

i'm aware

well now I have to know that this exists

I'm sure it did, you slut

I guess that's a fair reason to feel that way


Kinda wanna see Guro crush gilgamesh tbh

subtle i don't think-

but it was about solving crimes? while being a dead ghost?

God is dead.
God remains dead.
And you have eaten him.

I'm not a slut I'm a hopeless maniac totally debased from any sense of reality using obsession as a means of an emotional pillar to keep any semblence of purpose or normality in my life from crumbling down around me.
you douche

More or less. You died, have to solve own murder, and several other murders along the way.

how do i win?

that sounds pretty slutty

a hopelessly maniac slut sure

win what exactly?

they don't love each other

- oh you mean guero turns him to dust ._.

i wonder what the rest of the game is like... i only got thru the first 10 mins i think?

fucking canadians

stage 3

Thats pretty much what I meant.

A canadian image board!!

Iam slightly drunk.

Stop being a faggot.

send me your cock

which 1

gureo crushing the frial delicate flower?

It's fun, what I remember from so long ago, anyway.

Here's the Salad folder I used, have fun.



can i send you my cock?


The crushing one.

do it



lol what are jokes XD

I'll fit right in with my white as fuck skin and red as fuck hair.
also all the drinking.

stop being such a god darn slut


But I have pushed the middle out of a toonie.

Also that's illegal.

go to bed.


I can too, eh!

I was about to, but then I realized I hadn't eaten much all day, so I'm eating a bit now.


are you archive ban nezumi roscrach insider guy with gas mask apocalyptic world?


Is that...
Is that a sentence...?


middle of toonie is loonie crazy bin


uuhhh yes?


i don't have one to show umu

just what worth do you have

Loonies are made of steel.
The inside of toonies is made of aluminum bronze.

um beat wild animals with a stick until you level up enough to solo the mid boss allowing access to the stage shortcut? I don't know, life doesn't really have defined stages more than physical related


To him, probably.

Don't try to get me hard....

Nibody ever sends me dick pics anymore.

There's a reason Canadian dollars are called Funny Money
It's because of the colors from the advanced anti-counterfeiting methods that weren't employed by Americans for years.

Granted, both are brass plated, so I can see how someone might not realize they're different.
If it weren't for the blatant difference in size, and design.

but if youre soft you cant fuck my bunny cunny

n... not a lot. ;~;
i can draw
that's about it

post him?
show me ur ancient folders?

what level are you right now?
show me your perks and achievements pls
got any rare artifacts?




I don't believe you




Can i have one from you?

Its true.

I bought 4 new N64 games and an issue of Nintendo Power today.

Not before I finish eating and give it a bit of time to digest, you slut.

You are not nice.

I have none though...


im sorry papi

It's like 1998 all over again

dont pity me

It brings my collection to 54 n64 games.

Your body's digestion works just fine while you sleep.

stop being pathetic

I don't feel like it.

Doesn't make it more comfy than staying up a bit later until I pass out.

All I has is the one I always have had.

I don't buy it.

Until you drop trou.

show me all of your folders! when you feel like it.

*bends over*

i mean, i could, but then i wouldn't get gifts over the internet.


stop exploiting my weaknesses

You are one to talk.

I have none, I broke the game a while ago sorry

That would take so long.

what did i do

Tried to exploit mine.

whats yours

You know several of mine.

broke it?

you cant screenshot all folders at oncce?

my supple boy pussy~?


i'm going to bed


Don't wake up.


I have a lot of folders inside of other folders.

Black people tend to have that reaction with most people.

Fake it til you make it

fine w/e nerd

Fuck the Canadians are going to sleep before me

For every 6.20 I lost .32
Made 700 on stocks and an extra 100 for working 4hours today

show me folder structure

don't wake up

you have shit to do. pay attention.


You have about 10 minutes before I go too.

Its nothing that you need to see.

I don't wanna clean it up so I can show it anyways.

if i don't, i hope neither of you do either

go to bed u good taste britbong
the sun is rising in like, an hour or two

don't know

pvt. msg me the unclean?

you dont know if its broken or not?
how would you know if its broken?
whats it supposed to be?

I was gonna be here still but I forgot how to work Holla Forums

What a joyous day it'd be if I didn't.

You'll see a lot of peoples butts and dicks.

i know
wait- didn't we have a suicide pact?
okay never mind, I actually need to get to bed.
I love you, darling, please take care of the children


You know.

Anyway, I have to go to bed. I'll talk to you at a future date and time.

cya papi

You may be mixing me up with someone.

Rest well.

you're actually worse than swedish fish, or at least the same level of deplorable

oh please daddy
you're feeding into my fetish



So you get nothing.

takes 1 to know one

Ah yes, that's a suitable explanation.

Keep it up, you're doing great 👍

I do a half assed job of doing my best

So that's doing half your best?

So like doing Subtle? How lewd!

Good afternoon.

Subtle is my better half. Don't bully him I love her very much

Nice try, Adam.



I don't try. I succeed, Eve.


He kept bragging to me about how big your cock is all day today.

It's p much all he ever talks about.


Are you hitting on me? I have a boyfriend...

he showed me his dick it's actually really big

Est-ce que votre petit ami détruire votre garçon-chatte aujourd'hui?


I'm sure it's just as pleasant as you are.

Y est endormi avant que l'occasion

Is this sarcasm I detect

That's a really cute image of me.

I dunno, it might be the stench of your butthole.

Il doit être homosexuel. J'aurais pilé le sirop d'érable hors de vous.

It was your custom filename, if you recall.

Mais y fait tous les jours.

I shower 2x a day though so doubtful. I'm a nice person to people I want to be nice to

I recall you not only stealing my image but also stealing the text I typed towards you as well!

You thief!

im here for the autism


I have arrived
provide attention

ah good the autism is here

This just in: fun things are fun and people die when they are killed.

Plus gros doigt


me 2

Yeah but shutup, though. You gifted it to me.

Also post more of these kind of images.

And I'm bored of talking to you so I'm going to stop

grim help i have been bullied ;-;

et trou

Darwin please.

Okay bye, I had a lot of fun while it lasted. I'll miss you.



He has no interest in fabrics.

They need to be bare?


its ok
also nice picture
where u been bub? i finally figured out how2 phone

ive been in bed all day reading bleach procrastinating

still procrastinating

going to start studying soon tho

what do you mean by how2phone

like phonepost?

I wanna poke you between the shoulder blades

its fucking difficult as fuck and i have no pics on my phone.
for instance the last picture was a 40 year old toilet seat we found in my grandpas basement. who the fuck even keeps that?

So don't delay act now supplies are running out.

like a massage

For him, yes. For me not really.

You can never be together if you can't resolve your differences. Just kidding.

You both are too picky :3

So I believe we were trying to delve into my psyche when we last left off

Operation cat-maido is a go! N-nyaa~

Hold on.. when have I ever been picky especially with you around?

Ok, so this is how to phone.
Go to https forward slash forward slash www dot phone dot come forward slash messages.
Then just send messages.
That simple.

Just right now, with the fabric vs. no fabric.

I was trying to say that I am fine with either bare of fabric. Both have their merits.

Most of us stopped really caring after you left.


Oui.pas de tissu. cosplay nue

Is it memes?
I bet it's memes.
I know my psyche is memes.

ring ring


moshi moshi

Oh, my bad.

I thought you were saying that fabric just didn't do it for you.



I am still iffy about it but it wasn't too long ago i guess I thought it was neat.

eww.... its a rem
at least subtle noticed me~ ♥

I could have sworn I had that .gif somewhere

What gif?


Eww... it's a Luka



What about ice cream on feet?

Desu said he's breaking up with you.

What's that? ._.


that gif soo ancient

It is a lot of memes

I think Limes was the one who cared the most

As long as it's clean.



ah hell yeah

Sweaty feet aren't bad, but yeah I don't know if that'd mix well with ice cream at all.

goodnight all.


nini *pets*

It must be clean otherwise I will be too grossed out.

Good night pokemon.

night cups

100 points emoji

Limes doesn't post.

Die in your sleep.

The crying happy face emoji?

ok emoji

Daily reminder.

people keep the weirdest shit in their basements, its a common thing

lol wat

You are definitely way too picky.

new thread

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new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

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new thread

new thread

new thread

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new thread

new thread

(You) me please

also phone posting isn't worth it tbh

sucks battery and images take up valuable space




i reported spoilers for spam but some idiot made him a mod so like what?