Monster Hunter General /mhg/


Freedom Unite:!87AwmQDD!NlXnMcsIhAliHovCHVvySkY1yo5Zlw3cj4ffUGm9I2w
Portable 2nd G:!FvomDA7Y!7rYPTlPjbRU_UkX2qVbPEii2zxSID_dAWYdO01XhmsI
Portable 3rd HD for PPSSPP (English Patched):!3kxWTZpQ!FPNkkIlFY6kmX_XEdw_AzNnpdaj1wqbmw4ALHZo_c4M


If you scan the last pic in the OP with a home-brewed 3ds with the earlier versions of FBI, you can download and install XX directly from Nintendo's eShop servers. The game is also available on FreeShop.

Englishanese Translation:


>Ping's MHXX Dex:
>Athena's ASS for XX 0.21b:'s Armor Set Search for MHXX
>Athena's ASS list for all MH games:
>Information on item droprates, skills, monsters, etc:
>MH4U Relic Chart Stats and Images:
>MH4U Relic Spreadsheet:
>How many times will I have to hunt in order to get _?:
>Attack Stat Stack Chart:
>Kinsect Flowchart:
>Kinsect Ingredients list:
>Arena Armor Recipes and Requirements :

Other urls found in this thread:!UFdgDTzS!ws52fBS8Xx-5Rf5oeNtYIQ_9Es4oBEXEg7GQ6as5THo

Monster Hunter World

Would anyone be interested in doing fresh runs on 4U? I know there's a Low Rank group doing 4G, and a G Rank group doing 4U at the moment, but I don't think anyone's doing Low Rank 4U?

I guess World might be worth a pirate when it's released for PC

Why did the last general from 2 hours ago get deleted instead of locked??
Your OP is also missing stuff that the other one had user.

Sure but I can only play today and tomorrow because I work during the weekdays. I'm doing 4U right now and haven't gotten to high rank yet. Don't know why people bother playing 4G, it's not like 3G where it's actually any different from 4U.

It's still on page 13 what are you talking about?

If you like World, you're a shill apparently

Imagine that, people on Holla Forums think enjoyment = shilling. I'm so surprised.

There was another one but it got shoah'ed before it seemingly even got 5 posts.

Makes sense.

Oh man, I sure hope this thread doesn't attract any bickering autists.

As in someone posted a new thread early? If it was before the old thread hit Page 13 that's why.

As for the post on Tempered Monsters, working on formatting it now.

Judging from 90a09b and 070fc9, that ship has sailed it seems.

you're just a brainlet who can't see the grim future world will lead us to


Eighth Fleet squad session ID: 7cYGT4TH4LzT

Joining the session does not change anything. It's like a LAN or lobby. You can still solo quests. This means you can join and continue on as normal while chatting.

When you post a quest, it will be visible to the rest of us and we can join before you depart or during the quest.

For those who still need an invite: just type in the ID in "join online session" | "search via ID"

Reminder that you don't need the ID if you're already in the squad, but if you can't seem to connect to the one that already exists (via squad session search), you might want to use the ID instead.

Unfortunately, the gathering hall hub is near-pointless since you can just post the quests from the village. That being said, we like to see that pretty face, so afk there and not the gay village unless you want to be a homo.

Will reply to this post when ID changes

Nice, Ill post the eight fleet stuff now.

Copypaste from prior thread, thank you for your hard work user

Did some research on Tempered Monsters in MHW
And collected them in this post for easy digestion.

What is a tempered monster?

Tempered monsters are the endgame/postgame monsters in MHW.
They are just like the regular monsters, but have increased attack power (enough to one shot geared hunters with certain attacks.)
Tempered monsters also have a purple outline in their icon and leave blue tracks.
Investigations with tempered monsters also have purple reward boxes.

Categorically the tempered monsters fall into 3 groups:


Rathalos (Might be tier 1, could not confirm)

Kushala Daora
Vaal Hazak

Higher the tier, the better the rewards.
Note: the highest rarity drops are exclusive to the 3rd tier.

Where to fight them?

Tempered monsters are primarily investigation only, there are also few quests that pit you against tempered monsters.
Tempered monster investigations are generally unlocked by gathering tempered tracks in expeditions. (These tracks seem to always spawn in the same spots)
You can also them the same way as normal investigations when hunting tempered monsters. (break parts, gather tracks) But the chance is very low.
They are also found under Investigations section when responding to S.O.S.

Why fight them?

Tempered monsters drop streamstones in rewards and tempered monster investigations reward either streamstones or feystones.
Streamstones are used to augment Armor. They also come in different rarities.
Streamstones can also be used at the melding pot to create new random decorations out of the old ones.
You can also rarely get "warrior's streamstone" from 2nd tier upwards, they come in different types like Axe (Switch Axe & Charge Blade), Ranged (Bowgun's & Bow), etc, and can be used to augment the corresponding weapon types.
Warrior's streamstones also have a rare version called "hero's streamstone" needed for augmenting Tier 8 weapons.

Note: that lower rarity armor require lower rarity streamstones to augment and lower rarity weapons have more augment slots.

Feystones turn into decorations when identified, and come in several different rarities.
This is the only real way of getting rare decorations, and the fastest way of getting decorations in general.
There are decorations for at least some of the set bonuses present in the game. (Bonus charge level for bow, Extra damage on non elemental weapons, etc).

Augmenting quick and dirty

Weapons can be Augmented following ways:
Increased attack (+5 raw)
Increased affinity (+10%)
Bonus defense (+10)
Extra slots (potentially upgrade existing slot)
Heal on attack

Note: Numbers can potentially vary depending on weapon type.

Rarity 8 weapons have 1 augment slot, Rarity 7 has 2 and Rarity 6 has 3.
Each augment also requires different plates and gems for different monsters.

Note: A weapon must be at the end of it's upgrade path to be augmented.

Wew, fucked it up

Would that include about 18 hours from now? I should be settled in at home around then.

There's a fair number of people who believe that they kept toning down the foreign releases, just getting sneakier and less obvious about it. I've played both 4G and 4U and while I did find 4U a bit easier, it's within the realm of doubt from just "I've gotten better at the game" though I'm still a shitter. Might be interesting to try and play both 4G and 4U side by side to see if I still perceive a difference.

Yeah but I mean why ask today if you're not going to be playing until tomorrow?

I wonder why they would consider the game a casualized piece of trash and people pushing it to be either newfag casuals or shills.


Posting the question to gauge interest, so I know if it's worth setting 4U to download over night.

What armor sets remind you of unrelated characters?

Even if they are not a shill they are fucking insane.

Why don't you stop posting and lurk more.

The squad thing is so retarded, why not just make an actual guild that peoples can join instead of having to wait for the squad leader

What's the best monster hunter to play for someone who hasn't played since 3U?

Because most everything about World is retarded?

4U. It's the last good Monster Hunter game they made.

4U. it's not too far removed from 3U, swaps out water combat for climbing mechanics, and feels more satisfying. Try to avoid Generations/X as the end game is just not worth it as the arts and styles are "balanced" with monster HP bloat, turning the end game into spamming your arts as much as possible and still having difficulty ending some quests under 20 minutes.

Fucking Hyper Lagi and his fucking 18,000 HP. For reference, that's the same amount that Gogmazios had in 4U.

How's the ChargeBlade in world? I'm asking because I haven't played a MonHun past p3rd and always wanted to try that weapon, since I tend to like all the gimicky ones (HH, SA, GL).

This armor set reminds me of the leather and chain armor sets from the cult classic game 'Monster Hunter' it's a shame capcom decided to can it.

And the ship has sailed!

4U is pretty much the best one to go, though I do think that game has a rocky G-rank start.
Unlike World the story in 4U is skippable and only serves to introduce new monsters and build them up.

The fucking faces I swear to god.

Monster Hunter World is an absolute blast to play and sure does look pretty.
I went back to Freedom Unite yesterday so I could gauge how much nostalgiafagging is plaguing criticisms of World and let me just say that Astera has to be the worst fucking town in the series history. Pokke village, Yukomo village, Moga village, these villages are super fucking comfy with amazing music.
Astera sucks and honestly this alone makes me think of past games as superior. My favorite thing about Monster Hunter was the stark contrast between the calm of the villages and the adrenaline rush of going out to crush a Rathian's skull with a hammer. But Astera is just so visually noisy and so much shit is moving around it doesn't feel like a home you can relax and sort your equipment out in. It just feels like an airport where the visual language is trying to hurry your ass out of here and onto the next quest as soon as it can. Fuck that.

Because it's made for streamsluts. "If folks in chat wanna play here's the ID and maybe you'll get a chance to play with me live!" Because there are faggots in this world who think it's so cool and tell the whole world about it if they get to play with a streamslut They get people in to play together while they're online and then when they shut down the stream everyone is supposed to disperse.


is it worth giving Capcom my 30 bucks or should I just do the thing with my 3ds

4U is love, 4U is life.
I highly recoomend you play that since its the best MH game of course and its still pretty much all around the same exact game unlike World. 4U is just faster and filled with uneven/vertical terrain which is incredibly fun to fight in.

Its incredibly gimmicky and overpowered as fuck in the right hands. In world they gave it a re-positioning slide, a new charged slash and the red shield can stay up even after an ultraburst. It feels all around pretty damn good to use once you get used to it. You should try out the Insect Glaive too if you're into the more unconventional weapons.

But that's not squad are for, you're in the squad forever. What you're describing is more akin to normal MH party system where you post ID and others peoples join your party

PLEASE do the thing with your 3DS. The guide will literally hold your hand every step of the way and it's braindead simple. Also you can install lewd themes and shit.

But thats MHW

Considering how fucked the Gathering Hall is the new Squad system is an actual a blessing.

30 is worth it, you'll drop at least 100 hours into that one if you want to do G-rank but I would still recommend homebrewing your 3ds.

Why didn't OP include 4U download in the OP if its the best MH? Because FU the best you fags

Here's 4U download!UFdgDTzS!ws52fBS8Xx-5Rf5oeNtYIQ_9Es4oBEXEg7GQ6as5THo

Arts do terrible damage, I don't know why this meme keeps getting spread around. You're spamming your arts because they give you almost perfect cancelling into 3 seconds+ i-frames and sharpen or sheathe your weapon. Which in turn means that you can play like an absolute fucking retard without any consequence. Which in turn lead capcom into the brilliant idea of, instead of nerfing these broken abilities, BALANCE the monsters around fucking mashing your strongest attacks constantly and absolute-ing out of even the remotest bit of danger.
Or at least that would've been the case, but capcom still wasn't satisfied and decided to introduce the dude hold y lmao style also known as brave, and balance g-rank around that.

please no

FU is a dated mess of a game that I can still enjoy but in no way in hell is that game good.

Fucking hell, I went back to it after having taken a break and decided to clean up some village quests. I have high end High rank gear (Hellblade armor/weapons, Akantor armor/weapons) and a mission of "fight these three lightweight monsters in the arena" results in this slog where you KNOW for a fucking fact the monster should have been dead (in any other game, it would be) but you have to keep hammering on it for another 5 minutes.

Shit, just to make it past some of the 5 monster marathons, you have to be the most suicidal fucker, taking the biggest risks and chancing every possible "gotcha bitch" moment you can.

Not only did you fuck up the pasta horribly, You also added unnecessary meme spacing. I hate you for this.

You can't even forge armor gems until you at least complete the first few stages of village low rank, not to mention wystones, cats, item duplication carts and areas, as well as a slew of other stuff which is inaccessible if you never do the 'story' quests.

As a whole video game in the scope of all video games, not just within the monster hunter series, you refuse to call FU a good game? I really can't understand how someone can think like this. 'Really bad hitboxes' is about the only reasonable complaint.

Not that I would encourage it exactly, but try doing those same quests again with brave. You'll probably be surprised to see that you can clear them well under 30 minutes, and promptly realise that there's nothing good about xx whatsoever.


I never got XX and I only went with Adept because with my bayonetta/mgr reflexes, it turned the fights into counter sprees

so where's Peco

Its this stupid site fault or maybe browser, basically if you copy/paste without expanding the reply box, it will add a space in between every line for some reason. But it looks normal if its in the default replybox size

Eighth Fleet squad session ID: 4nGQFXzKHQLQ

Joining the session does not change anything. It's like a LAN or lobby. You can still solo quests. This means you can join and continue on as normal while chatting.
When you post a quest, it will be visible to the rest of us and we can join before you depart or during the quest.
For those who still need an invite: just type in the ID in "join online session" | "search via ID". Then type in chat and say, "Legiana a cute!", you will get an invite if the squad leader is online.
Reminder that you don't need the ID if you're already in the squad, but if you can't seem to connect to the one that already exists (via squad session search), you might want to use the ID instead.
Unfortunately, the gathering hall hub is near-pointless since you can just post the quests from the village. That being said, we like to see that pretty face, so afk there and not the gay village unless you want to be a homo.

Will reply to this post when ID changes

Better now. Also check 'em

Gens is slightly less broken. Instead of brave it's balanced around striker +2xabsolute, at least occasionally you have to actually try, maybe.
Adept is of questionable usefulness unless playing ranged or carried deadweight (since at least you probably won't cart) due to how long it takes to perform the dodge and how weak almost all of the counters are. Also if you're serious about 'reflexes' use e+1, which gives you enough i-frames to fully pass through weaker, quick attacks and partially pass through stronger attacks. Even then it's is only sort of good with lance, ls & dbs, maybe hammer and HH. e+2 is also nice if you really want to abuse i-frames, but it's kind of overkill since anything you need it for it's better to just move out of the way. Still, x/xx are so badly balanced it might still be neccessary with some of the bullshit hypers pull.
I'm knid of curious what weapon you're using though, especially if you started with generations

Use another browser and then try posting something with single spaced sentences
Like this.
Are you pasting it somewhere else and then copy+pasting in the reply box?

I've actually played and solo'd a really good chunk of XX so I can chime on in this. XX is balanced around having one evade art, but it only becomes necessary when you start doing the super deviants that can one shot you, since they're so big one or two of their attacks will be made pretty much undodgeable by normal means(unless you're a god at iframes) and they WILL one shot you no matter the hp. Hypers are doable with no evasion arts, as long as you know the monster's moveset. Adept and Brave both break the game no matter the situation, though Adept will severily lower the dps of lots of weapons, it's still crazy safe.

Unrelated, but people really shouldn't sperg out about the hp bloat, since 4U had similar stuff with Apexes and GQ 140 monsters. Though there are 2-3 monsters where the hypers are a slogfest solo(like Lagiacrus as mentioned before), the quests go as fast if not faster because weapons have on average +50 raw over 4U, and crit boost means the average extra damage you get from armor is much higher as well(if you're not using crit boost you're pretty much crippling yourself), gotta also consider the extra dps weapons get from never having to sharpen and ranged weapons getting a free reload every so often.

Tldr: Play through with either one evasion art or eva+1 outside of brave/adept for an optimal experience.

What I meant by it is that cutscenes are mostly just monster showcases and most of the story is just skippable dialog, unlike World where you have to sit through everything.
I can call it a good game for it's time, even fantastic, surely not a good one now, and definitely not the best in the series. It just hasn't aged well.
The game handles the atmosphere right and that's probably the reason I played it for so long. I decided to emulate it a few months ago and it just didn't felt the same going from 4u to it.
I would still recommend it to new players simply because of how that game chews you out and forces you to learn it's mechanics, but once you're done just go to better games in the series. Every time I remembered I was close to fighting something cool I would grind to fight it only to realize how disappointing that fight really is.
It wasn't just the hitboxes, enemy attacks can go through objects and they put themselves in unreachable areas. Among other things.

Maybe, stuff like like Rathalos getting himself stuck was way more prevalent when I emulated than I remembered, but I was young when I played it on my psp, I probably blocked the bad memories out of my head. I do remember him falling through the map after doing his amazing cinematic attack.
And yes it is dated, there is no denying that.
I miss how massive the hammer felt.

Why are people paying to beta test the new MH? I really want to know

No, just copy and then directly paste it in the reply box. It always have a double spacing automatically

No plans to get the PC version
Toaster PC
maybe there are other reasons

Sorry about that user, I brought dishonor to our squad. There is no excuse for my failure.
I could delete it if you want?

I just like to play videogames.
Also I am a lazy poorfag with a barely functioning toaster

Coming from someone that soloed the entirety of XX; you have to kill hypers to get those +50 higher than 4U base raw weapons, as well as any of the really good skillsets, if you have those before solo-ing the monsters, you've defeated the purpose of making the comparison since you've been grinding with a group beforehand and might as well just say that you can solo high rank quests in under a minute because you've got g-rank equipment. Hypers begin from G2 unlike apex and 140+ GQ, and hypers as early as rathian are already no fun to fight at all, easily taking 20 minutes and sometimes even more even with rank appropriate brave set-up, with little to no drops in dps for the entire quest due to how boringly agressive brave allows you to play. I've done g-hypers with striker and guild sets because it's honestly a lot more fun, but jesus christ it takes literally figurative fucking hours to kill anything and the hypers just love to pull all sorts of bullshit that breaks the normal gameflow of the series and ruin any fun you might be having. It reminds of when I was playing through g-rank in 4U and I'd get 10-20 minute clear times with IG, CB or GS, and anywhere from 20-40 minutes with lance, HH or sns. However, at least the bullshit from the monsters was kept to a minimum and it was reasonably fun to play regardless of whether I was making decent time or not.
Before anyone jumps on me about it, I should probably clarify that I didn't solo the entirety of the deviants to max level, only a few, and I'm not sure if I've cleared any super g-deviant quests solo.

Having played on original hardware I've never encountered any major bugs with FU during the thousand or two hours I've played it over the years. Attacks have awful hitboxes visually, but even in 4U monsters can phase or launch projectiles through apparently solid objects fairly frequently, and for the most part even with the terrible hitboxes monsters are generally designed to always give the player a fair chance to recuperate or retaliate, which is far more important for the gameflow. The only thing I really remember hating from FU was the g-rank small elder dragons; gimmicks that prevent you from fighting them properly (haha the chameleos fight) + lol entire body length charge hitboxes that come out with almost no tell and require little to no recovery on the monster's part, also a bit too much hp but I suppose that was supposed to be for the repel mechanic.

Cheaper than a low-end gaming PC with coinfags ruining it for literally everybody.


I'm still at HR4, if I weren't busy doing optional quest, I just wandering around in expedition and do other stuff. Its just too comfy following the monster and watching their movement pattern

Speaking of which, isn't it impossible to play "guildhall" level hunts in MHW without having more than one player because monsters just scale? How are there not more people upset about this?

It seems like there are two HP types for monsters.
Type A for solo play and Type B for 2-4 hunters.
So technically the hardest version of the monsters is a 2 player hunt.

No, don't. People who learn from bullying are good in my book.

I went online after killing the praying mantis, so anything after that wasn't proper solo, and by 'soloed to max' I mean without any previous experience fighting the monster or equipment from post game monsters or higher levelled deviants. I only have a vague recollection of doing super hololohululu in g2 or g3 equip, which even if I do remember properly doesn't mean much since he's probably one of the easiest super deviants. I hope you don't mean you 'soloed a big chunk of the game' in your maxed out hellblade set with a perfect rng talisman, because that would be embarassing.

There's no point in saying the bloat doesn't exist if you're comparing post-post game XX with post-post game 4U instead of 1G/F, FU or 3U actual g-rank with XX actual g-rank.

radoman gear for cats is wild

People want new monsters to hunt and have no inhibitions. There are also other reasons that would only open a can of worms if brought up, and I don't feel like derailing the thread. It's a shame they tweaked the gameplay for larger audience, because some of the new monsters and armor look rad.

If you're saying that because of the PC version on the horizon, you're pretty fucking stupid if you think it won't have Denuvo. If you purchase it on PC and it has Denuvo, a reminder that you're the cancer killing PC gaming.

If that were true you niggers would have played Frontier years ago.


Good luck with that.

I would have but I could never get my hands on a Korean SSN when that version was still around and i'm not paying a monthly sub for the nip version only to get banned for not living in Japan.

desire sensor is too stong

And paying a monthly sub for the PS4 version is different how?


Careful, any criticism of paying for the privilege to play online with PS4 is deflected with buzzwords.

How to maximum comfy for long hunts?
I'm thinking in forming a pillow and blanket cocoon, but that makes typing difficult back at hub.

Jesus fucking christ it's like all the OP cares about is keeping the thread on the front page. There have been at least 3 threads in just as many days. How the fuck am I supposed to discuss anything if the threads keep getting abandoned and forced to 404 every day?

If it acts like a shill and talks like a shill… etc.

Claim /monsterhunter/ or form /monhun/ and have threads dedicated to stats, lore, and hateboner containment for world. There is your longform discussion
Captcha, why?

There should be an anti-marketer feature that "locks" threads to the second page. Like an anchor but limited.

Back during first-third exodus /tg/ tried to petition for a similar a feature, pinning to last page. Hotwheels himself said it wasn't so simple to code for whatever reason.

While I agree insofar as the changes made to how you play it go, I can't hate most of the new monsters it adds, or their themes.

While the game won't let you just press Start and skip it, from what I hear World's story is just as entirely ignorable as ever.

I've never understood what people mean when they say games "age," as they are one of the things that literally can't change no matter regardless of when you play them. The only thing that's aged is you

Pretty much the entire fanbase is furious about it.

Hopefully there'll be a way to "fake" a second player so you can do the proper difficulty solo.

More pages and a higher post limit would hopefully solve it. Once something goes past the first page you might as well use the catalog to find it anyway because threads can bump it off whatever page your looking at between switching through pages.

Which would defeat the purpose of having any threads here, doesn't it? Why split the populous when you could just have proper posting etiquette and avoid all this bullshittery. Hell, the more dodgy tactics for getting the thread to stay bumped, the more the topic will move to presence/absence of shills instead of the game itself and sully the image of the game. People will pirate out of spite if this keeps up.

pls respond

psn is meowreka

Just join the squad, then you dont need to look for group anymore

Didn't you read? He wants to segregate people who dislike MHW from the rest of the board because they're problematic.

Help me do arena quests, asshole.

Why cant we all just get along?

You discuss it at the new thread?

is the ID for squad session always the same for everyone?

Yeah. It changes when everyone leaves though and its incredibly retarded that it does so.

squad invite where

Are you some sort of halfchan meme?

don't fucking respond, mentally ill

any time you post any kind of ID people sperg at you because reasons

also I'm permabanned from halfchan that was somebody else I begged to try and find me people to play with and he did that instead (so helpful)

Thanks to some of the suggestions ITT I've been enjoying the SnS more, but I still don't feel the "OOMPH" heavy weapons give me so I wanted to know, is HH viable in MHW?
I don't care if they nerfed the songs, I just wanna hit things.


Isn't Hammer more your speed, then? Not to mention being able to golf-club other players into the sky.

The HH is worse than ever at hitting things this time around.


I mained hammer for two games in a row.
It's a good weapon but I like a challenge I'm maining GL currently

You seem the sort to like simple weapons - so try the Dual Blades. slice shit up, devil mode, slice shit up, archdemon, slice shit up, etc

pls no shun
where squad invite

They are too easy for me, they feel unsatisfying.
Also after using SnS they feel like a cheap knock off


Hunting Horns just can't catch a break.

I'm going to have to main it in MH3U, the only game where they somewhat shine.
It's a shame really.

Read the thread or ctrl+squad

can't find squad key on keyboard

read the thread then

If he's that much of a shitposter or reatard you don't have to reply. You should have filtered him 3 posts ago.

I don't man, shitposter kinda funny depending on their level of creativity and effort, manly tears and quentin come to mind.

Iz good. (XL) buffs at end of trees are grand, completely negating a monster's gimmick status inducer is cathartic, bonking them in the ear with a diddy you just wrote up is hilarious.
It's viable. You'll spend another five to ten minutes longer on a hunt than, say, the charge weapons, by sheer dps difference. When playing alone that is.
(XL) damage buff + (XL) stamina use reduction on a team of four tolchocks beasties faster than you do alone.

I hope even the anons playing MHW have enough sense to not let cuckchan in. Go back to >>>/cuckchan/

Spamming the same post will just result in you getting ignored you know

If you want to play in multiplayer difficulty ask someone to join you on a quest then ask them to leave. The difficulty will be bumped to guild tier and they can leave and it will stay that way.

Why couldn't they have just had a cute girl you could talk to that would lock the difficulty? Fuck's sake even Diablo 2 had an option to force the difficulty to scale to 8 players even though it was just you alone.

That's how I played last time I played it, I wanted the extra loot.

I don't know man. I'm just saying. If you want to fight the monster on multiplayer difficulty solo that is the best way currently. You're gonna have to complain to capcom if you want it to change.

Every fucking time, Holla Forums. Every GODDAMN time a new game in a series comes out, you gotta do this shit. Maybe if you'd stop sperging out and just fucking play World with me you'd be having fun right now instead of stewing in your own sour grapes.


I've been answering S.O.S. Flares all day, came on the thread to ask a question, got caught up reading this bullshit drama and forgot what I was going to ask.

Did it have something to do with gems, monster behaviour, lore, menu mechanics, or combos?

oh yeah

what should I make with the Zorah Magdaros Gem I just got?

From what my friend told me, his weapons have blast, so probably his weapon, if he has one for you weapon type.

Use it to make the Awakening / Free element charm

alternatively you can make Zorah hammer got 410 blast damage and over 1000 raw damage, but it only has green sharpness and -20 affinity or any zorah weapons

Fuck, I wish I'd have read this before I went and made a Blast weapon. I'm working on the Lumu SwitchAxe which has Blast on it but it needs to be Awakened.

SOS flares are a fantastic way to get right into the action in the best way. Even better when someone SOS's an awesome investigation with great rewards.

The absolute only time I don't like S.O.S. flares is when someone joins when I've whittled the monster down to near-death and they almost immediately cart just to fuck up my day


Friends don't let friends buy an Xbone.

Did the ID change? Also can someone add me to the squad? I gave everyone my guild card at some point; Executioner Gars.

Bloodborne box

As someone who is just shy of facing Nergi, what's this free element stuff and what's better about it over other charms like, say, torrent?

I've been using SOSs to put together parties quicker and easier than trying to matchmake and find sessions and lobbies with people to try and herd into one mission. I've gotten teamed with a couple lousy players, but typically, I fire up the flare right at the start, the mission fills right away, and most won't join after the rewards are off the table unless they're a cool guy who wants to help out for fun.

Set the player limit to 2 because Palico are infinitely more useful than any given random

SOS opens the game to four hunters regardless.

Some weapons have a secret element to them, like the barroth GL has a secret paralysis status that can only be brought out by the free element charm or decoration. Anything that has an extra element below it with a parenthesized number requires that charm to make it worth while, but you can probably find a better weapon with the actual element you want that does higher damage and looks better.

Some weapons like the Lumu switchaxe have almost doubled the elemental damage than regular elemental weapons, but the catch is you can only use it if you unlock them with Free Element skill

Could wait for one person to join and then quickly shut down the flare.

Nope. If you set the player limit to 2, it doesn't let more than one other person join you. Trust me, I've sent S.O.S. Flares almost every time I hunt a monster for the second or third time.

SnS isn't about oomph. It's about laying on consistent damage and shoving status up the monster's asshole while blocking their best attacks while only taking a kitty scratch from their best attacks if you block them.

Oh okay. Neat.

I hope the spring update with Deviljho isn't just him. It would feel completely awful to have to wait that long for only one monster even if it is free. I hope they release 3-5 monsters at a time worst case scenario. I'd much rather get 8-10. The event trailers so far seem to be hinting at stuff that is months away. So I am hoping they are keeping the other monsters a secret until later. I want Zinogre and Gore Magala back.

That seems a little overkill for end tier weapons holy shit. Now I get why people like to grind zorah fights I'm going to watch those like a hawk.

I find Zorah just plain fun. I know in the end it's just hitting rocks and running back and fort while hitting circle but it's still a really cool environment to fight a giant lava godzilla in. I like shooting the stalactites.

It's a pretty nice change of pace from the usual hunts. I like the combination of traversal and terrain management with the second half being resource management and damage rhythm. If they get around to bringing back some of the other yuge monsters, it would make for a nice way to consistently break up the back-to-back hunts.

Did you ever think that people are waiting for the pc version so they don't have to deal with paid online, shitty frameratethe port will probably be ass and not having to buy it ?

Haven't you seen the multiple fags bitching about alchemy style being brokenly OP? There were only a handful of people here who actually played XX in the rooms that were posted. People on /mhg/ bitch constantly about things that they've never played and don't understand, and refuse to even figure out the most basic details about what they're complaining about. It's the same as the people who complain about Insect Glaive being OP in 4U, and think it's just because it can mount easily; yet, if you look at any top-tier IG play, or any TAs with IG (which are almost always the fastest of any weapon), they obviously never mount or even use the vault at all, because mounting is a massive waste of time and anyone with even a single brain cell would be able to realize you don't mount during a fucking time attack. It was OP because it was insanely fast, hit much harder than weapons much slower than it, had more mobility than any other weapon, and then on top of that got a bunch of buffs and skills for free.
Don't expect people here to actually understand what they're bitching about. They may be right about the end result (Gen/XX being casualized and easier, IG being OP, HAs being breaking), but don't ever expect anyone here to understand why, or what exactly is wrong that leads to that end result.

It feels technician as fuck doing all that shit.

You're right about everything except most hunter arts are just downright useless except for some buffs, and the evasion arts are obviously good.

>handler making a big speech about how we're an "UNBREAKABLE TEAM" during the fight with ???
all you do is open the fucking book.

I don't hate her as much as some people but last i checked I was the guy who fought all the monsters while she just did the paperwork

She nags you into doing the main story mode shit, so her primary role in saving the world is "getting the main character to stop farming materials and actually go do shit"

That, and it isn't Palicos hauling your shit and building camps.
I like her, about as much as Emerald Herald in DS2.
She has her own purpose for being there, you're an emotionally mute coworker she gets interested in prying open.

so how have you guys faired with world's release? massive influx of shitposting?
still as comfy as before?

shitposting from both sides. There's a handful of shills, and what seems like a metric fuckton of sour grapes shitheads who take occasionaly breaks from suckling on the memberberry bush to call anyone and everyone who talks about World a shill or some other type of bogeyman.

I had some ok fun with hit for 80 hours but the lack of content is really starting to be apparent, as is the lack of good armor and weapon models.
I suppose I can only sit back and hope that G is better, maybe they'll ease off of the boring armor now that they've got people interested in the mechanics.

im just working on min max on skills on swaxe killing elder dragons and shit

the deco system is such garbage now.
i also haven't played any mp yet because I hate the concept of paid online but I might as well do it for a month or two so I don't get even more burned out than I would otherwise

Wew lad someone is upset.

This isn't even my final form.

People still play 4U online?

You were given an invite 4 days ago.

I saw quite a lot of rooms up before mhw launched.
So I'd say yes.

How do I get more tools for my palico? I need something other than a crutch for my fucking logarius cat.

Never received it.

Expeditions and exploring. If you need a more exact answer than that, there are guides all over the internet.

go on expeditions and find the cats in each area

Updated ID: 4hnTZNbrRuzN

the tempered monsters hit pretty hard but since I can't really make any new gear out of them it doesn't seem as fun, this post game might be a bit of a bummer

I feel like the gear climb stopping sooner is probably better for everyone, since you can only make a monster so challenging when you're wearing its own hide to boost your defense to impossible levels.

I get what you mean but I get addicted to the progress crack and wanna make more stuff

do all high rank games have such little content? It's kind of bumming me out.

There's a tribe of Grimakynes hiding in each zone (and Gajalakas in the last one) that you have to do some quests for. Once you do, you will get one new gadget, you can encounter them on the map and recruit one of the wild Felynes to help you, and each tribe will teach your cat to befriend and ride one of the local wild monsters, like Jagras or Kestodons.

Was playing MHGen, but I don't really like the hunter arts. Is GL good at 4U?

you can tweak em with decorations and upgrade them more for min max

You could always go back and play past games.

i personally dont mind the new decoration system. i know fags complain about not seeing negative skills but they are still there. if a monster roars it fucks you up like if you had negative number in the older ones. you need to have some in order to survive some of the later monsters who tend to attack right away after a roar


I assume they mean the skill system where you could have negative skills.

The skill system itself is fine, it's just that getting them is the worst it's been in a while. I know rng tables and all but still.

I think this was like my 3cart in awhile though. It's tough to tell if the games easier or I've just played so many of these damn games that i'm used to half the stuff they throw at me

Because then you wouldn't have to pay for the online shit

That's not the case at all though. I have a PS4, and absolutely no desire to get World. Nothing about it looks fun

I hear a lot more boogeymaning coming from the pro-World side where they insist that everyone who doesn't like World is really just one Japanese guy who owns a Switch and is mad about XX not getting a Western release despite being Japanese.

People playing G Rank 4U and Low Rank 4G, gonna try starting up a group for Low Rank 4U soon.

Something tells me you never played any Monster Hunters before World.

Let me download it first, senpai!

No rush, I'm on lunch break right now anyway and going through tutorial crap, I won't be around to actually play for another 6 hours or so probably give or take.

Oh yay, I havent done any of the guild stuff so im still low rank, did most of the campaign
i just gotta get a new friendcode thing, the last public one got 002'd

Post yer huntan songs.
I'm just listening to a shit ton of berserk music.



im never upgrading the charge blade am i?

Personally, I just like playing in Japanese more than English. It actually feels weird and unnatural playing games in English now.

Do we have a disagreement we can use for voice chatting? KB is such a pain to attempt using mid-hunt.

better have a cute gijinka to back that up user

the only good that X/XX brought starts and stops with the new Monsters and their themes. Oh, and also Nekojo

I meant disagreement…


Why not just using the in-game voice chat nigger

because PSN is held together with duct tape and craft glue also my headset mic sounds like SHIT over PSN but just fine through disagreement. Why? No clue. But it does.

holy fucking shit, does beating stronger monsters just beef your character up or am I getting stronger as a hunter?
I might also be gaining the power of Skeletor from painting my gear in his likeness.

you're just getting gud


I've never watched the berserk anime, but holy shit this is rad

Oh good, I was waiting for her take on this

I recommend Sign and Ash Crow.

Susumu Hirasawa's music is godlike. I personally love the calmer music like Guts's theme or Earth.
Earth embedded, Guts's theme here:

What the fuck does that even mean?

It means that they're a shitlord.

I've been listening to the whole soundtrack. He's the guy who did paprika's soundtrack too, fucking nice

What the fuck do I do to prevent being instakilled by the dive attack that niggeranti does? I take it on with my shield up at full health and he fucking kills me every single time no matter what. I can't dodge it because the amount of damage it does without my shield up would have to be worse and I can't outrun it in enough time to football dive out of the way. So what the fuck?

The absolute state of Monster Hunter.

Football dive? The fuck is one of those?

Maybe it's something only super men can do in a panic

It's where you dodge but instead of rolling you jump out of the way in a such a lazy fashion that your body stays in the air for forty years.

Whats the lore on every new Monster Hunter game getting hated by fans? It happens every time without fucking fail.

watch and learn

in combat, if you press dodge while running, it goes to a dive

Trying the hunting bell after enjoying the fuck out of the funlance, wish me luck.

But that doesn't happen.

Or do you mean board lore?

Now you're just baiting.

Sure let me call it a horn when it's clearly a bell


you should give the trans-axe a go
I think its gameplay design is absolutely perfect

Awesome, getting settled in at the moment, should be up to play soon.

I get you there user. Other than games that are originally in English and MonHun for multiplayer, pretty much everything I play is in Japanese now.

Dino died to protect us from her horrors.

I almost feel bad for Capcom - they build a new engine, take it off the handhelds, and remake the game from the ground up alienating the fans in the process all to appeal to these people, and yet they still won't buy into it.

He also did vid related, which is just gorgeous.

Eh, They're buying it. However the masses are a fickle beast, and leap from trend to trend.

I'll be on in a little bit too. It's 6'ass in the morning on a Sunday and I have pancakes and coffee to make first.

So shit took longer than I expected, but I'm just about ready to start up. Only thing, I'm hitting a bit of a snag where it won't let me go online because it's out of region, so I need to Google up the solution for that. Shouldn't take long hopefully though.

I've got a room up.
ID: 33-4792-7276-5767
Pass: 8888

5 millions peoples said you're wrong

I was sleeping, user. In a couple of hours I will be available to play, if you still up.

We will see what the ONLINE looks like in 3 months.

Finally got it figured out, sorry for the wait. Good to see you managed to get someone else in to get things going though.

I'll be up at least.

I'll take your bet. I'm gonna screencap this post and see the result in 3 months

Massive drop of in players and users. Only a niche group of fans still playing it past that.


What are the best DOOTS to have on the hunting horn, does attack up/defense up really make a difference?
Should I just pick whatever has wind resistance/earplugs/stun, depending on the mon we're hunting?

I swear to fuck the only gem I've got worth a damn is an affinity one. I'm left putting fucking speed sharperining in my gem slots because nothing else is any better

And every other video game.

Okay, so what's your point? that it is normal?

maybe you're stuck on a cursed gem table

Kecha Wachas who just hang on the ceiling knowing you need to bag them alive are dickbags


So how much attack or defense do the hunting horn songs add? Are they even worth keeping up or should I use a horn with HP recovery?

In 4U, 10, 15, or 20% depending on which version.

oh fug it's percentage based, not flat like the armor skills?

Correct. I believe the percentages are the same in third generation as well, but I'd need to look that up to be sure.

I swear to fucking god if they did that again
this system is bad enough

What next? You gonna ask if you should even hit the monster?

Horns are simple
get one that does the most damage they almost always have atk up or def up along with a good utility like wind negate or earplugs
Always play your buff songs unless its like wind negate vs a ground monster

Combo into songs and dont be a little bitch and run out of melee to play. The best part of Horn is you are fast and can be aggressive as fuck sticking on the monster the whole time

Sonic bombs

I'm gonna take a quick coffee break.

It's just me or the 4U runs smoother and has better graphics than Gen?

Go ahead, I'm doing some village quests.

Not particularly
Its just gen is ugly, its like everything got browner

speaking of cursed tables
I recently obtained a Wii U, is there anything I should know about the port of 3U? I've been thinking about getting it.

Be nice user, he's giving you an out, so that even if you get shown up and World dies out in three months, you can then fall back on the "see it's just like the rest of the series" angle not that you'll be here by then anyway

Starting a fresh game, don't have any yet.

No problem user, take your time, gonna go do some tidying up, just post when you get back.

On a New 3DS 4U runs at 60 FPS, while Gen/XX is stuck at 30.

4U can run at a higher FPS. I don't believe the textures are better unless you use a N3DS.

And if it doesn't?

Then you get to win on your original argument. It's a win-win for you.

Yeah you basically have to follow one of those charm table guides to make sure you don't get on a cursed table, since it's locked in stone when you click "New Game" and you can't change it afterwards.

What normalfag games are out soon?

Will you be here?

Yeah, I'm here because I like Monster Hunter, and even if World replaces it, we'll still always have the previous titles plus it'll get a lot more pleasant to be around once the marketing budget for World runs out and resources start getting shifted to the next normalfag targeting product.

Yeah. The first map gives a awesome autumn vibe, really cool. It's been a long time since a played 4U.

I think 4U runs at 60 fps on a O3DS.

Only in specific areas. Most of the time it chugs between 20-30.

So am I

You'll average 30-46 fps on O3DS. N3DS holds a good 60 and very rarely hits 30.

Thanks again for the hunts user, gonna pass out now, but I have the next two days off, so if you or anyone else around wants to do Low Rank on 4U or 4G, post a room and odds are I'll show up.

We're starting to look undergeared for HR3 anyways, time to upgrade. I didn't even have proper HBG armor, just bought the Alloy set from the shop because it was better than nothing.

I'm still on the beginning. When you come back I will play with you guys.

I'm gonna play some more after lunch, ~1-1.5 hours from now.

Any monhun Gondolas?

I'm currently playing MH4U, which is my first monster hunter, and I'm currently stuck on HR Rathalos. Playing offensively I usually get 3 carts thanks to several misjudgements on my part and his flying raking poison claws attack which has a range of over 20 meters, is faster than the gliding charge and takes about half of my health in rage mode. Playing defensively, I run out of time, because I'm stuck running circles around him while he's in the air. How do I deal with his flying bullshit?

How's the Eighth Fleet hunts been, any stories?

Also, I can't see a clear tell for the raking claws attack, and because there is pretty much no safe distance for them, I can't take my eyes off him during the flying phase.

Flash bombs, traps and git gud.

If his flying mode's giving you trouble, use flash bombs. If you don't wanna flash the bastard, the best strategy for him, at least to me, is never ever stay directly in front of him. You'll be set up for sudden charges and fireballs, so what you wanna do is always stay to his side, keep a close eye on him and as soon as you feel that he's about to turn start getting some distance. When he does the move where he flies really high and then lunges at you on the ground, stay underneath his shadow, it's the safest spot otherwise superman dive when just as he moves towards you. Superman dive's your friend for those fast unpredictable moves.
I can't give you any more specific advice. He's become one of those fights that I can do by reflex and instinct without really knowing why it works, I just tend to stick to the side and steer clear from his nose, getting openings whenever I can. Good hunting user, you've got this, you've made it to High Rank already. Analyze him and figure out his openings. I believe in you.

Low Rank room up.
ID: 9509012-8776-7406
Pass: 8888


Fucked up the ID: 05-9012-8776-7406

Triple Rath dogpile once. That was a sight. Not much crazy when everyone in is competent.
In the hub, my intro was one of the stupidest and stupendous acts I've seen in any game, involving Prance and a faux Palico helmet.


Was fighting Vaal for some decorations and I didn't even notice someone came in, all of a sudden while Vaal was charging up his long range one shot, one of the Big Guys of the squad jumped in and mounted him out of nowhere.
I could hear my character ovulate during that moment.

Too lewd

I'm a hammerbro, I consider the side of his head as still being his side :^)

DC'ed m8.

I would have actually quit hunting for today had you not posted.
I had mainly been using the SA for tail cutting so far (because I heard the gems are a bitch to farm, and I might as well start early, right?).
I tried once more with the SA and failed then decided to return to my main, HH and did him on my first try. It turns out that you perform better if you don't concentrate for a quarter of the fight on a side objective and hunt with the weapon you're more experienced with, who would have guessed? Then I got not one, but TWO gems as quest rewards

4u>world>3u>XX>the rest

When I did my playthrough of MHX right after it launched I was maining hammer. Well some chucklefuck decided that the a hammer I was making needed tails and for whatever reason I went autism about it and cut them all off with boomerangs instead of switching weapons.

It was surprisingly effective. Eat for Felyne Thrower and bring combines. I even once cut a Dinovaldo tail that way.

P3rd>4u>world>3u>XX>the rest

They are? I've never really used boomerangs before, so far I have mainly used healing items, buffs, tranqs and traps and paintballs. How do boomerangs handle? Can you aim them vertically or only horizontally, and do they do fixed damage?

Pretty gud. Everyone's average to highly skilled so hunts are always fun.
Most of us are well into HR now so it feels like I'm playing co-op a lot more often.


MHAiru Village>MH Pachinko>MHStories>MHOrage manga>MHAiru village online shorts>The poogie petting mini-game>MHStories anime>Cooking steaks with 「上手に焼きました!」Using stones and kicks to accurately calculate motion values>MHW>cooking steaks with the 'Mmm looks tasty!' voice clip'shit>cooking steaks with any other voice clips>fighting gen 1 plesioth with DBs>shit>the rest of the games>mhfu
Only acceptable opinion to have to be honest.

Yes 'shit' is in there twice, no that wasn't because I didn't proofread my post it's because the first one is ShitU and the second is ShitG

pressed post too soon
On another note, is there any high rank/G-rank Palico equipment which looks like low rank gear?
I have a pretty good looking set which uses the low rank guild headgear on my main palico, but the extra damage it takes is a bit annoying.

Do you guys have a group for World?


not really

damn I just hit HR 29 and did the quest and i'm beginning to feel the soulless endgame. There's such a lack of content in MHW after the main quest and the town upgrade quests. I got worried when I seemed to stop unlocking side quests for town upgrades and thought loads might appear after HR29 but its blank. already got my set fully upgraded with no reason to keep playing except for tempered augments.

Jesus coming from 4U and even the shitty Gen to this is demoralizing. there's barely anything left to do except pray to the RNG gods and collect all the endemic pokemon

Because I don't get banned for not living in japan.
And that's assuming I'm paying for + when in reality I'm playing single player.

I heard the game doesn't have much of an endgame yet, and slows down around 80 hours in. Even if I did plan on getting it, I think I'd wait for it to be actually finished.

yeah wait for the PC release, thankfully I didn't drop anything on the PS4 and just sharing the copy with a friend. Everything feels so lacking, monster count, armour and weapons, side content. And your reward for completing shit late game or reaching HR100 is literally only fucking guild card titles

Good job user, guess the gems were your reward for all the time it took taking him down. You can make his armor set or his subspecies' armor set with them or upgrade some of his weapons.

are you guys still playing?

How do you increase your HR in this game I've been stuck at 29 for like 10 hours now.

It's 16:30 where I am, I can play some more LR stuff. I'll start a room if you're in.

Yea about 80 hours is about where I got bored. It's a shame since I got to 250 in 4U and could still probably play it.

Still going to play it for a little while at least, if not solely for plat autism.

In the old games when I finished all my shit I would go into random rooms and help people out with quests. World just does not seem structured for it though. Also I don't have enough resources to make spare armour and weapons.

i've only got the 1* guild quests so i was just gonna do those since theyrea a breeze and if no ones with me i can use my stronger stuff
but if you want i'll open a room

Sounds like you'd rather hunt alone.

i meant t more as i'm doing shit like hunting 8 rhenoplos do you want to join that kind of hunt,

well i tried to create a room and got 006-0520
changed the dns and fixed it


Gay. Why even bother doing low rank?

Glad I search up hunting horn every once in a while. Summary: recital shockwaves unaffected by sharpness, apply flat damage + element damage, completely without crit chance.
If you go for playing songs constantly rather than hammer subsituting, forget about sharpness and maestro.

go fuck off back to whatever crack you crawled out of, faggot.

Sweet lord man, mechanics info is good info regardless of source

Even on cuckchan this can't be normal. What the fuck are you doing?


you faggots need to go and stay go or do what everyone else did in the olden days and LURK MOAR

I come from a land of dice and worldbuilding, of lore delvers and mini painters. Different board culture, less puritanical. I apologise for my unknowing faux pas

They don't even need to look at it, I was citing source.

chances are i've been here longer than you, nigger

you fucked up retard, now sink quietly into the thread and don't pipe up until the next one, you miserable pile of shit.

t. willfully ignorant retard putting misguided ideas over useful information

isn't that every MH games since forever? all you do is grind monsters

This is fucking IRRELEVANT.
If you want to post info, post info. Never link to reddit, streams, cuckchan, and other cancerous shit you obnoxious newfags.

See and take it as an example.
Or screencap it.

You have shamed yourselves. These are not acceptable excuses for linking or worse, admitting to using reddit.

Olden days doesn't start from 2010 fags.

From my tourist's perspective this is thrilling. Such passion from something so innocuous, such fury. It may only be from your eyes to your fingertips, but it is beautiful all the same.
Tell me more, let this rage overfill your cup with blood. Give in to the dark god that is your heart of hearts. Feel the rhythm.

Or maybe Gondola and chill

i usually ignore if someone goes to reddit but you type like a faggot

Nobody here has said they use reddit, outside of that linked page I hadn't seen a reddit page in over a year.

Fucking this, everyone involved just stop posting, you've already embarrassed yourself

Jesus christ how new ARE you?

That's not what I implied at all

If that was not your intent, then you may want to take your own advice and slow down when posting to consider exactly what you're saying and what effect it has. Here's the conversation in question, for example:

becasue all my quests were dull stuff like kill 8 konchos
but really i didn't know how to not make it a carry room?

What I mean is that if you're start posting on an imageboard from 2010, then you're not an oldfag either. PS3 came out in 2006, almost 10 years ago, doesn't mean you know shit about gaming because it was your first console

Then you need to word that more effectively.

More than 10 years ago, you mean. "Almost" means it is close to but less than.

Maybe you need to improve your reading comprehension, fag

On the topic of the videogame we all supposedly mind here, where are the pulling these names from? Some are obvious like Pukei-pukei being puke, but others seem pretty out there like Anjanath and Bazelgeuse. Are they straight romanizations on kanji or something else entirely?

From what I heard most of the new monster names are un-localized. The team just didn't enough time since it was a simultaneous release.

Anyone up to some low-rank hunt on 4U?

Well if anyone wants to make it an actual LR in 4U i'm down for it in ~1 hour
or i'll make one

If you're incapable of understanding the implications your words give, you should probably get back to studying English, since it's clearly not your native tongue.

The monster names are never in kanji, just their "titles" like 火竜 "Fire Dragon" for Rathalos/Rioleus

Give me a bit and I should be good to join.

Bazelguise is an obvious play on Beelzebub and Betelgeuse

How the fuck does olden days = lurk moar? Unless you're retarded

I'm not supposed to be able to beat him with this equipment right?
This is just a game telling me how to use the "Return to Village" function, right?
I'm dying to 1-2 hits because you have to be huntiest hunter to even attempt beating him at this point, right?

Again, let's look at the conversation:

This retort only would imply that you think he considers 2010 to be "olden days" if you equivocate "lurk moar" with 2010.

It's possible to do, but probably won't be very fun if you're still starting out and getting your bearings in the game, and you don't get any special rewards for doing so.

Hey user, I have a quest right here for you to get 3 popo tongues

No, I questioned his definition of "olden days". Olden days and lurk moar are 2 different things here and you trying to mix it up to cover yourself.

user, please be gentle, it's my first mohun experience
pic related gave me a hearty ass chuckle

Based on what though? The only thing in his post there that would suggest what he defines as "olden days" is his use of "lurk moar," which you seem to consider to be a product of 2010 for some bizarre reason.

I just wish Teostra armor wasn't red only, otherwise the crusader look is radical

I finally caved and got mhw. Why the actual fuck are none of you nigger fags talking about how they completely ruined weapon designs? I used to half play this series for weapon porn, and now 90% of shit is just "the base weapon and one little patch of skin from that monster". How do you fuck this part up, cool designs are supposed to be the strong suit of this series.

Based on the site demographic, I bet none of you remember Japan time incident on Holla Forums.

Again, nothing in that conversation suggests that.

Fuck you Knuckle Joe

With all the other shit they fucked up, you're surprised the weapon designs are also fucked up? That's like willingly stepping into a pile of shit and then being surprised your feet smell like shit.

did you google that to find out what it was?


Don't worry user, I feel the same way. They especially look plain in the areas that really count too.
With the amount of time they had to make the game I have no clue how they couldnt at least make the weapon designs interesting like the last games.

That is one of the best parts.

Oh please, designs always varied wildly in quality, the vast majority of them were always either very overdesigned, or KA-WHY DESOO NAY

sorry im late, my nub was being really sensitive going up but non-existant going down so ihad to run around looking for a screw to fix it

So how do i create a room so only you fags join?

The main complaint I see everywhere is the lack of diversity in designs in weapons and armors.
People are saying it and the game being wyvernhunter are ""growing pains"" and I can only hope they're right and we go back to interesting weapons and diverse monsters once we get G-rank.

Eighth Fleet squad session ID: 7tmWn6Tm76it

You're fucking retarded.

When you make the room, choose to use a password, which will be a 4 digit code. Post that here along with the hall's ID

diablos and deviljho are pretty much just straight romanizations, as are a lot of monster names

i feel like an idiot, i didnt see the password option


It happens to the best of us user. I'm cooking lunch at the moment, but I'll join in a bit.

Weapons are almost the easiest things to not fuck up though, even the overdesigned later stuff had some merits to it. Half of kulu ya ku is just base weapon + lazy feather tied on.


Yeah, but there are a lot that aren't
They can't all be winners

The left ones, are they start of the upgrade chain or the end of it?

Also, why the fuck isn't there a smithy, housekeep, etc in the gathering hall, holy fuck, mhw is creating issues that were never a problem before.

The only games where the smithy and housekeep were in the gathering hall was in gen/x/xx.
Back in 4u you had to leave the gathering hall and go past a 1 second loading screen to go to the smithy, but in world its about 10-15 seconds. That extra amount of loading time is among the biggest of problems I have with it.

You can use the lift to go there directly, and you have direct access to your room in the gathering hall

I'm on ps4 pro, and the load is worse than 15 seconds

Yeah, the slow ass lift that takes half a minute there and half a minute back

If it's alright with you guys, I'm going to imagine vaal hazak as a cute girl with a semen fetish
If you look there it shows the weapons had unique designs for even the beginning of their chains. MHW has no excuse.

Well, your question got answered. Everything just takes a bit longer now. You better get ready before you go into the gathering hall next time user.
They should have made the transition to the gathering hall seamless somehow like how they did with the zones like ancient forest, wildspire wastes, etc.


Guess it closed down. If anyone wants to do 4U or 4G Low Rank though, just throw up a room.

Open a room, m8.

4U or 4G?


ID: 22-0160-0507-2366
PW: 3512

All the talk about monhun made me want to boot up 3U again. I did the Charm Table manipulation and then realized I have another issue. I have zero chance of getting any Guild Cards in the town I live. Is there a way to inject Guild Cards in the 3DS or something similar?

pls somebody anybody link disgord or mumble or tox or steamcommunity or psn group or irc or teamspeak or ventrillo or xfire or raptr or gamespy or fucking something pls in-game keyboard chat is painful and these threads are inadequate

I'll just post my Tox ID in case anyone here uses Tox
QR code is also my ID
it's .chat not .im if you wanna download the client

No they aren't

post latest MHW lobby ID and gib Squad inv then pls.
and also please don't totally ignore me

I fucking hate this, fucking artificial difficulty bullshit.

Then go to cuckchan or reddit you fucking faggot. We're not here to fucking amuse you.

What ARE you here for, user-kun?

Calling you a faggot because not enough people are doing so.

What does World have to do with anything? We're playing Monster Hunter 4U at the moment, see:

I want to play World.


This is Holla Forums and we're here for video games

Don't know anything about that, good luck with that.

I was going to question this as possible cherry picking, but after looking up the looks I'm pretty disappointed. Everything seems to use the same parts with some skin attatched as decoration except for a few unique weapons. What were they thinking? This kinda defeats the purpose of hunting the monsters for parts if hardly any of their parts used in the weapon design. At least for the hunting horn.

Now aside from that one guy who sniped the previous thread, I've played through a fair bit of Monster Hunter World (Up until directly after the Rotten Vale and through the first encounter of the Radobaan during that expedition), using mainly the Switch Axe.

The game IS easier, but there's still a bunch of monsters with tons of bullshit moves, but the difference here is that the monsters, in order to USE these moves, have to use the environment. Tobi-Kadachi uses trees to set up a huge tail circular sweep lightning attack, Anjanath becomes worse if you flee because he's built to charge down hallways faster then you and is relentless, Great Girros actively coordinates with lesser Girros, Jyuratodos and Barroth can rebuild their armor if they're in a swamp and so on, while the higher tier "apex" monsters have WAY better movesets or advantages, Rathalos coordinates with Rathian, Nergigante's spikes give him bigger range and so on.

Monster Hunter World was an experiment into making the enviroment work, and it's easier because of it, because while the monsters have advantages on home turf, you have advantages on higher ledges, climbing vines, using enviromental traps, baiting monsters into walls to trigger traps, etc.

If you removed all of that though, the movesets would still need elaboration, and every moveset has new moves that change how they work, the Long Blade's objective is no longer keeping up a buff, it's now stacking that buff and blowing one bar to use a dropping slash, then stacking the buff again. The great sword is quicker, but has much less range, the Switch Axe is pure agressiveness with non-stop combos and can now do a psudo-mount attack to target specific body parts for a break at the expense of basically staying in the same place during the combo and less dodging, The bow does a tight spread shot, the Bowguns have special shots and mine, so on and so forth.

I find it fun at least, and there's loads of development, and there are efforts to nerf the fuck out of day 1 exploits. And every monster DLC was said to be free updates only. Make of it what you will.

They were thinking they wanted to pander to the west who's allerging to anything colorful. Everything has to be bland and vaguely wow looking.

Reposting what I posted 2 threads ago.
There are very few unique weapon designs. Almost everything template shit.
The ones that are unique thought, are top-tier.

By request.

I've only used hammer in world so far and I think zorah's hammer is good and nerg's is pretty decent.

Its 1:00 in the morning, im too tired for that shit anyways.

There a re 4-6 unique designs on all weapon classes. Everything else uses 2 templates for bone and 2 templates for iron, then they have monster parts glued on to the base templates.
This rules the same for all weapons. I checked.

That's just stupid. This was probably an incredibly difficult game to make and there were probably cuts in time and funds.
Why/How would low-effort designs ever be pandering?

user, I love you for posting those.
You're pulling out a fetish that I have long had dormant inside of me and I cannot thank you enough for it.

Its need at least another year of actual development

Her teeth are very detailed. I'll give her that.

By that I mean they added a lot of stuff. The catchable monsters, enviromental interactions of monsters, animations of monsters fighting, etc. It's honestly no wonder they only have 30 big mons at current.

I don't really agree with this. Even in their "home turf" the monster just don't really do much. The reason why the game is easier, or rather one of them, is simply because monster seem much more passive than in past games. Take Barroth for example. He used to spam is charge attack a lot and used to give me a lot of trouble when I was new to the series due to how aggressive he is. Now tho? He barely seems to use his charge and all of his other attacks deal pathetic damage. This goes for all Monsters. Tobis circular sweep attack that you mentioned? I don't even remember that, probably because it's not threatening at all. Legitimately the only attack I remember from Tobi is his tail slam attack. To be fair, I haven't fought him much, but still.

because they think the gaijin westerns they were marketing the game too didn't want nice looking weapons for fear of it being "too anime"


So why did all past games still give a good challenge, yet MHW fails to do so? I had trouble even in Generations, yet I have had no trouble whatsoever in MHW. This isn't me getting better. Once I learned the game I've pretty much always stayed around the same skill level.

What, whittling down the massive health bars? You just want damage sponges to fight? Seriously?

Nice, putting words in my mouth. I just mentioned Generations, because that was the easiest MH prior to MHW.

This is a pretty shit argument, I've been playing these games for 14 fucking years and this is a much bigger jump, which I've noticed because it's different from every other generation switch

Not to mention all the blatant, objective stuff that made it easier, like monsters missing notorious moves/qualities or, you know, SPRINTING WHILE HEALING.

I like MHW well enough, I have about 100 hours in it so far, but yeah, it's the easiest MH to date by a good margin. There's no denying that.

I never played Generations. I played 4U and hated it, skipped X/XX and now I'm very much enjoying World.

I'm sorry you don't like the thing I like.

Then why did you start talking about it? Jesus Christ, are all you Worldfags this annoying?

sorry im new here from reddit and im gay

Now you're just nitpicking at this point, making mountains out of molehills, why does it seem like whole bunches of faggots get on here just to nitpick and complain? There's no censorship bullshit, it added a lot of shit, and you're surprised that a big shift from the norm and a risk didn't end up hard enough?
What, you going to jack off to Dark Souls now? Why does it have to be super fucking hard out of the gate? Why is it that you hipsters want every fucking game to be unaccessible, why is it always black and white with you? It's childish.

If any of you fags are autistic and want to grind out research levels I just now realized as I'm done researching everything that you can just bring shock trap mats to the fight and be done with it quickly instead of having to fight the faggot fish six times.
Other monsters you can just get tracks or something but mr. spicy rarely leaves those.

Just give up. We're not allowed to like new things on Holla Forums. The Zeitgeist has spoken.

And took away most of the challenge and atmosphere. Not to mention cool music. It also has the worst roster of any title, even worse than tri.
Tell me why everything being easily accessible is a good thing. It's basically the biggest reason most games are shit nowadays.
Having standards is now childish? Are you a woman?

So you think that this is more likely as opposed to time constraints? Or are you saying that they actually said this?

No, a lot of the complaints are a big enough deal. I understand the 'accessability' changes and casualization, but they took it a bit far in some areas.
What do you mean by this?
Because accessibility is nice if it means new hunters to play with, but not nice if it means losing something more important. Speaking of Dark Souls, I will now remind you that DaS was very unaccessable and still flourished.
(I am being intentionally vague because I don't yet know my precise conclusion yet)

I assume it's both, to an extent. They deliberately made handler ugly as sin only to sell you $2.99 dlc on launch day to make her slightly less ugly.
The game's ok, decent even. I've got 112 hours in it and I was having a pretty good time for maybe like the first 75-80 of those. It's got some pretty big quality issues though, and seeing as it's capcom I'm more liable to attribute them to malice over stupidity.

All Monster Hunter ever needed was good marketing. Update the engine and make it "pretty", fine I'll give people that, but the last thing it needed was to be easier.

you're going to be fighting the faggot fish six times if you want his gear anyway. It's better to capture since you get more mats on top of the broken ones, and rare mats in the quest rewards get a boosted chance. If I remember capturing was worse in older games, but you actually have to fish for it now if you want the full set of armor in less then 3 goes.

Atmosphere? REALLY? That's what you're aiming at? The game's based around fucking atmosphere, the expedition mode was built around it since ALL of the monsters are present there, at least after certain story quests "unlock" all the monsters, Nergigante and Diablos don't appear til you whack them for example. And "cool music" is subjective, the game has a damned soundtrack too but you're acting like every monster's fucking Khezu.

The game also has a difficulty curve, it deliberatley eases you into the other monsters and sets roadblocks, Rathalos and Rathian act as boogeymen in the first area and you don't get quests to fight them until you've cleared a few areas.

And I'm calling you childish because you are fucking childish, I'm not even telling you to like the game but you're worming your way around trying to hate it at every turn because of the concept that it's new and did shit that wasn't expected. Does that sound like a fucking adult to you, shithead? I bet you don't even like Monster Hunter, you're just an addict for argument and complaining, hell you probably hit the net more often then any game you bought recently. When was the last time you actually fucking played a game you LIKED?

I've never seen somone this angry, because someone else criticised a game they like. Calm down autismo.

I can't stand having to work with teams, but it is 100% harder to fight these monsters solo. I just want to have some jolly cooperation.

i don't want any of his gear, but if I'm ever itching I've got more than enough now.
as far as I can remember capturing has always gotten you more rewards.

you're also actively pretty autistic over someone not liking a game as much as you have. world is ok but it has some serious flaws, and while the exploration and 'atmosphere' are pretty good for a while that goes away as you play the game and then you go to what you always do at the end of a monster hunter game and grind, except the grind's even more monotonous than normal with tempereds being literally the exact same monster but with higher damage, not to mention the way you find tempereds in the first place
the music is garbage too, and it actually made me upset when they played proof of a hero when you fight zorah because that is one of the worst fights in franchise history

you know what flash bombs are right
plus i'm pretty sure they've nerfed his nuke hard, I remember it being a 0HKO but I've survived it every time with only ~40% health taken.

You know that's fucking bullshit when you're on here, you retard.

I'm seriously tired of the bullshit that's accepted on here out of habit, do you know how many threads are on here with nothing but weak-ass complaining and nitpicking and not actually analyzing or articulating why they like or hate a game?

It's always some variant of comment along the lines of "I can't believe you like this game, it has TINY ISSUE THAT IS SUBJECTIVE" or blatant subjectiveness that doesn't really address the quality of the game.

Mass Effect Andromeda was a shitty ass game for example that deserved this treatment because it was objectively bad, but this game is "easier then former monster hunter games" not bad, but EASIER.

If it's not bad, it's always something else, I can't stand this sort of complaining, it's like being around a bunch of sterotypcial jewish elderly people, always have something to complain about soap being too bubbly or a sandwhich not having the exact brand of bread they're used to, do you know what sort of fucking work I do every day dealing with people like that? Aren't you FUCKING TIRED of all this weak, limpdick complaining?

Play with me, I'm a team player.


You are literally just the other side of the same coin. You are complaining with no actual arguments about people that do the same thing only they complain about a game. Just fuck off if you hate it this much. You just seem really angry that people have different opinions than you. I don't say this often, but maybe Reddit is a better place for you.

I always thought OHKO looked kind of weird so I just use 0 instead and people understand what I mean generally. It is pretty autistic I suppose. It's properly "One Hit Knock Out".


because a zero hit knockout makes no damn sense and can't possibly exist, so the next logical step is to assume "he's just retarded and meant to say OHKO." But Holla Forums isn't a hugbox and as has been made obvious people hare are wont to nickpick.

Then I'll just do what I can't do on the job and fucking ignore you, you milquetoast kike.

Have you tried actually using chat? I have shortcuts set up for "get behind the trap" and "let's capture the monster". A lot of nips are multi-lingual and actually can read that shit if you keep it simple. I was farming Barroth and ran out of Tranq bombs, so I told the other guy to tranq while I laid traps. Chat works and generally people listen.

I found out that method by accident

You deserved that quest failure.

I've never actually run into an English-speaking player in World yet. Everyone who answers my S.O.S. flares are either nips or frogs.

I love how you call people childish when you are the most childish one here. Oh well, I hope you learn to not get upset over this so much, it'll make your life much better.

It takes too long to put my weapon away so any action besides shielding up and backing off is a death sentence.

Like I said, when I have my weapon out I have to rely on my team to do anything about the monster if it's doing some kamakazi attack, and that longsword douche decided to take it upon himself to rile up the monster when the rest of the party wasn't even in the cave yet.

Post guild card faggot

Nigger I didn't even say I didn't like it, why is your anus so bruised? Who hurt you?
It's the easiest MH by far. That's objective fact.


In that case use these for shortcuts.
French: "J'ai capturé ta mère hier soir"
Jap: "性交を捕らえる"
Setting Traps
French "ta mère est un piège"
Jap: "あなたの男性は女性です"

French: "baiser votre pays vous grenouille"
Jap "外国人を助けてはいけない"

And it's objective fact that that's all you have on it. So fuck off, since you won't stop saying the same shit.

I won't lie, I've considered doing such a thing.

But there's a global shoutout for "wait a minute" I can use if I really must, and I'm convinced people don't pay attention to the chat box anyway because I have never gotten a response either in the form of a shoutout back or someone actually physically stopping what they were doing for a moment when I said that.

Shortcuts are basically your lifeblood for monster hunter, so you can multitask easy when you get double teamed.

Get in the squad, we were doing teostra just now.


there's also the pitiful weapon models and the tiny roster, of which like a third use the same skeleton
same skeleton has pretty much always been a thing but it's more egregious of a problem in world

I don't think people pay attention to them in World. Maybe I just have bad luck.

just because you don't get a response, it doesn't mean they didn't hear you, just think of it as a part of the game's RNG, they MIGHT hear you and capture the monster for you, or you'll get less this time around. That's because Monster Hunter is a difficult game that relies on skill and not luck.

Also even if they do hear you if they aren't used to the monster's tells they'll accidentally kill it, so that's part of the RNG too. Even when the RNG gets better, the RNG has no mercy, it just absorbed people into it's range.

All hail the desire sensor, desire nothing and you get everything.

kek, that post that got your anus hurt was my first post in this thread and this is my third. I even said I like the game, but since I didn't bow down and lick it's boots you're mad as fuck? What's capcom dick taste like?

I'm fuckin out of it right now

The fact that you degenerated into taunting says that about you more then me. Fuck off.

Reminds me of the time I was hunting a Rathalos and an Anjanath wandered in.

Literally a solid minute of my hunter holding her ears

Thanks for hunts 4U bros, let's do it again soon.

Just like every other Great/Drome?

Just like they could ever since their introduction?

What Monster Hunter games have you played and enjoyed?

Not surprised, but it was a failed experiment, and I have no interest in playing it.

I tried that game out, I don't know why people keep comparing it to Monster Hunter. It's only similar in that they're both 3D and real time.

How is it being a hipster to want a game series to retain it's identity? Have you not seen how many countless other games died because of the drive for being palatable to the lowest common denominator?

Depends on the monster and the part you want.


Degenerated? M8 for fuck's sake, I said the game was easy but I liked it, you got hyper triggered and threw a fit about it, but as far as I can tell we don't actually disagree? What else am I supposed to be arguing here?

Any suggestion on heavy bowgun armor skill on world? Having trouble deciding.

I easily put 400 hours into 4U and don't remember ever actually genuinely enjoying it.

I played Generations for maybe 20 hours, never even got to high rank but I gave up because I felt like it wasn't at all different enough from 4U for me to be able to enjoy it.

World I've had since its launch day and I honestly fucking love it. Admittedly it is on the easy side, yes, but the quality of life improvements and new weapon mechanics more than make up for that

So are those the only Monster Hunter games you've played period?

Great Girros uses them as a wall, and has paralyzing bites and hits. You get hit by big brother, you'll get shredded by the kid Girros. Rotten Vale, where it is exclusively, is also full of asshole shit like that including area status that halves your health, which THEIR lair and pathing is centered in and they get more powerful by hanging out in it. You stay in that area for 20 seconds or have a total hangout time of 20 seconds in their lair's mist, bam, half health, only curable by Nulberries and you don't get that health back unless you heal it or wait about 40 seconds out of the mist. You're only required to get a look at one before you move onto the giant easier monster with regenerating spike armor, sanic spins and wide sweeps who hangs out on the upper levels which doesn't have the mist, but has webs that shake you ever time a monster makes an impact on it. The Girros and it's crew are a model swap of the Jagras, but the Girros doesn't have a state that makes it slower and almost requires that you wade through loads of it's crew, which it gets more of as it retreats before you deal with it.

When you get into later areas, the game takes off the kid gloves and send waves of bullshit after you, but I bet you've only seen the tutorial forest because no one gives the game a damned chance once the complainers brigade is done shitting all over it. If you're going to trust people on the internet blindly, then you've learned nothing. Check things out for yourself, you don't need to buy anything to do such things.

Yes and I genuinely refuse to play another handheld MH again unless it's on the Vita or a future console with two thumbsticks and I honestly don't want to go back and experience PS2 monhun either.

It really doesn't. It gets slightly harder the farther you make it, but it never really gets hard.

Fair enough, and that's your prerogative. At any rate, you can then appreciate how World is such a radically different game to the point that even someone who's played only the most recent other installments can see a vast difference, and thus why people who liked the previous ones would be upset about how much it's changed.

If you play it like an old monster hunter game and don't ever use the environment or some other arbitrary challenge it could probably be difficult enough for you.

Like I said, despite all the hours I put into 4U I never actually ENJOYED it. I was fighting the game's menus and mechanics the whole time, wishing it was better or just different at every turn and hoping upon hope that at some point it would "click" with me like it did with all of you and I'd love it.

World is the game for me.

To be fair, I always preferred Toukiden to Monster Hunter anyway.

You see, it's hard to trust you when I say all this shit about specific aspects of the game, and all you do to dispel it is essentially say "nah".

It gets harder, and your tactics are annoying. contribute and elaborate on how it STAYS easy, or your words mean nothing.

Not the dude you're talking to and I'm not following your conversation, but this is complete and utter bullshit, it takes forever for that shit to build up. I don't even prepare for it when hunting Girros or Odoggo other than bringing a health booster. Not to mention you could just, I dunno, pop a fucking nullberry. Girros is, in fact, the first time they've ever gotten the pack monster thing to actually work, but it's also easily nullified by killing some weaklings and Girros himself is a chump.

And again, that's fine if you enjoy World and hate the prior titles. It makes perfect sense to, since World was specifically designed to appeal to people who hated the rest of the series.

First you'd need to get to at least Elder Dragons before monsters start to exhibit agression, Odagaron aside.

which they reccomend you do in the first place, it's a weakness they designed in. Try beating Girros WITHOUT doing that.

And by that I mean they literally say in the monster compendium in game to just take out his mini-versions first.

I don't HATE them, I just… disprefer them.

Have you ever played a Toukiden game? Maybe just look up some videos if you haven't and you'll get a better idea why someone who prefers Toukiden would also enjoy World

Leave your Palico behind. I don't know if it's just because the AI has been dumbed down so hard that it doesn't know how to prioritize targets or if it's a legitimate conscious decision on the part of the devs to make low rank monsters easier, but monsters definitely target Palico more often than you most of the time.

Also I'm not saying I MISS hot/cold drinks for extremely hot/cold locales, but I really wouldn't mind if maybe some areas other than the Vale had environmental hazards similar to that.

Anjanath is extremely aggressive if you attack him even once and doesn't let up in chasing you unless he's been wounded heavily or you take a specific shortcut, because every other one he bashes right through. Unless he needs to retreat because he's heavily wounded, like every monster does. He's in the first area, by the way.

I pretty much play this like any other MonHun game and I've had zero trouble so far. There is no need to use the environment at all.

I have already explained why the game is easier, but I'll do it again just for you. Monsters are way more passive than they are in past games. Monsters like Barroth and Diablos, who are known for their aggressiveness are really tame compared to previous entries. They also deal less damage as a whole. Some of their attacks still deal tons of damage, like Barroths charge attack, but a lot of their attacks deal pathetic damage now. There is also the fact that if you do use the environment everything ends up being piss easy. In the Coral Highlands there is a spot where you can trap a monster in some kind of weird anus looking thing. You can do this multiple times in a row, maybe even as many times as you want, trivializing whatever you are currently fighting. You can also now heal while running and I know you'll probably say "it's really slow tho" but it is not. It's fast enough for a lot of monsters to whiff their attacks. There is also the fact that the game controls more fluid now, which isn't a bad thing, but the monster didn't get faster or more aggressive to make up for it, so now it is much easier to dodge attacks. There is probably more reasons that I'm not thinking about right now but this is enough anyway.

I mean yeah if you artificially create more difficulty for yourself he's more challenging, sure. I could play blindfolded and he'd be impossible. I could go in naked, or if this was like older games I could stack negative paralysis defense skills or I could beat him to death only with the slinger, that doesn't make him challenging

Fair enough, the point still stands though that World is designed to sell to a radically different audience than the previous titles.

I have not, no, nor God Eater or Soul Sacrifice. Haven't seen enough of any of them to have an opinion, positive or negative, just haven't gotten around to really looking at them.

Anjanth is not particularly aggressive unless you're just comparing to other monsters at that level. He still spends a shitton of time in between attacks. He shits out damage for that gear level though.

There's a lava area, but it's mostly floor damage. Most of those hot floors have monsters on them, so you will take damage there unless you fireproof up.

For someone so concerned with difficulty you sure don't want things to be difficult. I'm telling you to set a challange for yourself instead of lazily trying to have a game do it for you. That's the point of a challange, not that it's challanging because that's just redundant, but it's to challange yourself. You're just lazy and pretending that Monster Hunter is hard for elitism points.

His damage isn't that significant either, provided you actually use the Armor spheres the game throws at you.

I'm concerned with what now? I'm just calling you out on your bullshit. Girros isn't hard and the efluvium does not activate in twenty fucking seconds, and it's barely a thing to fucking worry about. And if you were really that scared of it you can craft one piece of gear and effectively negate any concern you would have.

But the entire point of the game is to be a challenge in the first place.

It is hard. That's a large part of why it's fun.

I feel like the fluidity of the weapons in World isn't completely integrated the way it should be.

Monsters should be MORE aggressive to make up for how easy it is now to dodge and reposition, not LESS aggressive. I sincerely hope there is future DLC or future event missions or SOMETHING that dial up the aggression on monsters for just a few hunts. Something to get the blood pumping in between grinding for FUCKING GEMS

noooooooooo, You're stuck at gear level 4 for Armor, and Anjanath's quest is early as fuck and is a main quest in the way of increasing your gear level. By the time you challenge him you only have enough to max out like one or two pieces of a set, he still wrecks your shit. You don't need to grind either, you just need to get a rank three weapon and dodge.

Anjanath never gave me any kind of trouble and I took him on when he first appeared with Origin gear and no armor spheres.

I didn't kill him before he fucked off, don't get me wrong, but he didn't make me cart either.

Bullshit. I played the game, dude, there is no point in lying to me. I almost fully upgraded my armor before the Anjanath fight. The only reason why I only "almost" upgraded it fully is because I wanted to save some spheres for later. Also, love how you ignore my other post detailing why MHW is easier than previous entries. Don't got any arguments back huh?

No, it isn't the reason. This game is easier, but has loads of quality of life setups and better movesets that aren't full of donkey dung, and loads of grinding and damage sponge bullshit is involved with OG monster hunter. World's online for example is some of the best shit, it automatically ups enemy health based on number of players, online is drop in so you don't have to wait for a bunch of fags to get their shit together, you can start hacking immediately. There's an in depth shortcut system (even for crafting which they probably shouldn't have done in that case, WOOPS) that allows you to quick use items on the fly so you're not shuffling through your slots while running away after getting wrecked, etc.

What a fucking faggot. I went in with level 1 jagras armor and a fucking axe and did fine. I know for a fact that you did a shit ton of Bounties and Investigations to upgrade your shit instead of tackling the main content immediately. For a fag concerned with promoting the university of the hipster's college of Dark Souls journalism techniques of overplaying difficulty, you sure are scared of not being up to date with your stats.

So you're just gonna keep ignoring my other post like a little bitch? Oh well, I did Anjanath immediately when he unlocked so no I did not do many bounties. I did not even know what Investigations were at that point. Also I fought Anjanath plenty times now with a different armor that I have not yet upgraded and he is still pretty easy. Just stop my dude.

So this is your first MH, huh?

The challenge is a large part of the appeal of the Monster Hunter series. It's not the only reason, but the fanbase it has would not have developed if it weren't challenging.

The only thing in Monster Hunter games that's really grindy is going out to get crap likes ore and bugs, or the RNG shit like talismans, and the former becomes much less of an issue after the early ranks. As for damage sponging, that's mainly a problem with XX's endgame.

It's actually just a switch from solo tier health to multi tier health. If anything, that's one of my bigger complaints, since now the only way to fight the full strength monsters is to turn on multiplayer, whereas in prior games you could challenge quests with multi-tier stats even solo.

The fact that you have to constantly focus on how it's easy yet constantly avoid the fact that it's not bad and even good, you push it over and over to shit on it.

Something being hard doesn't make it good, your obsession is fucking abnormal.

Something not being braindead easy sure helps keep it from being a snoozefest

they're called Tempered monsters. They're the "don't fuck up" versions. You have to unlock them by finding blue tracking marks, level that up and you unlock investigations where you fight the hard versions. They don't have better health, but their damage is what you'd expect. This isn't a damage sponge game and I don't like damage sponge bullshit in monster hunter type games.

This game is so easy it's boring. It would be really nice to have a quest that was difficult enough to require a coordinated team with all the best equipment to win.

Then the only one you need to avoid is X/Gen/XX and even there only the Ferocious monsters, you'll love the rest of the franchise since that's never a problem.

has the Arena in Worlds got any rewards?
I mean for like getting gold in X amount and shit like previous games
I honest cant be fucked with arena but if there is something top tier ill do it

I wanna give her my bodily fluids

Monster Hunter: Pandering to Normies Edition

That's why we talk about and play the games that don't pander to the normalfags.

but I wanna be angry

Why bother?

No it isn't, P3rd is way easier.

4U shitters and and their jailbroke custom quests I swear

On top of this, he buffed their health and planned to buff it even more, because "If two people can duo these monsters, it's way too easy" (which is what ended up happening when the other 2 players DC'd) despite the fact he put the cart number at 10 and the time limit at 100 fucking minutes. NIGGER HUMANS CAN ONLY GO SO LONG UNTIL THEIR HANDS CRAMP UP, THIS ISN'T SOME GOOKCLICK GOBSHITE.

Glad people can't actually make official custom quests, the autism would kill the game dead if you could.


This, I wouldn't have a problem with healing while moving, or bowguns being able to fire and reload while moving or the extra mobility you have if the monsters were adapted to them. The monsters are still designed with the old player options in mind. It's like if you took Resident Evil 1 and gave it RE6's control scheme with the same enemy AI and placement, or pulled a Twin Snakes where you can do First Person aiming like MGS2 on MGS1's level design which completely breaks the entire game. Games like Monster Hunter, Resident Evil and God Hand work amazingly well despite their odd control methods because the games are designed with the player's options in mind, they work amazingly well because everything feels connected and tight when it comes to combat.

Sweet fuck, just did zorah magdoros, and I would rather farm the dalamadur, caedus, jhen mohran, and lao shan lung 10 times EACH than fight this thing again even once.

Alright, user. Sorry I didn't reply sooner, but I was tired so I went to bed after my last post. There is probably no reason to keep arguing with you since you're just gonna say "nuh-uh" to everything or just write shit that doesn't make sense, but I'll give you one last reply. I don't know why you would call me obsessed, because I keep arguing that World is easy. The only reason I'm doing that is because that was what the original argument was all about. I do like the game, it's a alright game, but it has issues that mainly have to do with it's difficulty, which is important. You are right by saying that being hard doesn't make a game good, but for some games, being hard was always one of the reasons why people played it. There is also more reasons why MHW is one of the worst MonHun games to date, like most of the weapon models being complete garbage, some of the old systems are just dumbed down or streamlined in awful ways, the fact that we only have 30 monsters in a game that was developed for 4 fucking years, the fact that the new monsters are all kind of disappointing and barely really do anything new at all. I mean just look at stuff like Kulu Ya Ku which is just Velocidrome + Kut Ku with a rock in his hand which is just a small dumb gimmick it never really uses. And again, just like the other post that you still ignore for some reason, there is more bad things about World that I'm just not thinking about right now, but this post is already too long anyway.

Yeah, I would not mind moving while healing much, if it was balanced for it. Although I will always miss flexing, due to how stupid it is and the sound effect it has. Speaking of sound effects, am I the only one that really misses the old sounds? All the new sounds are really hit or miss.

>with (((me)))

I'm not sour grapes, you faggot, I'm buyer's remorse.

Ok, so are there any non elder dragons in world that use new skeletons? I thought maybe nergigante did, but on refighting it, I think it just used gore magala's skeleton.

Nergigante, Vaal Hazak, and Xeno Jiiva all use variations on the basic elder dragon skeleton Teostra, Kushala, Chameleos, and Alatreon use. I'm pretty sure the Magala style skeleton is a modified version of that same old skeleton, too. The brute and flying wyverns obviously use the old brute and flying wyvern skeletons, respectively. Most of the other new monsters use a variation of Zinogre's skeleton, which isn't obvious at first for some of them; I thought Jagras was a variant of Ludroth's skeleton for a long time, but it's actually Zinogre's. I find that odd, because Zinogre isn't even in World. As far as I can tell, the only monster that has a new skeleton is Zorah Magdoros. It's a bit disappointing.

I think Zorah Magdaros uses the same skeleton as Lao-Shan Lung

I gotta say, I don't think Kirin's actually missing anything

Every other old Monster I've fought is neutered somehow. Barroth's missing his U-turn and mudshake sucks, Raths lost the insta-charge, Diablos is so much tamer and doesn't run back and forth constantly (probably a good thing but makes him a joke with lance), Kushala Daora's wind barrier is wimpy, but I think Kirin is actually 100% intact other than his increased size, unless I'm missing something.

If that's true it's highly modified. I see the similarity when he rears up though.

Any 4U rooms?

I find world Teo to be actually more dangerous if you fight him near his lair since he will control the fucking lava. Daora is a bit of a pushover.
Barroth is baby tier and I think B.Diablos is what a regular Diablos should've been, Rathians are piss easy but Rathalos, specially Azure is a fucking cunt once he stays in the air. I always found rathians to be piss easy to fight, exception being maybe P.Rathian in 4u the first time I fought her, I do think they did a good job with the Rathalos, even if he's easily abusable with flash bombs, but he always was.

yes i've been breaking his face, or attempting too, even with partbreaker and a hammer he might go down before his face smashes
Years ago we used to joke about people whining about the lack of health bars for monsters now people unironically are demanding they be included.

It's popular now so this is when all the real absolute suck fucks will begin to whine about how it isn't inclusive and needs to be changed. Just like how everyone got sandy panties for an easy mode in dark souls. The problem is Capcom does not have any integrity.

feels awful man

don't they pretty much have pseudo-health bars now anyway? With the pulse and the flashing red on the minimap
the only health you ever need to know is "can i capture it" and it shows that by limping or if you have lv3 scoutflies it just shows it on the map

Similar situation, but I'm spending twenty minutes fishing before I go to work. Have fun, don't fret. This isn't a second job.

Monster hunter kind of ends people reach end game then just sit there and casually hunt. Also people tend to be pretty helpful bringing up people who aren't shit. No need to rush,

And can't you tell by the heartbeat monitor anyways that the monster is capturable? Just look at it and if it's near dead it's pretty much a flatline unless it's attacking where it looks like it spikes.
I still think the pulse makes capture quests laughable and unnecessary, at least the minimap indicator requires you to get monster research points first right? So capture quests don't have that challenge and tension of having to be careful with your pummeling or you might risk killing the target. That tension is kinda removed when you can tell if the monster's capturable or not using the UI and without needing armor skill to boot.

But I feel so empty when I'm not playing vidya, I just feel useless and worthless unless I'm helping a team or if I'm not getting the next set of armor I want.
I will probably go back to bloodborne and help out with hunts in World every so often to participate in that visceral feeling of purging the world of the awful creatures.
I think the depression is really sinking in and taking hold, I just don't want to get treatment for it because I don't want to lose my job. If I can just deal with it for a bit longer maybe I'll learn how to be hollowed out and still functional as a member of society
sorry for the blogpost faggotry

I've never really tried using the heartbeat to check for anything but haven't monsters always stopped fighting and started limping after a certain point, and will only go back to fighting if you do enough damage to them before they get back to their nest.

monsters in FU at least do that, and capture quests have always been easy because you just wait until the monster is back in its nest, double tranq and then trap. Give it a poke if it's not centered on the trap and then you win the quest.

They do, but sometimes the beatdown and bloodlust is so great that you end up killing the poor bastard before he can even start limping, had it happen before a couple of times. That constant fear's in the back of my mind when doing capture quests, which means I have to approach it differently, or I can make a capture set and know when it's capturable.
Preparing yourself to deal with a specific challenge, isn't that what Monster Hunter's about? I have no one to blame but myself for killing monsters on accident when I could have used an armor set to help me or play more carefully.

I think you trailed off onto a tangent there in the end, but I kinda get what you're saying? The thing is most monsters in HR and G are beefy enough that you're not going to be pushing them over the edge or if you are close to the edge you have to be experienced enough to know the phases of a monster's fight and how close it is to death by its movements, just like a real animal.

I didn't even knew you could tell by the heartbeat monitor, I always just wait until they start limping.

Get some weights, start exercising and start eating well, even if you have to sacrifice a bit of vidya time it's worth it, treatment for depression is a fucking joke, You need to increase your self worth, the easiest way of doing it is starting some exercise.
I haven't exercised for almost 2 months because of work and I'm already feeling the diference in my attitude, thankfully it will end this week and I'll be back into the swing of things.

The real monsters we hunt were the ones inside us, and the real loot was the friends me made along the way!
The Red Book; Liber Novus by Carl Gustav Jung. If ever you want reason rather than pills, this is the guy who made modern psychology. Fixed it after Freud tried to make it about albedo and anal masturbation. Also probably incidently caused the Shin Megami Tensei/Persona series by bringing Tarot and Philemon and the concept of archetypal mythology to the twentieth century.

I've gotten to the part where you have to fight the three big nigs but kind of lost my motivation to fight them so I've just been casually hunting shit and raising money and points.

well i'll thank him for the killer music

I don't fucking get it, they have all the tools they need and it's still not enough

Or pure experience, if you've fought a monster long enough, you know more or less how long it takes for you to take it down, so you develop this sub-conscious metric of how close the monster is to death. Same thing with the old sharpness meter, with experience you started to feel when you were close to your weapon losing a level.

And capcom will cave to them, mhw is only the start

As dumb as some casualization things are I don't think I'd actually be that upset if they put them in.
Like, they put in lock on and not only could I not care less it actively makes the game harder.
The only thing I care about is how good the content is, and while World has an ok amount it's not really that great.
I've never actually played a non-g rank game before though so maybe this is just normal.

Any 4U low-rank rooms open?

Why would capcom bother putting in content when 5 million normalfags would still buy it even if it were only low rank with a roster half the size of mhw?

Im putting up with all of their other shit they added such as damage numbers, but adding a healthbar is the complete antithesis to MonHun and is undoubtebly

Fuck those unbearable newfags for even mentioning that and fuck you for accepting that.

I will play world with you if you have it though.

Cmon, m8. Cmon.

Really user?

I'm HR 2.

Anyone want to help me finish my story quests in World? I'm on my final urgent against Xeno I'm in the squad waiting.

i'm wiling to if you're still here

Oh shit I saw but thought you never wanted help. Sorry about that.

Oh you sweet summer child. Have fun with the rest of the LR guild hall quests. Ill help you if I feel bored enough to do it though.

I refuse to believe I suck this much, not after downing every other monster in one try. Knock out, time out, time out, time out…
Are spears only good against a specific type of monster, the flying ones, judging by the upper thrust? There's not power in any of the strikes and it's slow as shit.

that's the one you're stuck on?

Did you mean to post a picture of Great Jaggi?

Stop pulling my leg, user.

yes, I've been at it for over an hour now (and I only found him like 20 minutes in)

Yes I did

I'll pull my own neck out of frustration god damn I am not old enough to have all my tactical senses and reflexes get blown by a slow-ass spear weapon and a god damned oversized gecko piece of shit.

What Great Jaggi is the first monster isn't it. Or did portable 3rd have Azuros?

what do you mean every other monster? the small ones? those are cannonfodder

Azuros, Bullfango, Zinogre, Great Jaggi

user are you seriously having trouble with G. Jaggi? Why are you timing out? Just be aggressive and poke his ass, his movements are pretty simple so just block his tailspins and shoulder tackles, sidestep to the sides when he tries to charge bite you or charge you with his shit eating grin and bring the sucker down. Be aggressive, stay on his ass. If you killed Arzuros you should have no trouble bringing this fucker down.


I didn't even know it was possible to fail a hunt against a Jaggi

Dont worry user, you'll kill it eventually if you hit it enough.
Also remember.
It only gets harder from here

It's P3rd, he won't experience Tigrex's rape train no breaks edition.

Maybe he needs a difficulty slider

Learn how to lance.

My nigga.

Why the devs started hating that lance? It wasn't in 4u, gen and now it isn't even in world.

gee I shure learned better now!

Mate i'm sorry to break this to you but Great Jaggi is the easiest monster in the game the strength of the weapon is meaningless, I honestly have no clue how your struggling with it.

Actually something striked me as odd about your post. Why are you using upper thrusts against G. Jaggi? Fucker's small, you should be using the normal forward thrust.

Like brother I'm not trying to shit on you, I'm not that guy

But I don't even know what to tell you here. I'm a lance main, lance is fine against any monster that doesn't run back and forth across the zone. It's hard to give you advice against G.Jaggi because he just kind of dies. I cannot fathom how you could be timing out on this dude. The only time I've ever timed out against G. Jaggi is when me and a friend tried to see if we could kick him to death (we could not after several tries).

Just hit him, man.

If you really want to make the fight a joke try hammer, Charge level 2 and 3 his head, it blows him the fuck up because he only has two body parts which makes it easy to hit the head. Just hit him and don't get hit.

This guy's wrong, use upthrust it does more damage, you just have to be closer.

I didn't know that, but it's harder to land the upper thrust against something like the Jaggi than the forward thrust, I'm just trying to understand what the fuck's going on here.


I'm not, I'm just mashing triangle and R+triangle+circle. It was an observation.

Here, I'll stream it and you tell me what exactly I'm doing wrong.

Sharpening your weapon would help for a start.


Use dose whetstones


Frist hit of charge does shit damage, ignore charge unless you're at max sharpness and they're downed. Use primarily circle to attack. If he gets far away put away your weapon and run to him then do an unshething attack into more circles

Sharpen your weapon, nigga.

Also never use Triangle + Circle agaisnt large mobs, you should always be hitting circle unless you have some reason not to

(Too far away, use triangle. Downed monster, use charge. Group of small mons, use Triangle plus Circle. etc.)

Holy shit user you play like an old lady!

Also always try to hit the head, it's Jaggi's weakpoint

Also, after the third stab, backhop instead of waiting for the cooldown and start stabbing again

Please for the love of god sharpen your weapon this is triggering my OCD

Don't heal I'm almost there


Despite having 3 traps, he doesn't have ONE whetstone.

Go back to base camp there should be some whetstones in the chest if you didn't take them already, aside from that never start a hunt without the important items you need such as Potions, rations, Whetstones if your using a melee weapon, ammo for bowguns, arrow coatings for bows and Paintballs and Traps and Tranq bombs if you plan to capture just to name a few.
Also do you see that sword under the Health/Stamina bar that's your weapon sharpness yellow is bad orange is even worse yours is red which means it's broken you're doing piss all in terms of damage this is why whetstones are so important with melee weapons.
Oh and for fuck sake heal before you cart again.

Good job countering his hipcheck, user


This has got to be a joke right? This is pre-recorded or something. There's even speedup in the video

I don't know what to believe anymore


sharpen your shit holy fuck

You can speed up games with emulator.

I've got 5 on the Jaggi

Okay so, laughing aside, it's pretty clear you're new to the series and I remember being confused as fuck when I started playing in '04,I get it.

Make sure you're prepared for starters, bring a bunch of whetstones and potions/mega potions even if you won't use them all. Always sharpen when the mob leaves or when you get down to yellow/orange.

As for your actual combat, you need to be more mobile. Stab, stab, stab, dodge, stab, stab, stab, dodge. Don't use the charge, it's situational as fuck before World. Never stop the stab stab stab dodge unless you need to dodge or counter at attack. you can counter out of the normal combo as a panic, but you should be attacking and dodging with that rhythm for the majority of the fight. Use circle because it doesn more damage and try to hit his head. With whetstones, potions and this rhythm you shouldn't have any problem with Jaggi


Stop doing the charge, put your weapon away and run if you need to change position

fuck this I'll just restart the whole quest.

I didn't even know there is that kind of bounce for lance's charge. Kek.


He ran out of time against the Great Jaggi




I never played P3rd, is your weapon as upgraded as it can be>?

Did you use 20 whetstone and a G.Jaggi?

user, I just want you to know that P3rd is the easiest entry in the series. Give it your all.
You are going to play Monster Hunter and you will love it.





Oh boy here we go again, place your bets Hunter or Jaggi.

user just tricked us all into watching his stream by intentionally playing like a retard, didn't he?


user, in Monster Hunter, survival is the name of the game. It's way more important to not get hit than it is to hit the mon. I've seen you stabbing the air a couple of times while Jaggi preps his hipcheck. Observe the monster and learn it's movements, and counter/dodge/block his attacks, it's MUCH more important than landing attacks.

I was hesitant at first but I figured the laughs were worth it


Also he won't eat meat unless he doesn't see you and he's drooling


Oh god RIP

Also ignore the little guys for the most part, he'll just keep summoning more


Shielding an attack also eats though your sharpness, you need to start learning how to dodge attacks with he O button, keep in mind the while the dodge does have invisibility frames it's only 2 or so frames and incredibly difficult to pull off it's mostly to get out of the way of attacks.

Also if your'e guarding you can quickly tap circle to move into a counter stab to start your combo


I have confidence in user, he's getting it down. If he doesn't win this time he will next time when he remembers the potions.

Only true for the greatsword, and in later games the chargeblade.

Oh god is this what Soulsfags play like?

Lance can shield without worry

I'm betting it all on user

Let him block, he's learning the game.

This is why I fucking hate mhw, it doesn't allow players to grow. user's gonna have a hell of a time until he gets good, but the game will force him to. In mhw, he would have completed the first 5 hunts no problem by now even with all of his mistakes.

Holy shit user you're gonna do it

Holy shit how does it feel to be SO WRONG!

Playing like ass and then feeling the joy of your first vengeful kill as you git gud is what made me fall in love with the game

You've fucking got this user, just don't get hit, it's almos dead

We can only hope that this is a learning experience for user and not a "fuck this game" moment


Sorry, I should n't have said that, but this shit is frustrating enough without me slamming the controller on my balls by accident when I died.

Take my energy user

This, I ragequit P2nd because of Tigrex. Came back in FU with one goal in mind, revenge. It felt so good I became hooked on the series. Now Tigrex is my best friend and favorite monster.

You're clearly new to the game but if you keep playing you will get better.

I'm more engrossed in watching this user fight Jaggi than anything I've watched in the past year



Bring potion and you'll have his ass for sure next time


This time don't forget the potions, 10th times the charm.

You've already improved since when you started streaming earlier. You can do this! Remember that you can counter in the middle of a stab combo to defend, or evade. Blocking is good with lance but you should do more of those two things, especially mid-stabbing

I wanna see you do it, user. I know you have it in you.

Also while your in town see if you can upgrade your weapon, talk to the manlet in the store next to the female merchant.

I'm in nostalgia land. My initial sense of ridicule has been replaced with even more ridicule and a sense of "You got this fella"

It's pretty interesting watching his movements improve in real time

I'm still obviously new, so I'm trying out all of the weapons first, this is actually ma last one.
Dual daggers seem to be my favorite so far.

I don't know where ya got that from. If I'm in the squad i want to play with others. I love the multiplayer in MH.

Upgrading a weapon will help A LOT


OH, and any attack that wakes a monster up does 2x damage so don't let him wake up on his own, use those bombs or just stab him in the face for an alarm clock

Ignore all the little ones in the den, waste of time, sharpness, and health since they'll keep coming forever

The first upgrade for the beginner weapons are very cheap and the materials are easy to gather from the first forest map up[grades are very important not just because they increase damage but also your sharpness bar meaning you sharpen less often and eventually your sharpness will go up in rank designated by a colour making you deal more damage.

Nice dodge through the tail swipe

Always move forward while guarding because your stamina recovers when you do for some reason

Also if you have been collecting honey from Misty Peaks you can combine that honey with potions to make Mega Potions which heal for more, eventually you will be able to construct a beehive in the farm for easy honey retrieval.

Exactly. Too bad that's not the audience World was aimed at.

As in the OP:



Soon as I saw him switch to bombs I just knew

Streamanon, you know you can eat Rations to get your stamina bar up to 150, right?

Had a near identical experience with the barroth in tri. Fucker chewed my ass up over and over again for weeks, and nearly caused me to quit. I learned more with each defeat though, and soon figured out its attack patterns, along with the stamina system, part breaking, the armor system, different weapon types, and item crafting. I then finished low rank without any more real problems and did high rank online. After, I bought a psp and freedom unite.

Palico with the knockdown!

Pretty sure he's got it this time


Streamanon, let the bomb be the first hit on him when he's sleeping for the bonus damage. You can detonate bombs safely by hitting them with a Paintball or Rock, or by placing a Small Barrel Bomb to the side of them, just make sure the Small Bomb isn't close enough to damage the monster or you'll waste the bonus


You don't have to crawl when they're sleeping they can't hear you walk, they only wake up when they either take damage or finish healing.

Hey at least he didn't blow himself up this time, progress

I cannot believe you got away with sharpening in it's face lmao

does lance really suck this hard? g.jaggi never took me more than 10 minutes even with starter equipment

It's DPS was insane in Tri so they nerfed it for a while, but it's mostly user's inexperience + you're exaggerating.

Streamanon is exhausted.

hey he did it





So proud of you, you're a big boy now



Good job user, but it only gets harder from here on out. Keep practicing!

I've been sitting here with this Vaal Hazak quest ready to leave for the past hour waiting for some random fuck to kill G. Jaggi

It was hype though, and cool to watch him get better as he did it

Barroth is gonna fuck him up though. He hasn't learned how to sheathe.

As some one who is still stuck farming vaal, i don't blame you

I'm glad you guys enjoyed the ride with me. Schadenfreude, general keks or support, I was happy to have you all with me, I really wouldn't have done it without you.
This nigger lizard was a real fucking pain and now I hate lances.

At least it's P3rd and not Tri.

Oh god, with how World is selling, Streamanon might become the last true Monster Hunter.

Lances are great weapons but they're not the fastest or the strongest. Experiment with all the weapons and find what's best for you.

It only gets harder from here on out but keep persevering and you will get better at the game.

a general question as well, how was the stream quality all in all? I don't stream often or at all rather, but if I do want to share my misery with the rest of you, I'd like the front row seats to be top notch.

Other than a buffering every so often it seemed to be fine.

It was fine

Lance is the second least used weapon in World despite not being at all shit, because it doesn't click with 99% of people

I fucking love it though

Remember, user, when people say "don't get hit" they aren't memeing you, that's the best advice for MH. Focus on not getting hit and then only strike when you know you can do it safely. If you come at it with this mindset you can destroy any monster once you learn it's behavior.

I guess you could say I'm not very bright

Definitely this I was watching a guy playing Pokemon Red with only a Beedrill, and he commented on his strategy in one fight being to make sure he doesn't get hit by the attack, using the Char quote "If it doesn't hit you, it doesn't matter" and one of the comments in response was "Ah, the Monster Hunter strategy."

On that same note, it's very common to just sit back and observe brand new monsters and focus on learning their moves/how to avoid them the first time you face something

I would argue that one should go as far as having 2-3 weapons they're comfortable with at all times

Not a bad idea, with how some monsters just are much easier with a different weapon depending on your playstyle, and if it's your first time you'll be futzing around doing a bit of everything anyway so you'll likely have the materials to build multiple weapons up.

Fuck. I could've stopped watching this new serieshad me hooked.
It's called Outlander and I'm a sucker for isekai shit. It's not even a chinese cartoon.

Good on you stream user, you did your best. Here's to you.

It's a youtube stream, so you'll be able to rewatch it after it's been processed.
Grab some popcorn, beer and/or friends to make a drinking game out of my failures.

Where did you find a list of most used to least used weapons in world?

That'd be cool, I missed most of it. I hope you stream again, I'd love to see more of your misadventures.

Changes on it look pretty damn nice

What changes did the Lance get?

First Wyverian sometimes tells you what top, bottom ranked for usage, as well as what the weapon you're using is ranked. I use lance, so

Counter back to Tri status, can dodge forward now, multihit stab after blockdash, Power Guard which drains stamina but can counter stuff that shouldn't be countered with full charged tier attack

That actually sounds like it would make it much more aggressive, in spite of being such a small change.

Just fought Vaal Hazak for the first time and I gotta say I'm pretty disappointed. The concept and visual are cool but they were SO AFRAID of people not bringing nullberries that his actual attacks are all slow as fuck with tiny hitboxes except the breath. Once you realize what the gas does he's a joke.

Lance has always been aggro as fuck, it's even moreso now. I climb inside the monster's asshole and never, ever leave. I actually don't personally like the dodge forward change because I don't have to backhop everywhere which was amusing but eh, it could be worse.

Also, too little too late now, but Streamanon, do know that you can run back to the bed at base camp to sleep and heal all your HP as well as all your cats' HP, plus cure any status ailments. Obviously not going to fix your sharpness, but when you're down to a sliver of health with no potions it can be a lifesaver.

Exactly, didn't mean to imply it wasn't, just that it would make it that much more so.

I did that a couple of times and also missed out on a chance to do it once because I was too pissed to quit. Thanks.

no promises

Watching the recording of the stream now, and seeing him bashing away at Jags with a red sharpness weapon after two carts and no items left with the timer flashing red in the last five minutes brings back memories of the first time I defeated Tiggy in FU. Still one of the most intense and glorious victories I've ever had in any game.

No problem, we all know that feeling, and it does eat up time, which as you've learned can be precious.

New thread

I missed it because I was at work, but I am looking forward to user getting good.

It's up for viewing

I'm afraid to find out if DSP learns faster than me.

Why are people like this watched so much


So I just beat the main campaign but only got the bad ending. Should I restart with a new character to try and get the good ending, or is there a NG+ so I can keep my armors and stuff that I grinded for?

What? There's no bad endings in Monster Hunter.

The one where the handler survives sounds pretty terrible

Can you upgrade the storage space in MHW?
4/5 pages atm and i dont see any organizer guides in the shop.