What modern AAA games will be unplayable in 15-20 years?

What modern AAA games will be unplayable in 15-20 years?

Couldn't you have put a little more effort into your thread?

most of them, since they are unplayable now


Dark souls

They are already unplayable

Who gives a shit?

So we're stuck to pre PS3 emulation in the long term future?


Anything that needs always online or in resk of going down if a periodical DRM check can't validate. Denuvo most likely.

Why do you care about modern AAA games?

The ones that try to amaze with cutting edge graphics but don't really offer anything else.

Far Cry 1 is a pretty good example of a game that was amazing when it came out but these days is just a mediocre shooter with annoying jumping monkeys that instakill you.

I don't play AAA shit, I just came to have a thread about it.

It's the closest thing to an actually well done Predator game and the atmosphere is still fantastic.

Amazing effort OP. Check these dubs and go back.


MMO games and games that require online functionality once their servers die, or the online services for the console die.

All of them since x86 meme will finally die.

Any with online only denuvo, infested with pay-to-progress gameplay and paid DLC from cutting content in main game version making game impossible to play without Korean MMO-tier of grinding.

isn't it worrying games will become unplayable in some decades?

imagine if music or books could become unplayable in decades.

what will replace it?

I'm more worried about kike publishers letting it happen and people not giving a single fuck by being oblivious or lacking interest while giving money to them.

Don't listen to the Risc-V memers

Anything with always online servers
Anything multiplayer only

there's a shit ton of old classics that don't get new releases because of legal reasons (IP holder bankrupt, some companies don't release the IP for the engine or music and so on).

Try reading a book written in the 14th century. Thankfully, the majority of such books get adapted for the modern language so even a non-native speaker can understand what the hell the writer wanted to convey without spending hours decoding one phrase which is not even relevant in the contemporary world.
A lot of medieval and older music that gets performed is mostly based on interpretations too, so it's not like you have things exactly as they were in their original forms today.

Any game worth saving will be saved through emulation of old hardware and software.
Even now some older games are hard to get to work or don't perform very well on modern computers.
We'll live to see Wangblows 98 emulators with top tier hardware and drivers of the time get made so we can play old games.

Blood, Powerslave and Nolf are good examples of this.
Besides companies like EA and Ubisoft sitting on IPs and not doing anything with them of course.

I want to really play the scott pilgrim beat em up but It will never be released on PC because of legal shit and it was a digital only game on the XBOX live store.

we're fucked.

Ubikike at it again
The fucking license is probably pocket money to them too.


I've heard that it's more of less because the chiptune writer that did the music for this game is pozzed as fuck, and reneged the rights to the game's music, or something along those lines.

A lot of developers are into the idea that they can brick their games when they want you to buy/play their newer titles, so I can see a lot of shit either becoming unplayable or a huge pain to play.

ubisoft can suck a fat one

Oh yeah, absolutely, but I'm pretty sure it's just Ubikike not wanting to pay the license.
That shit was likely some fucker trying to push misinfo.
Anamacucky don't have that kind of power.

More often than not it's publishers

But do listen to the Mill memers

what numbers would i get in this post?

I could go for a donut right now

I've never understood this meme.
It's encrypted CP?

no, it's unencrypted CP
the donut is underage

The leap in hardware power compared to the software targeting extremely low end machines by todays standards that made this widely usable at reasonable speeds doesn't happen anymore. Emulating modern Windows requires a VM with PCI Passthrough set up (which has strict hardware requirements and is quite complicated) if you want reasonable speeds and for most things to work. What you want is perfect (to normal human beings) emulation of post DOS to present. This has not happened. What you've got is something that will maybe become essentially perfect to users in 20 years (and hopefully all that software gets archived by pirates somewhere without anything being lost forever), but then we'll be in the same shitty situation because the majority of developers do not release their source code under a free software license and most people in the video game community are too retarded or too apathetic to care about that.

Frankly, i'm fine if current year games happen to get "lost" because nobody actually gives a shit to archive the code. As long as the videos showing off how shitty they were survive that's fine with me.

That's already happening. There's tons of Windows 95/98 that are an absolute bitch to run even on a VM. WINE seems to help but not sure it can run everything.
Besides, thats convenient for asshole publisher to make garbage remakes.

check em




The machines are starting to garner demand too, since i guess you can't really find them at a goodwill anymore, much like CRTs.

Yes, it is.
Even if majority of these games are shit for reasons already mentioned.

Good job, fag.

dubs check em



If you're a buyfag who follows the rules, anything using Denuvo.

Yeah, it's called Wine.





All the realistic ones.

You're thinking about Crysis, not FarCry1.


Unplayable? Nah, they'll have Super Epic Ultra HD VR Day 1 Digital Remaster Editions because new games in 15-20 years will be even more shit than now.

Any non-mainstream mmo, private servers full of bots dont count
Anything with denuvo (for legit buyers tho lol)
Probably mobas since it started declining and people are starting to get a little tired of it

Quite a few because they will have aged so poorly.

you are lucky you didnt install that shit in your computer, it would have fucked your cdrom

Go back to 4chan and never return.

Everything on Steam

>implying it's playable now

probably COD and BF

You had no reason to bump this.

Modern AAA games are playable?