Throughout the world, the number of lonely young males is growing exponentially
Millions of these people comprise the new generation of the precariat, neets and low-wage workers who will never be able to afford a family, never will go to college (or go right back into low-wage labor after they graduate). Who are friendless and have never experienced a relationship. Who are routinely plagued with acute loneliness
Some will claim that this surplus male population has always existed and cite a study that shows 17 women reproduced for one man. But if you actually read the study, it says that this trend only arose after the invention of agriculture, so it tied to the accumulation of resources.
here's the study:
Even if surplus male population is "human nature" (it isn't) that does not necessitate that it isn't something that we should try to solve. Last I checked leftists were not social darwinists
Its also pretty obvious that this has obviously led in large part to the rise of the alt-right. Even a cursory look will reveal that most of their politics are reducible to sexual pathology. (also look at MGTOW and r9k, both of which are not particularly leftist movements)
As another user on here said, ignore the politics of loneliness at your own peril. I realize this is an uncomfortable topic for many people here, and some even have an understandable hatred for these types of people. But this needs to be talked about
to clarify:
I am NOT arguing for state assigned wives or a return to traditional values
This is not lefty r9k general
This thread is for examining the material causes of a very real problem