luck be a lady, tonight.
Luck be a lady, tonight
Other urls found in this thread:
YES my post texts are licensed OC do not steel
Better than what I would assume you would wear.
but what is that in inches?
which is?
around three
Hanging with them is good too.
because we all learn to cope and work with each other despite having such huge differences.
that's what governing is all about.
oh yes, sorry for being so mean.
I should indeed be more open and nice.
wanna fuck?
Something more feminine.
Nah, kick 'em out.
hnng, if only
elaborate. what do you picture my typical "lounging around" outfit to be?
I know right
thats too extreme!
blaming terrorism on religion instead of the area they are in is totally relevant to where you took this conversation. you are lucky that in this day and age your religion has settled down. during islams golden age christians were burning witches at the cross.
id be lying if i didnt have ulterior motives
way to be a idiot
stake i should say
burning crosses came later
it sounds pretty fun being that sized tbh, imagine all the lewd fun you could get up to
I'm a student..?
it's really mean to turn down such a nice offer.
I thought you were nice.
Theseius, stop trying to turn my boyfriend into a slut.
It's rude.
the reason the terrorists are even able to do what they do within the confines of their religion is because there are provisions in the actual texts. the region does not matter nearly as much, as shown by the dozens of attacks in the past year thanks to all the immigrants flooding into various countries. if it was only the area they were in, that wouldn't have happened. it happened because the "religion of piece" is full of provisions for such things to take place.
any ulterior motives you might have are wasted on this site.
Something David Bowie was wearing from the Labyrinth.
Did ya guys miss me?
it's really just for the added humiliation of it. that's the basis for almost all of my fetishes and fantasies.
he wayyy too lewd
you were gone?
well you're wrong. I barely have any girls clothes anyway. I usually just wear my underwear and a t shirt.
Boxers, one would hope.
the proper way to greet a woman in a nice way is to eat her out.
y'all should learn manners.
for her
exactly my point. there was a reform. christianity is no longer the oppressive, horrible force it once was. if I were to go to an islamic country I would be murdered for being gay. how you could possibly play advocate for this disgusting religion is beyond me.
hello tokai i would like toe at you out
What a pathetic fetish to have.
two slutty peas in a pod, we are.
why would one hope this? I wear boxer briefs.
didnt notice soto was gone
i especially like this image
what a pervert.
get away drunkard
Just glad you don't indulge in such fantasies in private.
sorry, what?
dont lie, you could love that to be you
or maybe you would prefer this kind of thing?
i want middle ground
they're able to do what they do because every ancient book is up to interpretation and evil people have used vague teachings to influence others forever. and when western influence has constantly fucked them perhaps it is understandable that a group that opposes the continuation of getting fucked can get a hold of power with the right resources at hand.
they are all disgusting. but they are not the main issue or cause
bullying is verynice.
Able to drink tonight?
I typed it, then left.
I needed to fill in a captcha.
mayb the reason muslims are so violent is bcause we keep bombing them
like this?
I would recommend checking out "the masked arab" on youtube. while I don't disagree with this
islam in particular has a lot of evil things right there in the book itself.
we'll have to agree to disagree at this juncture. if you agree that it's disgusting but still choose to argue on its behalf I see no point in further discussion of any kind about this.
why are you soo out of touch...
i am trying to be polite what do you want from me
and the bible talks about bashing babies against rocks
because like i said its not the cause
I already drank this morning.
but yes.
holy shit I don't think I've laughed this hard in fucking ages.
of course you are an actual sjw so I would expect this kind of thing from you.
public humiliation is great too.
but fingering is touch
I'm all out.
Then drink.
I'm finally able to do so tonight.
"muh christians are just as bad as muslims"
I will drink later, yes. it's only 3pm.
you read any fic stuff fam?
but isn't the entire prophet stuff with their's about a guy that claimed to talk to their god so he could fuck little girls? it might not be that straight forward but it sure seems that way
Naruto Jesus is the one true Jesus.
US sanctions imposed during the clinton/bush I years have killed about 1 000 000 iraqis
including 500000 children
200000 dead civilians in iraq and afghanistan from the war on terror
how many people have terrorists killed
*pat pat*
there there~
i forget how young you all are sometimes...
of course. smut fiction is great.
what? are you drinking right now?
citation: loco's ass
this sounds made up as heck, how would you quantify the sanctions as being the thing that killed them?
gib steam
they are
i dont believe you needed an excuse back then
heey be
I'm drinking while I can, yes. Lest work call me in over something asinine.
Also did you know Americans killed 800,000,000 Muslims in the last four years and twenty days?
ohh now I get it.
you're just all dried up..
I'm sorry
loco you better be getting me my wine instead of wrapping up a text wall of sources.
I literally couldn't be laughing any harder right now at how insanely stupid this statement is. there's no point in continuing this. your ignorance astounds me.
same as always. you?
hmm. good point. I'll join you soon then.
I did know that. loco told me.
Crown and coke for the evening for me.
their victim complex is probably the worst part of it all. there is a war on christmas folks.
thats a great refutation. some interesting points there
added fam
what'd I do noow??
I'm being considerate
I'll just be having my standard vodka and whatever.
refuting your points was a wasted effort.
cool cool.
As disgusting as blends are, at least that satchels are useful.
I gotta get you to drink something better.
you probably shouldnt try to fight me on it then if you cant
you're all mixed up.
right right. like how every time there's a terror attack it has nothing to do with islam and the real victims are the muslims.
It's almost cute how Theseius can't tell what he's doing here.
was never trying to fight you at all. I wanted to understand where you were coming from, and I accomplished this goal.
why? I enjoy what I drink.
wat he doing?
i-i enjoy you!!
Your opinion is WROOOOONG
those sanctions were put in place because iraq invaded kuwait
iraq invaded kuwait to seize oil to pay back its debt to the US
it owed the US because the US was Saddam's ally in the iraq-iran war
the US becomes butthurt because it was involved with Saddam to get kuwait oil, sides with saudi arabia VS iraq,imposes embargos and the gulf war starts
y-you're making fun of my race now?
honey can you check discord
kinda hit a wall
im sure no muslims that are treated more poorly because of extremism
if that were the case you wouldnt have well...fought me on it
the feeling is mutual ooble.
I know, and I revel in how mad it makes others.
there are*
about the same but you're here though so that just got a tiny bit better! doing anything?
since he's the one that apparently made it "law" of their religion, I'd say that reason didn't entirely exist with their people til he made it barring the fact that he isn't even real so who ever wrote the story manipulated it all in his favor intentionally or not
the numbers even all differ greatly up to 400k seperate the estimations
cute gif
what race?
No 'hm'ing' for three days as punishment.
im gonna cry
you call it fighting, I call it trying to figure out why someone would even bother defending a religion that allows for grown men to marry and gain sexual satisfaction from literal babies.
nope, not really. just threading and watching youtube. how about you?
so you've got all these people dying because of US-sponsored saddam's regime
all these people dying because of US embargoes and sanctions
US leading an offensive against your country killing a fair amount of people
then when it's over carpet bombing your cities all through the nineties
dirty evil muslims
this is cruel and unusual.
Jesus Cristo and Muhammad both existed; the Koran being written in Muhammad's lifetime by him and his scribes, the Bible being written 200 years after a real person's crucifixion by writers on unknown sources.
I'd believe you, if you didn't get some sort of pleasure out of the whole thing.
well you've caught me out.
good thing government law supersedes religious law or we'd have eye for an eye
in most cases
i think native americans get to do peyote for religious ceremonies
thats not what we were talking about unfortunately
Cry~ let it all out
it healthy
Ace detective, bby.
it's all one in the same. the religion is what I have an issue with. you're defending it. I wanted to know why, now I do.
ace attorney is better.
Reminder: Wearing tinfoil hats actually makes it easier for the government to find you
hey cupcake remember that time you lost your shit because i called smiles dumb in something obliquely related to religion
You fucking hypocrite
Depends on the state.
States where it's not traditionally used with still bar it, same with hallucinogenic mushrooms in the northwest: the states bar them because it's not really a cultural practice and just to get high.
I only ever liked Godot.
yup. that's totally what happened for sure.
pretty damn good taste. he was amazing.
about the same for no, probably going to play some ow for awhile later
great talk
I'm not going to claim it's 100% but if I remember the article I saw the koran was written almost 100 years after mr muhammad which unless he managed to bypass the normal length of life at the time means he was ded as fuck
yeah its like a special circumstance
i was going to say lucky for them but
that doesnt really make up for genocide
have you seen their bdsm test? apparently they actually are.
I legit forgot about that.
Didn't like the series because they never really compounded what happened behind the scenes. I wanted to know what happened to him, besides the obvious 'he died lol'
been playing a bunch of that. grinding those stupid boxes so I get as much stuff as possible.
the government law does now it did not back then and slowly? it's failing now, as groups that are growing decide that they need to return to the law of that toxic book
I guess that's fair. I think there is usually enough, but it would be nice to have more I guess. I really liked danganronpa because of that. the murders are elaborate and you get to piece together everything that happened in the trials.
that was my impression of cupcake do you like it
got the witch of almighty thighs yet?
you're cute when you're a salty fuck.
i am?
no. I've got junkenstein's monster and I got reapers halloween thing...three times...looks like at this point I might have to buy junkenstein and witch mercy. still have some time though.
This is almost getting depressing to watch.
like your life
best lady
yeah so he'd have been around 60 something, did we only double the life expectancy over that much time?
I have yet to get junkenstein sadly, you'll get the cute witch though don't worry cups
I hate you so much.
that depends entirely on the country
even here you have ben carson i think or some republican talking about how things need to be based on the bible and shit despite it supposed to be separate
i wouldnt say its failing though
in my country anyway
definitely not your country
I've heard of it, but didn't like the artstyle they went with.
Wasn't fabulous or likeable enough.
Try it again, but instead of the stick up your ass, imagine that it's a dick.
90% of the pre-Columbian populations in America were killed by disease. In the US, there was only ever violent outbreaks a few times and most of it was just settled by telling them to get the fuck off the land.
While still awful, it wasn't violent conquest as much as just bullying other than like Jackson era and some on the plains after they'd already been pushed west.
dont worry
I would too
proud of you.
and before you ask, no, I've never bought a single loot box.
O . O
What level are you..?
yes your country is what I meant was falling to muslim religious laws
one way or another I will. I have the coin to get the damn thing if I don't pull it. gonna have to keep playing more though to try. finding it would be the same as finding 3000 coins.
yeah, understandable. it's hyper animu
and I suck hardcore at the game. I just can't seem to stop playing it.
People lived to 80 or so in Sumer and Egypt, extremely rare but it still happened.
Life expectancy accounts for mortality related to non-genetic factors, as well. So anyone in a position of power could live as long as genetics favored them and they maintained decent living conditions.
Room 215 was breddy gud
fuck, I still need to play that one. I started a long time ago but only got about ten minutes in before getting distracted by other things and then forgot to go back. I should download it on my tablet and play.
not violent or quick or intended but still 95 million approx. sad. they have pretty art
well thats just silly man
Ghost trick was decent too. Except for like, one level.
I know, I know.
another one I've heard good things about. I only recently got into vn type games, honestly. like in the last few years.
it's one of my favs
yeah, then you can be a good little heal slut :^)
oh wew, I thought it was like 40ish at best my bad still fuck that book of bullshit just like the other one
you are just silly
So when can we pray game?
i wanna see more adorable things!
sadism is mean
I don't like pain
If only they discovered metallurgy 2000 years before European contact.
i know >.
Yeah well this was a time before all my shit got stolen and I didn't know about the wonders of pirating games.
So I recommend them, as far as detective games go.
Speaking of, finish Caves of Steel yet?
yeah i know thats weird. i might sounds stupid for this i need to look into why that didnt happen
I'm good at support but I don't play them much. when I do it's usually zenyatta, actually. by the way do I have you on battlenet?
you added me when I gave rin my battle net, right? we could play whenever, really. do you like to voice chat while you play? I usually use squash's discord to do that with people I play with, or you might have your own.
pirating is the fucking best. I mean, I usually pay for video games, but when it comes to old systems you can emulate I get roms all the time.
fug. no, I haven't. after the bullshit with my job I kind of spiraled down again and lost interest in everything all over again and bleh bleh bleh. anyway, I've got it bookmarked where I was, so I'll get back on that.
i'm not that kind
i don't even like that physical stuff myself.
nobody said it was just physical alone????
The adjusted mortality rates and life expectancy would be painfully low and under 40 but it's more of a case of "people that lived generally have more favorable genetics". Same with the arguments of "modern medicine makes us sicker": no, just people that would've died otherwise are living into adulthood and reproducing instead of just carriers.
You better nigga, I'm on the third book already.
yeah yeah. I'll get back on it, geez MOOOM.
Societies' developments are all cumulative. If no one found a need for it, then no one would have passed it on and it snowballed.
They used volcanic glass and other materials for cutting instruments and developed just as many simple machines; they just didn't realize the use of metals. They knew -of- them, just not that they could be used as more than trinkets.
And clean your room.
bad sebsy baaaad
not yet sadly but that can be changed whenever
don't prophets usually live poorly? or was that different for their prophet?
I actually did do a lot of cleaning recently. it was way too much. my room feels so weird because I can see the floor from my chair to the bathroom door.
feel free to add me and we can play sometime. was actually thinking of playing some right now.
Muhammad had a privileged upbringing and was rather wealthy/powerful in his own lifetime.
Well fine, enjoy your meme game.
this is why i will never vaccinate my children
who said anything about physical pain you lewdo
its mental pain
ur a meme game. faget.
Yes, and yes if the other person wants to ^^
I'll message you sometime
No 'hm's' for five days.
You actually listen to this crap?
alright cool beans.
youre still standing
youre still alive
you'll be fine~
I will add you tonight, I have some stuff to finish like cooking dinner but hopefully afterward you're still around so we can play some
wew their prophet was lame as fuck, it's basically a rich dude claiming he was even more important than he already was
No back talk.
I listen to all kinds of stuff
probably will be. unless I get tired early again like yesterday, that was weird as hell. just suddenly got sleepy as fuck around 8pm.
Buddha was filthy rich, too.
And like...everyone of note in anything Hindu.
They're pretty shit honks though.
this makes me cringe
No grr'ing.
Overwatch suddenly not as appealing anymore
super tired cups passing out? sounds incredibly adorable
yeah but this one I think I know more of, didn't he ditch his position to travel among the poor in order to realize things? plus did buddhism get forced upon the people? the second question I legit have zero idea about
LMAO what is tviq doing
don't worry, I still love you but baaaaad sebs
*pets adorable quiet*
im a bad bunny
I will tell ban you guise said that
the naughtiest bunny
It's one of those "taken on faith" things that Buddha actually did anything that's said to have happened.
He came from a splinter group of Hindu that got fragmented even after his death.
So...??? if it's actually.
but you'd hate that wouldn't you
can't think of much else
brb gotta run to the store for something lol I'm fucking stupid for forgetting it
well that's interesting to know, I really wouldn't put much faith in any religions honestly they all are basically created to manipulate then later used as a crutch to ignore the overwhelming weight of why we exist
gonna have to spank you, clearly
yup. that's the idea.
you won't let me do ANYTHING
it wasn't cute at all and the fact that my cat was snuggling with me does not make it cute either. so shut up.
being a cringelord. is nice
I recommend Sleeping Dragon (Calm Low)
Tibetan Choir (Darkness) and Irish Coast (Coastal Winds)
Why didn't anyone do a kawaii peace sign?
I'll never know
no thats a scar dum dum
please daddy
i not evil
no hate in my heart
samsara is a reaper player right
EscA a QT
Thought that was the point to bdsm or whatever.
The only thing Luka hates is working for literally anything.
No bully luka
Out of all the reaper intros, just had to pick that one...
He should've done his little ult pirouette, that would've been dabes.
itis like his team agreed to do the intro emotes and he did not want to but they forced him
of course you don't hate it
you love that, cause sadism
Le crippling depression fais
Oh man even sprays look like ass on low
Pretty fitting.
im not sad
he did?
5-6 months ago
Leeg should be banned
there's no tit pervo
of course you're not
I have to play rust on minimum if I have the map or threads open or my computer will commit suicide
it sucks
did you cap the ban message
I want to see what you typed
it's because I'm toxic in mediums outside of the game
Rip in peace
right on time.
I hate it because it lowers the quality of the pretty steam avatars of the squeakers in text chat
I got low priority in dota for pinging too much and yelling bad fake chinese to people in my games
Might NY server after wipe not sure
I have no idea. I don't watch the pros.
you just don't get it. UGH.
I didn't but I think you see them again every time you try and log onto the account
Subby why did you actually end up banned?
LMAO I still remember that one game of Dota I played w/you
the incessant pings even after we won and the game ended
sounds good fam
lol shit
do you remember what happened in the game that triggered it?
That's why I'm vanilla, yeah.
he lost his shit duh
I thought these people like...knew you.
How's the lone wulf
you got low prio because playing DotA with you is cancer
Hahahaha fuck
Love me biscuits and tea fam
I do that half my games nothing ever happens, I've even stopped getting those "We know everybody has bad days yadda yadda" messages ages ago
I like tell people to kill themselves, what's going on?
You know how people only think about you in regards to Neru?
Subtle is just an ancillary of Desu.
you're lucky boi
you tilt me bby
but you are turned on by it
One game I played vs. jinx/soraka, got rekt and top went 0-6
Another I had to go mid vs. a diamond fizz and got rekt
Both in my promo to plat 1 I think
It's kinda pathetic and embarrassing to remember tbh
I am the true test of endurance~
i am? how
That's an overstatement.
that's the thing with sadism
that's lewd luka
rip the dream
I dunno man, I've been doing it for as long as I can remember, I've played since season one.
Never seen you rage :3
want me to test my endurance on you?~
some things cannot be explained
But somehow you have seen me
I had to let him know there's more to the map than the jungle, I think he got lost
Excuse me !?
you left before i could tuck my dick in
if thats what you wanna call it
im too afraid!
i call it good things
desu ur bad at dotes
Like why I'm not going to sleep instead of posting
triple as cute now, you can't ignore the facts about what you are cups!
thatis a lot of pretty colours
probably expensive colours too
It's my burden to bear.
where is subtle i need to show him the level of thiccness that is top tier
this is fine
the cutest!
yes you
yes tiddies
so just fat?
God bless
Just fat.
I can't even imagine dealing with such a horrible curse.
Wide hips = thicc
Fat rolls = fat
I use alcohol.
it cures what ails ya
thicc books
The perfect poison.
but the truth still!
i guess i can get into chubby
but you gotta grease the pig y'know?
thicc librarian
good random person, more people need to understand this
these references are totally lost on me
I actually really like this term.
step on my dicc then
i'd let patchy sit on my face ANY DAY
and oh so delicious
ganging up on me is cheating.
I've lost my tolerance quite a bit.
I'm quite drunk at 12 shots worth now.
Feel free to gang up on me instead.
I mean, I guess.
so sleepy
oh i didn't see that
grandma's eyes arent as good as they use to be
god i hate joe buck
these things happen
which term?
that's fine, I'll take you somewhere private nad prove the point alone too :^)
where in the righteous fuck is this from
she has a strong back
Random Person, it's silly but I find it satisfying to be an outsider that goes mostly unnoticed.
Maybe I should delete it from my name in order to keep it that way.
that's enough to knock me out cold. I can't believe people drink this much. it's insane to me.
you little pervert.
that sounds ominous. but not in a bad way.
did you see the movie
people will decide you are someone else one way or another sadly, so enjoy it in any way you can or take the name "random person" lol
well I'll be sure to make you enjoy the soreness entirely
I used to drink about 20 shots a night.
But then work and Smiles and Lexi and several others convinced me that anything over 25 is frowned upon.
do I need to beg
oh my
tsuchi why do you insist on tryharding
this just in
no one fucking cares
hey tsuchi member when you fucked smiles
just saying tho