Can we agree it should have been Bill Gates? He seems the most innocent and good-hearted
If a billionaire were to run for president
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Come on user, this isn't what our overlord is paying us for.
Good bait. The trot flag did it for me tho.
He's good too. They could be president and VP
Communism is OVER.
Neoliberalism is our permanent future and the only road to social progress, every revolutionary MUST embrace it.
shut the fuck up trotskites
That's not the argument
Aside from that, they're not going to cut emissions at all and so the rest of the worlds efforts, no matter how extensive, will be for naught.
Did everyone forgot Microsoft's history when he started donating to charity?
Peter Thiel started that "2.0" shit, why isn't he in this cartoon?
Derp, I mean infamous Silicon Valley quack Tim O'Reilly.
India has just built the one of the biggest solar power complexes in the world and is moving towards more solar power projects along with small local efforts to develop smaller solar power centers for isolated rural communities. Even China has started to move towards ramping up their environmental policy.
Fucking Americans will always have an excuse when they're the most prosperous nation on earth. Fuck them all, death to America, and so on.
Gates is smart enough to realize he shouldn't be president.
Why do we even have the Trot flag? The socdem flag should be enough.
This is the spookiest image I've seen in a long time.
Bill gates is a nerd faggot and who wouldn't win in a million years.
You want to know whats going to happen since trump won?
Every billionaire saw that, they saw trump won and now they think they can do it, they saw it and said "if he can do it, i can too", why are they giving money to politicians whent hey can just do it themselves?
The ceo of starbucks, the ceo of disney, zuckerberg, mark cuban, oprah.
The problem is trump has charisma, he knows how to work the media and talk to plebes
In the past most president have been lawyers.
I predict because of trump presidents will act more like business men, after all they are serving the oligarchy.
The state and the corporate plutocracy fuse together even further leading us to the cyber punk futures that drips into reality every day
For sure zuckerbeg is going to run in the future, but i have found even democrats dont like him, plus he is an autistc jew, while trump is alpha take no shit father figure jock, which probably appeals to conservatives on a psychological level and pisses off libs with daddy issues
For the life of me I'll never understand bootlickers.
The 2016 election was pretty much the choice between your cool rich dad who has ten million speed boats and he lets you use them and your boring mom who gets mad because you play video games and dont go to sleep at the right time.
No. It should have been trump so the whole world can see that the rich only stand for the rich and especially themselves.
I can't believe I didn't see this anywhere else before.
Simple and concise: an absolutely stellar summary.
Pick one, dude.
Trump needed 24 hour media support during the primaries to keep from constantly shitting himself and collapsing in a pile of his own incompetence.
Nkw he needs the 24 hour support of muh president bullshit npt to keep shitting himself although he resents what little is being done for him.
Every time I see this photo of him, I start to believe reptilian conspiracies just a bit more.
For the purposes of accelerationism, Trump is actually a pretty solid choice to demonstrate how ignorant, idiotic, and socially degenerate the ruling class have become. Bill Gates would give the impression that the neoliberal system works well.
You can't be a trot if you're a liberal though
Is Musk a billionaire? Either way it should be him
The most benevolent billionaire is clearly Putin.
Musk is Steve Jobs 2.0, he got the same hype and he will get the same hate. Let him do his job of innovating technology but keep him away from power.
As Lex Luthor put it:
Fun fact: Musk named a couple of drones after Culture ships.