What is Holla Forums 's opinion of this? Not trying to bait just wondering because generally most of you are anti-religion
Islam fastest growing religion
Nuke mecca
Why are they praying outside the Taj Mahal?
Couldn't care less.
They aren't though.
Idk took pic from article
Ban daily mail posters.
This is either a great reply or the most retarded thing written by a human.
idk you can think whatever you want just dont be mean please
It means they have higher birthrates due to lack of education for women and reactionary family norms.
And Europe is bringing them in to breed even more to replace christians who aren't breeding as much.
go away Holla Forums. if we stop meddling in middle-eastern affairs there wouldn't be radicalized populations. notice how the countries with no occupation or foreign meddling hold less extreme views?
Islam like all religions is shit and will fade away with better material conditions. That being said the so called secular enlightend west has caused much more death and destruction to the Islamic world than vice versa by a huge scale. I mean in the first year or two of the Iraq caused more deaths of Muslims than dead westerns killed by Muslims over the past four decades.
Why all the hate for dailymail lately? Is because Trump called it fake news, banned it from his press, and Holla Forums can't stop slobbering on his fascist cock? Sure, Donald Trump is confirmed to have a large dick and Holla Forums loves big white dicks but come on. Really?
Muslim birthrates actually stagnate once they enter Europe.
Ah, good! Now we're on the topic that you wanted to post but didn't.
How do you defend capitalism when it needs these refugees to continue functioning?
But you idiots share the exact same views the Holla Forumstards do. Watch
Holla Forums is: Anti-religion and hates "christcucks" and Abrahamic religions in particular just like Holla Forums
Holla Forums is: Anti-war in the middle east and wants the holy land of israel and the chosen people destroyed just like Holla Forums
Holla Forums is: Anti-semite and Islamophobic just like Holla Forums
You're all idiots.
Haha this is true
Who's Jewing who
Well trolled 10/10
It doesn't NEED them. Liberal Globalists are lying for Multi-National corporations who have set quotas that they WANT to meet. And so society will be altered so that the big businesses can make bank.
Islam is a greater existential threat than muh porky. You know this to be true.
During ww2 those who were against American involvement were the greatest traitors. And unsurprisingly, many radical Leftists were among them
Are you going to make the same mistake as them, who defended germans and Japanese from racist practices and internment camps? Of course you won't. When we put muslims into the camps your dumb asses will be outside with your stupid chants
Useful idiots for the Islamist regimes, y'all are
this shit has been debunked a million times
None of that is true tho
Some of Holla Forums is against religion, some are indifferent, some subscribe to liberation theology
Besides critique of Jewish culture Holla Forums is never against jews in particular (I dont count NazBols as leftypol) so is not antisemitic
Holla Forums wants Israel destroyed because its an authoritarian colony for western capitalist interests not because muh chosen ppl
fuck off Holla Forums
Where's the argument
Has it? Link me to whatever debunks it then
How about you find a news source that isn't Boomer Daily?
Why is Holla Forums so racist? Why are you against the free flow of ideas? Do you not want your Arab and African brothers to come to Europe and witness what great living standards even a minimal application of Marx's ideas can bring about?
He says the Pew research results weren't valid because they surveyed only 150 people in each country.
Lmao, it's like the retard doesn't know how sample groups work
For the six gorrillianth time we are not liberals Holla Forums
it's just a particular strain of leftist retardation tbh
How about we glass fucking both, Saudi Arabia is a giant part of the problem.
What would Marx say about you trying to genocide both Jews and Arabs? How is there going to be a global uprising of the proletariat against their capitalist masters if you kill all the innocent and downtrodden people of the world?
no one here ever says this
You called Israel an authoritarian colony despite it being a democracy, yet fail to mention Iran as a theocracy or Saudi Arabia as a monarchy.
Clearly you are letting your racist biases take precedence over facts.
They also want to gas all religous people in general, landlords, prostitutes, and criminals.
The UN is full of Islamists who put pressure on nations to give Israel human rights violations. But out of all the nations in the Middle East it is in reality the best on human rights. Islamists are using their influence to try and make Israel look bad.
If those rights violations are real, where are the human rights violations for Saudi Arabia?
It's just Holla Forums being their usual anti-Semitic selves.
Really, just come out and say you're racist.
really fires up those neural synapses
How the fuck is Holla Forums anti-religion?
We do but for completely different reasons.
How the fuck are we anti-semites? Hating israel isn't the same as hating Jews. We aren't particularly islamophobic, although islam is pretty reactionary.
In this very thread you have more than one person arguing that Israel should be nuked.
You single out the only democracy in the region and accuse them of human rights violations but ignore places that still allow defacto slavery and sexual exploitation of children to exist.
Holla Forums is filled with deluded christcucks
Holla Forums loves Israel and supports barely camouflaged neocons who love war in the Middle East
The current longest running thread on Holla Forums is a thread dedicated to a mostly Sunni Muslim revolutionary communalist project
0/3 see me after class
America is the worst cancer on the planet and styles itself as the number 1 democracy.
Israel is shit and so is Saudi Arabia and Iran. Do we need to list the crimes of every country in the world before critiquing Israel?
What has that to do with your rampant antisemitism?
Reread the post you're replying to.
Nice attempt at a strawman but I'm not in the slight bit antisemitic.
You want to kill Jews though.
No I don't actually. Sorry to disappoint you.
Do you want to kill anyone though?
No they just want to gulag anyone they don't like.
but id doesn't
Not our fault they wanted it to be an ethno-state.
Yes it does or it implodes under the weight of the debt that made modern fait currency function in the first place.
No, leftist and globalist parties need refugees and migrants they can bribe with welfare to keep voting for them.
Guess the white working man finally figured out what Marx being a Jew really means.
Lets see how far automation is taken because honestly if they make that many people redundent then they know the financial system will collapse. They arn't idiots they need the wage based system to continue so they can siphon off production from the world with no consequense using debt.
What? Standards can go way way down yet.
It will be taken as far as they can take it which means that low skills jobs will cease to exist overnight.
Why do you think Japan, a country that is ahead than most in automation does not open the floodgates to immigrants despite all the scaremongering about their demographics they are being subjected to? They know they have little to worry and know that a smaller population will be in their interest once automation takes off.
Why do you think so many European countries are falling over themselves to figure out a way to make "basic income" viable?
They need shit. They don't even care, all they want is to depower the white majority so they can stay in power for a few more years. After that it's not their problem anymore, they have armed guards and walled compounds to keep them safe while the working class whites have to contend with the savagery of Ahmed and Jamal.
Hardly personal debt is huge in the west, watch what happens as wages continue to stagnate and private debt grows. It'll hammer the banks in a way you can't imagine. Funny thing about our system is it all runs on interest payments, there is nothing to actually fill the debt hole once the interest merry-go-round siezes complete financial collapse. Here's the really fun part the debt grows and so to does interest payments so soon the banks won't even be able to pay the iunterest on the debt anymore.
Walled compounds don't protect you from barbarism and complete state collapse mate. No infastructure in the world maintains itself.
They do if you have the money to move to some other white country and start shilling the same ideological poison that turned the country they came from into an extension of Africa.
Fuck your denial, what's happening in Europe and the US - after Rhodesia, Haiti, Yemen and SA, is beyond ideology. It's ethnic cleansing on a global scale.
I don't want to nuke Israel though. You're responding to more than one person itt.
This thread isn't very tolerant and is full of sinners.
I hate Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
Why not kill off most of humanity and most problems would disappear?
You're wrong for the reasons stated by other anons, but you got many replies.
Islam is fucking garbage, its the most disgusting of all the religions. At least Judaism requires you to be well read and to fuck your wife properly (and to enslave the goyim). Christianity has the mercy, give to the poor, respect for others
Trump would be very disappointed in you right now, Holla Forums.
Sweety poo don't you know Jewish bioweapons are built for uncut goy cock sweetie
Lel its so satisfying to see polyps squirl
Notice how less extreme views are still retardedly extreme.
We can and do make things worse but WEST BAAAAAD isn't sufficient
Oh no some people have extreme opinions, as true moderates we need to kill them all in case they get violent.
Got any non-strawman comebacks?
That isnt the taj mahal
It is