/ourguy/ dropping some truth bombs, once again.
/ourguy/ dropping some truth bombs, once again
View will you dumb left cucks ever stop virtue signalling about living in an expansionary imperialistic state and move into the jungles of Haiti for a change?
I'm glad that seal killed arab children I hope he kills 10x more next time.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, has this guy gone full retard himself on Trump being a Nazi? I would wager yes.
nice thread
Stop making eceleb threads.
Well he's dead so
for the triggered Holla Forumsyps in the thread.
1st tweet is a criticism of the media
2nd tweet is a criticism of the audience
Can you faggots please stop with this e-celeb bullshit and actually start posting meaningful threads ?
nothing wrong with those tweets
Liberals only exist to ensure emotional pression on fascists, so they continue to work for the benefit of their new leader. Because every shit they poured on Trump ended up shit being poured on themselves.
This is not critics, this is low quality of social attention whoring.
Trump is braindead, but not a fash.
Just a porky idiot.
Good that more people are speaking out tho i guess.
you guys need to stop being so defensive and thinking everyone outside of leftypol is an "e-celeb" or a shill or whatever. some people are actually on your side.
it is implicit criticism. of course, I shouldn't expect Holla Forumsyps to be able to read a proper sentence.
Did you even read marx and lenin to be on my side? Or you just read stirner, punched some trash cans and have wet dreams about hillary?
Shouldn't you be doing homework or something?
We'll see about that. Porky loves a Fascism in his favor anyways.So it's pretty much the same.
can you say that w/ certainty about the dominionists and other vague characters near him? im not so sure.
This is why you keep losing.
1. literally the only reason the pundit class dislikes trump is because of his off the cuff way of speaking. Trump knows how to code switch when it comes to who he is speaking to, whether it be his lowerclass supporters or a room in Washington. Trump doesnt put on a fake folksy southern accent, trump just talks like a regular dude from new york, this pisses off the establishment who have become so isolated that lowerclass people talking angers them
2. the only reason the neocons hate trump is because he wont go to war in syria or Ukraine, if he did those things john mccain would put on a MAGA hat and bend the knee
How about attacking capitalism and not Trump alone, at the same time dealing significant damage to Trump as capitalist, not as a person who fucked with democratic establishment, which was found significantly corrupted after all the dirt on them was shown by wikileans?
How about embracing economics of communism and realizing that you are an exploited worker?
How about not lining up with liberals who literally wanted Hillary as president, and have nothing in common with actual left that wants to end class inequality and seize the means of production?
How about understanding that immigration is actually exploitation of people for cheap labor and bank monopoly on loans, which will end up with poor class getting even more poorer, and rich class getting more richer?
Trump doesn't make as damage to the left as liberals who appeal to emotion so you will embrace their corrupt vision of the same capitalism that Trump operates from, they reduce left into same idpol spook the Holla Forums uses. Instead of jew there's white male, and Trump who is the lord of all white males and shit. And they want to embrace same spooked fascism where "white males" are pressured instead of jews, which is the same fucking hypocritic thing in essence.