What made you convert to Holla Forums ?
Former stormfags
I actually sat down and read Marx.
I read a book.
Which ones?
Holla Forums auto-banning anyone who went even vaguely against the consensus and Holla Forums shitting up the rest of the internet
Start reading works of Marx and Engels. You never lose on starting with those. Then move to Lenin, listen to Zizek and Richard D. Wolff. Then make your own opinion before moving forward to getting into any controversial literature.
Chapter 1 of this: marxists.org
OP here im kinda retarded so.. Anyone have any works with basic english or audio books?
Take in any of these:
It'll start you off.
I read The Ego & It's Own. Killed most spooks, I still have some hidden here & there but I'm cleaner now.
Also Holla Forums has become cringy as fuck now they have appeared irl & you strat looking at them outside of the internet. You see their dumb dorkness memey personalities & it's totally disgusting.
Watch this youtube.com
Read this marxists.org
Also check reading sticky.
Can you please browse through reading thread that is sticked? Because i believe everyone here starts from random works and then building opinion from what he finds more interesting for his own conciousness of the ego.
None, "I read a book" just happens to be the left-wing version of "I grew up" when people are discussing their (mostly imagined) past on the other side, and what made them see the light.
Converting every single person is important, but I doubt anyone who was ever a Stormfag at any point bothers with theory and literature at all. It's just not part of their personality. These people were probably converted by some image talking about how badass Stalin was for killing a bunch of people or whatever, and they've realised that their shallow misinterpretation of Marxism will give them more room to vent off their pathological anxities than their previous shallow misinterpretation of Genetics or Fascism.
I mention chapter 1 of GermanId only because it's actually a gr8 intro to his thought and critique of poltical enomy, while the rest of the text his him anally rapturing the dominant ideology of his time in Germany out of politcal relevance forever, including a few very specific attacks on members of the Young Hegelians clique he was also a part of (one of them is the author of ). There really is no value in reading more than that first chapter unless you want to revive age-old, long-settled spergfests.
Was never a Holla Forumsack, but I went from a libertarian(murican) to a communist after reading Emma Goldman.
Cultural Marxism confirmed.
Not a stormfag, but I used to think leftism was bullshit until I began reading on the history of capitalism and its horrors. I was repulsed by the endless exploitation, wars, famines, etc. Then I thought maybe Marx and company weren't wrong after all.
I disagree and basic leftist ideas disagree, because ideology is the perfect explanation for why reading certain books could convert a polster, stormfag. lolbert/ancap, manospherian, "rational" etc.
People can come to believe heavily in the caricature of leftist beliefs and western capitalist ideology does basically everything possible to support their continued use of bad definitions and mischaracterizations. It's made worse by the fact that some "leftists" in their daily life live up to the misinformed caricature by espousing bad cliche beliefs with little knowledge. I was a libertarian/ancap for five years and admittedly some of it was willing self delusion, but at least some of it was also the fact that basic definitions of leftist ideas weren't really available and in their absence the caricature was instead. So I got caught in a bubble of reading a lot of pro-capitalist books. Luckily I was also heavily studying philosophy at the time and through other thinkers I came to hear other opinions and the views of Mises, Friedman and Rothbard started to seem myopic in comparison.
Reading a "single" book might be an exaggeration, but the basic idea behind it is one I get entirely.
I use to be a communist, but then I read the ego and it's own. Now, I'm full on Nazi.
i'm not a commie.
but i like this place because its not filled with meme spouting edgy teens who think racism is amusing and ad hominems are arguments.
we can actually have a debate here and learn things.
this place reminds me of half Holla Forums back when it was pro Ron Paul libertarian
People do not fit into Jungian personality types like that. Also, people change throughout their lives. Even those individuals who espouse the most absurd beliefs can come to reason.
I dont know what your efinition of stormfag is (and I dont care) but Nazi opposes capitalism as well so not valid
They oppose capitalism the same way american politicians oppose Wall Street.
Yes, they oppose capitalists so much that they ally with them
Not the war of capitalism vs. socialism you seem to think it was.
They oppose Capitalism that isn't supportive of their race.
Even utopians didn't fall intro this trap, and they were like 250 years younger than the useful idiots who fell for the national "socialism" meme.
And let's not forget that by "Socialism" the nazis meant their own dumbass brand designed for propaganda purposes.
Table Talk, pg 363
For him "capitalism" is laissez faire western capitalism and "socialism" is state-regulated capitalism, as existed before the war and in Italy
A source of unprecedented profit
They nationalized the monetary system so the nation benefits and not the banksters while effort still pays off.
Yes, the nation benefited so much that the Reichsbank reserve was nearly empty and Germany was having food shortages by the late 1930s and goods were being rationed
All that does is to put capital under the control of the state. The state takes the role of the capitalist. When capitalists, be they state or private, control capital and thus the means of production, that system is called capitalism. The Bank of England and the Bank of the United States back in the day were the same thing.
i like this meme
Who am I talking to? Never heard of Versailles contract and things why the bank was empty….fuck.
And that was a good thing, people today think capitalism is Wall Street. Effort doesnt pay off without some form of capitalism. In communism you have low development, just look at the shitcars they built. They had to quasi imprison their scientists (and also everybody else) to stay.
Complete bullshit. The only effort in capitalism that pays is the effort of other people.
What the fuck are you talking about? The treaty of Versailles had nothing to do with Hitler's massive military spending and Germany's economic situation before WWII. And by the way reparations were cancelled before Hitler even got to power.
Like most anons here, when I started reading books instead of infographics. Zizek I think turned me.
It was socialism…but a hybrid because socialism to the fullest leads to communism which is leveling down. PEOPLE ARE NOT EQUAL, only before the law.
flag checks out
There was nothing socialistic about Nazis, stop insisting.
You're going full retard
Germany and its industry was dismantled by Versailles so Hitler had to make huge investments to rebuild it. The military spending was necessary to defend Germany and Europe from Stalins communist invasion.
You go full retard idiot!! I will not give you a history lesson now because Im tired oft you morons and will stop wasting my time now, but the production was completely ruled by the state, the price, production quantity, income oft the workers, income oft the factory owners, everything.
Yes to be not fucking cannon fodder.
song title plox
A fraction of Germany's industry being dismantled isn't even close to the damage they caused in Belgium and France, most territories they lost had been previously taken from others in the 19th century. And Germany started catching up with the European powers by the late 1920s.
Yeah, except the spending during peacetime was ridiculous and unsustainable. Hitler rebuilt the army for his future wars of conquest, he made this very clear.
Nazi war excuses aren't arguments
Okay, I'm done arguing.
What are your beliefs?
pic related
Man, the moment a developed modern country calls itself communist is the moment we can finally put this meme to rest.
The government controlling things is not what "socialism" means.
So how do you manage the communally owned MOP without a state doing things?
im not surprised
What the fuck does that question have to do with nazi faggotry being "socialist?"
jk, i'm a technocommie.
i don't believe that humans aren't fast enough to manage a communist state and that why it failed.
i believe that an AI could definitely do it, taking into account the millions of parameters needed for it to work
I find it hard to believe that there are many Nazis-turned-socialists here. I'd love to be wrong, though.
Personally, I came here from Holla Forums (though not for any reasons relating to vidya), and already loathed Holla Forums.
Capitalism is an economic system in which people who own capital (tools, machines, etc.) take possession of the things that workers create with it.
Land, labor, and capital have always been the sole sources of wealth. The relationship of the people who provide them is what has differed throughout history.
Communism is a stateless, moneyless society in which production is undertaken collectively and voluntarily, with the intention of creating a product that can be used by the community, rather than with the intention of selling it. The Soviet Union was not communist; this was not a secret, they openly admitted it. Their stated excuse was that establishing communism was impossible until the rest of the world was also dedicated to establishing communism. Whether or not you believe this excuse is up to you. But at no point was the USSR communist in practice, and no amount of Holla Forums memelords can change that.
You seriously need to lurk more before you consider posting again.
I read about the critiques of capitalism and realized how shitty of a system it was I never read a book and never will. I am still skeptical about how well socialism will work because I do believe people are either naturally leaders or followers and followers hate having the pressure of being leaders put upon them but I still support the system because it is more humane.
Consider suicide.
It's my right as an American to never read. You can never take that away from me, even in death.
Admittedly everyone online is like that, if you don't think most of Holla Forums is neckbears then you're mistaken
You are reading right now.
yes, I suppose no one can force you to stop being retarded
my sides
cuteboy… did things to me
I couldn't get into Holla Forums. Seemed too hysterical and cultish.
I stopped being an edgy teen
Does anyone has that Trotsky quote about something abusing stupidity?
"Everyone has the right to be stupid on occasion, but Comrade Macdonald abuses the muh privilege."
fugging wordfilder :DD::DDD
So we surrender to our benevolent AI overlords because us imperfect flesh sacks keep fucking up utopia?
fucking read a book
and by book I mean a real one, not the fairy tails of ironmarch
You'd just use a computer to measure all the inputs (production capacity, consumption patterns) much more quickly and thoroughly than a human. Then you act on the results. AI isn't involved at any point.
I'm not one of those techno-commie people, though. Maybe they have more to say on the matter.
Totally think planning should be done by super computers, I'm with you on that boat.
just saying that centralized communist state are too complex to be managed by people alone
this heat - horizontal hold
Pretty sure this is the version off of the peel sessions and not the s/t.
I used to be an austrian when I was 14/15, then I found 4chan, where I just because somewhat skeptical of most things, then went to Holla Forums, never became a full on stormie, but I did become really edgy. Then I read a book
I was never a full on stromfag but I dropped Turd Positionism when I realized I never really had any nationalistic feelings or sentiments, rather I just liked the edge appeal of Turd Positionist ideologies.
You mean /new/? Holla Forums was shit from the start.
Stirner, if I'm being honest.
I've only read like a quarter of Capital, Vol. I. I still need to read:
The Phenomenology of Spirit
What Is Property?
The Ego and Its Own
Capital, Volume I
The Conquest of Bread
The Sublime Object of Ideology
I might skip the first one, because
Read "Snow Crash", went to /cyber/.
Read "The Way of Men", went to Holla Forums, which seemed to care about certain virtues until Donald Trump cast a moist glance in their direction. I myself am pretty much unprincipled liberal scum, but Holla Forumss pivot to this counterfeit Patrick Bateman was absurd.
He isn't the exemplary Fascist or even successful Capitalist, as he claims. He is the embodiment of dumb mass culture. He belongs on Tim and Eric.
I want to stick my dick in a robot, but apparently that's
Also the invasion /x/ /fringe/ and /christian/ retardation on the board. They actually seem to beleive they have magic and demons. Too much LARPing and circle jerking for my liking
Also I decided I should stay out of what people do in their bedrooms. Well as long as they don't do that shit to me.
Have you read anything by Giovanni Gentile? I think it sounds like something you might like
Is this some kind of Holla Forums meme?
I'm a former fascist. That still doesn't mean Gentile is bad, he had a much different idea of what he wanted than Mussolini and Holla Forums
Thank you.
Hypocritical neckbeards circlejerking over racial issues quickly made me realize none of them wanted to build anything better and even Nazbols seemed more productive.
Also reading.
It was nazi germany that invaded…dumbass.