What do you think of Adam Ruins Everything?
I got the impression he's an anti-corporation libertarian, but could his videos be used for other goals?
can we give him the leftist Ben Garrison treatment?
What do you think of Adam Ruins Everything?
I got the impression he's an anti-corporation libertarian, but could his videos be used for other goals?
can we give him the leftist Ben Garrison treatment?
Works in our favour and is genuinely funny
He can be rather funny and makes ok points at times.
Unfortunately he does occasionally dip into sjw rubbish, and his hardcore shilling for Hillary during the election rather put me off him.
He's ok. He ain't a commie be he's OK.
Comrade Adam de-spooks some chums about the wedding Spectacle
OP did not ask about HIM. But about the show and its great even though occasionally very sjwish
I think you can equate him and the show, since he has no public persona outside of his in-show persona, and the show revolves almost entirely around this persona.
This isn't about him, this is about the media and how we can use it.
a fucking libertarian isn't reactionary? wtf
kill yourself
Calm down you sperg
That was my impression, he doesn't voice any reactionary opinions except a more laissez faire approach to the economy which I hardly consider reactionary on its own. He's pretty much a liberal with a liking of the free market a bit more than the average chum.
Regardless, even if he was a reactionary it doesn't mean we wouldn't be able to use his content to our advantage.
>make another video whining about women not having intact hymens
Warning: Ideology
Stop saying "everything I don't like is reactionary". It's a non-word and basically means you think something is double plus ungood.
In case you're wondering, Fascism isn't reactionary either, since it proposes a new system that is opposed to all past systems. It doesn't want to go back to anything which is the definition of reactionary.
Fascists are absolutely reactionary, as are lolberts. Both are based on returning to some imaginary Great Past, and, yes, this Great Past is whollly bullshit and never existed and creating it does a great deal of violence to actual history, but that is also part of being a reactionary.
If you read lolbert books, they'll have you believing the American Revolution was against Big Gubmint under King George trying to impose Social Security on the colonies, and that America never had tariffs until socialists invented Unfree Markets in the 1930s.
Are people who want the Soviet Union back also reactionary?
Can you fags stop calling everything that isn't leftist "reactionary"?
Liberals ("libertarians" are liberals) are not fucking reactionary. Even conservative liberals aren't (some do have certain views that are).
Do you even know what the word means?
It means counter-revolutionary which liberals certainly are
No, it doesn't, and there's no revolution going on.
The reactionaries now are fascists, and if there were a socialist revolution that gave rise to the new society, ,then yes, liberals would be reactionaries.
Nazbols, you mean?
Yes. Why do you even have to ask that question?
I recall watching some of his stuff until he was so wrong about something that it made me walk away in disgust.
No it does not you fucking retard.
No. I mean like regular folks who aren't very into politics but live in former soviet states who think life was better in the USSR.
What's really going on in cases like that (I can say the same thing about John Oliver's show) is that they're extremely wrong very frequently but because the topic is obscure not many people will realize this. Usually it takes awhile before they get to something you are familiar with. You may even feel inclined to write a comment in response. If you do, you might also look into the history of the show, at which point you discover that for just about everything they have done there is someone with better information who can explain why they're full of shit.
The moral of the story is these kinds of people should be ignored. They're cashing in on the brief period that traditional media is collapsing. Right now people are under the impression that the future of journalism/education/knowledge is "alternative" media. The average person realizes the MSM and traditional outlets are garbage and that their time is up, but they fail to picture an alternative except in branding (thanks commodity fetishism). "Alternative" media simply have a different style and marketing scheme. Often they are owned by the same companies that own the "Old Media." The actual future of information and knowledge gathering is primary sources and services based on connecting people to primary sources.
There is zero reason to listen to some asshole tell you about something you could read, watch or listen to yourself. That's not to say that investigative journalism is obsolete, more like it's going to make a comeback. Instead of reading articles reporting on someone's investigative journalism, we'll get the interviews, footage, reports, etc. directly without a filter. In the meantime though, there are countless porkies big and small jumping on the uncertainty (read: opportunity) and making every kind of "alternative" they can think of. They serve no purpose to inform you, just to make porky rich. It's kind of like what's happening with idpol and class - the ultimate trajectory is fewer layers but Porky tries to fight this in the short term by creating as many artificial layers as possible.
It really annoys me how much this Adam guy clearly puts into his appearance while still being a dumpy fatass. Also, why is this video associating a 5-day workweek with anti-Semitism and megalomaniacal captialists?
I guess to discredit porky who was unusually nice to his workers for his time.
Pick one.