Maybe we should mod something that's easy for anyone to mod so we can make a mod together
Collaborative Modding
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I think you're new here buddy, Holla Forums can't do shit.
Holla Forums can do soy
Anyone knows what happened to that now?
Thank you for your contribution user.
You're very welcome, I strive for quality.
I think you're wrong
Github/gud fucked over VX so they had to switch to MV which broke a lot of things and everyone got burned out on trying to fix the issues. In the end, barely anyone used the Gitgud and as it was a hassle.
How about Dominions 5? I heard that game was pretty easy to mod. All we really need to do is some spritework for the graphics and there's even a guide by the makers to help you make your own nation.
Sounds good
We made a shitty SMW romhack years ago.
Now the question is what kind of nation do we want to make. That is if this is what people want to do.
We need to make more Moonman mods.
The RPG Maker collaboration went pretty well for a while.
How about a Morrowind mod? Though it may be better to start after OpenMW improves more. I was thinking a daedric realm would be a good project so you don't have to worry about landmass compatibility.
Doom would be a pretty good choice, it has a really low barrier for entry and tons of existing resources and tools. maps and simple mods are piss easy to make
I imagine a Holla Forums collab would probably end up looking like smmp or grezzo 2
The smaller the mod project the better. Modding tends to attract hotheads who think they're top shit.
Is that a soydere wojak with a burning desire to secretly spike a toxic, patriarchal /fit/izen's protein shake with estrogen?
Good idea, Anonymous. May I suggest Fallout 4?
I'd be down for it. I could do some spritework or something.
I wanna mod this dick onto your butt
there would need to be a leader
Actually ignore me. A doninions mod might be cool.
Do we do something serious or make a shitpost mod?
Something serious will require more work to make everything coherent and might prevent people with less than stellar skills from contributing.
I think that would be best.
I can already see the low cost chafe of lurkers charging across the field while our thug wades into combat wielding shitposts.
Well if we want a dominions mod, lets start with the simple decisions first.
Land or Water nation?
go with the better one to work with
I mean pic related kinda is that, though it is the most difficult and asinine thing to mod apparently
Would love to. But I'm on Holla Forums.
Make a mod about reading siege by james mason.
nice trips
Both would be pretty similar to make, the only thing I can think of is for water nations you have to add a way for you conquer land, like making some of your units amphibious or something. Really it's more about what kind of flavor you want to go with.
always shitpost.
Alright then, how about a compromise? I remember when we had a little shitpost spree involving the Blemmyes AKA the headless men after finding a bunch of humorous historical pictures with them. Since they were used in shitposts but also had some historical relevance we could use the extra info for more units and stuff. Since they were discribed as being around 8 feet, we could make them size 3.
Not sure if we want to make them a exclusive race or a alliance kingdom; meaning that them have other sentient creatures in their army and government, but the main source of info on these guys have some other weird stuff we could use.
Shit user, I appreciate your enthusiasm but gotta have some idea of what we're doing here.
Is each unit just a single sprite? Well that'd be really easy to rip for then
Go find your own mod
Each unit has 2 sprites, one for walking and one for action (meaning casting/attacking and the like). But yea it would be pretty easy to rip them from somewhere else.
how do you guys collab without communicating? dont you just end up all doing the same shit?
Doom mod is a good idea. Each user posts a map for a 32 megawad. Gameplay mods are harder to do but more fun.
Hmmmm, alright I can dig. How do we communicate?
Actually I guess we can do it here and just use a vola to upload shit? I need to look up the modding shit but this seems like it can be fun. I would say a mixed nation using
all the races in that second one with the blemmyes being the dominate race.
This shit sounds interesting.
This is the manual to mod, its actually seems easy enough where a few of us should be able to shit out something. I guess the sprite work doesn't need to be THAT good, and its only a handful of sprites.
Like an user said they are actually pretty tall, around 8 feet so size three like an user was saying? Not super giant but like this picture as least as tall as a man on a horse.
Also post some fucking headless memes to get us some material.
Some ones I managed to scrounge up.
I should also bring up this guy as a potential pretender who's also been discussed here before:
His description even reminds me of those of other pretenders, heres my rewrite for the mod.
The Undying Dancer was a general of one of the previous Pantokrator rivals. After his master's defeat, he continued to fight until the Pantokrator cut off his head in battle and sealed it underneath a mountain. Even so, he rose up once more, transforming his chest into his new face, and continued his defiance with a martial dance until being banished. Now he has returned to dance once again and claim the world as his.
Modify openmw, what would people like to see for openmw?
since they are doing the blemmyes for the other game, how about a Cynocephaly mod?
I like it. Big question what age would we do? I think EA might be best.
Cynocephali are primitive, dog-headed relatives of humans. They are not considered humanoids or lycanthropes, and have canine heads but completely human bodies, including their hands and feet. These dog-headed men live in tribes like packs, and speak their own language which includes a series of barks and growls, and is difficult for humans to speak. They are inherently chaotic and live in a winner-take-all society.
Fuck it, time to save this thread from oblivion again, started working on the one of the sprites for the dom5 mod, just so people can get more motivated. Based the top part off the troglodyte unit from Agartha. Used a knight unit on another later to compare sizes and going to save parts of it so I can reuse it for other units in this nation. Going to The question is, pants or no pants? Should I put a benis for good measure?
If you guys want to do mods for other games feel free to put in more of your ideas and stuff as well.
I think EA would be best as well. Later ages stuff work better for nations with a previous history in the game I feel, if that makes any sense. Any magics you guys you want to have this nation specialize in? I'm thinking nature, and maybe death/blood magic since it was said that they were cannibals and stuff.
I think they would wear pants or a loincloth. I think we need to decide what kind of nation they are going to be. Do they have full armor and weapons? Do they use archaic shit? I think their lower class units would be more like tribal units but as they go up in tier they would get full armor. Plus we have the single foot guys and the other ones to consider.
nice trips
I think most of them should use archaic shit, but some of the more elite units should have some armor and swords. My idea for them (that I came up with after that whole Xing Tian thing) was that they were the byblows or remnants of failed gods and their armies who devolved and later formed their own tribes and stuff, but jealously guard the remains of their past glories (magic weapons, armor, spells and stuff). I might call their elite/armored units akephaloi (the greek version of the word, meaning headless ones) and maybe include Dullhans, with the backstory being the head they hold being from a rival gods sacred units or something. Or maybe they are Blemmyes who managed to move their face elsewhere. Either way they would be death/blood mages. (with the them throwing bowls of blood at people they don't like.
For the single foot guys AKA monopods or sciapods, I think they would be a good scout unit, since apparently they could jump pretty far with them, and since I guessing they can use their dirty feet to camouflage themselves. There's even a thing where the version of them C.S. Lewis used in Chronicles of Narnia could turn invisible.
Here's the spritework I did for the archer unit, might change the color of the loincloth or eyes, please tell me what you think.
And heres another website we could use as more inspiration.
I'll design the mod logo.
Good joke
I'm the guy who was contributing on it who started by tying the coffee mug alternate icon to an actual coffee mug object in the world who eventually lost a lot of motivation and seeing a lot of shitposting on Holla Forums ended up posting "I don't really mind this project going dormant." I'm sorta really tempted to just continue the project by myself if nothing else. Every now and then I've just been coming up new ideas for it that I'm getting more and more frustrated with not actually adding to it.
Do it, and make more threads
They were comfy
Well I might some slight adjustments to the sprite, and here's a version with no weapons so you can just stick shit on him if you want. Might want to work on a warrior with a shield and weapon, either spear or club like depicted here.
I would be interested to see your progress, or just what people had for the project, either in this thread or another one. I'd say just post it in this thread at least until it doesn't bump anymore since I don't want to waste a thread space, but it's up to you.
Actually let me upload the photoshop file, that would be more helpful:
I was thinking foot fags could be auxiliary in the army, along with some of the other weird creatures but as a scout they work great. Could do blood magic, let me reread the lore.
No reason they can't fill both roles. They could just be different units. I could see them using their foot as to defend themselves while using a shield as a sandal. I'm already giggling at the idea of it.
They thats a good idea, they would be slow as shit but kinda tanky despite being goofy?
I don't care for Blemmyes or working on anything that clashes with the lore, but I started making my own mod for an upcoming Morrowind modding competition, I'd love to work on something more Holla Forums related, I was interested in making some kind of Holla Forums castle estate for multiplayer, I could build all the architectural assets as well as just any 3d shit in general but I can't think of what to actually make for it.
Ok, this is what i have so far for the footfag, it looks awful right now but I'm only posting this to bring the thread back up. Going to post the .psd file on the vola if anyone wants to do anything with it in the meanwhile. Feel free to spitball more ideas or stuff you want to do anons.
What? There was threads being made on this.
Didn't mean to include that
My bad
There was one 4chan Holla Forums RPG Maker game from before the exodus called Holla Forumsirgin Quest, as well as a /mu/ one (also pre-exodus) called In the Time Machine Over the Sea.
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, but here you go:
One thing: It has a lot of bugs, especially in the abandoned gachimuchi spa outside Novidya Town. There were a lot of bug fixes I submitted that never ended up getting integrated into the actual repo…