Why have they become so boring and predictable over this past year
We need to [liberal position] but we also need to remind ourselves to [attack liberal position]
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When you try to appeal to liberals you can't help but assume liberal positions.
fucking liberals man
strawman. show me where they actually do this
What's with all the Jacobin hate as of late? They're pretty much the only mainstream socialist presence that doesn't hate your guts, leftypol. Half of their articles could of been written by posters here. In fact I'm sure that at least some of their contributors post here.
It's not awful, but I think it rustles jimmies because it tries to appeal to dissatisfied liberals while slipping in revolutionary socialist thought.
so to liberals you have an edgy Mother Jones and to socialists you have a milquetoast wsws
The outlet literally chose the Jacobins: literal enlightenment liberal revolutionaries that were majority bourgeois and bourgeois-influenced and for a capitalism they perceived much fairer than feudalism, as their namesake and principles. They've had some moments of bliss and amazing commentary, but they're largely what it says on the box.
Is this supposed to be reassuring?
Jacobin is drenched in liberalism. For uncompromising, class-based analysis, read WSWS.
It isn't hate and I really like them, I just feel that they've developed kind of a shtick lately that isn't really pleasing either side.
Right now, they're all about trying to sell an introductory radicalism while also reminding people not to throw any mainstream movement or institution that can stop the Right into shambles. Which would be acceptable if that was their reading base, but it isn't. The "both parties are the same, fuck voting, maaaan" guy is not reading Jacobin anyway so they should stop tiptoeing so much around this shit.
ew, people still use this flag? ew.
Reminder: wsws.org
Read section I of this: www.theoryandpractice.org.uk/library/notes-trotsky-pannekoek-bordiga-gilles-dauvé-jean-barrot-1972.
Yeah, so what? What are you, an opportunist?
That's a fair point.
I'm pretty sure name and logo are a reference to The Black Jacobins by C. L. R. James.
how are you a leftcom acting like the jacobins and their presentation is innately tied to liberalism and not revolutionary potential or historical necessity
like for fucks sake read marx
I am convinced the arm-chair is for comfortable fapping and not reading
Get you an opportunist who can do both
They were never good. It's just social democracy for Brooklyn hipsters and university professors.
Hating "Liberalism" this much is pure fucking reddit, OP.
LARP-ing at its finest.
Jacobin needs to fire Kilpatrick if they ever want to move in the right direction.