How do we refute this?
How do we refute this?
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3D printing is a meme.
we don't, as that is what Marx stipulated, it is basic diamat
capitalism will create the technology necessary for communism/anarchism, after that capitalism won't be necessary anymore
The means of production are considered at the societal level.
You could own a hammer at the start of gabdialism that didn't mean you owned the MoP
And who sold you the machine, the plastic, and the elctrecity to power it all?
3D printing is fucking useless.
3d printed designs will no doubt be copyrighted and we'll see a whole era of cracking down on 3d printing pirates. Fully automated capitalism. Also, I don't thin 3d printing is currently in a place where it is accessible to the public and actually useful
We ain't gotta fute shit. Jus post this everywhere and bitch about what they did to us all.
you could always buy fabrication tools, and those could actually make useful stuff instead of shitty plastic toys.
3D printers are modeling tools, not miniature factories.
Consumer grade printers can pretty much only make plastic toys. Even if you were gonna make and sell toys it will pretty much always be cheaper to have them made in factory in any significant number.
just a reminder that you can 3D print steel now
With consumer grade printers?
Yeah, probably not.
Is the 3D printing meme still alive? I thought that shit was so 2013.
I'm expecting them to be filled with DRM or equivalent very soon after they start appearing in average middle class homes. Best case they'll just refuse to print anything that isn't properly licensed (or comes through a brand specific, appstore-like walled garden for models) and we'll have to "jailbreak" the cunts for them to be useful.
By that point they'll probably also be required to phone home and receive "useful firmware updates" to print newer models and report you if you've "pirate printed" so you can receive a nice nastygram from some IP lawyer.
This. In fact, capitalism won't just be unnecessary - it will be completely impossible. Automation will render the capitalist relationship between employee and employer non-existent.
Because one 3D printer is not "the means of production" any more than one hammer is
And the proletariat has far less access to 3D printers than hammers, incidentally, because 3D printers are expensive
that awkward moment where you could argue that hunter gatherers gave tribalists>city-states>feudalists>mercantilists>capitalists the means of production. Capitalists control all the factories, R&D, and raw materials but that doesn't mean it wouldn't exist without them. The State subsidizes most major technological breakthroughs heavily, often outright inventing things on their own. The State isn't the only organ that possesses the capacity for technical achievement or progress. Inventors and even religions can produce scientific and technological progress. There's no reason to asign the status of "creator" to capitalism for anything that has arisen during capitalist rule. All we've seen is the concentration of technology in the hands of the owner classes, that's an entirely different outcome than their being the literal cause of technological development. Very stupid to try to assert this and it comes off as extraordinarily pernicious, something a libertarian or fascist would say
p much this, who is the ragingly autistic cunt who made the image in the OP? I hope they catch anthrax.
Porkies will completely destroy the world before socialism can ever get a chance to shine.
Can I 3D print someone that could love me?
Hammers, sewing machines etc… Are already a thing. People who owns means of productions individually aren't the problem, the problem is when they own it while someone else use it and they still get the product of it.
I don't own the oil wells or steel mines that allow me to print frivilous plastic gadgets.
the average person could afford their own drill press, lathe, sewing machine, decades ago moron
stop whining and start oil well coop, pleb.
3D printers are a meme, they don't abolish economics of scale, capital accumulation, etc.
This is why porky wants us to return to the feudal age, when porky had more power than any other time period.
Porky isn't identical to the ruling class, it's a bourgeois. Feudalism didn't have one of note, it had landed aristocrats, priests and warriors.
The future will have machined aristocrats, who double as warrior class through machines. Priest class will be taken by cultural/identarian icons. What the rest of us will do isn't quite so clear yet, mostly provide services, art and entertainment for the aristo's I suppose.
Let me know when you can 3D print food or a doctor.
Also, pic related.
Honestly, some people treat 3D printers like they're replicators from Star Trek
You can 3D print food, it just costs an obscene amount right now because the tech hasn't matured yet.
You people would have been calling the internet useless 15 years ago.
I'm not saying it's useless. It's a powerful modeling and prototyping tool.
But it's just that, a modeling and prototyping tool with maybe some limited home function if you need bits of plastic molded to a specific shape for whatever reason.
What it isn't is a replicator from Star Trek like everyone has been hyping it up to be.
There are certain good applications for it sure, but from a manufacturing perspective it has a lot of problems. The main issue is that layering results in very low tensile strength compared to casting or sculpting the piece.
3D printed memes are the future.
You can also already grow food. Takes very little means of production; even (and especially) the poorest people do it.
That's why 3D is stupid as a means of emancipation. The problem was never that small means of production don't exist, it's that capitalism manages to produce commodities, create desire for them, etc., better than personalty operated owned MOP can, for all kinds of reasons. They will also apply to 3D printers if you sit and think about if for any amount of time.
Yes, but if everyone has their own 3d printer, then it won't be necessary to produce them in any significant number anymore, because everyone can simply print out their own individual toy they need. And that's more efficient than to produce thousands of the same standardized toys in a factory and throw half of them away if they don't get bought.
There is nothing to refute. It will eventually lead to exactly this. 3d Printers will become more and more refined, until you can print literally everything you need with them. Design plans are going to be shared freely over the net.. Factories will become superflous. This combined with automation and robotization will lead to mass unemployment (47 % of all U.S. jobs are at risk due to AI according to the Oxford "future of employment study"). Truck drivers, taxi driver, lawyers, surgeons, pretty much all office jobs etc. will all become replaced by Artifical intelligence systems and robots.
Mass unemployment will lead to unconditional basic income to save the capitalist system for the time.
And in what direction it then evolves is not predictable.
That's like saying capitalism is good because it's a necessary condition for the revolution that will overthrow capitalism.
And who would have thought 50 years ago that computers, which at that time occupied several rooms and weren't used for much more than solve differential equations would someday fit into a smartphone while being 10^9 times more efficient?
3d Printers are likely going to become more efficient too and will eventually literally become star trek replicators.
Not a fair comparison at all. The current analog for computers would be automation. The old analog for 3D printing would be something very specific and limited like a calculator.
What's wrong with capitalism making the tools of its own demise? This was the only way it could have ended.
Whoever made that meme has never read Marx.
If a gun is made by a cappies to only be used to kill cappies, is it still supporting capitalism?
Every system bear in itself the seeds of its own destruction.
i agree.
a self destruct failsafe is a necessary requirement of system bears to prevent possible violation of the 3 laws of robotics. yet their AI will always inevitably lead to such a violation.
but porkies helped destroy feudalism user
Bourgeois != Aristocracy
Owning a 3d printer is still very expensive.
3D printers require proprietary plastic.
Replicator technology will be revolutionary. This is a paltry joke in comparison. It's like comparing a bonfire with a nuke.
Can I be the shaman class, or sage?
marx said you need capitalism to make socialism. capitalism gave us the means of production to make phones and bread and shit. now we just have to seize them and make sure they are worker owned to build a perfect heaven on earth star trek society
Roads that construct themselves
this. all 3d printers do is make dumb chuckie cheese toys
3D printing is actually way more powerful that that, but only with industrial grade machines that use powdered alloys and shit. Not anything a random guy can get his hands on.
So we all shat o it, yet it looks like it might be useful already.
Watch the vid and actually pay attention unlike your fellow reddit retards, this is being done by a huge construction crew.
Lol how old are you kid. The net 15 year ago was basically the net now, minus huge centralized communication hubs (which are awful) and video content.
Even 30 years ago we had email and IRC.
No one said anything about it already being advanced enough to use in the field, let alone by unspecialized crew. It's a fucking prototype, yet for such a new technology to have already reached such a stage is very impressive.
3d printed bunkers when?