Graduate from good uni with 4 year degree in STEM
Your mission is to procreate with a white woman. Don't focus on the wages. Your heritage is on the line.
I think I'm going to become very acquainted with this feel in a few years.
t. probably brown Holla Forumsyp
im not falling for the college meme. im going to go live in slab city!
Not op but he clearly can't afford a kid. Neither can I
Is that a joke?
You tell me.
Can you be more specific than STEM?
Yeah, you're fucked.
t. ITfag
this is your brain on conservatism
But don't worry, you'll become conservative when you get a mortgage!
I got out of IT and programing 2 years in.
Office's are dystopian hell holes and you getting payed nothing to have you mental health raped.
Manual labour is soooo much fucking easier and pays about double than the standard tech pleb.
so how much do you make then? I'm in IT and getting a good salary. you're right about offices being hell holes though.
there is no more value to be made anymore, just apropriate it
so you're making like 100k?
not really into wrecking my back tho
I finished up on about 27/h (ausfag) after closer to 3 years
Unskilled contract labour starts at about 35/h and you can easily get up to 45/h on some jobs.
Its physically exhausting but at the end of the I don't have fucking psychopathic HR departments pulling some NK-tier brainwashing shit at me and theirs isn't 15 managers breathing down my neck.
What the hell do you do that makes 35/hr?
I can stand the physical exhaustion better than the mental exhaustion from an office environment but everyone's different
I'm an unskilled contract Labourer, ausfag though so we usually have high wages but also massive cost of living.
I mainly just do grunt work on residential construction sites, some basic plastering and some landscaping shit.
Its ironic because Sowell statement makes him seem like a socialist.
Australia has awesome wages for physical labor tho.
You can't tell that an Amerifag or Yuropoor, it's a hellhole here and most of unskilled labor is being done without a contract (labor leasing or even black labor) below the already petty minimum wage by foreigners.
nah, unskilled workers in austria in germany earn quite decent money
especially the ones that drive from slovenia everyday :D
Yeah its true but when adjusted for PP and cost of living we aren't that much better of than standard Anglocucks and Yuropoors.
US unfortunately has basically slipped into thirdworld status and your getting fucked no matter what you do.
you guys are all mentally ill.
Practically what keeps us in Europe from going full America are the last remnants of the welfare state that have not yet been dismantled by neoliberalism and EU austerity.
But holy fuck, Eastern Europeans are getting royally fucked by the EU. Of course their screeching about lazy Greeks and Italians is retarded and ignorant, but I can understand why the working class in these countries would think that considering their work hours and pay. The only reason they don't go back to Socialism is because they hate the Russians
We dodged 2008 so we basically resemble Ireland pre-crash, with jacked up property underwriting all our debt.
The only reason labouring jobs have it so good is because the construction industry is basically the only one with any form of union sway left aswell as the property market.
But the Libs are targeting construction unions explicitly and we're due for an economic hiding soon enough in which case we are going to be worse of than Europe I recon, the cunts have already made their neo-liberal inroads into the welfare state to a much greater extent than Europe and we are one crash off from the whole thing being torn up US style.
Do you have to like Russians to have socialism?
No but they're spooked.
Interesting. I've always been wondering how Australia does so well all the time but I guess it's obvious something is brewing beneath the surface.
shut the fuck up retard lmao
It's not too bad if you acquiesce to the fact that you will never enjoy most of the commodities you are helping to produce, and are bombarded with images of daily.
You do know that raising a family costs money right?
Montenegroes seem to have shit figured out
Gee who could it be
It can't be that bad, r-r-right, guys?
I dropped out of school while working on my CS degree. Would rather get a programming job even if the pay isn't great than keep working in the service industry so I'm trying to build my skills and a portfolio. Programming is a lot of fun for me. Sadly everything is going in the webdev direction so the low level coding I find enjoyable looks like less of a thing now.
What did you expect, an Indian took all your jobs, and you were never told about it before wasting your money on your degree. You can't have it all pal.
Why ain't you in a union comrade?
He's in stem, a union to this industry is them bringing in cheap labour and bragging about diversity, then giving management billions.
Who should own the means of music production? I should get a nice Dacha at the least
Should I switch into CivilE. I'm in EE. right now, but if office work is suicide-tier I might reconsider.
Such is life without an elite college pedigree. You must have not done engineering or CS.