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LOL dude is doubling down hard on the propaganda game
I think we all get free Harley-davidsons now
You know I'm not American, but the only thing missing to make this fascism is anti-semitic and anti-capitalist rhetoric.
Started off with scapegoating immigrants, right into 5 minutes of standing ovations for the military. This is spoopy as fuck.
try harder faggot
Fascism is anti-capitalist in rhetoric you moron. Why do you think the Nazis called themselves National Socialists.
oh ok, you're retarded. Sorry to disturb you.
not an argument
I will never stop laughing. He's so fucking perfect.
I would hate to be on the US right now tho…
praise is sonic
back to Holla Forums
Fuck that was bizarre. It was like a morbid Vic Berger video.
I fapped to it. Bretty gud.
They did use anti-capitalist rhetoric tho
He said fascism is anti-capitalist in RHETORIC, which is true.
and here's an actual argument:
Trump is slurring his words lmao
Acronym games are totally the right-liberal party's thing. The center liberal party prefers soothing, inspirational manager pablum. Their bills and initiatives are named accordingly.
What kind of fucking dipshit does it take to slavishly hang their whole life and reality on the words of some elite crack-ho? My god you people are pathetic.
kys liberal is a meta-argument. Suck it.
'renewal of american spirit' sounds fascist tbh
That usually means he is close to going off-script
Obama rounded up a ton of illegals under his presidency and constantly praised the soldiers to the point that it made me sick, is he a fascist?
Are you having a stroke?
My brother is watching it. All of a sudden he's interested in politics and a big fan of trump over the past month or two.
Yeah he was also already pretty close. The US in general ticked many boxes of the fascist checklist for decades now, Trump is just ticking some more.
It's notable that Obama deported many immigrants, but never ramped up the anti-immigrant rhetoric.
Bush and Obama used terms like that all the time.
Are we being raided?
That's in a way worse
I suppose with Trump's more visibly malevolent nationalism it comes off differently, but certainly this kind of talk is an american tradition
and it sounds fascist no matter who says it
What's the deal with this anecdotal shit american politicians do?
I mean, there was the debate about medical care where cruz used a lot of "there's this story about this guy who got fucked", but not giving the whole picture of a medical care system.
And now there's Trump pointing at "this widow" or "that sick girl' or "those black people".
This is common in US politics?
We are a very small-minded country, unable to think in broad terms.
Gotta put a face on it, and make it kid-friendly.
I think it's a byproduct of the rugged individualism meme that most Americans buy into.
This, I have no problem with anecdotes so long as they're used to illustrate something backed up by facts, but politicians just use anecdotal evidence to dismiss or support everything.
Look at the healthcare debate Sanders and Cruz had, Cruz used the standard "one time someone had to wait in line and DIED" story as evidence why a state healthcare system would suck.
80% chance your brother is a Holla Forumsack
/his/ nerd here. The president always invites guests that pushes thier narrative.
standard tactic. Use an analogy or example, then argue about that example, not the issue.
NO. Fascism explicitly states that it is "corporatatist" and "third-way" which is supportive of industry and capitalism.
Having a few mild criticism of some aspects of capitalism doesn't make you anti-capitalist.
go argue with Adolf himself
It was especially slimy when Cruz did it too
The US turns right-authoritarian whenever the survival of the socio-political order demands, since before fascism was a thing. We change our shorts and move on.
In the US, we elect a preacher-in-chief of American Exceptionalism, not ministers and certainly not policy outcomes. The only thing that changes is the narrative of why we are worthless and need to be ruled and suborn our labor to elite benefit.
So prd of the wymyn who ran out wearing white, so brave.
Anything crux does adds an extra layer of slime.
Source: I'm a Texan.
Checked, tu quoque?
and to give you a personal explanation of why you're wrong: The Third Way that was proposed by the Nazis was the rejection of both Soviet communism and Jewish capitalism – of course again, only in rhetoric – the Nazis did end up after all either nationalizing industries or strengthening corporations in the hands of private individuals, but that is not of our concern here. Rhetoric alone was being discussed and here the Nazis positioned themselves explicitly anti-semitic and anti-capitalist.
Obama didn't need to, he could do what he wanted regarding things Trump can not. Which is why he was such a dangerous piece of shit and the media needs hanging.
Kill me
the jews weren't fully gone yet
No one I know likes him, I think you have to be a really devout christian or a generally douchey person to be a Cruz guy
Apparently its a suffrage thing, which is funny cuz I'm pretty sure none of the OG feminists would really care about rolling back abortion rights and stuff.
Source: I don't have one, feel free to tell me I'm wrong
Do they think that looks good to the average American? Acting cunty is not a policy
Trump promised some unusual stuff like keeping away pre-existing conditions and supporting paid family leave.
They're Democrats, they have absolutely no clue what the average american thinks is good
Most Americans support deportation of illegal immigrants in most cases.
If Americans knew how many illegals were in the country they would be furious, that is why both parties want an amnesty.
I don't think he even knows what 4chan is. He is just all of a sudden a generic young republican whin thinks he is smart for not being a liberial.
Infrastructure spending is also surefire way to increase employment in the short-term and appease the workers. Was a common tool throughout capitalism's history in general, but especially utilized by the fascists.
Tell him he's a cuck.
Nobody said they weren't fascists too.
Great Speech 10/10
Dear Leader nailed it
FDR was a Fascist, everyones a Fascist.
You're not wrong, but the first-wave feminists were the product of interactions and experiences within their time and place, just like every wave since.
They don't care. They don't have to. They're the divinely inspired misleadership class. Under liberalism, as the misleadership class, goodness is their exclusive muh property to distribute as befits them. (see also “The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie.”)
After WW2, we are all fascists now. Every Western country post-WWII has been fascist.
You know, discussions only get this horrible around the time Americans are online. I wonder why. Hope your country gets nuked.
The conclusion i've made is the Dems are just republicans who don't go to church every sunday and throw a penny in the homeless guy's cup cuz they felt bad
The FDR bit was a joke you fucking genius.
Welcome the the party. Blue team or red team, the worker still gets boned.
Yeah, and it was a horrible one is what I'm saying.
I believe you
Somebody get this man a coat!
We had to fight to stop the Nazis giving fascism a bad name.
I disagree. You can't really complain at a law being enforced in a sober manner, but deliberately creating an atmosphere that ends up getting brown people being stabbed for being brown is not good.
kek…oh wow. And you didn't realized this during Obamas first term…because?
Comrade Jeb! is my favorite Holla Forums meme.
I listened to my dad too much
O ye of little faith.
he was probably 14, give him a break
Better late than never tho. Welcome!
Now go to the streets and demand the electoral act to be changed. Don't ever vote, refuse to participate on that circus. It's rigged from the start.
Who did that, Trump or the media? When you say deporting criminals is what you are doing and the media reports on every ICE van like it's day of the rope, there is a reason Obama had no real time scrutiny on deportations, they didn't care.
I went from a berniecrat moving leftwards after the DNC gave him the finger, finally got around to perusing Holla Forums bout a month ago. Glad to be here.
truly a revolutionary revelation
Wish I learned more about him in school, they just gloss over him as some sort of trouble maker and that's that.
The system-wide battles of the 1930s and 1940s against communism in the USA created a lot of problems on the ground for us today. It Can't Happen Here was a fictive anti-Huey-Long screed, an example of the time-worn traditions of liberal praxeology.
I'm getting pretty fucking tired of all the "TRUMP DINDU" and "M-muh Obama was way worse" shitters on Holla Forums
Kill yourselves you fucking bootlickers. Why are you defending DONALD TRUMP, PORKY INCARNATE?
Because he's beating the fuck out of liberals. Not about to stop him when he's helping the left.
/leftypol never cared about bourgie politics.
Trump is no worse than the neolibs.
This place might not be your cup of tea, friend.
Marvelous, I can't argue with all these arguments.
Would you like a free train ride to a voluntary work camp?
not REALLY what's happening ITT
Is he actually, or does he just piss you off?
Steve Bannon LITERALLY quotes Julius Evola and uses him as a source of inspiration.
He's still a liberal outside of the American usage of the word, just because he opposed the TPP doesn't suddenly make him not one.
inspired by facist doesn't mean facist
He is just a right-wing populist and economic liberal
true, but his protectionist stance makes him not a neo-lib
Sorry, my bad. He's beating the shit out of the Democratic Party, which party is half of what keeps the US a half-assed right-liberal republic with zero "political risk" to porky. Once he fails to be useful, he can be discarded.
ITT: people who don't know what the word fascist means throwing it around like it's candy
Not all fascist used anti-capitalist rhetoric.
Mussolini would call it "heroic capitalism".
wasn't watching, waht did president smoothbrain do?
more of the same, just announced the stuff that has been reported already, made empty promises
They're saying he's gone more moderate on issues. One of those issues was the only one that mattered which was the repeal of NAFTA. He said he would strengthen it during his speech, meaning that he's entirely worthless now.
really, the only thing that scares me about this admin. is the end of net neutrality
what if Holla Forums was the cuckservatives this whole time?
Donald Trump is a proto-fascist, if not a fascist himself. He uses fascist rhetoric at the very least. It remains to be seen whether or not he will attempt to consolidate power. I suspect that he may, but will be unsuccessful due to the way separation of powers and federalism are implemented in this country. That mostly depends upon whether or not he's able to get the military and a large enough section of the populace on his side, however.
turmp is in no way a fascist. there is no blood and soil nationalism, there is no adoration of trump as the vessel of the nations spiritual will, there is no cult of action and most of all there is no paramilitary used to further his goals. trump is a particularly loud conservative populist in the vein of bersuloni not adolf mussolini: son of franco
Holla Forums eternally btfo
America has always been like this lol.
great minds think alike.
That's been his thing, the average republican voter is a freemarketeer in principle but very few of them take the full TEA Party leap of faith so Trump takes the middle of the road by promissing to let them keep their cake and eat it too, obviously he won't be able to do it because of his party but he'll at least pretend he tried and blame it on Ryan or whatever.