I hope you already preordered, anons
Valkyria Chronicles
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll get it when its out
Fuck off with that bullshit m8. Just buy the game when it comes out and you knows its good.
Beito desu
Will I get to fuck the big tittied Valkyrie? if not then bye bye
preorder you fucking faggots!
anyone got the sniper pic? i cant find it
Fuck off, this isn't Cuckchan Holla Forums.
Fuck what you think you want!
Your getting Poyo Poyo Tetris and your going to like it!
shut up faggot
its puyo you casual
Sorry I only play Mean Bean Machine.
So Kirby's Avalanche?
I'm very much fine with this.
only a plebe wouldn't be
Holy shit, what is this post.
Actually, sincere question. What's the functional difference between buying a game the day it comes and buying it the day before
It's not on the "coming soon" section of the Switch eShop.
Pre-loading if you have shit internet and you're buying a digital copy. Maybe some special DLC pre-order shit. Maybe a collector's trinket if you're buying from a dinostore.
Never again
Preordering wasn't your biggest mistake.
anything involving Honjou Raita is automatic buy.
Enjoy being a paying beta tester
My money is ready as long as they don't fuck it up with Jewnuvo.
I'm not paying for subpar performance and shitty DRM no matter how much I love the series.
As for the actual game, they definitely got their shit together and every new trailer further confirms that the game will turn out very well.
Also posting my shitty graph because why the fuck not.
You'll die waiting then.
It would take nothing short of a miracle to get Sega to make those ports.
Posting gameplay as well.
Actual game starts around 1 hour and 15 minutes.
kill yourself my man
This could have been a nice thread
is that…
Preordering means buying something based only on the promises of the ones selling it, in an industry where lying to the customer is the standard and never punished. How many times have games been falsely advertised? How many times have trailers or "gameplay footage" clearly lied and the final product been inferior? Waiting until after release gives you the opportunity to wait for reports from actual human beings. Preordering means you supported any bullshit they pulled with the game, and if it turns out to actually be good and not in any way affected by kikery you can just buy it a few days after release.
hitler doesn't lie
I'm laughing my tartan clad arse off, was that always what that was called in the previous ones?
No PC no buy. I just don't have and have no intention of buying those consoles.
Glad I didnt preorder op you gargantuan faggot
God damn you’re a retard.
Don't give him your (You)'s.
We have come to the point that nu/v/ actively suggests anons to preorder. Think about it.
Read the thread.
You mean Kirby's Ghost Train?
Just use a PSP emulator; it works perfectly fine.
Did somebody say sniper waifu? Her name's Kai Schulen
Go fuck yourself fucking shill. It's not even releasing with a PC port so your shit game that you're trying to sell us can rot.
there is a pic without the SAMPLE text floating around.
i wonder if hat landship will have any use in the aside from showing up in cutscenes and giving artillery support
i think VC3 was never FULLY translated.
Got it from an earlier thread.
I want to defend my hometown.
Doing God's work, son.
So how fast will the cake die in this game?
The new Valkyria girl is a sexbomb innocent pure qt whose mentally retarded from years of experimentation or something.
And you know what?
Get ready for more emotional manipulation, anons.
How ready are you?
She won't die. She'll have a good ending and get married and never have to blow herself up or anything. You'll see.
not everyone can have a happy ending.
that's right, user
it's gonna be a good ending
it's gonna be…nice
It's always the absolute most bland girl, isn't it?
The more interesting you are as a character, visually and in the narrative, the less of a chance you will survive to the end let alone be happy.
Not that I dislike semen demons but these character designs would fit more into a fap-bait gacha game like Azur Lane or FGO and not a setting that's trying somewhat to be consistent with a military (fantasy) setting. Though these could be just cherry picks as the main crew doesn't look this sexy. Also fuck off with the shilling. It doesn't promote discussion and pushes people away.
I never played with the translation, so I wouldn't know, but I think the main story is complete.
She will live happily ever after.
It will happen. It will be a pleasant surprise. You're not expecting it.
We might even get to play with her half way through the game.
If she dies someone will bomb Sega, they won't risk it.
Also, I translated her backstory fully in one of the previous threads a while ago and she is basically autistic incapable of proper human relations because she was confined to a research facility her whole life which is why she can appear seemingly brutal at times and is incredibly insecure.
It's like that in real life, too.
Somewhat off topic, but was there ever an edit done to the redhead megane girl's official pic like the characters here and the other girls? I don't recall seeing one in previous threads.
get out
they look like fap bait because that is how Raita draws them, in the game they look less lewd.
That'll be the day
Nigga, have you even played the first game?
yes, I'm just shitposting
I fucking love japs
forgot image
Yeah that's pretty bland. If she had a bakery that was destroyed alongside her hometown before she enrolled, it would be less bland
That's a very shitty image.
She's not even blonde.
Her hair is silver. SILVER.
they should make a real doll off her
She's spiritually blonde, user
If that actually is a real doll, holy fucking shit
Only part of the legs they need to work on are the calves, those are boy's calves
it is mostly light I think
the reason characters like her seem bland to you is because you're ultimately mentally ill and seek characters based on your fetishes and abnormality instead of seeking a stable girl that has a strong moral center with no mental anguish to take advantage of.
If to love means to take advantage of then I want to be the worst of manipulators.
The future is bright.
Wait, I fucked that one up.
Not being a native speaker can bite my ass every now then too.
her beauty and loyalty its just a plus, faggot.
Have you ever fallen in love with a girl because of her past?
the dead ones? yes I have.
You know damn well feminists and soyboys will fuck this up unless they are removed.
Just tell the soyboys that with a realdoll they'll finally be able to get their dicks wet at last and at half the price to their dignity.
So would a $15 dollar pocket pussy
They won't because the soyboys tries on feminist pussy even though they are cucked. In fact they thrive on being cucked and watching it. Gas them all with the kikes promoting such lifestyles.
Which girls are going to die this time?
my shekels are on the redhead girl
pls no
Both because fuck you and fuck everything you like.
Best girl.
Firstly, the character of Selvaria is vastly more interesting than what'sherface. Yes, she's a very grounded character (aside from being a woman soldier during WWI; talk about fantasy) but Selvaria is simply more touching, interesting and pulling for the player. Point-in-case that it's her visual design and/or almost always a similar character story that's repeated in every Valkyria game.
The reason for this repetition is because it genuinely worked with Selvaria and made her memorable to the core. This fixation is because of her person and, yeah, her aesthetic.
People become enamored with a beautiful visual design in a visual medium? What madness is this?
Secondly, the way you got so uppity and immediately went to calling me mentally ill and a fetishist tells me you're drowning in estrogen. Stop beating off and lift a bit. You need the boost.
All you'd need to do is start slandering the size of anons' penises and I'd be convinced you got a vagina between your legs.
Big tits + hourglass body + interesting character = best. Get over it.
If she doesn't have a cat trait or doesn't have a verbal tic, and if she isn't obsessed with cats, then yes she could potentially be Best Girl (after autist valkyrie)
But watch her start talking with Nya every other word or ending her sentences with it. I don't care if I get Game Over I'll be running her apple booty right in front of every tank I see.
Love Japan. Still not preordering.
hahahah they port puyo puyo first but neglect how the next platinum game is anarchy reigns hahaha
The one thing that urks me so far about the game play videos is that the BGM is exactly the same as VC1; it's not even a remix. Is this because the game is still demoing?
Pretty sure they just wanted to reuse some of the tracks.
They did that with 3 as well where it was relevant, like the squad 7 events and battles.
Vid related has one of the new tracks and it's pretty good. Too bad Edy keeps talking over it.
Why do people like Edy? She isn't even a very good shocktrooper, gameplay wise.
While I was looking for that video, I found this.
Fucking hell.
Well, at least it will have no influence on anything.
Blame Japan, they're the reason why Edy keeps making appearances.
Marina, Jane ,and Lynn are more popular in the west
At least best girl Marina is also the best sniper.
Japs are obsessed with idols and that's exactly what Edy aspires to become.
She is cute, but an idol kind of girl is not exactly my thing.
because she was the reason galia won the war.
Can't speak for Jane, but the Edy Detachment DLC from VC1 consisted of the most popular characters from the American and Jap sides of the spectrum (Edy, Susie, Jann, Lynn, Marina, and Homer).
user, I need some hard fucking evidence here.
Google it, retard
Hey look…it's Land Battleship Yamato.
If she ain't got that maternal trait, I ain't interested.
galaxytrain is a faggot
SEGA Japan must be really bitter about SEGA Europe's PC port being so successful internationally.
Surely they are not retarded enough to shoot themselves in the foot by not releasing a PC version.
This is SEGA Japan we're talking about, SEGA Japan is in complete control of VC4's development and publishing.
That's ok
It's on the Xbox One
Same userbase as PC right?
It has threads, ergo a tank.
do you think they would have gotten away with this sort of flamboyant homosexual today?
or is valkyria chronicles too niche for game journalists?
aside from pic related and not one but two encounters of faggot rapists, the nips dont give a fuck.
She doesn't look special anyways, face is too baby-ish and generic japanese salaryman-ish imo
Might be because he's a meme
fight me
Yeah, that's a good thing
Yes. You've never seen nice titties in a video game before? They're fine.
They're one of the biggest problems with her, her worst feature is her nose and her face looks
why do you hate glasses so much? where did they touched you, user?
They show genetic inferiority and honestly anyone that isn't turned off by them has a serious issue with recognizing a suitable mate
Simple is great, user. There are no problems here.
They're not real people. None of them are suitable mates.
Real dolls based off of anime characters would make you a billionaire over night if you play the copyright game right. But for Selvaria, I want the whole package. She's wife-tier and would be a perfect android.
Glasses are fine. They just suck in this case because the face that goes along with it sucks.
The face is fine. You just have awful taste.
Spinoff where you play as a solder in the empire and get to waifu the Valkyria fucking when?
Get out.
Even in fiction he must have the ability to LARP
where do you think you are?
you know there is a DLC about that, right?
They can't see good
that is why they use glasses, user
Yep. Glasses show genetic inferiority
The face is awful, I feel bored to tears looking at her. Your taste is shit.
Yeah, but it's not the same as a full game would be.
You're really not tired of playing as the generic good guys fighting against the generic evil guys that do evil things for the sake of being evil? At least playing as the other side would be a change of pace.
>live-action roleplay
Nearsightedness and intelligence are strongly correlated. You can fix vision with glasses but you can't fix stupidity. Here's a link to a review of some evidence (with links to the evidence inside), you can find more with some searches.
It's the Jap self-loathing and a little bit of "washing away" the "horrible" war past. That's why their games always have the "big evil empire that's going to kill everyone" which you must defeat.
They have a strong desire to not be perceived as any kind of aggressor.
Hamburgers are to blame for that.
Honestly, they should just accept and embrace their past already in their media instead of constantly treading on eggshells.
Denying your previous actions and making up ridiculous excuses for what you've done is probably not good for your mental health, but that's exactly what they're doing.
I have a Jap grammar book with me and every fucking lesson has at least 2-3 sentences about peace or working towards peace. They're really trying to hammer this nonsense as hard as possible.
Have you ever heard of the expression "the meek shall inherit", user?
Germany and Japan were the underdogs, friend
See, I wish women would look at pictures like these and realize they have to better themselves if they don't want to be unmarried their whole life, but of course they're going to complain about this objectifying females instead of taking a hint about what men really want.
I was thinking of Avalanche or Ghost Trap as it was known in Europe.
Damn that looks good.
Think you misspelled Catherine.
Peace through superior firepower?
Go to bed, Kane.
There is nothing wrong with peace, user.
Not when people with great willpower disappear to achieve it.
Even a bad peace is preferable to a war.
I'd know, I live in the Balkans.
Being a peace lover is only a problem if you become so emasculated the very mention of war is on par with tumblr-tier misgender triggering to you.
It's not about actively looking for a fight, but being willing to commit to one should it through misfortune come your way.
Japs and most westerners are so fucked in the head, if by some disaster a war does come to them, it would be like an apocalypse struck.
Then again, I'm judging Japan off what their media shows, so maybe it's not that bad in their case, although the media tends to reflect the state of the society, so I could be right.
Do you still have a chance to miss even though YOU'RE FUCKING FORCED TO AIM AT THE ENEMY AND YOU AIM RIGHT? it fucking triggered me on the first game. Like, if youre gonna have a hit chance then don't do the formality of aiming the weapon.
eh? you have a circle that tells you were the bullet MIGHT hit
More importantly how bad at video games do you have to be to miss shots in fucking Valkyria Chronicles of all things. Enemies stand entirely fucking still
They can duck though. Especially Aces.
you dont understand
you can perfectly hit the enemy, but if your hit stat is low you are not guaranteed a hit
Aiming at the enemy is nothing but a formality if the final say is a stat (think of Fire emblem hit chance)
that is why you shot them on the back.
you are thinking of a different game.
There's no hit stat. There's accuracy (which determines your bullet spread) and evasion. Evasion can be avoided with certain potentials or by attacking the enemy from behind.
One, there is no actual hit% – the bullets exit the barrel and if they hit something damage is done to the target(s). For the most part, they concentrate around the centre of where you are aiming.
Two, the reticule size is determined by the accuracy stat of the soldier (hidden only in 1) and the aim stat of the weapon that he is using.
Three, why is this something to complain about?
You must be far sighted to think that strong correlation isn't meaningless :^)
The nips looked like they handled themselves pretty well after the tsunami a few years back.
new video
Remember when the Feddies tried to kidnap a country's archduchess to force them to join their Federation?
around imps and feddies never relax!
Don't forget that they also played a hand in the civil war that followed.
Feds are the real jews of the series and should be purged with extreme prejudice.
the sad thing is even if they ported it to pc i probably wouldn't be able to buy it since they'd slap denuvo on it
at this point i'll probably just wait until ps4 has functional cfw
This isn't tetris, so we'll be fine.
That doesn’t matter, user. It will most likely have Denuvo. If they are willing to put it on Tetris, they’ll put it on anything.
>not the valkyria
They are cute and have huge tiddies when they grow up, so it's fine.
Besides, if anything, they are former jews since they no longer even exist as a people. Just some stragglers with a few drops of their blood.
They are Hyperboreans. Jews dont destroy civilizations through force.
I hadn't looked much into VC4 until now. They're really making us play as the fucking feddies? We can't even be the Gallians?
Kill yourself, unironic shill
I was very disappointed when I first saw the announcement.
I never liked those bastards.
But to be fair, a Gallian campaign for the fourth time would be a bit too much unless we got to play as some poor regular army cunts who have to deal with the retarded and incompetent aristocrats while taking massive casualties left and right.
I really, really hope the devs drop the "stop the evil empire" nonsense for one game and give us a proper Imp perspective.
Imagine the horror of having to face Squad 7, Nameless and the VC4 crew as Imps.
They come from the north, odds are they still live there.
Dont worry, in VC5 you will play as the imps!
so, what are you fears for VC4?
that it will get ported to PC
That they won't let you fug Snowvaria
Snowvaria dying
The two Imp cuties dying
To be fair, there's not much to fuck up aside from DLC jewing which we'll probably be getting.
We already know the gameplay will be decent, it's VC, unless they somehow go full retard with the map the design and make terrible decisions.
Also, I'm hoping we'll be able to unlock Selvaria for the regular game through DLC kikery or something.
If not, then someone will surely hex edit the save files again to make her available because there is no way she will not be making an appearance.
odds are we will get the same retarded AI, I wish the nips git gud at programing.
It is always best to see if the game maker delivers on his promises, user, 'lest you end up with expensive garbage.
Doesn't help that the hull looks like a ship. Add some cannons on deck and you're all set.
Now what faggot.
It's not so much about the AI being bad as it is about there not being any room for it to manoeuvre around.
Despite the maps appearing open at first, they're very straight corridors, so there's not much either you or the computer can do.
2 and 3's AI is brain dead, but that's not a surprise because those are portable titles and the game would probably be impossible if the AI used all of its CPs.
Fuck off cuckchan
It fucking infurioutes me when the (((media))) potrays Germany/Japan as some sort of unstoppable world power, when you're fucking playing as the jew backed allies all teaming up against 1 nation. Germany was the underdog, there is no question about that.
I want to protect her smile
Nigger, Germany was hardly as weak as you make it sound.
They had the most advanced and best trained military in the world – not to mention how large it was.
The war went to hell for the krauts once Hitler took direct command over the military, but also thanks to Mussolini's retarded dreams of restoring the Roman empire and dragging a bunch of unrelated nations into the war as well as exhausting the Axis on a useless front.
They could have won, but they fucked up too many times. Same with Japs at Iwo Jima.
Learn some damn history.
If you're talking earlier, than yea Germany was more advanced than Britain at the time. But once America and Russia came in, they were effectively doomed to fail due to the dog piling. Seeing how Russia was probably planning on invading anyways, the near infinite amount of meat bags just used for zerg rushing proved fatal.
Is that sniper-waifu? She's really cute.
Goddamit, Sega. I can only take so much waifu-bait.
Germany and Japan occupied a significant amount of Europe and Asia respectively. Germany could've easily defeated Russia if they didn't delay their invasion by a month. The delay forced Germany to fight into the winter, which they were not prepared to do. Stalin was also foolish, being informed by the CIA and a Nazi defector that Hitler was planning a massive invasion. Instead of investigating or preparing, he ignored these warnings and even executed the defector because he believed that it was capitalists trying to destroy their alliance. He had a breakdown when Germany completely ravaged Eastern Russia.
Russia never stood a chance, it was all thanks to Hitler's "you shall not retreat from Stalingrad – no surrender" retardation, not bringing coats with them and the equipment freezing making much of the German army useless.
Supposedly he cried as well. He may have truly believed in that alliance.
It really is no wonder the Russians devastated Germany when they got the chance.
Well, see you anons, in the next VC thread
Weren't the occupied russian territories glad that Germans invaded? From what I gathered, they acted like they were freed, especially considering the holodomar that was going on.
That I agree with. They should have come better prepare and invaded earlier.
However, I doubt Russia took the "alliance" seriously. If they did, they wouldn't have attacked Finland. The whole point of "eternal revolution" was to spread communism on all of Europe, and I doubt they would have held up alliance to a anti-communist nation under National Socialist like Germany.
New trailer
I just know that you will rescue that damn wolf and snowbaria will suck your dick for it, I CAN FEEl IT!
Don't lie to me user. I hope those black and white twins don't die either.
eh dont worry, they are flat as a board, they are safe.
so was Isara
Does anyone else feel like Snowvaria is about to cry?
Just look at that face.
Looks more like she didn't sleep for a few days and is barely staying awake.
does anyone have more of the "sample" images that need text removed? I want to photoshop something
I want to hug her and make her feel better.
She looks like a slavic coke whore.
You're going to get it, buddy.
Try reading the post he was responding to first, fucking retard.
Fuck you 7db91f, for preorder bait shit.
The last Valkyrie Chronicles already fucked up my steam beyond repair. Because it is tagged as "anime", I get flooded with games like "My space waifu", "Super anime high school drama VN version 399632b.2", and some really shitty RPG maker games. I get swarmed by shit anime games if I dare to open steam - Now they even try to trick me to subscribe or like, or whatever you do with the "curators". But my recommended curators are something like "Anime lovers united", "Visual Animes for 200h+ people", "We recommend only the best VN:s that are over 20h long.".
Because Valkyrie Chronicles is tagged: Strategy, Turn based, Story rich, Military, Long Campaign, and Anime. So obviously the "Anime" is why I play the game.
Sometimes datamining just does not work, at all. Maybe we should stop it before it's too late???
if it's that bad, you're definitely getting recommendations because of more than valkyria chronicles.
how about you stop being a cock gargler that pretends like steam suggestions will actually lead you to a decent game any better than doing an internet search for "games like x"
what…what, why her and not the other sniper masochist or Selvaria?
Fuck off goon, this is an anime board.
Why do I instantly know, after reading your post, that you are a massive fucking faggot? And I don't mean gay, I mean a full on, no training wheels needed, retard - a complete waste of space, literal human garbage.
Anyway, only game in my library tagged as "anime" is VC. But I think for the recommendations to change, I would actually have to browse the shop. That I'm unwilling to do, since it's full of shit. But you might be right, there has to be something other also. Maybe it's "anime"+"story rich"+"Long campaign". I seriously don't know - and will never find out.
Oh shit. Is it burgertime already? The time really flies sometimes. No worries my burgerbuddy, I'll leave the internet for about 12 hours or so. While you disgusting sad fucks shit it up in unison. Thank fucking god for timezones.
You dumb nigger, we're heading into low hours for burgers.
here is a (you) for 00d572
maybe it's because I'm in the same thread as a lascivious, 9-to-5 uncloseted, prime and primed blatant homosexual with no off button but as many inputs as a mixing console and with an appetite for that many "volume" knobs, such as yourself.
anyway, check yours friend list, groups, and anything you're following. (((personalized advertisement))) typically involves as many sources as possible. if you voted on anything during a sale, that might change it too.
Well, I asked for it.
Also, we're going to need all of her appearances stuffed into one webm for maximum Snowvaria.
I hope that qt redhead doesn't die ;_;
She knows her fate.
I thought the Empire's land ship was a big top-secret "how the fuck did they get that" kind of deal?
I get you can steal tech, but you'd figured their spies would have sabotaged the construction of the Marmota, reported back "Hey, they kind of want to steal some kind of giant spear- where the fuck is that" and the stuff about the artificial Valkyrie program.
I also figured the Empire had more resources than the Federation, so building this would be impossible.
Also, how the FUCK are you going to "sneak" that behind enemy lines?
Also the fact stuff like this is built but not bi-planes is total bullshit
I get it from the "war is hell" aspect. People who you could have gotten along with, been friends with, or even loved in peace-time now have to kill each other. Even if the war is justified for the attacker and/or defender, it doesn't stop those lives being snuffed out.
They covered it well in the first game with how Alicia comforts a delirious opposing soldier on his death bed.
But yeah, if the girls have skin tight uniforms wrapped around perfect bodies, retarded fucking hats, can have a swimsuit chapter at the beach, and other anime stuff (arguably the fantasy element is a step too far) then why shouldn't you convert people with the power of love/magic or techno babble?
Embed kinda related, but it's the anime.
Even if the protag isn't from a small neutral nation, I'll bet they'll still object to somebullshit some Fed general will do, or even orders they receive.
I think rebel underdogs have been done to death- or rather not been done well enough recently to be interesting (Goodies and baddies are to 2D in motives).
Let me play as (for example) a superior force fucked over by guerrilla tactics, or against group of rebels that are actually evil.
Without the anime face, you can kind of make it with the customization options they have now. Downside is, a lot of the heads have a real uncanny valley look to them. Seems like the one in those photos is the only decent one.
I thought Nips were gonna have the limits on their army finally lifted, not to mention their private attitude is very nationalistic?
Front Mission Hazard actually takes a spin about that
I tried talking about Valkyrie chronicles on 4chan Holla Forums but they all cried and spam soyboy. Got ban by a mod for supposedly making a console war thread.
You have to go back.
I always felt like that game was Japanese GI Joe.
lol soyboy
this is another proof that only people who get triggered by being called soyboys are fresh-of-the-boat cuckchanners
Loli valkyria on player side confirmed, lads.
There is going to be a scene where he is put down, isn't it?
Into the squad as soon as she shows up.
Hopefully not. Maybe a graze or small wound but he has to get better….
Demo is up on PSN. Downloading it now, I'll report back if necessary.
Interesting, the tank only takes 1 CP to move this time, but it has limited armor piercing shells now instead of just limited explosive shells. Hopefully that will make it more useful. Looks pretty cool too.
Gotta put this in a separate post because of file size limit.
Are snowbarias tits smaller than selvaria's?
It's hard to beat Selvaria user.
I know user, I know ;__; but there is still hope she might be at least close
If you play VC3 now, you'll have a pretty good idea of what some things in 4 will be like.
Well, that was unexpected.
I was wondering what trailer was from.
Show us the blondie mortar girl.
She hasn't showed up yet. I'm on the second mission.
All right lad, we'll be waiting to see.
I can already tell Raz is going to be really fucking annoying.
Funny, that dark hair and ugly face really makes me think of him as a nigger and I don't even think Darcsens should be gassed.
Keep them coming.
I'll continue tomorrow, gotta get some sleep.
All right then, good night, lad.
He seems like the kind of character that will get his shit together and become bro-tier shortly before dying dramatically. But he won't die, because he isn't anybody's waifu.
oh lord
No fun allowed Japs won't even let you rotate the camera fully for skirted characters.
They show you if you'll get a new potential or order from upgrading a class this time, which is useful to decide which ones to prioritize.
The truth is that she is wearing nothing under that skirt.
Reily's personality is pretty different than what I expected (in a bad way), I hope she's not the love interest. She seems to be blaming Claude for an empire attack on their hometown from over 10 years ago when they were kids.
Can't you just make them crawl?
Clode comes off as a whipping boy after the last 3 protags who kept things in line.
I hope they let us pick the girl we want like in 3 again, although I'd still probably pick the blondie for the first time.
Are VC2 and 3 any good? I never bothered because of the downgrade to PSP.
Personally, I recommend both, even if they are not fantastic games.
You are also very likely to see VC2 and 3 characters in 4.
I can't believe how diamonds that snibutt girl is making me.
Nice tits.
I like having a artillery class, it is pretty nice.
It's kinda overpowered though. It's like the tank mortar but without the short range and low ammo count. Plus it automatically bombards enemies that come into range.
Is she some kind of chuuni?
I think she's shy. She has a potential where her stats go down when too many enemies are looking at her.
I'm done with VC. They keep creating not-Selvaria and then killing her as if they learned nothing.
That was only the case with that trashy Azure Revolution game though.
It does not happen in 2, and it does not happen in 3.
We don't know what it will be in this one.
It's more of a support class. You can dislodge enemies from cover or attack clusters safely, but that's about it.
The only "OP" thing about it is that there is no aiming, but then again, I don't think mortars can counter-attack, so it balances out.
that face is m e d i o c r e
I'll never forgive them. I won't forgive!
It did happen in 2 and I heard that best girl died in 3.
I am talking about Juliana in no. 2 by the way.
Juliana has big tits, but that's where the similarities end.
No one dies in 3.
Are you kidding me?
She is also tall and has the same hair colour and has high valkyria compatibility.
She is very similar.
If by similar you mean "girl with big breasts who uses the power of (artificial) valkyria and sacrifices herself," then you are right.
But the actual characters are so extremely different, I don't think it even needs to be pointed out.
Anyway, I hope we'll be saving Snowvaria this time around.
Surely Sega learned their lesson. If she dies, someone will bomb them for sure.
Should I play the original on pc or ps4?
Best port.
Whichever you prefer.
The characters were somewhat different, that I will admit.
I was just so butthurt that my waifu died, I was really enjoying VC 2 until that event. She was just about to join your team and then she up and dies. What a horrible fucking way to tease someone.I am still so goddamn mad.
I refuse to buy another VC unless I know for sure that any of the better girls do not die.
I don't care about spoilers, I need to know this.
The PS4 version fixes some problems that the PC had.
Like the cutscenes not being updated and fixing the problems that 60fps caused.
Why would you do this?
Just play VC3, she's in there and safe.
Has better art, too.
As long as she is alive in your heart, that is all that matters.
Also, if 3 is any indication, you can expect to see her in VC4.
Those were fixed ages ago.
If you pick the PC version, you can get the Gallian Crossfire mod (rebalances the game, great for a second playthrough) and a hex-edited NG+ save file with Selvaria as a squad 7 member on it.
Because its a good port for the PC (1080p 60 FPS perfect) and works better with a mouse and keyboard outside of the tank controls (which you can get used to pretty quickly), plus its easier to pirate and get the DLC for it
If you can get a physical copy it might be better though, nothing like it
Somehow I am not so sure she is going to be saved any more.
What made you think she was in the first place? You know how Sega loves torturing us.
Alright, I might try VC3 then.
I guess we will find out in a month. Until then I recommend trying out the demo.
The main appeal of VC3 for me is the ridiculous number of playable characters, side content and varied environments.
They really managed to squeeze out a lot of the good stuff from both 1 and 2, so there is something for everyone.
I would if I had a PS4.
Here's some concept art.
And everyone's favorite sniper.
Posting the full-size versions. Fug.
Wait is it confirmed there's no waifu choice this time?
her concept art looks a lot better than her character model
If they're smart they'll pull a fire emblem and make the PC a self-insert and turn the cast into your personal waifu hunting ground.
They didn't need to do that in 3. Haven't played the demo for 4, so I was just curious if I missed any information. To be honest, I'd be fine if the waifu choice wasn't there as long as the story holds up and the canon romance is done well.
Although I usually don't mind animu romance, for Valkyria I feel it would be better if they just didn't bother, the ww2 theme just makes the romance seem sillier than it already is. Or else yea shove in a fucking choice.
I sincerely want you to die a horrible, painful death.
It's obvious from the trailers that is the love interest.
You're cancer.
I refuse to believe it until I see it.
I like the first picture more, where her jacket is zipped.
It makes her look like she is wearing a proper uniform and it is even better because you get to unzip it.
I prefer the white/light grey pattern more.
No confirmation of any kind yet.
I think it'd be better if they'd let us pick like in 3.
We all left cuckchan for a reason, user. The place is unsalvageable.
A video showing the gameplay.
We even get a cute little APC/IFV this time.
In one of the earlier trailers (I think the one with Edy), they showed 3 vehicles on the unit deployment list.
I don't remember what the third one was though.