holy shit.
holy shit.
Into the trash it goes
bill nye owned him
I wish climate change would get a better spokesperson than Bill Nye, he looks demented and he just spouts meaningless bluster like "grapes in England!" That's probably why Tucker had him on, he's an easy out.
I just want the facts
The facts
The facts
This is a real case of sealioning. Bill Nye is answering his question and he keeps interjecting for no reason to stop the flow of information.
Notice how people who go on these shows to deny climate change are pretty varied. Meanwhile they always get Bill Nye to represent the side for climate change. This is a tactic to make it seem like more people deny climate change than trust the science. Bill Nye not even being a climate scientist levels the playing field when they bring in people not even qualified for actual science.
i can't name any climate scientists now that you mention it
Tucker Carlson is one of the most insufferable human beings on earth. Why anyone bothers going on this retard's show is beyond me.
He makes funny faces
i dont know what bill meant @ the end of the video
because he has witty writers
I always call him Cucker Tarlson. Anyone else?
wow u sure memed on him
Blame the Drunken Peasants, not me fam.
Tucker Carlson debates low hanging fruit and calls which grows his brand. That's every conservative shtick these days.
Gravitational Waves debate when?
I recommend watching the 5 first videos of this series, that's a pretty well spent hour at the end of which you'll have a much easier time BTFOing any political hack passing off as a skeptic against established scientific fact.
also this.
who is this guy and how do we get him on the show?
If liberals actually cared about climate change they'd at least partially address the impact that immigration from the Third World into Western societies has had, and continues to have, on climate change.
As it is it's pretty much just virtue-signalling how superior they are to ugh dumb conservative climate change deniers
This shit is self-parody at this point.
I honestly wouldnt care if all climate change deniers were summarily executed at this point
Every single issue, to conservatives or to liberals, has been reduced to a club to beat the other side with. All either of them cares about is tribal identity.
The thing about this shit that it seems like nobody gets is that climate change deniers are speaking almost a different language from everyone else. Not just using the same words to mean different things, but there's a completely different logic to how they portray and examine things.
We are in $CURRENT_YEAR and we have public televised debates on whether climate change is real or whther torture is good.
Where did everything go so wrong?
FDR did the New Deal and stopped a communist revolution from happening in the US.
In 1914 when the second international failed to stop WW1 and use it as a springboard to world revolution and instead collapsed
Dunno, I'd place it back during the Paris Commune. Mankind has only gone downhill after it.
I thought it was good when he hard Mark Blyth on, you could see him think "I really don't know anything this guy is talking about"
Isn't it the converse that's true?
You're really obsessed with darkies aren't you user?
Western infrastructure consumes a lot more resources to support a person than third world infrastructure. This wouldn't necessarily be a problem if resource consumption were managed reasonably but they aren't.
unironically curious, why hasn't the ice melted?
Arctic Ice has been melting at unprecedented levels recently. And climate change doesn't mean that everything gets super hot all of a sudden.
Nor does man made climate change mean that ice never melts at rates faster than before. None of this is proof of anything, just liberal vs conservative nonsense.
Even if it did get super hot all of a sudden it would still take a while to completely melt. When you take an ice cube out of the freezer and put it in 30C temperature it takes a while to melt. Imagine that but with glaciers which are HUGE.
More moisture in the air means more ice gets created.
Problem is that Arctic is losing ice faster than Antarctic is gaining it.
Almost all post-60's population growth in Western countries (i.e. the highest polluters per capita) has been driven by immigration from Third World countries
Yeah obviously my problem is excessive resource consumption by darkies, I'd be perfectly happy if 5 million Swedes moved into my small country leading to the massive expansion of hideous suburbs and urban sprawl
My question is, why isn't China and India not getting this lecture. They pollute the water and air to such a degree it is fucking ridiculous. Japan has less land and as much condensed population and they are no where near as filthy as those two massive countries.
Miami will be underwater in 2050 and these people will still try to deny climate change.
Climate change deniers should be one of the first against the wall.
Because China and India's population are the ones who suffer from water and air pollution, global warming is global.
If we just privatized (or nationalised) the atmosphere this wouldn't be a problem.
China is investing a ton in solar and other forms of renewable energy.
They are:
Chinese state is fully aware of climate change's effects and constantly tells its citizens that heavy industry is responsible. Citizens eat it up because the massive growth in standard of living distracts from it, but the CCP knows well enough that people are gonna get antsy about this sooner or later, which is why it's already working to transfer to less polluting technologies and taxing higher the biggest offenders.
Which requires mining of heavy metals, which is horribly polluting and requires huge amounts of energy, making it take a long time to offset the cost of creating the things. Hopefully a better method is devising for mining or better materials for solar.
I hope Obamacare is repealed and all the fixed income babyboomers die of fucking hubristic cancer.
China also has the biggest hydropower reactor and is leading in thorium research, stop being a whiny little bitch.
China also has the biggest hydropower reactor and is leading in thorium research, stop being a whiny little bitch.
What is the fucking point in China doing any of that, to keep pace with growth the country is so polluted it doesn't matter if they do it by mining for minerals or coal, the place is fucking unlivable.
China does not give a single fuck about the environment, it is simply trying to predict the White countries approach and get ahead of technology when oil becomes financially untenable. If the White countries went another way in their pattern China would have a plan to best them that way.
Yes, as they should. Which is why I hoped Hillary would win, now that Trump will trash the Paris agreement i hope China won't let themselves be pressured into following it.