It's time for one of these. Post gommie flags and related items.
As another topic of discussion, where does leftypol grab it's flags from? The idea of buying a flag off a corporation alwayss seemed a bit weird to me.
It's time for one of these. Post gommie flags and related items.
As another topic of discussion, where does leftypol grab it's flags from? The idea of buying a flag off a corporation alwayss seemed a bit weird to me.
bump, flags are dope
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I refrain from buying a soviet flag or anything similar just because it does little good and I can do without it 'no ethical consumption under capitalism' notwithstanding.
The Ukrainian Anarchist flag is the best.
From Kaisserreich
Made this one recently as my desktop wallpaper.
I wish
I was thinking of new symbols for Communism/Socialism other than the red star and hammer and sickle.
The first one looks fascist but the other two are dope
The second one reminds me of one organization that used to support Holla Forums, forgot its name, its probably fascist too.
Looks like a reversed SCP logo.
SCP is cool, so it's okay
Yeah I kinda looks fash but I think we could use it.
You think black test or white text?
Soviet crimson version.
Reminds me of this OC I made that never took off.
Make the text yellow.
Could be any far-left group.
I like the darker Soviet crimson over the Chinese bright red.
I have never seen an American socialist flag that really did it for me.
I would get rid of the stripes just because I don't care to have a reminder of English imperialism on the flag.
Fuck here
this is fucking awesome. there are some marxist bros on halfchan pol who don't even know this place exists. we should invite them over
somebody should add the / / brackets in Holla Forums . that would be the perfect final touch
I still like these two the best,
But I think it is good we make more of these.
Fuck, I spend far too much time here.
I did add them at first but they were cliping the sides of the picture. I can try again if you want to see?
I don't know, not everyone in here is an anarchist. The other one is more general.
yes please
I didn't make that one, but it is our offisale logo of Holla Forums, i'm not to fond of it tbh.
We have a good football logo tho.
I'll get on it.
Did my best, it still is cliping a bit on the left side tho.
Hell yeah, look great comrades.
that is perfect. nice work comrade
has anyone made a communalist flag? other than the rojava flag ofc
Found on r/Communalists via Google images
it's the logo of ironmarch
Just started making this and it was kinda looking ehh…
What do you guys think?
Yeah.. Too much red
Its not done, but do you think this symbol is leftist enough?
Well i made a flag for my nationstates country.
Yeah, looks pretty leftist
much better
Looks incredibly fascist.
I thought it would represent the three arms holding each other as working class unity.
What do you think of this?
I just wanted to see if we could change up a bit from our old symbols. I think it looks strong.
Why are we using fascist symbolism?
How is it fascist?
go to
We are taking it for Communism.
Yeah, let's feed into the horseshoe theory some more.
well that's stupid
But it's okay for anarchism to use a nazi tier skull and cross bones?
Oh fuck right off.
That is just as stupid as attempting to appropriate the swastika 'for communism'.
It is a fucking horrid, over designed symbol to begin with.
That one looks like shit.
Ours looks good.
No, it also looks like shit. Why would you even want to steal such a crappy symbol?
What would you want us to have?
Do you think looks like shit?
so we can just appropriate nazi symbols because muh anarchist also do it? stupid
You poor soul. You don't know that swastika was actually a soviet symbol stolen by nazis.
I like the look of it.
I am going to spread leftist propagada with it.
You can't stop me faggot.
The fucking horrid symbol is not 'ours' to begin with.
And every design featuring it has been utterly awful.
The left has plenty of established symbols to draw upon.
In the context of left wing symbology, it is horrid.
go you retard
someone else here the other month said that Chapo Traphouse invented the word "volcel-incel" and i almost kek'd as hard as i just did now
Reminder that tripfags are porkies of imageboards (they want to be greater than other anons by wearing a trip that allows their virtue signalling and attention whoring), and should not be listened to seriously.
typical secularist dip shit, nice trip fagging
Everyone knows the Nazis didn't create it as their donut steal OC. The pic was posted in response to the claim commies stole it from the nazis. Get a brian.
I worked hard on that, for Holla Forums so you can go fuck yourself.
was what i responded to and it wasn't stolen. nice spelling mistake
A little change, friendo :^)
Thankyou user
Show 'em, comrade!
I'm well aware that the swastika was used by a number of peoples before the Nazis.
That does not change the fact that when the average person sees that symbol, they think of fascism.
As such, within the context of left wing symbology, it is utterly horrid.
So what if you worked hard on it?
This board is not a preschool, we are not obligated to give you a gold star for 'working hard' on something.
Especially with how shit it turned out.
It is not 'ours' at all.
It is nothing more then a deviant art tier recolor of a fascist symbol.
Hell, the newest version makes it look like the symbol some community focused on cuckolding would have.
This video inspired me.
You will not exploit us any further, trippfagging attention seeking cunt. You are not the boss here. The wheel of people holding hands together for the sake of revolution is in no way racist, anti-semitic or fascist, proletariat that stands together is a good message to unity and class conciousness without idpol standing in our way.
oh sorry if he suggested than using a fucking swastika and logos related to ironmarch as our official symbols is a retarded idea. as a troll they are good
I'm not asking your to respect the fact i worked hard on it. You are just being a cunt.
Other users said it looked good, and it would make more people come to Holla Forums.
This thread was fine before you got in here. Post a flag or ideas for some, or get out.
Love that vid too
So, is this professor Holla Forums, that will explain to us 5 steps of cuckolding? You're outing yourself, i already see you saluting hitler in the distance.
There is literally nothing wrong with reappropriating fascist symbols, in fact many of the pillars of fascism we should take, like notions of discipline, organic community of the people, the maternal state etc…..
Stop being butthurt over symbolism and think for a moment about it.
Just calm down m8, you act like a spoiled teenager.
What are you doing except for complaining about people that actually try to contribute something? At least is not just some keyboard warrior like you.
Hands holding together is such notion are used to celebrate teamwork and unity. Liberals used photos such as those far more times than nazis did.
Except for the fact that it is a symbol you stole from a racist, anti-semitic and fascist forum.
Regardless of how much make-up you put on the pig, it is still a pig.
Yet in your previous post, you sounded close to tears over the fact that I had no respect for your 'hard work'.
You are all going along with thinly veiled Holla Forums bait.
That is not my idea of a thread being 'fine'.
I'm providing constructive criticism.
The fact that you are in support of sonic oc takes on fascist symbols shows just how far gone you are.
While I find the idea of a 'hand holding' symbol objectionable for a number of reasons.
Creating an original symbol that incorporates hand holding is very far removed from recoloring the symbol of a well known fascist forum.
This is literal Holla Forums bait.
They have done this before.
You are just saying I am "stealing" a symbol fascists used.
You are a hypocrite.
Enjoy the thread you are shitting up. Bye.
Your arguments remind me of arguments that confederate flag is literally nazi flag. Or arguments of liberals that Holla Forums is too racist because we don't care about identity politics and steal Holla Forums memes.
Its all "hitler drinked water, we should stop drinking water" tier shit.
You sound yourself like a Holla Forums bait, probably a butthurt member of ironmarch, infiltrating the leftist community. Your retarded trip shows you have little respect to imageboard culture too.
Have some OC autism
Because that is an accurate statement that reflects reality.
Try not stealing fascist symbols, if you do not want to be called out for it.
The thing is, the confederate battle flag is not a literal fascist symbol.
The reality of the situation is that the symbol was taken from an openly fascist forum.
All that has been done to it, is a series of very poor recolors.
A recolored fascist symbol is still a fascist symbol.
I don't want to give up the idea completely though, its nice. Maybe some drawfag will redraw it later, i have my own deals to care about it too much.
Replace the hands with hammers and the wheel with two sickles. Done
And it will look like shit. Hands are indeed needed. Maybe 5 hands that will form a star.
It's hard to make without it looking like shit but nonetheless good idea
Why are you literally stealing libertarian flag? Its racist!
Or we could not use fascist imagery?
Hard work my ass, you intentionally put fascist imagery in this thread
This thread is laughable for the fact that everyone takes it seriously, so i can understand him.
Too late. I already made super detailed prototype.
Trip codes exist for a reason, friend.
I would advise you to not be so ass blasted.
Its mine now. I am the real Howard Scott.
Here's mine extremely shitty prototype.
kommunist kuckold klub
Some Holla Forumsyp was using Scott's good name to disincentivise OC and he came here to make things right.
The plot thickens.
Some serious failraiding going on in this thread. I never had an underscore in my name, and only the imposters use the wobbly flag.
Can you stop being so spookefied about cuckolding? There's literally nothing wrong with it.
Man can lead a woman to any other man she wants. She's free to choose to not be oppressed into faithfulness by her husband.
Not allowing your wife to cuckold you is haram.
Although during the process of making this i wasn't thinking about cuckolding even once, but about unity between different races for the worker's causes and equality, with fight against proletariat!
Well, i fucked up. Too tired. Need to eat and sleep. Goodbye Holla Forums.
Oh isn't that quaint. The virgin cuckoldry fetishist starts to impersonate me and projects his deepest desires onto someone, while he is pretending to be that person! Keep going I am really enjoying this. Your mind is a fascinating thing to watch at work.
Thank you for your commitment to this thread. Goodnight
This is honestly sad, lads.
Guys, you need to organize yourself better. Also coloring those hands with "diversity" colors is obviously second Holla Forums bait.
Get your shit together.
What the fuck is even going on anymore
Dare I ask?
Dunno, bringing race into it kind implies divisiveness. All arms red seems better.
Found these two mockeries on some Indonesian site.
The first one can be appropriated for a demsoc flag of a Bernie inspired org.
Voluntarily celibate - involuntarily celibate. /r9k/ faggotry.
I made this some time ago as a rough draft for a deceptively politically neutral looking libertarian socialist party flag some one proposed.
the thread improves markedly after you filter all the trips
he was amazing and so young. he died at 21
wow that's awesome. WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE
I like it! All the flash without the normie fear about red terror.
Made this a while ago when I was bored in college, thoughts/opinions
You should've used orange instead of red
the last is fantastic, the rest are dogshit
Talking about that slavic symbol, it does look like a wheel made of hoes.
quick & dirty
acronym is made up
Are those anarchist flags supposed to look like old pirate flags?
Nothe really. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it were true. What with the idea of Libertalia and such.
I think It might be just that anything skeletal related just looks good on black.
Meant for
the hand should be yellow
First one is boss
what is the FALC flag?
It's specifically designed for mass appeal. Red, white, and blue for patriotism (which originally was for US but could work for France if you reverse it). Red and blue which are colours of republicans and democrats but I put them on opposite sides so neither would make the connection consciously. The scale is associated with liberty, justice and equality which appeals to both sides. The shade of red is slightly pink so when a feminist looks at it they will try to interpret it as gender equality. The scale is made to look subtly like a cross to subliminally draw in the Christian majority. I did a poor job making it though, it's from a sock image I modified and has a few pixels off.
Too much stripes.
First and second are cool.
Maybe make the hammer and sickle black as well?
Brittany flag?
Thanks, have a maritime flag.
Namefags killed this thread
isn't that the Afrikaner Nazi flag?
If it hurts peoples eyes then it's doing it's job as intended
Better version plus some antrans flags
Don't make the blue and the red touch.
Quick and dirty
I disagree, it implies internationalism, just like first pic related.
I also personally find it better looking, too much red is too much.
Make the red and yellow darker and more saturated in the second one
One hand should be yellow
Not stereotypical borderline racist yellow tho, an accurate skin color is preferrable.
Don't ask me why, but I just cannot see red and blue touching each other.
Here are a few.
Maybe someone who knows a bit of arabic can help me with this: Make a red flag with "Death to the capitalist pigs who destroy our holy places" written in arabic on it
While I do not have the inclination to create such a flag.
I must ask, is that text a reference to the destruction of religious sites in Mecca and Medina?
I came across a Wikipedia article years ago that listed the all of the religious/historical sites in Mecca and Medina that have been destroyed or damaged, most by the building of hotels and resorts.
Muslims are the people who destroyed the most amount of ancient architectural memorials themselves. Let them be nuked into dust in near future.
that second one - anarcho socdem?
The logo originally comes from the Netherlands's Labour Party, but associated with the black flag it looks like what would be an anarcho socdem flag.
But youd destroy artefacts nuking them.
I like it.
i made this