How do we get a socialist president elected in 2020?

How do we get a socialist president elected in 2020?

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Invent some kind of time machine that lets up go back and unfuck the past 200 years.

Give up on the state, and start organising in your city and neighbourhood for real democracy.


Oh yeah, sure. Good luck with that when most proles voted for Trump.

Assuming this isn't a joke, do you have any idea how hard it is to fight a land war in America? Unless we stole a crapton of armor and fighter jets from military bases, any serious revolution would be quashed within a month, tops.

Most proles didn't vote and a majority of people that voted did so for Hillary.

You should tell those "porkies" they sure did a bad job stopping Trump from being elected despite how they all aligned to try and stop him. They're pretty bad at controlling "the game" if you ask me.

Meh, Trump is a populist, and his election merely demonstrates the viability of populist politics, such as the politics of Communalism.


Cool it with your half-baked conspiracy theories, you sound like a Holla Forumstard.



But he's right. The only thing unifying porkies is their desire to perpetuate the status quo. Trump, and by extension his cabinet, is a good example that porky can have competing interests.

I was referring to the first line of your post.

So then they're not controlling the game and the POTUS is in fact, elected.

I doubt anybody on Holla Forums ever said that the election was rigged.

Where are you from?

But it is rigged…Starting from the point that only 2 candidates are allowed to go debate on national tv.





The function of the Bourgeois state is to ensure that capitalist production relations stay in place. To believe that we can use the capitalist state to destroy capitalism and institute socialism is incredibly ignorant to not only the function of the capitalist state, but history in general.
Slavery was not destroyed through taking state control, feudalism was not destroyed through taking state control, and capitalism will not be destroyed through taking state control. This attitude that the state can be used to end capitalism and initiate socialism also ignores May '68 and the rise of Mittermand.
But seriously, it'd be more worthwhile to not do anything than to participate in capitalist elections.

We need a union!

You don't, you slip it by in the cabinet through running her and her chad BF

By seizing the state and establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat.

Most proles by and large didn't vote due to disenfranchisement/having bigger things to worry about.

The state apparatus has always been the bourgeois control mechanism. Trump is nothing special.

[Spoiler]Also when are you going to apologise for Rosa you freikorps fuck?[/spoiler]

gonna take bigger changes than that, friend.

Agreed. That said, a misdirecting or slow-walking presence inside their decision loops can grind the whole mess to sand fairly quickly, as you see in the internecine squabbles among elites rn.


Mass carpooling and shuttling people to voting booths for free.


Not going to happen. That doesn't mean someone shouldn't run and try to get as much of the vote as possible though. I personally think the anti-capitalist upsurge in Green Party needs to get them to field an explicitly socialist candidate in 2020. Hopefully not that bipolar Moyowasifza-Curry doesn't run again though.

You don't, reddit.

the neolibs are going to try to return the DNC back to the center, but the problem is they cultivated this mass of progressives sjw's for the past 8 years who are all mentally ill retards and starting to figure out that the dnc works in corporate donor interest and doesn't really care about progress or real leftists ideas.
and another thing, the polls have shown people trust trump more than the media and the gop have higher approval ratings than the dnc. And trump has pleased his base by making good or at least attempting to make good on his campaign promises.
Trump has been very high energy despite an onslught of libfags and media.
Basically the democrats are on a road to getting their shit eternally fucked because of neoliberals lol
The 2020 democratic primaries will be the most important primaries for the democratic party that will ever happen and whoever wins will shape the direction of the party.

The DNC is a corrupt institution who work in the interests of their donor masters, they have no policies other than to make more money.

Trump is a anomaly, a black swan event, the gop never wanted him to win, they wanted jeb. But the reality is trump was litttrlly the only guy who could have won.
No one would have voted jeb……

The only way i see a true leftist coming to pass

1. Destroy the DNC, you have to lose so hard and all the time, it destroys the party, then a third party may appear.

2. A billionaire socialist with a heart of gold and unending charisma meme's himself into cucking the DNC and winning the nomination

3. A well put together masterminded project to create a leftist version of the tea party that votes out all the neolibs and overthrows the democratic establishment

2016 was a banner election for populism, actually bernie was doing a lefty version of populism.

We are coming off previous years in which bush destroyed the world through war and economically, then obama bailed out the bankers and created this weird liberal authoritarian culture of elitists living in coastal bubbles and universities, which resulted in middle america doing a reactionary backlash which trump surfed on.

The center is crumbling.

No one trusts the media anymore, rightfully so, no one trusts career politicians.
This is happening all over the world, brexit, lepen, wilders, farrage, corbyn, etc

A modern politician doesn't need the media, he can just send out a tweet in 3 seconds, make a youtube video.
A modern politician can take donations online from rabid fans

ah I remember when I was a naive socdem
those were the days

We don't. The bourgeoisie elections are totally rigged, even against moderate social democrats much less socialists. The bourgeoisie only allows for rigged sham elections in order to pretend there is a "democracy."


You don't. Your old Jew candidate lost, and instead you faggots get to vote for Oprah now.
This meme needs to die.

Read any book on the 2008 financial crisis user, it's apparent Obama deferred the solution to "experts"…who just happened to be former employees of the afflicted industry

Trump will fuck up because he's an idiot, then is the time to swoop in

It's dead and gone on to fact. The aim of the Administration was not at all to stop foreclosures, but merely to slow them to a rate the banking system could digest without collapsing. Geithner described the strategy as "foaming the runway."
Anyone else remember when children's books were smaller, more colorful, and not sold in a vending machine on every block?

Even if a socialist got elected, nothing would change. It's the equivalent of trying to fix a broken dam with duct tape. Wont do shit bud.

You're asking the wrong question to begin with

If voting could solve anything it would be illegal.

How long have you been here, exactly?
Everything about American(as well as other nations') elections are rigged by elites.

Good example. Everything is carefully controlled by those with power already.