We all know they'll never learn their listen but its still funny to point and laugh every time EA fucks up.
EA placed 5th Most Hated Company in America
You know they won an award for most hated twice right? This is a fucking step down for them.
Aren't they also the only company to be the number one most hated company twice in a row?
Fuck forgot link.
Disapointed after the fuck up that was starwars battlefront 2
I don't really care, but only because this pales in comparison to when they made a super passive aggressive press statement bitching about how they were voted worst.
That's 5th most hated company in America, not 5th most hated vidya company. They're up there competing with Equifax, Comcast, Wells Fargo, and all the banks that caused the housing crisis.
EA is one of the shittiest companies that makes video games, but they are only barely competing with the big boys when it comes to fucking people over. They fuck over their customers; there's a handful of companies that manages to fuck over the entire country and get away with it.
so they are getting better?
Should've posted for clarity, OP.
They said I could become anything
So I became bulborb.
the fuck happened?
Activision is just as bad and doesn't have this much bad PR.
this is true
And as usual everybody will forget that in May when EA will throw several millions of dollars to feminists organizations via their charity Play to Give.
this is like 4 steps up from where they were previously so..
What did he mean by this?
Remember the time EA nearly singlehandedly bankrupted an entire state?
No. Elaborate?
There was a specific original IP EA was going to come out with, forget what it was called but I think it was something fantasy-oriented, in which they used some kind of record-breaking budget for it, but then they canceled it and laid off the entire staff involved, and the waste of money from state grants, etc. was so high that it was considered unprecedented in that state's history and they sent in a specialist to investigate. Does nobody else remember what I'm talking about?
They would have won a third one in a row if the site didn't change their voting system. Wasn't it like some random hour of the day and voting is open for that hour and then it closes was how they did that? I know it was something dumb like that.
They somehow beaten Bank of America and Apple.
Oh, you mean Kingdoms of Amalur, I'm guessing? The single-player MMO? I remember that causing an issue with the Rhode Island government, I just hadn't realized it was an EA game.
Not a burger, how come?
No, it was formed by ex Atari programmers who got sick of being treated like shit by management. Sure the company turned into crap later, but during the 2600 era they were very respected.
They didn't stop playing the America anthem after Trump was elected and after that they didn't demand that all player kneel with that one black dude (who was then not re-hired after his contract expired).
No, I think it was something different than this.
They're endorsing their players in disrespecting the American flag and anthem, and have increasingly politicized every facet of their business.
Plus, they're gigantic fucking hypocrites, bringing up all this "protecting women" and "don't be racist" bullshit when like a quarter of their black players have beaten their wives, girlfriends, etc. and yet are still allowed to play.
Negros got too uppity about #blm bullshit to the point that they were throwing games. Most sports all fans don’t care about Mike Brown and the rest and just want to watch football. Managers realize that the monkey shines are losing them shekels, demand that player actually play the damn games, damage was already done and this was the season with the lowest ratings in the history of the NFL. The players had some support from the usual suspects, by just like how SJWs don’t play video games, they don’t watch football either.
What about Exxon Mobil? Chevron? Monsanto? DowDupont? Fucking Walmart?
That's true they actually fought for developer rights, but that was the actual Activision, (((new))) Activision is nothing of the sort, though I was indeed wrong, they weren't Ex Atari, just an investement company led by Cocklick himself.
It would be antisemitic if they would be on that list.
Goddamnit, all thos picks are fucking garbage? Americans are like women, always acting based on their feelings.
I want to impregnate Raven while being pounded and cummed inside by Starfires massive alien futa cock.
That was almost a good post
Equifax is entirely warranted. Thanks to their ineptitude and lies, literally like 98% current living American will have to worry about identity theft for the rest of their lives. The company's management should have all been thrown in fucking prison.
NFL has, as stated elsewhere in this thread, placed themselves at the forefront of many social issues when almost all of their fanbase either couldn't give half a shit or actively oppose the NFL's stance (this is what happens when you espouse extreme liberal bullshit and the majority of your audience is conservative).
As to University of Phoenix and FOX, though? I kind of agree, I don't really see how those two made the list.
its a business not a charaty, goy
OP is a faggot, he didn't clarify that this time it was listed by a separate website doing their own research instead of a voted list by the Consumerist.
you forgot to mention murdering the starcraft and diablo franchises and stripping what little good WoW had away from it oh yeah and last but not least not supporting cnc generals after only 3 patches, promptly murdering it in the crib.
Can't believe Comcast isn't on the list. Holy fuck are they ever a bunch of slimy kikes.
Corporatism is such cancer, and it's unlikely to go away since the loudest voices bitching about it are fucking communists.
That's EA fucknugget and Blizzard going to shit already implies all of that.
Cronyism is how this regressive left cancer remains alive. They even hand out awards to one another for being cancerous. It's a blatant circlejerk of worthless lefties pretending their trash has value.
It's exactly how they ruined art. Takeover + Cronyism = this is now our vehicle for worthless trash and propaganda.
Comcast was number 15 most hated, user.
Everybody who replied to you of course jumped right on the politics, and ignored the main reason that people hate the NFL.
The politics are a reason, but they are secondary. The main reason that people hate the NFL is because football is a full-contact sport that causes head injuries (concussions especially, but also long-term incremental damage). These head injuries have lead to tons older ex-football players hitting Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and other degenerative brain issues at a much greater rate and far earlier than the general public. The NFL has spent decades not only ignoring this, but outright denying it and paying massive amounts of money for canned studies to conclude that there is no link, and refused to do anything to protect their players (ie. their employees) and just let it go on while dozens of more players got brain damage without any support or compensation.
There is a specific neurodegenerative disease called CTE that is found in 30% of people who have had head injuries. It causes aggression, reduced intelligence, and frequently leads to suicide or violence and murder. The Journal of the AMA did a study on dead former NFL players, and found that 110 out of 111 of the examined players had CTE. It's an issue in a lot of sports (Chris Benouit, who killed his family and then himself, had CTE. OJ Simpson likely has CTE.), but only the NFL has actively fought against getting their players help, and has pushed broken and biased studies to ensure their own employees would have no defense against being permanently brain damaged (and would believe it to be a myth so they wouldn't leave).
Politics is one thing, but this shit is far more nefarious.
Who were the 4 that somehow beat it?
thank you for your service
EA will never die until we can make normalfags stop loving sports. They could release a dozen more abject failures and still stay afloat from Madden Mobile microtransactions.
And what is this strange and bizarre concept called "Reading the thread" that I keep hearing about?
Read the bread my melanin enriched friend or look here
Was this actually on the show? Because I swear I keep seeing all these bit-titty picks of Raven and Starfire everywhere.
Goddamit, Raven's so fucking hot.
That's a damn good reason to hate the company but is that a widespread reason?
I think that those results are somewhat recent, at least how known they currently are, so maybe not that many people actually know that.
Plus, it's not like football fans actually care that much for their players once they leave the team. The game itself is far more important and nobody properly remenbers a famous player (if he even becomes famous) after he stops playing.
Not saying those reasons aren't valid, but I don't believe that it's the main reason why people hate the NFL right now because I don't believe football fans are actually capable of that level of empathy.
It's just a good tumblr artist named Ravenravenraven
The implication being no nudes, then.
Ah, yep. I was right.
I was a big faggot as a kid and when I went to bed, I used to pretend my pillow was Raven and I'd snuggle it.
Don't worry, other people have done way worse.
Some retardspeople would "literally" fuck their pillows.
Fuck if I know why FOX Entertainment did, but considering that negligence at Equifax has put millions of people permanently at risk of identity theft, the news surrounding NFL players and coaches cheating and blatantly disrespecting the American flag and anthem, and University of Phoenix students owing a combined $35 BILLION in student loans, EA's horrible track record fits right in.
The optics are fucking unreal with these greedy fucks lately. Activision and Bethesda are almost as horrible, but they know not to cross certain fucking lines and pissing off their customers. Either that, or they know EA will fuck it up first, so they just let them walk point and take the first hit.
My dad used to work with a small company that never really got far enough to make it to this list. They were working on a device that would allow cross-platform play of games, something which we still almost never see today. EA led them on for a long time but then dropped out at the last minute and caused the whole project to collapse, along with the game they had been working on to test things out.
And there are likely countless others who have been lost in this way.
Nice quads, checked.
I'm gonna go off on a limb here and assume it's mostly related to Baby Bush and politics in general.
fuck you man it was the fleshlight of its' time
Found the article. It looks like peoples' beef against Fox is just a bunch of the #MeToo stuff with Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes.
Keep in mind that those allegations put Fox at #2, Harvey Weinstein's company at #20. Also, some choice quotes.
Not defending EA or anything, they deserve all the hate they get but this is just a meme by now. Normies hate them, they bitch about them but then still buy their games.
Is the camera alright?
Couldn't agree more, America is rotten to the core.
I have to agree with
Your reason might be technically worse, but it's not nearly as likely to garner the emotional response of hatred from the public. Most people don't know and a lot of those that do won't really care or think about it much or for long.
Politics in either direction is much more able to generate hatred even if they aren't really doing anything of importance.
The fuck did that camera do to deserve that?
This is not how you handle a camera you dumb useless THOT
I wasn't planning on using it. Now I'm definitely never going to use it.
nah, Blizzard killed themselves. They bought back enough shares to be autonomous shortly after Warcraft 3, whch was their last good game.
Yes, they changed the voting to happen at random times and only for a brief time so the people who were pissed off at them and boosted them to 1st place previously couldn't figure out when to vote or weren't available. Only hardcore consumerist regulars could really take part in the poll.
Can you imagine if someone who publicly and unapologetically played video games ran for office with a reasonable platform and an actual will to make things better for the little people? Not like that batshit tranny Wu, but someone who wasn't literally insane? I bet he would make massive waves if he ran and spit in the face of the establishment in doing so. tfw 'literally who?' becomes campaign rhetoric instead of just a meme
Getting too far off topic, but it's a nice dream to roll into. Too many people know of or play video games, whether they're Holla Forumsirgins or filthy casuals to exclude that as the 'cool thing' nowadays. Bill Clinton on late night TV in the 90's playing saxophone made him seem young and cool.
I feel like this is missing a lot of stuff, even though I've never particularly followed EA's shenanigans.
I think so. I don't keep up with the NFL or sports shit and I've heard quite a bit about that shit. I imagine the NFL fans all know about it these days.
AND SOMEHOW THIS IS FUCKING NEWS TO NFL FANS. god football breeds the most inept fucking morons
I don't get it. NFL covering this as false might be scummy but who the fuck thought constant football never gave you long term physical trauma? And who the fuck thought that when they chose a career in the NFL that you would be perfectly safe in the long term anyway?
But raven got manjaw in Injustice
So it makes them blacker?
Checkin them digits
fans don't give a shit about concussions and their repercussions and neither do most of the players, though.
I used to work out at a small gym in my town. One of the trainers there used to play for the NFL and had some minor head trauma because of it. He told me about all the stuff you mentioned, pretty fucked up
burn EA.
bump OP
Can someone explain as a non amerilard what the fuck Equifax and University of Phoenix is? I never heard about those. Also while Fox Entertainment Group is not good by any means i dont think they deserve 2th place or even be in the top 5. What did they do to get that high?
Here's a video giving a quick rundown on how Equifax fucked up hard.
For Phoenix read this post.
neck yourself
But Sjws, normies, and hipsters love Apple.
Wow, great. Forget about banks and companies that do actual damage and evil to people, let's claim a videogame publisher that sucks is one of the worst companies ever. Fucking mongoloids.
How are they still in motherfucking business? Is there no justice in the world?
Do Americans actually believe this? Jesus christ.
All that and nothing on how they illegally acquired a Mega Drive devkit and reverse engineered it to blackmail Sega, crippling them and ensuring they were subject to EA and thus unable to stand on equal footing with Nintendo, inevitably leading to their dropping out of the hardware market.
I think it makes perfect sense that fox is there and not something like CNN. Fox has always been hated by the left of America, with Trump the right of America has grown to distrust the media more than ever. Those two things combined flung it higher than most in terms of most hated.
Remember Megyn Kelly was Fox.
I want a multiplayer focused pikmin game with large maps designed like the first two game's.
user, the face of gaming isn't the heart of gaming. The face of gaming is normalfags and normalfags keep EA in business.
Even by that definition, when you say the word "video game" to most Western normalfags, they're more likely to imagine Mario than Madden.
Sports are big and sportsfags eat that slop up.
Oh they absolutely make it financially successful, but if you're talking about the face as in the perception, the image people get when you say "video game" even in the West is still closer to a video game than a sportsball thing.
God I want to fuck Raven
THey'll double their efforts to be number one once again.
He'll kill Kumi, right?
Wouldn't be surprised if SJWs were messing with Wilson's lighting because he's an evil straight male that's the CEO. woke af
Futashit aside, there's nothing wrong with mods (as long as they're free).
98% is a bit high for the estimate of credit card-subscribing Americans. Of the Americans who have at least one Credit Card, there's roughly a 66-75% chance their card was under Equifax.
At any rate, they absolutely deserve it over EA, even if they're trying to pull some illegal gambling racket.
No user, you don't understand. They had data an almost EVERY American citizen, and millions of Canadian and UK citizens as well. Everything you do financially affects your credit score, you don't need a credit card. Home loans, student loans, etc. They have your data one way or another, and that data leaked.
Care to explain user?