It appears Billy Mitchell is a fraud.
It appears Billy Mitchell is a fraud
I thought that guy's claim to fame was pacman, and that he did it in the 80's or some shit. My knowledge of the topic is extremely limited though.
OK, thanks Nintendo autists.
Christ, speedrunner autism is the kind of autism i can never appreciate. Didn't one guy get his score rejected too because he didn't use the right arcade machine, then used one sold by a guy they didn't like?
So this is basically just complaining the game was record by an emulator and not the actual hardware.
We're finding out a lot of old 'pros' are full of shit.
People have been digging into the 'King of Videogames' records to find that many of them are obviously fake, just by the fact he posted impossible scores.
Literally ever famous person related to video games is a fraud, period.
Difference here is the guy in question has proven scores that are within reach of his supposed record.
It's not speedrunning, they're high scores. Still severe autism, though.
The point is that playing the emulator gives the opportunity to abuse save states. He isn't bitching about how it's not on the proper hardware, just that being on emulator raises the possibility it could be fake.
It's still the unfun kind of autism though, I won't deny that.
emuniggers will never be seen as legitimate, will they ever recover?
emulation outside of TAS should never be seen as legitimate and its becoming a frequent occurrence for emulation scandals in yoshi's island running coming about. The guy was caught and upon being caught remarked that emulation should never be seen as legitimate.
that was a nice watch. The stories behind speed running are really enjoyable and I've spent some time the past few months watching ryan white goose's goldenye speed lore and it's fascinating stuff.
There are plenty of competitions that assume you're going to emulate a game. Recording a twitch stream is seen as proof.
None of this would've happened if he took his HRT pills.
Come to think of it, you're right.
Now I'm depressed.
if the equipment isn't standardized it's not legitimate. the way emulators work vary from version to version, and the way a PC 5 years ago runs the same emulator a PC from today would run it differs enough to create variables in how it is intended to function.
emulation is illegitimate and should never be taken seriously in a competitive sense. If you want to get serious, you'll invest in the real hardware, whether it costs you 50 bucks or 500.
Another exception: Official releases like Virtual Console. Also TASes have made some attempts to prove themselves on official systems, but generally it only works with a specific one because they aren't all created perfectly identical.
usually get their own category as they can work in a controlled environment PC emulators never could. Something like what Stryder7x does where he experiments across all available platforms and versions yields its own interesting and reproducible results.
Well, that explains why all the mario/metroid games still hold a pretty penny, despite there being millions of them. That, and spergs being so autistic they end up frying the original hardware with advance level autism.
Steve Wiebe is also a fraud
that's mostly just nintendo tax. There's games that aren't victim to it, even on nintendo platforms. Personally I'd be happy to get a $12 copy of actraiser over a $30 copy of super mario world, mostly because actraiser kicks ass and mario is for chumps.
That user that said speedrunning is the most degenerate activity known to man was right.
that's Ryan white and he is a speed runner and has been for like 15 years, and still is. I think we can all agree nothing is more degenerate than posting on a Himalayan basket weaving forum.
that guy is an idiot because he was saying "not washing your dishes while trying to crunch out a WR is degenerate" which is wrong, if you're not fully dedicated to your craft then you cannot claim any kinda mastery of it and thus aren't propelling it to new hights.
sorry, bulletin board
Is this what autism looks like?
Speedrunners and highscore achievers will have to rely on emulation at some point in the future, because there's a finite amount of original hardware and they all have an expiration date. It might not be anytime soon, but we could even run into an issue where a speedrunner/record holder buys up the last few remaining arcade systems or game cartridges so that no one else can "legitimately" beat his score.
I do understand the concerns though, emulators can be very unstable/exploitable and games whose top records are milliseconds apart like Super Mario Bros absolutely need to be run on either original hardware or something exactly identical. Hopefully emulation software improves enough to be indistinguishable from original hardware. It also helps that a lot of speedrunners and fans of speedrunning are actually autistic and can spot the inconsistencies and errors that are in a faked run.
there's already better alternatives to emulation as you think of it in FPGAs. They won't have to rely on emulation if the exact logic of the chips can be replicated through FPGAs. If you don't reach standardization, there is no legitimacy.
No it's what being a consumer whore looks like.
kys weeb
"Emulators are cheating! They can be exploited!"
Except you can do this with emulators -> Save timeline
You start the emulator, start the internal recorder, play till end, click stop
All emulators the recordings show all the save states involved where you use them, like if you load a save state 10 times to progress past one part it shows you loaded the save state tens times
If the entire run shows zero saved states were used throughout it's entire recording the run is considered tamper free and valid
Signed - Somebody who actually knows how these emulators work
Dunno where you're getting the idea this will work. You can already standardize quality emulators if they're allowed, or at least the least bad ones if there's no other choice. TASvideos does this. Besides, to write an emulator for any platform, you need to have full understanding of the console, which, hasn't been achieved even for older systems. FPGAs are not something most people have since they're limited in purpose and also expensive.
You're not actually familiar with speedrunning. You just watched Goose's goldeneye shit.
Far as i can tell, Holla Forums has slowed down considerably compared to what it was years ago.
If that was even close to true input recordings would desync accross computers.
But they don't so that statement is incorrect.
can you see the issue?
Todd Rodgers had his score wiped out.
Emulators are not 1 - 1 perfect for audio, and never will be and is easy to spot
He's far less of a fraud than everyone else that currently works a Mojang. And he his working on a new game if he hasn't given up on it since I last checked.
The problem isn't playing on emulation itself, it's that he manipulated the game to give him way more high value objects (blue barrels, I believe) than average. That's the problem with emulation, the possibility of fucking with stuff and give yourself an advantage.
The thing is most of the cheating things you can use on an emulator aren't exceptionally hard to replicate on actual hardware, modified roms and prerecorded input playback being the big ones.
Whatever happened to Steve Wiebe?
I don't think the issue is entirely about the recording of the game, it's also manipulation. The only time that people notice aimbot scripts in speedruns is when it's, well, noticeable. You could write an aimbot script that's very convincing, you could manipulate the game's RNG, there's a number of cheats you could do that is much more undetectable than stitching a segmented run together.
Except if you play back their recorded movie on a widely used rom it will not work correctly
This is old news, people have been running android bots with controller input into actual consoles for ages. TASBot block at AGDQ etc uses actual consoles with just the bot hooked up to the inputs so even official hardware is not safe from this
And again emulators show saved state replays etc which can easily highlight cheating abuse
someone stole a copy from me about 15 years ago..
Don't you have an emulation thread to sperg about?
Man, this is just like going to /cow/
Nah he's a fraud because when your emulator can do tool-assisted speedruns it can also do tool-assisted high scores.
That's why a few speedrun communities require controller cams as well.
This guy didn't do controller cam though. Rather telling.
It's so fucking easy to stop all this shit about TAS though, just make the emulator put a watermark in the screen if the guy is using programmed actions or if the guy used stop/frame advance.
Goose is a degenerate, he said it himself.
He is also in favor of paid chatrooms in twitch and loves AGDQ
Treat anything he says as mad ramblings of a insane idiot.
OPEN SOURCE nigger. You can take out the watermark no problem.
Knew he was a fraud since he kept submitting all those private tapes. Hope this shit becomes common knowledge
There's a lot of that from the early days of high scores.
Fraud thread?
I ain't saying he's wrong, just that there's nothing i hate more than seeing a man who gets paid to sit on his ass playing fucking video games have a fucking pity party.
I actually don't think Todd Howard is a fraud, he just stupidly stretches the truth or promises what he can't deliver and has to keep his mouth shut when he learns that the hard way or embarrass himself and his studio.
Looks more like its a "Everyone post that one video about Todd Rogers over and over again because we're all too fucking retarded to read the thread and instead just read the OP then rush to give everyone our hot take" thread instead.
this thread was created once on /n/ and was mysteriously deleted for no reason. I created it again once more and it stuck that time, but it's strange it got deleted in the first place
shills know Holla Forums is used to being shilled using more complex methods so they are reverting back to more simple and older trolling methods because they assume we have forgotten about them. their plan is to troll everyone on Holla Forums and create enough chaos to generate a huge amount of asshurt so that we become distracted and destabilized, because they want to disrupt the free flow of very important information everywhere by creating multiple tiny arguments in virtually every single thread. they want to slow down the discussion that takes place in every thread by possibly around 20-50% (my personal estimate) because around just about at before or at half way in every conversation/thread on Holla Forums they start to bullshit and create argument related derails because that's the best place for them to insert their argument starting instigation tactics simply because it's too obvious if they start right away when the thread literally just started.
this information is of the utmost importance and everyone on Holla Forums should be aware of it. simply being aware of this ongoing attack is enough of vaccine to fight off this problem.
I will include three images in this thread. 1. fake reddit goon image. 2. an image that outlines who (((they))) are. 3. an excellent (((shill))) education image for beginners that outlines many of (((their))) most commonly used tactics with some pretty nice tips and tricks and other more rare tactics mixed in. posting the anti shill image has had many anons banned from Holla Forums before for seemingly no reason so it's a fairly good indicator that it's well made.
I'll also say this again:
God bless Holla Forums
God bless President Donald Trump
God bless The United States of America.
Semper Fidelis.
Knowing is Half the Battle.
Brian Kuh, please. There is a Donkey Kong kill screen coming up, if anyone wants to watch.
Sorry that is the old version
The video of him saying he's in favor was mostly him just playing devil's advocate, He said himself neutral when it comes to the chat.
listen to this user tbh
It wasn't really about that, he just sees it as a solution to a problem not really a problem, but in the eyes of GDQ it was and it's their show.
That's just a lie.
Does this shit even really matter?
he had a film and made alot of money. what do you think?
To people who care about the rules it is. It's easy to cheat with an emulator and game behavior isn't 1 one 1.
genious plan right there
shitposting in a sea of shitposts
So no, not really.
This shit shouldnt even matter. If you can play a game faster than anyone else or get the most points it shouldnt be given a shit on a national or worldwide level. The only thing that it should be used for is bragging rights to friends in a one off conversation "oh well that game I actually have the highest score in the world". I mean fucking hell me and a friend were in the top 100 for scoring on one of the resident evil games and we werent even fucking trying. It honestly doesnt fucking matter. A friend of mine also was one of the top few to rank in some other games in like the top 10 or so. No one really gives a shit when it comes down to it. If you were to play competitive games then yes there would be sponsors and tournament money thrown around but getting the high score or clearing it the fastest means that you just want to join All Guys Ditto Women that much more.
No, because he still has the score of 933,900 from 14 years ago, so he is no longer at 20th place but on place 47 on a completely unimportant hobby.
Also his reported but not video witnessed points would but him around place 21.
That means the documentaries and his other scores remain legit, because the points in question were from after The King of Kong and it should have no impact on his Hot Sauce business.
he made a living off of what he did to the point where there was a film made about him. you're not wrong in that it shouldn't matter but that's not the real world
It doesnt matter, but people keep throwing him money. We all know people will throw money at the stupidest things like the egg salad kickstarter. Perhaps I should kickstart making a tuna fish sandwich and have people pay me to put shit in there like jellybeans. I can eat my sandwich and get rich off of retards.
What kind of hot sauce does he make?
The hot kind.
He is the owner of Rickey's World Famous Restaurant and sells Rickey's World Famous Hot Sauces under
and Retailers near you.
As in the guy from WanWan Games?
I think Paps pickled Peppers is also his Brand, but I am not sure about that.
please use
God fucking damn it
All speedrun and score run WRs are fake. It's really just a matter of making your methods as untraceable as possible.
Im almost sure that wouldnt even be remotely Dingdong's mo. Dingdong is more of a "i just dont care to do X" and wouldnt waste time doing stuff like that. Pretty sure its either shitposting on the other guys end or another like named guy. I just dont see that guy giving much of a shit to shitpost. he seems more of a lurker anyways.
I'm joking, I just know dingdang happens to post in our draw threads when they roll around, I know he's not a shitposter
Why are you posting the crybaby. At least post Gin To Kin or Akagi. Kaiji is a massive bitch.
Guess ill need to stop by those threads, need to see if he posts any game artwork (that shooter needs to hurry up.)
Speedrunners went through the emulator debate 10 fucking years ago you fags.
Time to lurk there, I guess. I want to ask him what happened to a project he worked on years ago.
What was the conclusion?
How do you fake a run on original hardware recorded on vhs tape?
How could it be done without it being incredibly obvious? Keep in mind that all the earliest runs were just guys pointing a camcorder at their tv while the played Mario and Zelda. Not only that but they were barred from using glitches as per the rules of the organization in charge of record keeping at the time.
I can see how the modern runs could be faked, but ones from 2003? Less so.
it actually varies from community to community but the consensus is that it's a no and generally categorized as TAS or emulated rather than "legit"
Separate category if allowed at all.
A lot of these dipshits pretend to press buttons when playing these games. If they talk way too much, the button noises don't match up with the game capture and they keep repeatedly looking at the facecam while playing that's a very good sign they're mimicking recorded footage.
He only did so since shit hit close to home
After all the years of us getting fucked over and people are still willing to give them money. It's such a shame.
Why do we not blow up china again?
China is invading Hong Kong like every other western country including Japan, bastards need to be gassed just like the kikes.
Invading Hong Kong?
I thought Hong Kong was functionally an economic asset of china and that's just their designated "let people actually run businesses because our GDP is fucking dying" zone
What, is Taiwan Chink clay to you now too?
Mate I'm just unfamiliar with the region other than the horror stories of the people stupid enough to take mandarin and half to deal with those turbokikes
Yo Goose, you dont even know how to install Windows 7 let alone brush your teeth and you arguments of emulator vs original hardware are embarrassing. Get a real fucking job you faggot.>>14272483
Honk Kong is a separate country started as a British colony that they gave back because they're Communist cuckolds, Taiwan is where the previous establishment in China fled after Commies took over.
Anyone that is put as "the face" of something is guaranteed to be a fraud. Journos (aka, child rapists) always try to give fame to some newface as a means to manipulate news and opinions. It makes it easier to manipulate consumers if some activity or company has someone that they can identify as "the guy from (insert name)", and it also generates the circlejerks that compose the basis of every cartel of "journalists + famous person" that go up in arms against the consumers that question the bad practices of the industry itself.
we gave it back because we have something called morals as well as the fact that america stabbing us in the back like that after ww2 made it so that we couldn't really afford our colonies anymore
My sarcasm detector is either going off or you're struggling to type English, I can't really tell the difference.
That only means that you were stupid to not see a treason coming, and weak to let a simple backstab put you down to the point of losing your domains.
The weak shall always be dominated or exterminated. There is nothing wrong in colonizing weaker people.
It's not good to lie user.
But he was my hero
This is retarded
Anglos have morals? A lot of jews already interbred and part of them stole their blue eyes.
Autistic is the word you are looking for.
His sink was filled with dirty water and dishes for a month. He didin't even take out the trash he just let it sit there.
Where do the green eyes come from?
Meaningless unless the game performs at a consistent speed 100% of the time.
The Daoine Sidhe.
They're obviously caucasoid, I can't say if they're from a specific region.
To be fair to Goose he did this video like a day or so after his mom died.
All jews are frauds
Frauds and Conmen that somehow still get away with it.
If that's what a Chad looks like for you, then you need to get your eyes checked.
They actually allow MAME scores among their leaderboards. But he didn't outright say that he was playing on a MAME cabinet.
I'm just saying a shitload of them are jews, Mitchell included. Just look at him.
Crypto as fuck.
But still in real sports you can achieve a world record on a different track (where the track is different, altitude, temperature, wind etc). If it's too much favorable in a variable like wind it's not counted as a record but other than that it is.
You made me remember the state of Spector. Now I am perturbed.
Yeah, became a score for double kong or something
well at least that complaint could be legit, tho they should have tested if the dude rigged the board when he sold it.
Its twin galaxies and their scores don't really matter because they keep letting cheaters keep high scores. Look up Mr. Atari I think his name was, there's a couple new videos of his runs being disprove as possible and he still gets to keep the scores in some cases.
This autism is almost as bad as GDQ tranny fest.
Billy "1.1-Inch Meat Stump" Mitchell
He seems pretty reasonable and self-aware in the video you linked.
Well when you put it that way it does seem like a waste of time.
This is true. Here's a good example:
Some asshole named Todd Rogers in 1982 somehow set a time record that can't be matched or beat with an emulator, even after the author revere engineered the game.
Half of the people on that list are kikes, hot damn
Please tell me you're being tongue-in-cheek, user.
Sure, why not.
Literally all old record holders are frauds. It's only now that people take this shit more seriously they're going back and finding the truth.
THIS. The autists' point isn't the microscopic difference in how the game is displayed (this is just used for the proof that it's emulation), the point is that you can easily use save-states in emu. I can play very complex tunes on a piano if I'm allowed to record a few notes, try till I get the next part right, record that and append it to what I have, and so on. If I then show people this synthetic result I stitched together claiming I did it in one go, that makes me a liar.
Similar to the Holocaust
A fuckload of speedrunners on look like kikes too.
Didn't he literally doctor a DK score taping when his record was being broken? or was that part of the documentary added for drama?
People would've forgotten the Holocaust by now like the atomic bombings of Japan or Pearl Harbor except Jews don't know how to shut the fuck up about it and stop shoving it down everyone's throats. What about all those Protestants who were supposedly killed in gas chambers as well? Its no shit people are starting to ask questions
Has Phil beaten him up again, has his cute wife left him, or his retard kid been run over again? Dun..dun dun dun dun dun dun…
jeez is that really the issue here ?
This is some impressive autism.
Nobody's going to get that user.
Why is it always some (1) fag who never replies more context with Goose who posts this webm? The video you posted was him in an emotionally compromised state due to his mother being in the hospital for terminal cancer. He also stated that Speedrunning was one of his escapes to chill and relax, much like any hobby. His argument in that video is essentially what happens when you take a hobby to far and he admitted this and that there's nothing inherently wrong with it.
He also conceded people had many points against this concept in his follow up video and he fucking hates what GDQ has become since it's where his popularity took off in GDQ 2013. This is why he's showing up in other events now. While I don't agree that the chatrooms should be pay only I genuinely don't give a fuck either way.
Seriously this webm gets posted every time a hand full of certain autists think that speedrunning is somehow inherently degenerate when you can make the same argument that video games in general are fully fucking degenerate if all you use are the arguments he has. Kill yourself.
Regardless of his emotional state literally nothing he said was wrong.
Loads of speedrunners are trannnies, furries, or other assorted degenerates.
GDQ is cringe worthy at best and trash at worst.
Speedrunning is not fun.
Watching some else speedrun is not fun.
There's zero passion in it. It's all about the ego boost associated with it.
If if's not fun, why bother?
So is the video game community in general. Are you really going to imply that sjw's infiltrating a hobby is anything new?
Speak for yourself.
t."if I can't enjoy something then nobody can"
Yes, modern vidya along with the vast majority of "gamers" are degenerate and/or stupid. The industry is fucked, no one here defends the state of it. That's no new revelation. No one would get bothered over an user saying that, so why is everyone getting bootytickled when some guy says the same about speedrunning?
It's all about exploiting bugs and following an exact formula. About as exciting as watching someone perform a math problem with a timer.
I'd genuinely like to know what you find fun about watching speedrunning, much less doing it.
Its fun, when its a game i know deep and i can appreciate the amount of skill involved. Honestly it's not as impressive when you haven't tried yourself to be that good in a specific game.
Also you can learn a thing or two, maybe not to become a speedrunner yourself but to improve upon your playthrough
Because there's nothing objectively wrong with speedrunning just like there's nothing objectively wrong with vidya games.
Depends on the catagory. Learn shit before you spout nonsense.
This kind of hyperbolic bullshit is just how Goose acts out when he's stressed.
Maybe it's you who should stop posting.
You're objectively retarded.
Well his mom was dying in a hospital so it's not hard to assume he's stressed.
There's nothing objective about your argument other than the fact that the community is full of cancerous retards that inhibit every community
Just fuck each other already.
Except they make up the overwhelming majority of the speedrunning community, them and their aspie twitch followers. Which brings me back to my original point that he was speaking the truth and
goose did nothing wrong
if you want to keep arguing about how me asking what the hell is enjoyable about speedrunning must mean that I hate all video games (for some reason) then burden of proof for your asinine claim which you made in the first place lies on you, faggot.
No they don't. They make up the majority of GDQ which the staff goes out of its way to include because their kikes. The rest either stream occasionally or stay in the community of whatever game their playing. The Goldeneye Elite community for example has many players who rarely stream and are generally just normal guys.
Goose stated what he said was the truth. But just about every point in his argument can be used for pretty much any hobby you take to seriously. He also states that he won't refute what he said in the video, but that speedrunning was also one of few things that got him through that hard moment in his life. "Ying to the Yang" are his exact words.
Never stated that. Just that's essentially the only argument you can make without looking like a hypocritical faggot. I'm calling you an over temperamental spaz for assuming that there's something wrong with speedrunning when factually it's just a higher level of play of video games. If you like video games and you hate speedrunning you're essentially telling me you don't enjoy an aspect or level of playing games. Which is fine, but there's nothing objectively wrong with that aspect outside of the community. And the community for video games is full of normalfags and sjw's alike. So the burden of proof is on you for somehow telling me what's OBJECTIVELY wrong with speedrunning as a hobby that doesn't use weak ass points like the shitty community (that many runners also announce as being shitty).
I didn't say each and every one. I said loads of them are degenerates. Twitch is the main gathering place for the "amateur" speedrunning community, and it's awful. Not just the platform itself but everyone associated with those on it, specifically the viewers/fanbases/whateveryouwanttocallthem of said speedrunners.
And the state of many hobbies and their respective industries currently are shit. You keep stating that the situation is not specific to this particular community like you're trying to trip me up and make me say others are exempt for some reason. They're not, and it's not a unique situation for a community to be in currently. And I already said regardless of whatever fucking mental or emotional state he was in before or after it doesn't override the validity of what he said.
I already stated in my first post why I believe it's a bad hobby, besides the community.
both of you faggots are being pretty fucking autistic yourselves right now.
Only the attention whores go there, speedrunning is well spread accross the net and has existed way before Twitch was ever conceived
Same can be said with people who play games. There's far more whores who flash their boobs on Twitch right now than legitimately skilled runners.
That's why plenty of the highest ranking runners stream.
So now the problem isn't with the runners, but the people who watch them? The people who don't even directly influence the hobby? This is an excusable reason as to why speedrunning itself as a hobby is objectively shit?
And what does that have to do with speedrunning as a hobby itself?
Then what's the problem with speedrunning itself?
And I said that the validity is only applicable if taken to extremes. My argument from the start has been that there is nothing wrong with the hobby itself.
Without any objective facts to back that up. Which I pointed out was just you disliking something without any objective points to be made.
Holla Forums's always been a board about autistic vidya discussion. You get lost or something?
And I never have defended the vidya industry, it is shit and full of degenerates like I said many times before this.
Yes, the people who enjoy the hobby. I judge them and those who actually do the deed.
I gave my points and cited evidence that anyone can readily find. If you really wish I can search through my Holla Forums folder for all the various stupid streamer videos and post them in the next webm thread.
That is all. I've had enough serious discussions for tonight.
Much like speedrunning or any other vidya hobby.
But the deed itself is absolutely fine then? If you want to move on from the concept that the community somehow tarnishes the hobby then feel free. I didn't bring it up after all.
Your points are that it's mathematically rigid and abusive of glitches when in fact I stated that there's almost always backup strats and alternative routes for many games and that there's glitchless categories for just about every game.
And I can go into Twitch right now and find thousands of retarded streamers who don't speedrun. What does this have to do with anything?
Can't blame you for wanting to stop arguing though. If I were in your position I wouldn't be to keen to reply either.
Nigger you know what I meant by streamers, someone who mixes up 'to' with 'too', and 'their' with 'they're' should definitely not be playing the semantics game.
There was a point in that tape where there was a moment of "static" which was disputed but then was accepted anyway. The irony of that was that, that teacher wasn't allowed to tape his score at home and send it in as well. At the end he challenged Billy for the title but that cunt never showed up even though he agreed to it.
Eventually that teacher was allowed to send in his taped score.
If streamers are cancer what does that have to do with speedrunning? Also
Next time I'm writing a high priority document I'll keep my their's and too's in mind but I think the point has been made that you're just out of arguments and need to go to bed.
Yeah, that one, I know lots of stuff was added or edited for drama and painted Billy like a massive asshole but also the guys at TG seemed to also go out of their way to make it harder for the other guy, including putting pressure on him by telling others in the arcade "hey, go and check that guy, he is going to get a kill screen" and the like.
I meant speedrunners who are streaming on the very platform we were discussing you dense motherfucker. And you either speak the goddamn English language properly or you go back, a fucking middle-schooler knows such basic rules of grammar.
Fuck you, you goddamn subhuman. You've really rustled me now and I'm going to shitpost here till the crack of dawn as long as your sorry ass is here.
And I meant that there's nothing wrong with speedrunning and youve already admitted that both the vidya and speedrunning community are full of cancer. So what's the fucking point you're trying to make here?
Stay mad faggot. I'll put typo's and grammatical errors in every post replying to you from now on just to pis you off.
My point?
Everything is fucking cancer, you're not exempt just because yours happens to be more weaponized autism then anything else. Stop getting high off your own fucking farts m8 your shit stinks just as bad as the rest.
A typo's a typo, but I guess I shouldn't be setting my standards so high. A shitskin isn't expected to form a single rational thought much less type a coherent sentence.
Thats not a point when the topic is on why speedrunning es cancer and shouldn't be experienced. Stay mad fag and keep posting and trying to do damage control.
Thanks for proving my point that (You) are a subhuman shitskin who cannot into context and takes everything placed in front of your big stupid ass at face value.
keep posting. kek
Looks like the King of Kong is now the King of Dong!
he did the pac man record as well
speedrunning is for shitters
post your streets time faget
casual, go back to deus ex
1:12 baby, I am a fucking legend.
an MR, RL, RW time
He's probably right I bet you're shit at games.
you don't get to be the best by wasting your time on unrelated tasks, you do that shit after or before a crunch
but what if you derive gratification from mastering a skill?
Icing on top.
If you've seen King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters, it's pretty obvious he's a piece of shit and a cheater. Like, yeah, the whole film has an obvious Bias against him, but even if you look past the "attitude" of the film, literally everything about him was shady. Hell his final "record break" was filmed directly from the video output, no self-cam, no controller footage, and there were even video skips where possible edits couldve easily happened
What record? Resetting the game? There are only 255 "maps". Also I could be remembering Ms. Pac Man, but we had an autistic guy that would come into our arcade in the 90s and reset Pac Man on 1 token.
From page 3 of the thread at DK forums:
>I have always been shocked that the first tape was accepted at all. Wiebe's performances were audited to the umpteenth degree, requiring a full accounting of the hardware, etc., only to meet with rejection after rejection on technical grounds. Meanwhile Billy was able to submit audio-less performances (MAME audio would have been a drop-dead giveaway, especially in that era), with no onscreen visual of the player or the cabinet, while utilizing a totally unknown and unprecedented method of video capture.
Whoa look at this dweebenheimer over here.
Looks like it:
I'm assuming the highest possible score + getting the kill screen. PacMan was huge for a while and as the record holder it was his claim to fame in the 80s and 90s.
It still is. If you say the word "video game" to any random person on the street there's a good chance they immediately think of Pac Man. It's crazy that Namco pretty much refuses to capitalize on that.
you sound like the kind of faggot who cuts your dick off and dresses in drag and then starts a campaign to deny Nolan Bushnell the Pioneer Award.
Mitchell is friends with everyone at Twin Galaxies, that's why.
basically the usual incestuous relationship within a certain industry.
This is autism.
make a patreon, you deserve shekels more than sam hyde at this point
This is an English board you filthy nigger.
here's a video about him
Wonder how Walter feels now that Galaxies is pretty much discredited.
dunno, he seems like a typical boomer that can do anything leisurely for profit.
Not Carmack, he's legit