Webm thread because last one is on page 14

webm thread because last one is on page 14


Other urls found in this thread:












you post the same shit every other thread, and no one likes it. how about you stop posting it, reddit-kun?

here you go buddy

not true. I created some of those just now.
also not true, just last thread people said that those are cool



my post didnt include either webm included in , which said were cool. how about you go fuck yourself and stop posting these shitty webms?

I just finished this after 5 years or so on my backlog, post all your maymays please



how about you you stop trying to talk for everyone else? These industrial webm's create a lot of (you)'s for good reasons.







Today I bring you
1 non-vidya OC, but which can easily be used in any context
1 unoptimized music webm
1 jap remix I used to listen on repeat on old /f/
and 2 jew jokes



I-I like those










1. I like it

2. I dont like your youtube poop webms, at least this isnt cancer memes you find outside and then regurgitate here in webm form

1. And I like tits, but if you post too many of those you still get banned because they aren't videogames
2. The user you quote didn't even post a single YTP

These food commercials are getting fucking weird, mang.

I never got why Monty Python was so great when I was a kid/teenager, but coming back to it now, especially after all the shit that's happened over the past 5 years, I have a whole new appreciation. That was hilarious. Holla Forums in the dark ages is what id call the webm though

Anyone have this webm without the high pitch?

Without Hifumi in it there's zero point in having that saved to any hard drive anyway.









is that jordan cuckinson?

I remember this…
Shit I saved a newspaper page that had this story on it…fucking forgot where it went though.


there are twelve of these fucking things so strap in












and done


just kidding there's also this



sup cuckchan, you realize you can post multiple files of your dumb shit at once right?

filesize you idiot

your newfag is showing user


a better idea would be to post none of them as these webms aren't funny

all of them are too big a filesize to post all at once you fucking idiot


my bad, i have almost never posted in webm threadsbut your videos are still unfunny garbage




Trump before the debates was absolute gold. Too bad he ended up being such a dismal failure and a Jew tool.

Anyone have that YandereDev spaghetti code webm?


if you wanna cheese the first form you can kick him about the arena with the drone slam effectively stunlocking him 90% of the phase

this is pretty mediocre quality but i don't feel like re-encoding it


Normally I don't really like these tf2/overwatch model vids but this one is great in its simplicity.





Seems he has been punished.

I know you can since its first phase is just a retextured mascot with extra attacks, but I was more wondering about what attacks could be countered. I'm a little upset I forgot to try kneeing his scrap attacks to cancel them and/or do damage. His second phase doesn't get staggered by counters but you can jump/duck certain moves and still do counter damage. I need to get a character to the final boss so I can try out counters on them, especially on the first part. I've countered the psycho crusher he starts phase two with, but I want that on camera. There's no speedrunning or any sort of community for this game, even the WR run is kinda shit and follows the keep away with staff strategy, but I know there's a mechanical depth here that is worth investigating, and I want visual record of its existence.


yeah but did you know you can use the magnetic syphon on the second phase to redirect the currently telegraphing attack on the drone, and that you can insta-cancel the whirlwind with a drone slam?

Of all the shit I've heard him say, that's probably the dumbest. How much more redundant can you possibly a term?

it's always a Todd isn't it?


Well, now I do.

Well consider the "progressive stack" which is a hierarchy built not of a person's dominance in society but of how non-dominant/marginalized they are.
Now of course within those "progressive" circles this ultimately becomes a hierarchy of dominance but it is built predicated on the view of outside of those circles.

The food pyramid is a hierarchy of sorts but in no way implies dominance in any way.

You might just be a retard though.


There are different kinds of hierarchies. He's reffering to one based in dominance present in some animal societies. In many lectures he brings that up to remind us that there is some connection in our society to that, but it's not the predominant factor for us and also chimpanzees, to note that we evolved out of a hierarchy based entirely on dominance into one based in social capital.
He's actually pretty sound and straightforward on his lectures

Fuck you. I love industry footage.

Oh fuck off with this semantics horse shit, all hierarchies are based off of one rung dominating another. That's not an opinion, there is no debate, that's what hierarchies are. Dominance is already implied and asserted. Fuck's sake. Jordan's one more smarmy conman up his own ass taking advantage of the impressionable. It's newspeak garbage.

(stupid noises)

Man I fucked that up, meant to greentext and not have the flag.

Nigger the one getting tied in semantics is you. Of course a hierarchy means someone has some authority over someone else, no one disputes that. The reason it's not reduntant is because while lobsters (to bring up a more recent reference) will dominate one another physically, chimps can form alliances to bring down a alpha chimp that is physically stronger but has no allies.
It's really not that hard to understand, unless you go out of your way to not learn anything.
Also, if you ever want to check how estimed an academic is, check how many citations he has. Not published works, because any moron can publish a bunch of shit that no one reads, but citations

Well done. Mr. Peterson thanks you for your $10.

You're an idiot.

Nice non sequitur. The sign of an elevated mind

Faggot I was calling that part on your webm funny you nigger.

Good for you. I'm sure it'll pay off any day now.

Collateral damage, fuccboi. Welcome to the bully fields.

Todd has to be stopped.

So which one are you?
Are you one of those leftist fuckwits who equate Peterson to Hitler and Milo…
Are you one of those Holla Forumstards that are so fucking right wing you think he's some sort of controlled op shill or some retarded nonsense?

Considering most people don't care how society is run as long as they get what they want, I'm inclined to agree.



love this shit


This shit makes me so mad


most of that stuff didn't work user, its not like they take pristine HDD and turn them into speakers

The hard drives sound bad and completely out of place, that's what I'm trying to say

oh wait i misread your post, sorry

Yo what the fuck is this, some sort of LEGO Dark Souls?

wonder if these people still see it that way, or if they were forced to change their views. Not long ago some celebrity nigger (I don't remember who, could have been Morgan Freeman or Gnarls Barkley) also said that blacks are not hold back by whites or society in general but by themselves. I doubt whoever said that will say it again. SJW's have infested people with their cancer opinions.

It sounds awesome, though.




How do you fuck up this badly?

Morgan Freeman has said it. The main one who was pushing that was Bill Cosby though, so good luck pushing that as coming from a reputable position of authority these days.

Hughes was on a podcast couple of weeks ago and his views havent changed. He actually got more redpilled if anything.

Why the fuck was he filming?

social media addiction? Maybe he didn't think the whole thing would go back when he started recording? Maybe it was setup and fake?

>(((critical theory noises)))

I know this looks like a strawman, but it really isn't. What is considered better food (music, politics, hobbies, and many other such things) is determined (or at least constrained) by the (ancient) biological substrate of a person, rather than the (young and changeable) plastic culture around a person.


I can't stand that nerd and his annoying ass voice.


Shit like this is why I fucking love video games.


you're not fooling me,i know witchcraft when i hear it.You made a pact with the dark lord to help you make that webm

vp9 and two-pass encoding can do some nice things

How unfortunate. At least he didn't forget to express the orange oils over the drink before throwing the peel in.

I am a man of pure spirit and science,i shan't be swayed by this two way of yours nor shall i partake in your german urolagnia fetish



-c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 348k -c:a libopus -b:a 60k -speed 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 1 -tile-columns 6 -quality good -sn -ac 2 -y -threads 8 -g 9999 -colorspace bt709 -f webm -pass 2




really makes you think



user i'm worried about you
how many games do you see in the webm?

thats really bad bait my man

thats just a wolfenstein map in turok right?

your beyond salivation,it's either euthanizing or >>>/reddit/ for you i recommend the easy way out

Stamper was the only good part of this.

is that your fetish?


is this vp8? Also people who make fun of tw3 are sjw's.

I never came so hard without touching my dick.

What song towards the end? Shazam got nothing and it's sweet.






Eat a billion dicks.

Show even a scrap of the autism needed to make this shit possible and then you can talk shit.




Godspeed You Black Emperor!
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven

I love the little gay worried dance, the chefs hat just tops it off perfectly.




Your welcome.

Really wanna see the rest of that webm

So do I.

The full things been posted on these threads about a dozen times now.


And I've missed it every time.

good to know

Lurk more faggot.

Way to be helpful, user.

You're welcome.

anyone got the webm of how to make a webm?

XMedia Recode is so easy to use you really don't need a webm explaining how to use it.



That actually looks pretty good, pixelshit aside.

is that all there is? Was hoping it would be longer.


neat. just imagine the future versions of this with realistic features and graphics. ripping of realistic heads and cutting limbs off and gore and shit

>but muh vr is ded

i just didnt know what the name of the program was. thank you though

guys i just found a "shaun of the dead" reference in the division
its actually a scene from shaun of the dead

then guys name is shaun

you still need some kind of a guide to tell you how to use it. Or did you knew without anyone telling you that 200/400/800 is the way to go for 480p/720p/1080p?

But it is dead.


brb falling for the vr meme on steam

Thank you.

I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a superbowl ad this much. Probably late 00s.


I was expecting a joke about eating tide pods or something

If it's not sexist, violent or lewd it's not good. That one had non of that,and wasn't even remotely funny on top of that.


wew lad.

take it to facebook, mook

This happened just today at around 8pm

I get men's deodorant but how are you supposed to make tide ads sexist, violent or lewd without losing all of your shareholders instantly?

Posting mp4s in a webm thread. Source is Nerd City on jewtube

Also get out shill

I've seen this before and still fucking lold

when I realized nigra was the engine i fucking died


What was the name of the Arma video with the Aussie cops and "SCHOOLIES!", do you know? I can't remember for the life of me.


What third world browser are you using nigger. Also I'll make sure to not provide source next time since that constitutes shilling. Faggot.

>He uses Jewgle chrome :^)

Loads of browsers have mp4 support you fuckin mongoloid.



Fuck you 14011e suck my lil dik


>He's getting mad on an image board known for it friendliness :^)


Oh, user..


I was always clueless with social cues. Do you still want to fug? :^)

Only if you share some of those dubs you keep gettin

fuck you nigger

Keep postin them, user

lol your getting hate but its true

tell me more

I know the game is the surge, but that boss fight doesn't look like fucking anything I've played of this game.

Were these the dubs you were looking for?

looks like he didn't fly so good. who wants to try next?


No pucci for you!

Hey bb




user, that's NEDM

And this is bait, right?

Looks like original wolfenstein to me :^)

first of all…. not funny
second, is that Alan Watts narrating? and how can we get stronk chi gainz?

you can not censor the truth. YOU CAN NOT SILENCE THE VOICES OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE. people deserve to know that the corruption is real. TRUTH IS JUSTICE. mark and his biased and corrupt abusive moderatorship should step down and hand the board off to responsible people who do not abuse power and censor people. they are playing with the ability to ban people like a game for their own enjoyment.
save this before it's taken down. they don't want you to find out what is going on
http s :/ / me d ia . 8 c h .n e t/ fi le _ s to re / c5f8 7bc a63 f40 686 ea336 8c 1fa 79 b5b 73 2d b3d 3d a1fa3 22c b75 54 fb 88e0 9618c .png


serves them right. if they didn't want to get banned, they shouldn't have tried to start shit

i'm fine with Holla Forums being like this. i'd rather have fanboy threads than have shitposting threads

Time to rev up those Undertale and Overwatch generals again :^)

I swear fucking Poe's Law makes my head hurt. I don't know if these people are making an effort to act retarded or if it's some natural talent.

at least those threads discuss videogames. you know? what the board was made for?

if you noticed, most of the threads trying to 'own' nintendrones are using the exact same memes every time.

my best bet is that its just a group of retards from cuckchan trying to make Holla Forums hate nintendo and like sony


Do you actually have a new board for people to flock to, you retarded faggot, or are you just jerking off with literal spam?

Kill yourself neogaf

Its almost like most shitposters are exactly the same regardless of where they are from

More like felate giant pieces of shit games. I would rather have shitposting tbh.

You can always go back to cuckchan for that. It would feel like home for you. Give it a try user!


super duper reddit

Cuckchan does both so no u.


Here nerds have some of my DBFZ labbing

What do you know, nuArcsys can make things look good when they don't have to indulge the human piece of shit that makes the blazblue character designs.

To be fair, all of the design work was done for them here.


I can only assume you like to be treated like a degenerate.

ohai fellow reditor rottenhumon! ^w^

Clearly, as only redditors play Overwatch

Like how all soundless WebM's are 4chan

Or all Minecraft players are autistic

Or how 4chan hates Dragons Dogma and Holla Forums has a small group that loves it

Or how 4chan continues to suck MGS's dick while Holla Forums has moved on from sucking it

Or how Redditors love LoL while 4chan loves Dota

I mean, stereotypes and all, right?

ahhahhaha holy fuck

You need to stop coming into these threads and posting. It's been several months now. Just end it already.


Quick, someone post the caps.

Some people just can't resist can they

either autists or normies who snort ritalin
99% true since there's some kojimadrones here still including me, very small group though
not sure if true, i filter ASSFAGGOTS threads on sight.

also >meme spacing

Having some problems there, rottenredditor?

and the version for cucks too of course it's european

why is this board talking about redditers now, what the fuck is going on?


Its a newish meme that summerfags brought over to shut down anyone that triggers them with posts they don't like.

I don't deal with people like this. looks like some gay overwatch shit and I deliberately avoid discussions about it. If you're going to bring some unrelated shit up in a thread give some more information and justify your reddit shit

sounds pretty goddamn gay

Dude, asians relly giveno fucks


What music genre is it?

Summerfags are a meme, too. Board quality is consistently shit throughout the year, but during the summer it's explained by summerfags. No explanations for why winter time sucks just as much.

Buddy, I think you need to just leave. I don't know how anyone can make more clear that your kind isn't welcome here.

Ok, what the fuck… So her laundry got dirtier? That's not a good product! The chinese should sue! No way I want a fucking product that turns my men into filthy niggers, gimme the chinese stuff instead! Fuck it, what does the Japanese get? Cute anime girls? I'll take that!

I know I mostly just used the term summerfags because it started in like may of last year. The reason why it sucks throughout the year is because people put no effort into shitposting and anons seem to be getting triggered more and more easily as the years go on.

Some here might call it an improvement, but traps are still gay.

Kids getting off for winter break.

People have been shitting on people with bad taste for a while now. That's nothing new.

this story is boring, cut out the boring shit and get to the good stuff

autism is year round, you'd know this if you've been here for more than a few weeks


Ah, you're right. Kids don't ever come to Holla Forums during their breaks.

Wait, let me add something here: so in the chinese version, the nigger is clearly working there as a painter, aka he's from outside (the household). But in the European version, the dude is walking around in his underwear, an outsider wouldn't do that without asking for a beating, so he's clearly in the household. That lady in the european version just blacked a guy, most likely her boyfriend! Jesus fucking christ, this is worse than I imagined. They are straight up saying "niggers are better", which is factually and scientifically wrong! Hey, it's true, even whites are better at destroying than niggers, niggers just take longer and whites are more prone to building and preserving.

I meant qt2d's, but yes, I can see I walked right into that one.

Looks like rottenredditor is ID hopping

And then we were all from reddit

Kids come here year round to post their stupid shit, it doesn't happen any more or less during the seasons of the year, its a constant cycle of autism. I can't think of a reasonable explanation why someone would suddenly have internet access based on when they're off from school, but it sure sounds like you know something about it.

It makes sense though, kids have more free time in the summer and around Christmas, since they're on break.

so what holidays do you think they are off for on February 5th


It's not like kids can't post after they come home from school. And considering how fucking everyone has smartphones nowadays, and how, from what I hear, most schools don't give a damn about banning the damn things, they could literally be shitposting from under their desks. However, we must also remember that Holla Forums is a stagnant board. We've had 2300-2500 UIs for about 3 years now. Three fucking years with the same users. Even if you don't know everyone by name, you learn to recognize their posting styles, their formatting, and what's important, what makes them mad the most.

Awww shiieeet nigger, I completely missed that thread.

not even like it would matter when you can just use data, turn on airplane mode and turn it off if you get banned.

pretty much, there really isn't much new blood coming into here.

You'd think considering they consider themselves "Oldfags" they'd avoid the trap of bandwagon memeing. I mean, that's how you get manlytears level forced memes like Millhouse

But I mean, they're oldfags so they know better


By "banning" I mean "Students, put your phones in this basket, you'll get them back at the end of the day" or "Phones into your schoolbags, now", not banning internet access.

I was thinking more in the line of school wifi blocking access to certain sites, sort of like how they might block porn. Just an example.

nigger, parents sue teachers for giving kids bad grades, the "give up your phone" thing might work for a day or two but then it becomes a "human rights issue" or some other nonsensical bullshit.

Right, I forgot it's the progressive 21st century. I guess it also depends on the country.

part of me doubts that teachers even confiscate phones and shit any more. I bet kids have tablets or laptops in class as part of their required supplies. Wouldn't even be hard to put your phone against that for shitposting.


What Lupin movie is that?

Back in the mid 2000s teachers could do whatever when it came to cell phones. I remember I had a shop teacher confiscate some shitty kid's phone and screw it to the wall because he wouldn't stop using it during class everyday.

does anyone have the screencap of reddit saying that they invented lolthreads and webm threads?

As somebody who tries to brush up on current laws etc from time to time, phones are categorized as "Essential" because parents too often claimed the context of their kid having a phone is to "Reach them at any time of day in case of an emergency"

Thus teachers cannot take them away anymore, just that you have to put them away before lessons or if you use them during class you will get sent to the principal/detention etc

Good lord, I fucking love this video. The animation is great, the way the ghost and the shoes all act as three different individuals, but become one at certain points, is fantastic. Seriously, animation like this is what keeps me going, I could gush about animation for hours provided someone would listen. Although I'm really no expert, I don't know any fancy terms or concepts, I just really like proper handwork.

Ah, that is something I've seen reddit do many, many times, claim credit for something popular

They're like the Ian Miles Cheong of the internet, constantly reposting only the most popular things and taking all the credit for it

Don't know about burgerland, but a local highschool recently had a "no-phone for a day" day. Kids are fucking addicted to these things and had to be motivated by sweets to even consider giving up their phones for a single schoolday. And I wouldn't be surprised by a class-action lawsuit if such a day were to be enforced, especially in US.


Chill, it's just a commercial.

Seriously fuck off.


commercials are some of the most serious of businesses

Yea but the post was some pretty autistic shit you gotta admit.

cool,looking forward skooling your ass again then

Your stupid is showing

Might as well post undertale content fellow user. Upvo- I mean, pool's closed HAHAHAHAHAHA

Besides the fact that you usually post a pool of maybe 40 or so webms, your Overwatch ones are boring and garbage. Reddit aside you're complaining that people calling your shit taste shit. Stay mad faggot.

I replied to wrong person. The post I was replying to was just fucking copy pasta tier is all.


Yea I just said I replied to the wrong post. You feeling ok?

Look, I know you're new here, but at least try to sound like you're not new

Apparently everybody that's been telling you to fuck off is also new. You can keep deflecting criticism though.

i don't have the time to explain everything to you,it's all very scientific anyways

It's cool if they dislike Overwatch, I just find it funny that's the only insults they can come up with is either:

-You're new

When I'm neither

You're unironically posting shitty webms. What do you want a thesaurus of insults? Either man up and quit bitching that people are calling your shit webms shit or fuck off. Simple.

Your webms state otherwise.




I was hoping he'd get doxxed in that webm


I like after he was arrested fucker was crying so much he had snot running down his face because Russian police doing standard practice in dealing with violent criminals is to beat the absolute shit out of them while arresting them

Really now? Well, that makes sense, the video being on liveleak and everything.


You're right, I saw the video on twitter first though

(checking these dubs)
Huh, would you look at that. Well, at least he got caught, I guess that's a good thing.

Progressive House/Trance

the guy kills someone instantly without any warning or remorse whatsoever, obviously slaughtering someone is like stepping on an ant to him, and yet he cries like a bitch when he gets a beatdown for being scum of society? I'm at a loss for expression here.

The guy who thinks he's the grand poobah of the game needs to get over his bullshit, it's no wonder people don't want to listen to him, his smug factor is repellent.


Most killers are utter bitches when confronted by real authority

Nothing new

Reddit is a shit site but everytime you lose your mind and throw a tantrum about it, Holla Forums becomes worse than it was.

Just ignore it.



Fucking sorcery

Thanks Satan

You should see his actual music album.
And to see it here someone else should webm it, because I am not a good webm wizard.

Wouldn't that mean that the other chimps are Alpha as well? What about people who are dominant but don't have the physicality to back it up? No one man is forever an Alpha unless he has a enormous tribe that would back him because another Alpha could come with his tribe and fuck him up. What about Wolves? They tolerate an Alpha but if he dies another wolf from the pack becomes an alpha, so does that mean they were all alphas waiting their turn or betas waiting for their turn? Wouldn't that relegate the definition of Alpha to just mean being a leader? Wouldn't Alpha be an alpha only as long as he is tolerated by the betas, what about if everyone was an alpha, how would a society look? Spartans? Romans? This shit is extremely complicated and the way some people on youtube explain things are childish and laughable at best.

Fuck yes. I'll look it up.

I should buy a bicycle.

You're welcome.

Off yourself, you should know better.






because the asian can be racist as fucks

because colored is better

Does it matter? fucker just continues posting and people magically forget he's a faggot.

you gonna give a source on that or what


Here maybe this will make you guys less bitchy XD









Holy fucken shit….that is extreme forging and milling….are they making hydroelectric shafts or ship engine parts?

Like seriously holy shit.

Thanks user

it's some kind of an electricity generator.

Made these for the old filesize limit and I'm too lazy to update them to the new one.

Gee, I sure do wonder if she actually did that intentionally for publicity.

I believe that screencap is from when she used to do porn


I capped it from:

Yeah I mean to say the vid, but yeah she used to be a camgirl I think and that webm was from when she used to cam.

Its fake, she does porn and that was one of her parodies

holy fuck, was that for real
can anyone tell what was she watching? looks weirdly similar to herself
I guess it checks out, I girl once told me she prefers porn where the actress resembles herself, so she can self insert

but what the fucking hell, the guy was so fucking quick I would have thought he was like a professional or something
I like that they beat up violent people like that, but the guy was practically clean
why did he do it though? and why did they leave his pistol with him?


Are you muslim or something? Only third world niggers support shit like this.






As much as I hated having to deal what that asshole's bullshit, I sounded like a sperg.

Hoping it loops alright.

The video is fine but the sound makes it way too obvious that it ended and started again.


to be fair, I do live in a shitty third world country, and I've seen enough favela monkeys to know better, how to deal with them
so to be simple, if you want to beat people up, expect to be beaten back
if you want to leave a life of crime, possibly killing people, don't expect to grow to older age
you should see the kind of shit I get on regular whatsapp groups, maybe I ought to keep them next time