Star Fox

Is there a reason that the Star Fox universe is not more fleshed out? There is a lot that can be done with it.

Other urls found in this thread:

The original developers want nothing to do with it after making command, and Miyamoto isn't capable of making anything that isn't the 64 game with a fresh coat of paint.

Because not every game needs to have a fucking Kingdom Hearts-tier level of story, a fun rail shooter should remain just that and not be bogged down in unneeded backstory.

is that a fucking screencap from that goddamned foam video those horrifying gigglesquee retards made


Not today, fucker.
Not today.

Those girls are hot user, and if you disagree you're clearly gay


When will there be more baneposting Krystal

I'd fuck them both tbh, although the one behind the camera was more attractive

Oh so you're shitposting, apologies. I thought you were being serious in the OP.

I am being serious dude I'm just giving you my opinion. Disagreeing with you is not shitposting

ooh wow, an hour ban.

Ooh wow, inconsistent moderation policies that are politicized against what he doesn't like

You deserved to have those posts deleted at the very least, that looks like LOL tier garbage, you literal faggot.

this is how stupid you are

Were LOL threads bad somehow? We had them for years until Mark got triggered over it.


lol get fucked furfag

You know what OP you're right, Star Fox needs 4 novels and 2 spinoff story-based games to expand the universe.
I always wanted to know at exactly what time Skippy's embryo started forming.

Because originally it wasn't even going to be a Star Fox gam-

Oh, you just wanted to shitpost instead of having an actual thread. Have a (you) and a sage.

He made a comment user. I simply responded. Now personally I want to know


the Cornerian Army is so weak. Is it because there was a large amount of peace in the Lylatt System and so they were relegated to a policing force to keep pirates in check and quell unrest? Did Andross unleash a superweapon that we never prior to the events of even the comic?

I honestly don't know what to tell you user. They could be doing a lot of things with Star Fox (And F-Zero, and Metroid, and Custom Robo, and Famicom Detective Club, and Eternal Darkness', and Giest, and…), but it appears that the folks over at Nintendo don't see any point in caring about the series beyond remaking the SNES game. Also, you have the "fans" who will sperg and shout about how it will be the "Worst game EVAR!" the moment they see the series deviate from being anything other than another remake of 64''.

What did the guy post?

Adventures was pretty garbage tbh. Assault is the direction I wanted the series to go in. When it was released I thought it would be a renewal and they would start cranking out more games like it and improving while building the lore. But I guess I asked for too much.


Nintendo treats star fox as a place to use experimental testing ground. Be that graphics(fx chip), controls (starfox 64, zero), or gameplay mechanics (starfox 2, command). There's not much you can do lore wise since it's just star wars but just the x-wing and tie fighters. And fans don't give a shit about the lore in the first place they're split between either wanting
a good rail shooter or just rogue squadron: furry edition.

Relegating it to 'it's just Star Wars' is just plain lazy especially since there are almost no sci-fi games or movies that draw no parallels to it.

user, why do you want lore so bad in Star Fox?
What little backstory the game has isn't even interesting nor is it the focus of the game, it's like wishing Doom had a more developed story.

The reason is Miyamoto.

He holds the series back by constantly using it just to experiment new control schemes and hardware ideas. It's a fucking shame because Nintendo has three huge sci-fi universes that easily could be used as the basis for an epic saga with the scope of the Zelda games but they don't ever bother to utilize them this way.

Zelda isn't what I would call epic. And it most definitely isn't a saga. Though to each their own. At the very least there's no timeline in the Zelda games, if Nintendo started on Starfox I would expect a similar situation. Even 0 is outside the "established universe". The fact that Nintendo even knows what those 2 words mean still surprises me.

It does though

It's simple user.

How can anyone get attached when they just REBOOT shit? Fuck, I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't just thrown SF, F-Zero and Metroid into the same universe yet? It weird how there is more "connections" with SF and F-Zero (Space Dynamic, G-diffusur anti-grav tech), when F-Zero could fit into the Metroid universe better

>It's a fucking shame because Nintendo has three huge sci-fi universes
Oh god you're that fucker who made that thread about a month ago. Look man I get there's 'potential' with metroid, star fox is really fucking stretching it but unless they make a non-racing F-zero spinoff game, no one is going to give a shit about the 'lore' of F-Zero. Period.


Pretty sure fans like that shitty zelda clone, plus, people were bitching about zero when it came out that mayamoto didn't have their precious waifu in it.

Nobody even knew what they were doing with that game to begin with. Also reminder that the custom robo devs don't make games for nintendo anymore, they make mobile shit and the occasional 3ds game with squeenix.

god OP, why did you had to remind me of that? it's not a good memory mate.

I wish the Internet Aristocrat video of that foam adventure was still online.

Fuck off and die

You need to calm down

Good one.

There really isn't. The "lore" is paper thin, and mostly just an excuse to shoot things. The main villain of the series transforms himself into a giant space head, purely so you have something cool to shoot at. This isn't the kind of series with huge storytelling potential.

I think you're the one who needs to calm down, mate.


I'd wager a big reason is the one two punch of Adventure and Assault causing journalists to sperg out about being out of the vehicle. With a sprinkling of not wanting to acknowledge Command existing and having gone over 64 to many times to have a 'reboot' at this point.

What they need is a B.A.T. from GI Joe. A mechanical enemy that they can use to avoid the connotation of death. Have a game dedicated to bringing back Andross with that kind of a disposable army and have him be the general big bad with specific events resulting in the various games.

Bad example considering Doom 3 plays nothing like the original game and was a pile of shit.

Sounds like Suikoden

Suddenly a great disgust wells up in me.

No one wants a remake of 64. We want a sequel. A real one this time. It's been 20 years.
I don't understand why wanting a sequel to remain in the same genre, and not bogged down with needless gimmicks is unreasonable. No one acts this way regarding more popular genres. No one ever suggests Mario needs to stop being a platformer.

Whoa there, don't get me wrong, i didn't like Zero either. What's unreasonable though is expecting Miyamoto to be capable of making a follow up to a game he outright stole from a small company in the first place.

I am thou, thou art I. Thou hast acquired a new yiffbuddy.

They had nothing to do with 64, if I recall.

The "well" of 64 is truly dry since 3D/Zero. The Nintendo design hypocrisy is frustrating, I can understand want to make a sequel do something different a few years (or on the same hardware) as the previous game but when it gets into DECADES since the last main game just a decent refined space shooter with a original story that plays/controls well and possibly has multiplayer would be good enough.
The wheel does not need to be reinvented, when there has been a long enough timespan between releases.

Just play panzer dragoon instead

That's almost as bad.

You have 3 great games in the same genre, arguably the best games in that genre and one departure into jrpgs, argued to be the greatest jrpg ever made. Starfox you have one good game in the entire series. Beg for a sequel if you want, but there's a solid alternative out there.

Is a couple of good rail shooters per generation so much to ask for? I'd kind of like to see one made for modern hardware.

Not the foam autism again. I had just forgotten about it.

Personally I want a Star fox game that is half Rail shooting, half exploring planets and dealing with enemy bases. The exploring part would basically just be Jet Force Gemini with all the characters having unique abilities to make places that are wroth exploring with each of them.

There can easily be an arcade mode that's only Rail shooting.

It's because Nintendo sucks at worldbuilding in their games.

Could settle for this?

Nuke all furries


Because it's all furry shit, any attempts to make a serious universe will become autistic like sonic.


Kill yourself

No, the issue is not that furries can't be taken seriously, but rather nintendo just don't have the writing chops for making a serious story period.

I sure love Star Fox threads.

which foam video?

As much as I've loved Miyamoto's characters over the years, I haven't really been happy with what's happened with the franchises he's had creative control over for a long time. His projects have become way too focused on gimmicks. Nintendo in general has spent way too long milking Mario and Zelda at the expense of literally all their other IPs. They get good results when they hand over their IPs to outside developers and just handle the publishing side of things. Metroid Prime, DKC and Starfox Assault all come to mind and I liked Adventures too, in spite of its flaws. I don't want them to follow Microsoft and Sony into the dudebro-Dew-and-Doritos FPS/cinematic walking simulator world, but a little bit more depth and character development would be nice to see.

Get lost newfag. Lurk more

Well you're wrong. Zelda games are huge and full of stuff to do. They should give Star Fox the same treatment with you going around the lylat system taking on missions.

I didn't say it had to be a non-racing game.

you just got foamed my guy

Sorry for not being here 24/7, homolord

It's more about being over 18

People wanted a rail shooter in a ship.

I want a Starfox flight sim, but it looks like Pilot Wings covered it.

Fuck off OP you reminded me of such heresy that should be purged.

Because Nintendo hates doing anything that isn't a gimmick?

not even going to bother user

I get where you're coming from but that's some monkey's paw wish shit there.

I know you didn't say that in that thread, i'm just saying it's the only way to do so since no one gives a shit about lore unless you change the genre. Same goes for fight games as well, I mean does the average fan of street fighter know who 'won' street fighter 2?

You mean the mini-games and the collectables (Woah, Todd, eat your heart out!)? The only games Zelda games I can remember were you had "a lot of shit to do" was Oracle games because of the side-quest that run the entire game. As far as I know, no Zelda game has had something that extensive since. Actually, thinking about it, the 3D Zelda games are a "stripped down"/beta version of the "Ubisoft sandbox".

There's nothing more disgusting than not even having the common courtesy to at least try the furry boards here, or the other Holla Forums (not 4chan, the super secret other Holla Forums on this website) when being a furry faggot.

Yes, the Todd collectables and the Todd sidequests count. Did you not play BOTW?

The difference is money. The series that people tend to sperg over - Metroid, Star Fox and F-Zero - may have been money makers in the past but certainly aren't in the current era.
They made 2D Mario games every year purely because they made money.
It reminds me of the massive spergout campaign when Freeze Dong was announced - R-RETRO DESERVES BETTER THAN DONKEY KONG T-THIS IS BULLSHIT, when not only did Retro WANT to work on another DK, but DKCR outsold the Metroid Prime trilogy alone, by a pretty big margin.

Yes, it absolutely sucks how mistreated these series are, but the fans at this point have to accept that their series aren't that important. Basically, they're Nintendo's equivalent of Space Channel 5 and NiGHTS into Dreams.

It's not porn you 60 IQ simian

Stop mentioning that. Bad people might hear about it

That latter game did get a sequel, you know.


I didn't know it was possible to feel pain like this
Sega canned the Space Channel Vive game and reworked it into a samba de amigo game
Neither ended up releasing

San Francisco was a mistake.

The actual question is why don't they do it with F-Zero instead.

Because if it doesn't print money they gotta throw gameplay gimmicks innovations in the game and hope it sticks. They're at a complete loss what gimmicks innovations they could put in f-zero. Also it's a fucking racing game the worldbuilding is just fluff at that point, who gives a shit about fluff.

Well they could


You sound like someone who knows jack shit about F-Zero.

Lore as a whole is fluff.


Please continue banning them, most furfags are tumblrite leftists.

From a utilitarian perspective when it comes to game development? Sure, lore really only exists to contextualize abstract game elements.


good, now one for the Cornerian cruisers

If you're talking about the board I think you are, are you fucking retarded?

No not that one

Exactly, I'm also saying it's hard to care about the world from a consumer's perceptive unless there's interaction with it. This is a lot more difficult to engage when you're restricted directly on a track.


Because it's an extremely linear and short genre.
And you can't deviate from the genre or the people that love the 64 game will hate you for it.

It's forever going to be a mediocre game series because it's not given the chance to ever move past its arcade roots.

So it's a game where you punch people from inside a race car?

Well I was thinking part of the game is racing and since Captain Falcon is a bounty hunter you can actually hunt bounties and that would be the punching. You know actually putting the Falcon punch, kick and the knee of justice in the series.

but punching people while still in the race car could work too.

me too, their annoyingness only makes my dick harder what the fuck is wrong with me?

This is fucking amazing. Why haven't I seen this before? Is there one for the Landmaster or any other Star Fox vehicles?

This furry banning was the only good thing in this shit thread, wish this worked on Sonic threads.
Fuck this foam bullshit, end this cancer.

Since Star Fox 1, there have been "technically" around 2 sequels. Meaning games that looks into what happened to Fox after the events of the 1st game. Every other game, including Star Fox 64 has been remakes of the 1st game. So it isn't that the world hasn't been fleshed out. The sequels did a good job of fleshing out the universe. The issue is that the series takes 2 steps forward and takes the shoot (of the board game) back to the start of the board.

To make what I am trying to say clear. Star Fox IP is almost filled with nothing but reboots of the 1st game

For tellings of the original story, you've got 1, 64, and Zero. Then you've got 2, which is a direct sequel to 1. Then you have Adventures, Assault, and Command, which are chronological sequels to 64. So, counting 2, there are actually more sequel games than reboots.

How come is it that Paper Mario stopped being fleshed out after Super Paper Mario? There was a lot that could be done with it, such as suits like Fire Mario and Tanuki Mario, a Chain Chomp party member, Paper Rosalina and the star spirits. Too bad Nintendo will probably just use it just for Labo.

welp im new to this foam autism so i looked it up, thought the thread was not complete without the full thing

Because in their mind, they already have a designated Mario RPG series - Mario & Luigi -
so Paper Mario is better used for experiments and shit. I never liked PM, but it depresses me how bad the new M&L games are.

They were making a proper Paper Mario for 3DS but Miyamoto said it was too much like Thousand Year Door and had them scrap it until it became sticker star.

If you haven't seen Foam Adventure bny now then you're a subhuman (i.e. under 21). Die now.

too late
I've already claimed that board in the name of the /underground/ resistance.

You should probably take off F-Z GX on the "gameplay of" panel then since that means you want to be racing and punching at the same time.

I sometimes wonder what those two are doing right now.

Probably taking drugs to treat their STDs since they get fucked so much at furry conventions.

Making a F-Zero game that is anything but a racing game should be reserved for a spin-off (And, Smash Bros.).


Star Fox 2 was never released till recently. But I'd re-adjust my meaning and say that half the total games released were reboots of Star Fox 1.


You are just a retarded that want muh feelings into everything instead of enjoying the games for what they are.

That and the 3DS port of SF64. I realize it was only made to test the waters for a sequel, but it contributes to this perception of the franchise being mostly retellings of the same story.

The redone voices alone made me throw that game in the trash.

Star Fox does have potential. The true sequals give a good reason for battle and dialogue during gameplay doesnt sloe down the action too often. Usually introductionbto a new level or a boss. But its like how the Spiderman movies are now. Consttant retelling of the same freakin story again and again and again. Furries aside the actual combat of Star Fox is satisfying in its simplicity.

Open world had potential
Indies had potential
That Iconoclast game had potential
Even kickstarters/crowdfunding as a whole had potential
You wanna know what they did with alllllllllllllllllllll that potential?
they squandered it.

fucking newfags, all of you

Well you don't wanna know the Hell-like erotic dimension MOT is making these days. He's taking cock TF to very unusual heights. Lust Penis is normalfag tier compared to it.

user, this board is dying. It needs new users.

I actually managed to forget about lust penis.
Until now,fuck you

Everyone else is surely the problem, not you. Die, please.

Why do furfags insist on making sure you remember the furshit they try to force into a meme.JUST LET ME FORGET YOU FAGGOT.

Why the fuck would you want this? Read a fucking book if you want epic sagas or deep lore. There's nothing worse than when video games try to be deep and when Nintendo try to be deep especially. Look at Other M for a perfect example.

What about Cing's games (Hotel Dusk, Last Window, Another Code)?
Other M failed for the same damn reason Daikatana failed, and Mighty No. 9 failed, and Yooka Lalyee failed, and why Metal Gear has been "good" since 2005, and why the Final Fantasy VII Remake and Bloodstained will be bad games as well. The game being "deep" had nothing to do with it.

>…why Metal Gear hasn't been "good" since…


They all failed for different reasons

I watched the video again recently and I felt nothing. I feel completely jaded now.

I watch that video and just wonder what happened to them after almost 10 years. Like, shit, even the die cis scum bitch ended up looking normal in the end.

Being a fucking furry characters kinda limit that

you say that like its a bad idea

Those look like RTS models.
If there was a Star Fox strategy game, it would probably be titled Star Fox Macro.

why did you have to remind me of that cringy as fuck video


It's because the 'star fox universe' is as generic as it gets. It's just a background for a sci-fi rail shooter with furries.


Hi Arin.

Seriously, this would be one of the easiest games to design a huge roster for. How many animations does an Arwing (or any other ship) have that aren't just rotating the model?

In like 2010 I got a used copy of Adventures from a used media store with no DVD case cover, so I printed out an image of the game's original cover but replaced the screenshots on the back with the sfw panels from lust penis
I also replaced Fox's head with Arino

I posted a fucking non furry comic for laughs to contribute to the thread either Pewter or Cobalt enforced an arbitrary non-rule because they didn't like it

I hope they ban you for posting ""furry"" too

captain falcon is popular with normies because of smash bros so a fzero game that had non racing elements or adventure (even though GX was fucking amazing) crossing over with metroid would make sense. Though Fzero and Metroid are "realistic" franchises which is to say they are more scifi than goofy antho animals fantasy.
I remember thinking about this when I was a kid

Sperglords like myself watched the tv show.

The flying sequences from adventures were really easy and unexciting but just that graphical and tech leap was enough that they could have just made a pretty vanilla sequel and people would have liked it.

actually a "star fox adventures" with the adventures being in vehicles and somewhat open world choice of missions with an overarching plot to unlock upgrades and shit would actually be cool.

fzero lore is shockingly expansive for a racing series with 3 main games. the gx players guide was actually interesting to read in its own right.

super paper mario was good but hugely disappointing because they still could have done a lot with the original turnbased format.
look at how much thousand year door built on its predecessor.

welcome to imageboards.
this is the one behind the camera's youtube account. tbh i hoped that at least one of them would have grown out of it.

I always felt that the foam girl in the red was mildly attractive. If only she wasn't furry/autistic and had a slightly larger bust size.

This. Besides, F-Zero would be a much better universe to flesh out.

Because attempting to add serious story elements into a universe with anthropomorphic animals walks a fine line into the uncanny valley territory often ending in fanfiction-tier autism. Granted it can be done well, like NIMH, but people often take the "muh animals" excuse to make half-ass it and market it towards autistic children.

I agree with you, but there's a difference between story and substance. It'd be interesting to see more content rather than being told about it. Visiting planets, interacting with locals, maybe buying ship upgrades and whatnot?

Even with Humans you can end up with autism shit. But animal characters are usually a good indicator of it, because often if it seems incredibly fucking ridiculous with cutesy animals, it goes the same for Humans, we just don't notice it as easily because appearances match actions most times. An example would be Jak 2 + Jak 3 where it reaches "Ow the Edge" levels of autism while having human characters vs Ratchet & Clank where it can be serious while still fitting although with cartoony animals.

I came in to check they had been posted but now that I think about it I'd rather just not remember.

You sound like a boomer triggered at things that make them uncomfortable because theyre icky and gross

Anyway just post the star fox porn and be done with the thread

You all were warned

Has science gone to far?

A Fox in Space will be replaced with live-action anthros.

Because its' a shit universe and because you are shit too OP

Over the years I'm grown to hate that boxart, it looks cool at first with the characters surrounded by the Sharpclaw troops. But there is no moment in the actual game like it, Slippy and Peppy never join you on Dinosaur Planet and Fox barely interacts with (conscious) Krystal until the end of the game. The cover art would be more appropriate for a Starfox RPG with a party of characters traveling together. Or alternatively just remove, Peppy, Slippy and Krystal from the cover.

It doesn't even have to be a full "game" crossover, just little dialogue tidbits like Galactic Federation soldiers (or Space Pirates watching an illegal broadcast they like the race tracks with tubes) mentioning they were watching an F-Zero race before a shift or Galactic Fed base location overlooking Mute City (or another race track).

I hate to say it user, but you can do all that in SF:Command. Want to fly as the individual members of team Star Wolf post Assault? Yes you can. Katt Monroe? Yes, to that too. Bill Grey? Yes, even him. All the ships have individual stats as well.
But sadly as we all know, SFC turned out to be forgettable instead of being a good game, so it probably doesn't count right?


One minute in and I already feel like dying.

Transhumanism is the only way forward.

How does that compare to the concept of "epic" in terms of gameplay? Are you retarded?

You need to stay on reddit if you think that.

If you're a fucking jew



What modding has taught me is that you will never be satisfied. Once you change one thing, why not another? And then why not just do the whole shebang?

And then you run into the normal issues like with modding; you want two things, but they aren't made compatible so you have to customize, which compromises something else until you're more a pile of bugs and hotfixes than a person.

And consider Theseus's Paradox; at what point does one cease to be a human? Also, the kikes will have a backdoor and killswitch to you, gg no re, idiot.

Speak for yourself, chummer.


It's not like the kikes have any less power over you now.
The difference will be that you have the power to change your fate.
Why should you be satisfied?
Being satisfied means you have settled for less than perfection.
It is our minds, our ideals, that make us Human.
Not flesh.
Not blood.
Ideology, emotion, and ambition, that's what makes a Human Human.
We should strive for perfection because that's an essential part of being Human.
Ever since the Stone Age, Man has used his ingenuity to overcome natures obstacles.
Why stop now?
Because of the kikes?
Live in fear of the Jew, we will evolve without you and destroy the Jew.
Transhumanism is the only way forward.

Yeah that sounds swell

What the fuck are you talking about?
Are you truly so dense that you don't see the difference between using a forklift and being able to just pick shit up?
What exactly is Jewish about Transhumanism?
Since when do the kikes want to improve the Human form?
They want to shackle and control us, Transhumanism will allow us to be truly independent.
No need for food and water.
No need for oxygen.
Robotic women to replace women so they can't use them to manipulate us.

The only people who I can see hating Transhumanism are kikes, women, religious nutbags, and cowards.
Which one are you?

Sure, I believe that an individual will be able to understand everything necessary to know about cybernetics without having to be a specialist in it. Not really.

Neuromancer, actually.
Quite obviously they do. Consider this; no western nation allows for computer parts to be sold without an inbuilt backdoor into them. What makes you think cybernetics will be any different? What makes you think anyone will allow you to reach "perfection"?
What a vague and meaningless statement.
Hardly, all evidence points to our bodies being intrinsic in to our well-being and character.
No, you will copy your habits and thought patterns onto code and kill yourself thinking that you will wake up in a new body.

They can kidnap you, kill you, destroy your reputation, turn your family against you, turn your neighbour against you, or import savages to do the job for them.
If they somehow survive the purge then a kill-switch would be a mercy compared to what they do now.
But they won't be around to implement a kill-switch.
Corporations will be in charge of creating the upgrades and so long as we keep the government small we should be fine.

"B-but corporate tyranny!!1!"
There will always be a "bad guy" trying to screw you over.
So long as we stick together we can prevent the "bad guy" from winning.
At first it was animals then it was barbarians and now it is the kikes.
In the future it may be corporations but just as we conquered the natural world and the barbarians, we can reign in the corporations.
Of course, we can't do that with defeatist faggots like you tagging along.

Yeah, fuck living forever.
Fuck being stronger than any flesh-bound Human.
Fuck transcending the need for food and drink.
Fuck improved cognitive functions.
Fuck being able to live without oxygen.
It's not vague and meaningless, you're just dense.

We are our brains, our body is just the shell that houses it.
But you be a good goy and believe all the "evidence".
Did you know that there is evidence that there is no such thing as race and pre-defined gender?
Obviously there is no such thing as race and gender.

You don't get rid of the brain, not yet.
Over time we may be able to finally replace the last remnant of our flesh-prison but it will take a long time before the technology is ready.

The only people who advocate it are beta males, communists, and spoiled children from west-coast cities. You're the kind of people who think putting a micro-chip in your left arm makes you the next leap of human evolution.
Please remember you're advocating for science-fiction lead by aging naturalists afraid of natural death, and that all your efforts are in vain.
have a good day.

In the current society Trashumanism is impossible, not only scientifically but also in that the only people who could afford augmentation is the (((elites))). Jews get to live forever in the paradise you envision while the goyim are made into servitors. Who do you think you’re fooling? “How would jews benefit from transhumanism?” You’re either being oblivious on purpose or are just that short sighted.

Fuck off you degenerate populist, listing all the "people" the majority of Holla Forums dislikes isn't going to make your "point" not wrong.

You're the kind of person that makes the opponents point for them and somehow thinks they won the debate.
That's exactly what is happening when you upgrade yourself.
You are taking charge of your fate and evolving.
Marxists and Communists don't want Transhumanism, they want us all to wallow in poverty and defeat while they gorge themselves on our suffering.

Yes, those darn Naturalists trying to get one over on nature.
You stupid fuck.
Have a (you) and try a little harder next time.

It's not like I said in (You) that we need to purge the Jews.
Of course it's not possible right now but it will be and when we get rid of the kikes then we can tame the Muslims and devote ourselves to improving Humanity.

Throwing away everything that makes us human is transcending humanity?
You are no better than the Christians, both of you are cowards that fear death so instead of facing it like a man you dream up nonsense to help you sleep at night. You’ve just replaced “Heaven” with “eternal life through technology.”

you mean stupid shit you just made up to support your own argument?

transhumanism denies humans the chance to evolve naturally by forcing them to become dependent on external factors. it's like a man who relies on a staff to walk, eventually he comes to rely on his staff, then one day he loses access to his staff and is killed by an enemy who wasn't stupid enough to weaken himself that way.

It's not our body that makes us Human.
It's our thoughts, ideals, emotions, and drive for self-improvement that makes us Human.

Feel free to die.
I'm not afraid, I simply want to witness everything that will come to be.
It shows how short-sighted you are when all you see in advancement is fear of what that advancement overcomes.
Why wear condoms, you afraid of STDs?
Why wear body armour, you afraid to die?

I wouldn't bother mate, I don't even know why I'm bothering to be honest.
They're either trolling, kikes afraid of losing power over us, or Neanderthals ready to be left behind.

If my artificial legs become obsolete then I will replace them.
If my artificial arms weaken then I will replace them.
If the environment becomes acidic then acid-proof metal will be crafted and forged into a chasis which I can transfer to.
The man who fights with spears while his enemy fights with firearms is the fool.

Humanity as a whole has problems with security in technology outside our body, what makes you think sticking a computer in your body is a smart choice? Do you really want a backdoor in your brain?

Which is something that can very easily be lost in the process of said evolution.
In other words you have no faith that humanity will continue without your inflated fucking ego to try and commandeer its evolution. We're not ready for eternity. Plain and simple.
And when your brain becomes tired and brittle you'll just replace that to? You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Man may be destined to become immortal one day but out current interpretation of technology has its limits and until we can all agree on what the next step should be, trans-humanism should stay the fuck back until we're fully ready for such a step in such a concept.

This matter of transhumanism is better debated in Battle Angel Alita/Gunm.

The jupiter colonists went full transhumanism and become solid immortal cubeboxes.
The venusian colonists become full mutated immortal specimen.
Only the martians strive to protect the image of humanity as well as keeping themselves mortal, only adding cybernetics when they lose their mortal parts.

It's the martian that should be the ideal of humanity, our body should be celebrated.

Why would you want to live forever?

Weaknesses can be corrected.
The flesh is a small price to pay.

I never said we should be reckless.
I simply advocate for Transhumanism.
Whether we upgrade now or late is of no consequence.

The fuck you talking about?
I said I wanted to be along for the ride, to witness what's to come, not commandeer the destiny of Humanity.
You may not be ready but that's you.
Transhumanism shouldn't be forced on people.
If you want to die and rot then do so.

Yes, certain parts of the brain can be replaced with little to no effect on the personality of the individual.
Once we attain our ascended forms, upgrades to our brain shouldn't be far behind.
But, again, it comes down to your short-comings.
YOU don't feel ready.
YOU aren't prepared to evolve.
I am and so many more people are.

Because there is so much I don't yet know.
I want to see everything and I want to document it.
I want to see Humanity elevated to our rightful place amongst the cosmos.

Anyway, I'm going to be leaving this thread now.
If anyone has a counterpoint then read my previous posts to see if I have already answered it.
If I haven't then I'm sure an other user would be more than happy to answer it.
I found an interesting video about Transhumanism and the creator isn't too biased so I think you might be interested in watching it.

W-what video are you guys talking about

Our body shouldn't specifically be celebrated. Mainly it's our minds. The human body is full of so many flaws and problems that it's amazing we got this far. Human effort can only be described with flaws as well as triumphs. Not only one of these As such the most we can give ourselves is that we're able to persevere through incredibly tough environments. If you can live forever with no challenge of existing then the matter of perseverance is gone and in relation so to is the need to progress. if we have no challenge we don't evolve. If we don't evolve we don't learn how to better ourselves. And once that occurs we might as well not be living beings trying to advance in out struggle.

That's the shortsided ideals that will get us all killed, or worse, cause us to stop evolving altogether.
How do you know that you will thin the same 200 years from now? Do you really think you won't assume you know more than those who are incapable of living forever and that you're better than them in every conceivable way? Can you actually be honest with yourself with such a giant concept?
Do you genuinely think nobody will have this idea however? How will you govern such ideas when the only punishment that could hinder such a concept (death penalty/life in jail) is now obsolete?
Glad to know you took several years on the only organ in the body scientists still have very little understanding of. The human brain is arguably the most complex and difficult to understand thing in the universe. Even in space we know more about the dark side of the moon or the atomic structure of several nubula clouds than we do of the human brain and its specific workings. Please do articulate the specific differences on the brain and how our personality won't shift in 95% of it were to be replaced.
I fucking hope to god you aren't patient zero on this shit. Because if so we're all doomed.

Fun fact, Neanderthals were superior to Homo Sapiens in all regards.

And they also made an over hyped dungeon crawler video game that shit the bed on release.

It absolutely fucking is.
Once you take away the physical limitations and human boundaries and give everyone the ability to become a superhuman, cyborg with the processing capability of a NASA supercomputer; we start losing those non-physical traits that you define "makes us human". There's no need to strife to become better if you can buy your way to physical prowess no man has achieved before your time. What mental gymnastics do you perform to rationalize this garbage?
Real men, men who have achieved or accomplished something are not afraid of death. They completed their self-set task and are now free to leave this world without burdens. Lazy, obese neckbeards are afraid of death because they haven't done something with themselves that they're proud of. Stop being an observer and start doing something.


This post basically sums up my points in a more direct manor. The entire concept of trans-humanism is to leave humanity behind. And we're not prepared for such an endeavor yet.

Both our mind and body define us.

You are going to be cubebox or monster if that's where you are going.

To face death with dignity, is the height of humanity. Most of the great figures of myth die and the "messiahs" are those who accept and through that acceptance overcome it. Limits are what define us and what allows you to excel.

The biggest issue with transhumanism I have with is that when you get right down to it, AI will be superior to humans at the end of the day. If you adopt the policy of "prune the weakest link and replace it with something better" there will inevitably be nothing left of humanity. Thesus's Paradox.

Also, like I said before, if you can't even buy a fucking safe CPU today what makes you think you can buy a safe cybernetic part tomorrow?

All transhumans faggots ITT should play Observer so you will be shown what transhumanism can do to you.

So, Genesis 6 with some fur added instead of big guys. No wonder the people that aren't saved are unsalvageable, since they aren't human, and the Beast System is a thing.
Get ready for the Yiffycaust.

That said, I do want a spider tank with a loli voice, that can turn invisible and learn by itself.

I for one welcome my new yiff waifu overlord.

Read the rest of my post. Trans humanism removes both the mind and the body. Our minds are just more important than our bodies on the grand scale.

So trans-humanism is a misnomer because it ain't about humanity anymore.

No just that the human brain is nothing compared to the body.

autistic and normalfaggots. i dont think i can make it through the video user. halfway is all my sanity could take

Actual spoilers ahead but I cried during their final moments

You're not alone.

It's better when it's not dubbed shit though.

Assault is dogshit compared to 64 though.

It's an odd feeling that video gives me. I was best friends with a girl exactly like those ones in middle school.

Originally saw the movie on VHS, so I'm attached to the dubbed voices. Besides, you can't say the the GiTS dubs are bad.

They're okay. Batou has a really nice voice.

There's a lot of philosophical dialog in SSS. I gave the dub a chance but I felt like I was missing out on certain perspectives because of this. I can't say the show is easier to follow because of the sub though. Reading while watching such a thing is pretty difficult at times. what pisses me off is that there's not a single youtube video with the subs of the sacrifice scene, fucking weebs

Animal hybrids are the future, user

Reminder that it is canon that Krystal cucked Fox for Wolf and Fox turned gay for Falco in the f-zero racing league.

I legitimately thought the last silhouette of was the guy fucking the robot and it took me a minute to figure out what was supposed to be jewish about /clang/

Don't forget that Pigma turned into a fucking borg cube for no reason.

You're absolutely right
Every single one of you will become cattle in the most literal sense for your jewish masters

Nintendo games in general completely disregard their universes and expect you to fill in the blanks. That's where the "deepest lore" thing comes from.



Why let nature choose for us?

I don't want to rule, in fact, I just want to explore the stars and document my findings.
Maybe I will look down on those younger than me but it wont be any more extreme than your Grandpa saying "Things were better in my days".

I never said that and I clearly pointed out that we would have problems improving the brain.

What I said was in rebuttal to your statements harping on about how "we" weren't ready or "we" wouldn't keep our humanity.
You speak for yourself, if you aren't ready then don't evolve.
Just remember that those that don't adapt go extinct.

If they were superior they would still be around.
They had short-comings that they failed to rectify and they paid the price.

Ad Hominem and repetition of refuted arguments.
But I will reply nonetheless because I have nothing better to do.

If you are that shallow and devoid of life then I'm thankful you are foolish enough to want to be left behind.

Your argument is if we give everyone the ability to perform better, mentally, then their personality ceases to exist?
You can't love, hate, or desire more if you can process information at a quicker rate?
You truly are pathetic.

Miss me with that gay shit.
Real men "accomplish" stuff and then die and people like you are afraid of death and have nothing to be proud of because you want Humanity to transcend their flesh-prisons?
You weird motherfucker.
You say we should just lay down and die?
Give up control of our fates because "that's what muh real men do"?
Then I wont be a "real man".
You enjoy being a "real man" when you're nothing but dust.
But you just post some more pictures of warriors and say to yourself "y-yeah, I'm a warrior like them".

Yeah and Tropico is a 1-to-1 representation of what it's like to be a Dictator.


*notices foam*

All very good and beautiful, until you take a look at maintenance

It looks like one of the robots from FLCL.

Makes no sense. Since when is nature what man goes out of his way to decide?
Again, you say that now but you have no actual idea is you won't think otherwise several thousand years later. Or if anybody else might.
Kinda defeats the purpose of improvement then doesn't it?
And you somehow think you're better right now? You're kind of proving my point in this matter.
Which is why trans-humanism's a joke. Mankind won't be ready for such a concept for a long time if ever.
More like you may find the concept useless as all of those emotions are inherently full of flaws. If people who can process thoughts at the speed of light have such flaws the ramifications are likely to be more extreme in the long run. Likely at the expense of others.
No, you'll be an object that men look at in passing.

Kill yourself.

that's clearly intended to be a riff on james mccloud of fzero who is thinly veiled to be based on fox

Fuck off. You have awful taste

They're making these "pig-human chimeras" in order to harvest embryonic stem cells. These can be used to treat all sorts of illnesses. Scientists have been doing this for a while with aborted human fetuses, and have turned to this as a more ethical way of getting embryonic stem cells.
If you think they're gonna be making fully grown humans with animal characteristics, you have absolutely no idea how genetics work. Typical brain dead furfags.

F-Zero is probably dead and can only continue if Nintendo farms it out to a third party, like the Fast RMX guys. Star Fox has potential but not even the pockets of furfags can justify the amount of effort that would need to put in to do it justice. Metroid OTOH I think is just waiting for a huge comeback. The Prime games did respectfully well on consoles that were never really used by FPS fans in the first place nor intended for that use case (the Wii and DS especially). The Switch is finally giving Nintendo some crossover appeal to console and (to a lesser extent) PC FPS fans. If they let a western studio make a solid Prime game that took the visual aesthetics a few steps in the direction of nuDoom or Alien Isolation, I could see it being a big hit in western markets. Which is why I really hope the rumor that Bamco is working on it isn't true.

Learn what a joke is assburger.

Here's the IGN interview when asked about the actual ending to SF Command. (Takaya Imamura is Nintendo's producer for the SF series while Cuthbert is Dylan Cuthbert).
IGN: Which do you consider to be the one definite ending?
Cuthbert: The canon ending. Hehe. I think if the game continues it won't pick up where the game ends, but start more in the middle.
Imamura: This storyline, ends here, and if there's a continuation it would start from the middle, so it wouldn't depend on any of the endings.
Cuthbert: If you think about it, the timeline to the end of the game, jumped a few years. So we can pick the game up before those events. We're not going to start the next game with a 150 year old Slippy, or Falco with one leg.

The G-Zero racing league even gets a mention Q-Games DSiWare "X" sequel X-Scape/3D Space Tank.
Even weirder the "space tank" in X and X-Scape is called the VIXIV, which is also the name of the battleship that Adam Malcovich commanded in flashbacks in Metroid: Other M and an earlier Metroid manga.

Even the GW Bush administration made that stuff illegal (or at least animal/human hybrid embyro's can't be implanted in human surrogates, though the loophole of implanting in animal surrogates is still open).

the canon ending is implied to be the one where Fox has a baby with Krystal

Is it wrong to want to play a StarFox game about being space mercenaries choosing which missions you want in based on Saturday morning cartoon plots and parodies? Fuck I don't want the plots to make sense. I still want StarFox Adventures to be canon because why not throw in space dinosaur wizard fu for lulz.

Give me a fun overdramatic space opera cartoon and customizeable Arwings/Tanks and we're good.

A rather crazy idea I had for the future of Starfox vehicles was just to make to "modular" and have different parts could added/removed to change the vehicle before the mission begins inspired by how Thunderbirds Are Go has the new multipurpose modular "Pod" vehicles carried by TB2, instead of just single use vehicles. Also it goes back to Miyamoto's comments about SF being Nintendo's equivalent of Thunderbirds. (More TBAG Pod vehicles shown including a 6 legged climbing walkers or a 3 limbed treaded vehicle that vertically travel down an ice tunnel).

Imagine starting with the initial Arwing body/cockpit than attaching the blue G-Diffusor and the standard wings to the sides. Alternative G-D modules could do things like extra shield or allow the Walker transformation (that can strafe on the ground unlike the Landmaster). Different wings, affect size and maneuverability of the Arwing or even allow for flying vehicle that could hover and strafe like the Gyrowing or even having forward facing wings like Falco's Arwing from Command.
Removing those aircraft components and attach a tank tread modules (or 4 wheels like the Assault Landmaster or 6 like SFZ Groundmaster with their own stats/abilities).
Other segments that could be changed is the (rear) engine and the (front) nose section (weapons? other attachments?) You might get a propeller that better suited for underwater use (Blue Marine) or slow flying use. Or a nose section that gives double lock on or allows you to pick it items with a winch/Direct-i tethered robot (Gyrowing) or weapon that is like the LM tank turret.
Also if your wondering if you wanted to make a vehicle that is truly asymmetrical and retard looking, you could. Want a wing and G-Diffusor on you left side while you have a tank tread on you right side which causes you to drift downwards to the right whenever you fly (control akin to an Arwing missing a wing in SF64) but also allows for drive on the ground while at a 45 degree angle? Yes, your crazy dreams have come true!

you can embed hooktube, newfriend


Also recruiting pilots with unique skills could be fun. Whether it's AI or a unique skill.

Also should be able to buy enemy ships like the Wolfin for easter egg reasons.

It's the sci-fi mario to metroid's sci-fi zelda
And we're lucky metroid is as fleshed out as it is, asking for star fox to be expanded on in any meaningful way is like asking for miyamoto to stop being a hack

Yeah it would be great if I could buy my ships.jpeg
Imagine having to grind for the next upgrade (unless you pay 500 foxcoins), that'll keep me engaged.

What else needs to be fleshed out here? What else could you possibly want from a game that's just going to be 99% shooting stuff?

Here's a start: is James McCloud actually dead or not?

No but the franchise certainly is.

I meant the franchise should be more serious like this animation takes it.

I am not a furry nor do I care for furries so I look at it like they should be descendants of earth's evolved animals after humans died off of something.

No, he changed franchises (only to see it die too)

It needed good gameplay and that's about it. Dunno why the fuck you're implying anything else. The "plot" or whatever could have just been more of 64 and it would have been fine.

gooby pls

The people who made Star Fox got fucked in the ass by Nintendo and the people who made Star Fox Adventures cannot work with Nintendo.
Also Star Fox doesn't really sell. It was released for SNES as more of a proof of concept for the SuperFX chip and nowadays it would only attract the degenerate furry audience which would hurt Nintendo's public image.

Fucking disgusting, just you.

Go look at shoggoth porn on your own time faggot.

What is Pokemon?

Nah, they don't need any more wingman out of the original 4 and maybe Fay & Miyu.
I was never a fan of Peppy being replaced by Krystal. Felt like he isn't flying alongside you in enough games for him to retire and Krystal joining Starfox and becoming a pilot just felt weird. Screw searching for answers to her lost homeworld of Cerina, just join a team of mercenaries pilots with no apparent background skills apart from "telepathy".

Depends on the game.
Either a part of Fox's imagination or some sort of Obi-Wan like Force ghost that guides him out of Andross Venom base, James talks to Fox (just the usual don't give' up/your become so strong/this way) but also does quote a line said by Peppy in earlier levels (Never give up, trust your instincts) . Is Peppy just repeating advice JM said to him in the past or Fox's mind repeating dialogue from Peppy as he is the closest representation to a father figure and is now hallucinating his actual father in the escape? Fly's out of tunnel before Fox but isn't seen again. So presumed dead . . . but alive . . . in spirit?
Seen (with a strange blue glowing effect) and commented on by both Fox and Andross (Curse you James McCloud. Why won't you stay dead?!). Seems to collide with Andross and prevent him escaping, followed by large explosion of Andross planet base. So presumed dead and then deader? Until a sequel actually follows on from Zero.

This feels like some sort of metaphor or something, like no matter where you hide (in another franchise), how you disguise yourself or how fast you go, death will always catch up.


Something that isn't completely owned by Nintendo.

The series can sell, SF64 sold over 4 million which is possibly higher than the entire F-Zero series combined. (Then again it was bundled with the Rumble Pak, unless there was a standalone release version?) Even Assault sold enough to get the Player Choice branding. There's an audience out there for this SF gameplay, it just that Nintendo doesn't seem to be interested in publishing a good refined sequel that can that do that.

Yiff in hell faggot

shut up 4chan

Pretty fun, the universe felt like what Deus Ex HR should have been.

It's just some stupid not real but act like it's real meme like the grifter or mexican sugar dancing.

Off yourself user.

I've never done that fight legit, I've always just output every devil star I picked up in the game and used them to instantly fill the gauge to fuck him up.