oi fuckbois, is coming back, get ready
Oi fuckbois, is coming back, get ready
Smells like shilling
seems like you spend more time being a little bitch than widening your horizons or play videogames
I wasn't talking about myself, I know about this shit. Its pretentios style over substane garbo like Yume Nikki or Undertale.
While the gameplay itself is pretty standard, I was very impressed by the use item animations.
You know that we might be a handful of autists who could enjoy this game even if it's "style over substane garbo", so I am pretty glad that OP has made this thread
Its trash made to show off some nice animation with a generic game slapped on it. Enjoy it, I guess.
Looks pretty stylist tbh.
This. THIS is the next undertale. I can FEEL it.
Screencap this.
The first one was less succesful than LISA, I don't see how the sequel will be any different.
too scary and absurdist for the masses
Too deep for tumblerettes. Sorry, brah.
Holy shit. I've never seen something more Jewish in gaming until this.
It's like someone got the most cancerous parts of the vaporwave genre, yume nikki, half assed neverhood inspirations and mixed it with god awful post modern art and sprinkled a bit of SpOoPy theoryfag bait until it became a colorful but disgusting grool, so much so that people can make pretentious, self-indulgent theories about this bullshit, generating hundreds of thousands of millions of views.
I just cannot fucking WAIT to see the horde of camwhores and e-celebs play this and for it to be labelled as "The next awe-inspiring title the pope should play." with armchair psychologists peering into it and describing this game as the epitome of humanity's struggles, or something even more cringe inducing and ultimately cancerous.
I'm fucking done.
Should I play it? The artstyle looks neat but that doesn't speak for gameplay.
Worse, it's the next OFF.
oh boy, more pretentious Holla Forums-core shit to circle jerk to.
I can't even stomach looking at that. Fucking hipsters.
You might as well indulge your coworker by playing it one day. It's still audio and visual trash but when you want to play something new, you've got that sitting in your library.
It reminds me of shin megami tensei, so maybe.
tumblr loves things they don't understand though.
Yeah, it'll probably be a poor imitation of SMT in the RPG sections. I don't understand why you can also attack enemies in the overworld though.
Another Hylics? I've been waiting for this forever.
I was looking on the guys tumblr and it seems to be isometric and have some platforming elements.
Would be nice, I hate turn based game play with a grudge
Looks neat, I'll give it a try when it comes out
I also wish the cuckchan tryhards would leave this board.
i really like pretentious stuff that has no meaning haha this is like the r&m of vidya
leave and never come back
"Anyone that doesn't agree with my opinions are instantly cuckchan"
Wish I could live in your delusional reality.
It's not promoting judaism afaik? Just pretentious hipster crap
He probably means degeneracy in general, when you jump into the rabbit hole you'll see it everywhere. They don't call it a redpill for nothing.
It does remind me of the late 60's, 70's when drug use was rampant and people began to rebel more, the NWO's effect was going in deep. I hope this takes a hotline Miami approach and makes this game be sort of a warning against heavy drug abuse, instead of taking the cuck route and having the devs be self hating whites that praise (((Neurodiversity))) or some shit. Looks good, if I'm honest, that far out hippie trance/post drug-abuse vibe in this game is strong, the warped senses and lack human interaction may lead on about messages regarding a deteriorating mental state, sort of like saya no uta.
But jacket never did drugs, he was just fucked in the head.
Deteriorating mental state it is.
I think I've seen these guys make motion graphics for MDE like a year or two ago. I haven't played the first game, but this looks cool.
You know it's true. Undertake was the new homestuck, so something eventually has to take its place. Then [X] will be the new Hylics
Hah. This game is art school. No refunds kids, and this thing you threw together won't cover your art loans.
Maybe it will
No tranny pandering, no deeper meaning, no feels. It might get some faggots but it has even less appeal to tumblr than OFF did.
Homestuck and Undertale were successful because tumblr likes surface level shlock with quirky characters. This game really looks nothing like it.
Nah, tumblr's gonna love this because it's "out there."
Great Thread OP
Yeah sure
Tumblr doesn't like anything that's actually "out there" though. Next you're gonna tell me Sherlock, Dr. Who and Supernatural are actually surrealist masterpieces instead of shallow garbage.
So you don't deny what I told you? That's expected.
There's only one good television show and that's The Prisoner
Is this kike propaganda?
It's moeshit, so yes.
How dare you.
Get fucked, turboweeb. Nice trips, though.
The presentation always reminded me of the early 90s, when pop culture was a mix of colors from the 80s and the overly cynical and jaded nihilistic attitude of grunge.
Analytical skills of a stunted duck.
Eat my ass, faggot.
I like the graphics buts its just a square watermelon for me.
Tell me more user
You niggers said this about Cuphead too. Not going to happen.
no one said that
faggot people were saying that everywhere. It was in the generals and in the LOL threads all the time.
proof or stfu
Biggest, fattest lie I've ever seen on this site.
screenshots niggers, I've participated in those threads.
Survey says yes, Shlomo
This art style and soundtrack complement each other pretty fucking well, it feels like taking a walk trough the mind of someone that just received a lobotomy.
It kind of makes me want to see more games like this but I know that the creators would most likely end up making vanity projects and end like Phill
As someone that used to be a somewhat bluepilled tumblr user I made the account begrudgingly on the request of a friend, tried to make it work but realized I hated every minute of it, trying to pretend the bullshit the whole place was spouting was anything but madness. I'm thankful to have escaped. who read most of homosuck, I have to disagree on Hylics, at least the first one. While the dude weed lmao crowd that has large overlap with tumblr might like it, the game isn't ironic or emotionally manipulative enough to get their attention. I mean I can understand why doesn't like the visuals, because they are largely distasteful, but
Is definitely not one of the things I'd mark down the game for. Or vaporwave for that matter, I don't really see the connection there.
Take OFF for example. It appealed to tumblr because, other than being a surrealist trip, it also had a (supposed) underlying story that was "so deep and symbolic, man". Hylics, on the other hand, never pretended to be anything more than a narrativeless trip through a strange land with some chill or aggrevating music.
People wanted cuphead to be the next undertale, and despite the standard fair of degerate fetish art you can find for anything popular, it never reached it. As someone that was able to experience at least the latter peak of homosuck's "glory days" of 2013, and recieved the accounts of the untertaint orgies through the grapevine, you actually need something that originally panders to tumblr to get that critical mass of degeracy.
Homosuck appealed to tumblr, even if it was ironic, backhanded pandering that eventually utterly corrupted the author, complete with teen drama and various breeds of homosexuality. Undermensch appealed to tumblr through lesbians, implied ghost tranny, deepest lore, shitty puns, ironic weebery, and forced feels with a lolsowacky cast.
Do you think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
I don't take screenshots of everything just to feed newfaggots like you
kek, you are a sad man.
Don't post that granny fox ever again
They did in every thread.
Pretty much this, the first game had the narrative of a classic RPG - get party members, level up, fight evil overlord. It never pretended to be anything more than a vehicle for Mason to showcase his work, really.
Thats drawn pedophilia
I can see it now.
I'm ready for the video game singularity where the whole market just fucking dies and I can play my games in peace without this vicious cycle of showcased garbage of the year shoved down my throat.
If the first game sold like shit why would this one be any different?
Get some fucking optimism. Christ everyone here just consistently looks for shit to be angry/ sad about. I know this is par for the course but god damn is it annoying sometimes.
I played the first one years ago. Wierd game, mechanics were frustrating sometimes. Looks like this has a ton more polish.
As has been pointed out the game is nothing more than a vehicle for the creator's work. That's it. There has never been anything in the game meant to be intentionally deep, and the story is as basic as they come.
Don't underestimate the power of a youtuber with an art's degree.
The secret is playing the games you like and not giving a fuck.
I'm aware, but if it's anything like the first one but with even more polish I seriously doubt it'll ever become anything more than a niche IP that some stoners and autists enjoyed.
The way the first game used nonsensical terms that almost kinda mean something reminds me of jabberwocky. The gameplay was nothing special and the art style was just a dude who really likes to play around with abstract shit in claymation.
Don't be like that user, you sound like those 19 year-old cunts from Tumblr that say stuff like "everything and everyone is trash including myself :^)"
If they're involved with MDE, I might give it a watch.
Welcome back, Wayne.
my fault, wont happen again fagmaster
adly i have noticed many tubers playing it for being "strange" and weird looking
Also, some other play it cause they play anything rpg
Sounds more like goonshitters trying to derail a thread.
You asked and you got your replies.
They're funning around, user.
You would be correct.
By derailing it with cuckchan tier cancer right?
Then again I guess this is the quality one gets for an OP of such effort.
If you say so.
Nah, it's not tumblr enough.
These are fucking great, thanks for sharing
Okay retard, there aren't enough of your fellow newfags around for you to fool with your blatant ignorant lies.
Nobody said cuphead would be the next undertale.
yes they fucking did.
Is this trailer a parody? Because this is fucking awful.
What was wrong with that game? I liked it.
Is that video delisted or something?
I can't find it on his channel.
Try thinking about why nobody is ever optimistic about anything, ever
I know why nigger. But fags like him make up scenarios in their head to be mad about, let alone try to be positive about thing that are actually happening.
I thought the next Undertale was Doki Doki Literature Club
are you retarded?
it's very difficult to be optimistic about indieshit that has a shitty trailer only showcasing its aesthetic and literally nothing else of value
I'm speaking generally.
You know we used to have unix filenames? And did you know you can check the date on them and all of mine will be from before we switched.
Looks really interesting, I'm going to keep my eye on this.
It says it's unlisted under the title.
Best guess is that google tried to give him the shaft so he desisted it.
I checked everywhere a good boy might go
Thats what you get for playing RPG Maker crap
I never even heard of the first game so I checked it out.
It's not very good at being funny: it has this sort of "string random non-sequitors together and you'll immediately get avant-garde free verse poetry that's so profound/hilarious that streamers will react with 'yes, I always do' at" kind of sense of humor. Know what I mean?
Also, the first enemies you fight are groups of three barnacles that each take four hits to kill, take huge chunks out of your health, your sleep spell is a crapshoot, and your starting weapon is garbage so you need to die multiple times to grab a decent weapon in the afterlife.
I kind of wish this game gave you a second party member at the beginning. It could still be tough but a lot more fair like in Lisa the Pointless.
user, that's goon humor
leave already
Not only that, but he's one of those overly optimistic ones.
They HAD to be spics, they just HAD to be.
I can't tell if this is bait or just retardation so I'll assume both.
I do, but it's a mixed bag for me. The randomized text isn't funny and feeds the streamerbait, but it also cements the game in the absurdity that protects it from being taken seriously. Personally, I prefer handcrafted shitposts ala Space Funeral or the npc dialog in OFF.
Actually the e-celeb is spaniard but to make it worse he is a pretentious faggot and part of the videogames are art crew
I don't see any grid-based movement in the overworld.
What's even the difference at this point? They've diluted into each other.
What is that doujin? What was the splurt sound from? I have many questions. Is there more?
How much of a newfag do you even have to be to have never seen holes in your lifetime?
That's not the trypophobia doujin, isn't it?
Oh, so that's the one where she tries to fill her holes with dildos and stuff, right? I never bothered reading the whole thing so it's no wonder I didn't recognize it
My fucking nigga. Best song in the OST.
I haven't actually played Hylics, sadly. I'm debating on either pirating it in case I fucking hate it and I don't waste my money, or I can buy it because it sold like shit, activating my pity mode considering a lot of people in the RPG Maker community I know have praised it.
It's like 2 bucks, although I understand where you're coming from.
Also, April 13 pleasant guitar is the best song.
No, you really don't. New Vegas put rose colored glasses on my face, and now it's too late for a refund. I will forever have a massive, seething urge to gut Todd Howard with a rusty, blunt knife and reclaim my 60 bucks back from his wallet.
I think it's actually the one where she keeps on popping zits and making the pores absurdly large to the point where she's covered in hundreds of gaping large holes she puts stuff in. It's a trypophobiafag's worst nightmare.
Never played the first game, but judging by that trailer this sequel looks pretty underwhelming. The animation and artstyle is unique and interesting, but the run-and-gun/rpg battle aspects look really basic and tacked on. Definitely feels more style over substance to me, the game probably aims to overwhelm the player with it's trippy aesthetic so they can gloss over the fact that the mechanics are stale as month old bread. That's just the impression I get; who knows, maybe it will be good.
Fool,one developer is kind and caring
the other is greedy and souless,learn the difference next time.
Another thing that doesn't make it theoryfag bait is that the whole game has almost completely randomized dialogue and "narrative". Any message you could take out of it would be worthless in any context. It doesn't even have a story, just a series of areas and an end boss.
I thought it was oddly satisfying