GOMMUNISM killed 10000's of TRILLIONS of MILLIONS of BILLIONS of people
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wow what a surprise
1. They shouldn't believe in anything Steve Bannon says
2. They don't know anything about Lenin
3. Read a fucking book
Is that woman a robot cause the fuckin read the quote like a robot
So Bannon looks up to Lenin and wants to destroy the state and the establishment. Why don't you all like Bannon?
The corrupt faggot with glasses KEK. That's the american left of NBC.
Americans and their lack of self awareness is amazing.
What a fuckin character. You can see he's corrupt. He has that look in eyes, what a tool. Clearly a person who never did anything in his life but sucking ass to get to that position.
Is he /ourguy/
I don't believe in Vladimir Lenin. He was just another pen name for Engels.
I can't to wait to see them hanged.
because he just "wants to destroy the state" to establish his state which is 100x worse.
He has to do with Lenin the same way men asses have to do with eye lashes.
I'm just going off of his words that he is a Leninist. Why do you think otherwise?
It's funny that I will run into someone that believes this.
Every prominent name on the left is a pen name of Engels.
Ah, yes, every politician that calls himself a communist or whatever must indeed be that despite their actions saying otherwise.
He isn't anything like Lenin nor has even remotely similar end goals aka he is FULL of shit.
What about Engels?
That was actually Marx's persona.
A ruse by Rousseau
Why is the American Right more Leftist then the American Left?
Why are these uneducated morons on TV?
Because America is where everything goes bizarro no matter what you put in it.
Really… Lenin wasn't that bad of a guy. It was Stalin who corrupted Lenin's ideas and murdered 50 million of his countrymen.
Remember the 50 gorillion, prole
Dialectics at work, user.
u know guys if you really think about it hitler is a leninist because he wanted to destroy and change the old state institutions and turn them into something else.
if u want to rebuild the state to be more right wing and reactionary u are leninist. and lenin was responsible for killing infinity people
Asses and eye lashes actually have much in common if you think about it.
Media is so shit it makes me like Bannon's quote. They sound like fucking Yuri Bezmenov, but instead portray Trump administration as KGB.
Yuri Cucko got BTFO but the real KGB man tho.
Get that corrupt capitalist filth out from here.
that's so ridiculous only an american news commentator could say it
You're being too charitable. I bet he actually believes 300 million were sent to gulag(by Lenin of course)
Did they actually say that? It's kind of sad to think so many people actually believe this sort of nonsense…
Yup. Forget about the character assessment of Lenin, he got the timeline hilariously wrong.
I think you mean:
Nationalism doesn't work - Putin
The guy is based.
Right wing baby dicks will be pissed
Stop shilling Putin, he hates Lenin and the revolution just like those guys.
Hey, that's the master of the obvious.
The Right hate Putin.
Stop falling for shitty Holla Forums propaganda.
Putin is a Soviet Style ruler.
He's crooked capitalist and for that reason right hates him too. He's neither a friend of right or left, he just a religious totalitarian who is only interested in holding control by merging government with religion.
Putinism is like Stalinism was.
If you think Stalin was a "religious totalitarian who is only interested in holding control by merging government with religion." Then you are fucked in the head.
I wonder if you are ukranian who tries to falseflag this board to like Porkin, so you can attack this board from Holla Forums standpoint. Pretty clever, go kill yourself.
When Putin (center of mass) dies, inner power struggle will begin. Then is the time to strike.
Not yet comrades, not yet.
You are just pissed Leftists like Putin.
Not just Tankies.
had to stop the video, I honestly can't remember having laughed that hard in months, could be the funniest thing I've heard in a year. American news are amazing.
Not that Lenin wasn't a bastard. Fanny Kaplan best girl.
Well Stalin was: his god was just Stalin. Zizek does a great analysis of this in one of his films.
I bet you actually believe that Christianity is in its most base essence atheistic.
Didn't Zizek argue that Stalin's "God" (Big Other) was History itself, or Historical Necessity? That everything which was done could be justified by appealing to the necessity of these actions to bring about the socialist future of humanity and its progress to the next stage of human existence.
Because Liberals are all secretly neo-liberals that only care about identity politics.
Gonna level you with pal, I have no idea what that second clause means.
Yeah something like that. Regardless, his argument that he replaced theological religion with his own ideological one.
I mean that videos like the one below are meant to be provocative and illustrative but not to be taken literally
He's the Jew behind everything
It's just not any different, even lolberts generally only care about blacks taking their tax money for welfare.
Yes, the ends make the means, and so on.