How would an anarchist state-not-state actually work without degenerating into particularism or arbitrary mob rule...

How would an anarchist state-not-state actually work without degenerating into particularism or arbitrary mob rule? Who would stop a commune from ethnically cleansing minorities? How would you get people to defend another commune from outside predation when their own is not directly threatened? How would you organize large-scale projects which benefit no one directly, like space travel? How would you avoid the NIMBY problem in every commune? How would you get a decent government going with a deeply ignorant population poisoned into cynical selfishness by capitalist ideology? I'm not trolling, I legit don't get how this is supposed to work.

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First of all, anarchism is against imposed hierarchy, not against government, but against sacred, imposed government

Ethnical minorities are able to defend themselves, as there is no laws against weapons for self defense

It really depends on what variant of anarchism you want to study, a society based around coops,voluntary property rights and mutual banking will do away with most of these problems, as the systems capable of creating stable societies are still there but they can be challenged, they are not sacred

Anarchism is a joke, the only thing leftists have that comes close to practical and consistent is Marxism Leninism which of course is also shit.


Dumb polyp

Truly shocking.

not sure of Holla Forums or tankie false flag

I hope you get aids tbh

Well no one figured out these details yet. Then again, it's not like Lenin had a blueprint in his briefcase when he entered the Winter Palace.

Direct democracy and individual rights.

Self defense of said minorities and their non-minorities allies.

If a commune ask another one for help then the motivated people can go rescue them, but nobody should be forced to engage in arm combat imo.

If there is a large scale project between a few communes, then each commune can talk about it in assemblies, then send delegates which represent them to the inter-commune assembly (this is what anarchism call "federalism"). Of course, the delegates will be recallable, have limited power, non cumulative short time mandates etc… Bottom up instead of top down.

With huge projects like space travel, the federation is so large that it can become bureaucratic or state like. The project must be abandoned if that's the case, so maybe not having space travel is the price to pay for freedom.

Build the huge solar panel or ugly factory far from people's backyard (or just reuse those already built under capitalism). If it's too far, don't build it.

If a commune happens it means people in it are already seeing past this capitalist ideology. I don't believe in le glorious revolution which will turn cities in communes overnight, while the masses still thinks they are under capitalism, it's a slower process.

And the White Armies rejoice.

Questions like this don't work without the subtle endorsement of authoritarian rule for the sake of social order.

wtf I'm ML now

shouldn't be too surprising that most anarchists don't read theory, but modern anarchism really doesn't put a heavy emphasis anymore on eradication of the state and made concessions towards the need of communal organization in the form of independent governmental entities

lets face it here, nobody wants to take part in community meetings 7 days a week to vote on how to handle the local water supply

Workers already know how to operate the machinery. Anarchy doesn't mean that you will call a referendum if your tractor is broken, just like current year representative democracy doesn't mean representatives will interfere in every part of your life.

So basically the answer is usually "the people who are directly affected can sort it out alone with no support" or "it doesn't happen." Seems like a shit ideology.

It's the shittiest, except for all the others.

Forgot to tell you OP, here are some basic introductory texts if you are interested :

And check out pic related for more books.

all the problems are answered by marxism leninism


dumb weeb

Bob Black is entertainment, not required reading
There is literally nothing to take away from his work than "historical and relevant anarchists are all dumb dumbs me smart fuck you all"


Why would you want to meet every day??

except they actually did fight the white army, read your history

Because they only controlled basically their home and surroundings and were effectively a band of robbers under Makhno's control anyway. Not to mention that they'd have lost hard if the Red Army hadn't carried most of the burden of the war. Imagine that on larger scale: what will motivate the various communes of France to send concrete, large scale help to, say, anarchist Eastern Poland if a reactionary Russian regime states it wishes to restore order on its borders or whatever. Considering how short-sighted humans are, I'd fully expect everyone to to let it happen until it's a threat to them as well. Few people will volunteer to die, and now there's no apparatus to coerce them to do it.

But you implied that if people aren't coerced into fighting then they wouldn't do so, and you just admitted yourself by saying that that such would be wrong.