"Why is Holla Forums so opposed to intersectionality?"
Other urls found in this thread:
But while I'm needlessly posting. Intersectionality meant good things within the context of historical feminism, in terms of making it more inclusive over time. The problem is now it's synonymous with progressive stack and muh privilege shit.
"Intersectionality" is one of porky's greatest assets
Intersectionality is anti-communist. Intersectionality is a theory of vague overlap between "oppressions." Marxism is the theory that all proletariat are related through class struggle, and that they share no common interest with the bourgeoisie.
Main reason I never went to reddit or lurk it. The amount of idiots that post on that site around topics I take interest in and the voting system is abusable as fuck. The user made a clear statement on this boards general stance and morons that want to play political partisan to shut down his statement since it doesn't fit their bastardized version of Intersectionality.
A lot of "former Holla Forums users, here" lately.
I bet they actually never were here.
The funny thing is, they had a similar strawpoll. We may be majorly white and male but compared to us, they are the fucking Aryan Brotherhood.
Their fucking intersectionality ain't netting them more women into their shitty subreddits.
And minortities
He also claimed to be from /anarcho/ which has long been a bastion of libshit larpers. I believe that he spent time here, but it would seem likely that he ran away to /anarcho/ when nobody here wanted to hear any shit about Holocausts and patriarchy.
It almost seems like pandering to people's identities does not bring them into an economic movement. But that can't be right…
If the IPs I saw while seeding the leftybooks archive are any indication we have people from every part of the planet here. Somehow these people manage to tolerate Holla Forums's oppressive atmosphere of white supremacy and vile hate speech. Somehow!
even Holla Forums is more non-white than the fucking reddit leftysphere
4chan autists unironically made white nationalism more appealing to non-whites than leddit commie LARPers that spend their entire lives writhing over their oppression points.
Why are advocates of intersectionality so indifferent to the plight of pedophiles?
Ask them to explain what "intersectionality" is, and watch the vague descriptions of things "intersecting" appear, without any mention of underlying philosophical principles
The class struggle that is based in economic exploitation is inherently intersectional.
What does the reddit 'Left' offer anyone besides the opportunity to hate people they don't like and provide them a cheap justification for it?
Honestly the fixation on white people smacks of narcissism to me. Instead of examining actual causes, systems, philosophies, ideas, or forces at work with oppression it creates a delusion with White people at the center, practically the alpha and omega of persecution.
Aside from legitimate racists, self-hating whites, and the politically ignorant, who could this sort of 'intersectional' analysis possibly appeal to?
I've yet to see a single person prove internationality with scientific data.
why do they act like there are lots of unironic nazbols here
I'm not even fucking surprised. A few other answers were pretty decent but the top comment was literally
You don't need a scientific study to prove America is racist.
Whether or not you call it a "scientific study", you absolutely do need to apply the scientific method if you want to prove anything about the real world. The intent of your post is correct though.
It find it interesting that the only person given two speech bubbles is the only person making any substantive statement whatsoever. One bubble prioritizing class struggle which must be prefaced with a "look, sweetie" bubble in order to make that seem somehow sexist.
Hmmm yes we need a scientific study to prove Trump is in the white house
No, clearly we don't need to observe the world in any way whatsoever to conclude facts about it.
Because they come to leftypol and only spend long enough here to get triggered and leave
Look, I just did
Wow, that was hard.
I'm not really sure what your point is, other than stating that certain things are easy to prove.
Can someone post this link in there:
I'd do it myself, if I had a reddit account.
>mfw half my family is migrants, I grew up as the son of a poor working class mother and am currently dealing with the state wanting to deport my girlfriend's father who is a refugee from Afghanistan and lived here for 30 years and white college students are trying to tell me I represent a place that is full of cis-gendered white males
The reddit post is railing on leftypol for mostly being white males, when in fact this is untrue. user is point out a resulting irony, I believe.
Well– It IS predominatly white males, like virtually every online image board, but if I recall correctly we have more 🍀🍀🍀diversity🍀🍀🍀 than /r/soc
If you disagree with that reply and you aren't white, cis and/or male, you're internalizing racism, transphobia and/or sexism, of course.
Yeah but when I as someone who is not a muh privileged white male college student get attacked on the basis of my opinions at one by the very same people who fall under that umbrella themselves I want to tear my fucking hair out
Anarchists are not Marxists though
Someone already did.
really makes you think
I also might argue that since
1) some of us are overtly paranoid faggots
2) most of us want to abolish stupid labels like racial identity
It's pretty probable that a non negligible percentage just ignored the poll (like me).
Image boards are actually strangely diverse places when compared to literally every other forum format. I think the popularity of the format in Eastern Europe, parts of Asia, and Latin America attribute to that. On the other hand reddit is an almost exclusively American and Western European phenomena.
Image boards are also literally the gayest sites I've ever been on in all my years of leftist discussion.
Liberals everyone
Real equality is indifference, not mindless moralism
Wow, do they finally realise they are on the same level as nazis?
Oh well
just because we like girl dick here doesn't mean we are gay
Oh, I wasn't talking about traps. Traps aren't gay. I was talking about the literal gayfags.
Am newfriend. Who's this?
who cares, it's pure ideology
n1x you glorious bastard
It's a strawpoll, for crying out loud.
Something they are determined to use as a weapon against us, even though the number actually BTFO's them.
including Hoochie btw
Most liberals are thankfully rich, so we can kill them off and claim we are fighting the Bourgeoisie.
I was going to explain how intersectionality is idealist tripe that directly conflicts with Marxist dialectics, but then
I oppose intersectionality because it's most made up of non issues or issues which will take generations to change.
This is what they(liberals and american leftists) don't seem to grasp, that some of those things will take decades and centuries to change.
From the point of slavery being outlawd in most countries to the majority of people saying "slavery is wrong" there was a long way.
Our primary concern must be smashing the capitalism model, which can be achieved any day. All it takes is for people with bank accounts, withdraw all fo their money. This is will make the capitalist model to collapse because it's well known that the banks lack the necessary money to cover all of the money their customers have deposited.
Sure it would be lovely if social issues could be changed that easily, but they can't. It's all very slow….and those leftis primarily from USA must accept that it's pointless to keep banging on those same issues constantly. Laws have been changed, now it's the waiting game.
I believe it was Durkheim who explains this infinitely so much better than i do. So yeah…Go read Durkheim, he explains why things change so slow in our societies.
Can any of the dinguses on r/@ even explain what "class reductionism" is
is likely their answer but that doesnt mean anything
the elimination of material hierarchy leaves no basis for social hierarchy
It's a bit crazy if you think about it. All it takes is one viral video that motivates a few million people to storm to their banks and the system would collapse.
Ultimately it's projection
I mean really, unless it's being used interchangeably with economic reductionism, I can't even see why class reductionism would be a problem, except maybe in a few outlying cases.
I called some on them out for it and they flat out admitted they couldn't really explain what class reductionism or intersectionality means
of course not
I have been here since the beginning and it was always litterally just like this.
Confirmed lair.
any remember Heideggerposter completely annihilating him and getting him to admit how ill read he is?
n1x was not a leftypol "personality" and hardly posted here, he just dropped in to random threads to shitpost and mostly hang out on /anarcho/
Even hoochimin poster are more of a personality than n1x ever was, he caused more trouble in the IRC's than in the board.
didnt he basically leave because he got BTFO
nah hes mostly gone because he's a haughty autistic weirdo, you couldnt truly btfo him because shit constantly went over his head and he'd ignore it
he took over /anarcho/ and then made 0chan and spends his days fantasizing about tech shit he doesnt know anything about
Some good comments in there
Whenever the topic of identity politics is brought up the majority of users will tell you that they reject identity politics, but do not reject taking identities into consideration within Marxist critique. Marxist feminism is usually a perfectly accepted position.
However, what you of course will not find on Holla Forums – due to its nature of being on an imageboard –, is universal agreement on this issue. Holla Forums can come in and regularly does and shit all over the board, as well as people who do not really understand what identity politics are (which, by the way, are plenty of on Reddit as well).
idpol has also become co-opted by neoliberals because it is completely compatible with global capitalism
Highly doubtfull those posts will go up since it disagrees with the mental enemy that the reddit left formed of leftypol.
If you people just stopped acting like obnoxious 12 year-olds and using your stupid "chan culture" slurs (even though Holla Forums is so detached from the rest of chan culture that it's pretty much a moot point), Reddit would get along perfectly fine with you.
Reminder that a Reddit tard is immediately identifiable by spacing.
Yea about that, I tried this thing called "giving my opinion" but then I got banned and subsequently got death threads from the mods, so I think I will stay here.
Post em.
Your involvement with this board under your terms is meaningless to us, you stupid fucking nigger.
Its over a year ago I dont have the pictures anymore and reddit doesnt let you view old messages like that.
Also if you don't want to believe me that fine by me, I dont have to prove anything to someone who just comes here to call us names and say "If you just acted exactly the we want you to we could get along".
Hahahahahaha. It's too late!
Oh god.
Cat girl drama 2.0.
They don't fulfill even remotely the same function. Besides, /lit/ came up with Stirner, not us.
Delete this you fucking idiots they'll find out.
I'm not that guy, I just wanted to see them.
Find out what? That we're poised to infiltrate and subvery the entire Reddit leftist mod team to turn them into brocalists?
Hello /r/socialism mod team.
r/socialism just needs to die, I hope our inside guys play it smart and build their base slowly. While increasing the idpol and purge levels to rot the base even further.
r/socialism is here post catgirls
Holla Forums shariah law soon
If the BO actually did it then kudos to him for putting up with those fucks for more than 5 minutes. I can't imagine the amount of retarded shit he had to pretend to believe.
Traps dont make you gay though
Leninism in action.
The bureaucracy inevitably strangles itself with its own paranoia and starts purging.
Inshallah brother, red jihad on speddit!
How do you know this?
Their new mods. Not ONE worker among them. Pathetic!
And the college ones are all fucking laughable. Academia is dead.
It's a win/win. They either purge everyone, or we continue with the plan. They're too retarded to use chans so they'll never find our raid board.
we have a raid board?
-not r/socialism
You forgot the part where the one worker got the most votes and she didn't get a place.
A massive faggot with an undeserved sense of self-importance. He runs /anarcho/ and is part of the reason it's dead.
A nihilist tripfag who used to shitpost on this board.
Nigga's history is wack.
He makes posts on Reddit shitting on leftypol to get people to pay attention to whatever site he's running now.
yeah no.
I wasn't aware of that because I don't follow their subreddit at all.
But evidently she lost because she is a working class rube that doesn't belong in this intersectional circlejerk.
This hurts no one, they allready know and increasing their paranoia is a good thing.
i hate reddit
Sheet, why didn't we listen.
Gotta tell hotwheels to remove the board from the board list.
Use your bookmarks to reach it.
Obviously you just internalised transphobia
We clearly have that knowledge of materialist intersectionality they keep saying we haven't read about.
My reply to her was a joke, obviously.
Care friends
I infiltrated the mod team as well.
What's the issue? Seeing them freak out trying to identify me/us is worth all the effort already anyways
You should have gone deeper man.
it's sort of the same as how the brands of feminism that tend to be cultivated in libleft places treat relations between men and women - where men are universal agents and women are universal objects.
White people have the power and are agents, so therefore if something is bad is happening it must be the result of choices white people have made and the actions taken as a result. Non-whites (or PoC if you prefer) do not materially impact the world, they are not agents, they are only acted upon and therefore whatever circumstances they find themselves in must ultimately be the responsibility of white people.
You see this in their muh privilege rhetoric - white people must "use their muh privilege" to fix things for non-whites, white people must "make space" for non-white voices, white people must ultimately support this or that ethnic movement but "allow" non-whites to take the lead.
You can apply this to pretty much any kind of identity based oppression - real or imagined - that they take an interest in. Ultimately, it's up to white people/straights/cis/men/whatever to take action and fix things because they are hyperagents.
Given how far this kind of thinking and rhetoric disempowers and diminishes people from fully realised individuals into atomised caricatures of their various identities, is it any wonder that those places tend to be even more straight, white, male and cis than a fucking icelandic stone carving image board on a nazi website?
Commies have the best spies.
Wew, takeover soon then?
Doesn't this make two plants we now have on the r/socialism mod team?
Apparently so, mods are deleting any proof of infiltration here right now.
That's for the best I think. We need to infiltrate r/socialism further before we launch a successful coup.
As retarded as the concept is for its fixation on racial politics, there's some sense to the idea of describing the distribution of wealth according to social opportunity with the term 'privilege'. If someone could turn the entire concept round it'd be a unifying principle.
The biggest disagreement here is between those who see value in social critique and those who deem it unnecessary. I personally favor the latter camp. It is tempting, given the co-opting of other leftist communities, to discard questions of race, nationality, gender, etc. completely like a tourniquet applied to a gangrenous limb. Many here complain that we are left with an incomplete view of the nature of the problem, but is that itself a problem when we already know both the problem and the solution to that problem? Why do we need to study in detail those shifting and changing superstructural elements that rest upon the material base that we intend to upend? We will not be wasting our time trying to attack it through the superstructure like previous generations fruitlessly did and like the idiot tumblinas stupidly do now.
What is the value of pursuing identity issues? Doing so clearly does nothing to further class struggle. Every identitarian cause already has vast bodies of capitalist champions eager to take it up. Does our voice add anything, or does it rather leave our own voice indistinct?
The champions of identity are exceeding loud. We are very quite and small by comparison, but there is an increasing number of individuals who are very open to hearing about class. We get something done when we talk about class. I say let the liberals and the redditards fight over identites.
crazy old cat lady in the making
Faggot who runs an anarchist imageboard
That's Trigglypuff, by the way.
Good post.
That's fake.
There IS some sense to it which is the most frustrating thing about it. They take something that IS real and IS worth discussing and including in any truly emancipatory politics and turn into a cardboard cutout. Then they can feel important and preen over not only how good a person they are (and golly gee everyone look at how enlightened I am), but also how much power they have that none of these things can make any progress without them heroically taking up their white man's burden and wielding their power to help those poor unfortunates who can't do for themselves.
It's fake? Aw.
Actually user, BO is cometparty orchestrating a grand e-battle for his amusement
true to being a succdem, he is putting on a grand internet theatre to "out" socialists are incapable of properly organizing ever and uphold capitalism with a human face as the only way forward
Thought I would go give our pals over at r/socialism a hand.
kek that poor woman is so fucked. But tbh nothing of value lost for her, I don't get why she was trying to become a mod of that shit hole in the first place
I guess she is trying to get the position hard
She's not as bad as the rest but she's still a massive SJW. Not /ourgirl/.
Our BO is a grill to all of you newfags.
How do they want to create a revolution out of that creative sterility?
How do you wanna fight if you have such easily triggered faggots and faggettes among your ranks?
Maybe they need a discord group. A vanguard, so to speak.
Fuck, they deleted my post because it was a new account. Contact moderators? Y/N
This place is a total sausage fest. Is she at least ugly and/or trans? Not sure I'd be comfortable with an even remotely attractive cis woman being in charge of the board. That's WAY too normie.
We got used to it.
They are Trot social climbers; they don't want a revolution (that would be class essentialist and against muh intersections) they wan't to play political simulator at Uni before they fuck off to some shit job their daddy swung them.
Shoo reddit this is not a place for you
A) It's really nice to have a place that doesn't have to be about idpol all the time.
B) "intersectionality" is fundamentally bigoted. Not because muh reverse racism, but because it's white people stealing credit for black ideas. And because its used to pinkwash decades academic feminists spearheading anti-LGBT crusades of various stripes. I'm not particularly inclined to forgive and forget just because they claim to be on my side (while simultaneously doing everything fucking wrong).
So that's a yes on the attractiveness?
pls user
I was here when we were barely even a top 20 board. You know, before GG died and everyone decided to go back to Halfchan even though this is an objectively better website.
I just don't do the group chats or Skype or whatever because I'm not a normie and I don't care about making virtual friends.
Why you care so much, if our chairman is a cute girl?
She doesn't need a moustache to send you to gulag
I think chans (and especially chan mods) should be autistic losers. It's what keeps everything fresh and entertaining.
Since nobody responded to me and I have a short attention span and was going to do it anyway if you told me not to I sent them this message.
How is more of the same fresh and entertaining?
If you like this kinda formulaic thing, watch Phineas and Ferb.
"Former Holla Forums user" means the flood of retarded redditors we got after the election spamming their liberal shit everywhere and getting told to fuck off. Some of them even found their way to Holla Forums. Unfortunately, there are still a good number of them that haven't left.
April, if you wanted us to shill for you, you could've just asked.
user pls
just because you have a crush on our mod doesn't mean I have to like the situation
Don't waste your time. I'm surprised they haven't banned you for being from Holla Forums.
how is that shilling
if it does anything, it'll be obliterating her chances of being modded
Pretentious oldfags are just one step ahead of tripfags kys
I had to make the case that I wasn't a Redditor. Best way to do that is to point out how long I've been here.
I feel like that's the reason boards keep going to shit both here and on 4chan.
We have more women than you'd suspect. Traditionally in imageboard culture you're not supposed to mention being female because it came across as attention whoring(earlyish days of the internet). That's what the whole tits or gtfo meme was about.
Throwback shitposting time. Literally everything I posted is true. lefty/pol/ remains just as compartmentalized as ever.
Because the mods are autistic losers?
Strongly disagree. Normal people can't fully appreciate or understand outsider art. Chan culture is outsider art.
I don't like it.
Not because "boys only" club or anything stupid like that. I just think women are more inclined toward being normalfags.
I too remember GOTIS
we have the same problem in normal Holla Forums
although anyone watching the HWNDU dindus would know that already.
personally, I think it's because minorities know they're constantly being contrasted, judged, and weighted in comparison to one another by normie society and its social standards to be considered a 'good' minority. Here and Holla Forums, ain gotta worry about their 'name' being attached to an 'improper opinion' and following them around everywhere forever and ever because you triggered some admin enough for them to gangstalk you. Non-user equiv would be the Fighting Game Circuit I reckon.
well, it kinda started there… Also all the additional chans that popped up whenever jewt fucked up and deleted another board were almost always EE. gee, it's almost like they have obscene privacy violations in anything else they do and really appreciate the whole always-user idea, I wonder what's possibly causing that.
good lawd. dat whatever-it-is after the 'name'
Normies, normies never change.
pretty much that. What other kinda navel-gazing fart-sniffer would suck down like 3-12 grand in coffee for every trash can on a march route.
jej, stolen
I guarantee you that I'm more well-read than most of the people here. But Prof Heidegger was a literal professor. I couldn't hope to hold up to him in a debate, and really it would be a mistake to defend nihilism as a positive position. But he definitely got me to reevaluate some of my views despite me never taking him up on a follow up "debate".
That + lefty/pol/ was an insufferable drain on my time and energy, and is generally just an unpleasant place
Inb4 lolitrollu
Plenty of white sausage, but Holla Forums still has a higher proportion of women, queer, trans, and coloured folks than r/anarchism. And probably a lower proportion of snitches too, whereas they have Stefan and Laurelai as mods.
your analysis and posting was always second rate, tbh. kill urself
lol I haven't made a post here in months. I occasionally check the catalog but usually leave immediately when I see that it's still full of shit. checkm8
Compared to the drivel this board shits out I'm the motherfucking second coming of Stirner ;^)
please leave
Go to bed, you have USI
Wow, rude!
Isn't what muh privilege means though. muh privilege, at least officially, means "you do not share the life experiences of other people and have a warped point of view as a result" or something to that effect. Which is a good thing to have an easy to express concept for. Its so badly named though that unofficially it means 'shut the fuck up prole', and trying to change the definition won't keep this from happening.
Confidence intervals should be factored in here.
rsoc is 86-90% cismale, vs a much wider (due to small sample size) 75-87% cismale leftypol. White is 77-81% vs 63-77%.
Which is just close enough its hard to be sure the small sample size isn't being misleading. I'd have to look up stats I haven't done in a decade.
Because it's obvious bullshit.
But it's retarded because it suggests that you cannot possibly understand something because you haven't experienced it, as if nothing could ever be explained. muh privilege ignores that ideas can stand on their own. muh privilege is a way to push bad ideas through identity politics.
liberals are just part of the Spectacle. All surface level rebellion while the same people are in power. Capitalism is still here. The world is dying. Fuck my life.
Only when leftypol had fallen so far did you decide to leave.
Liberals have hijacked the concept and there is no place in society for them other than against that wall over there. It's stupid to depend on them for true, impartial definitions of anything. Whatever they say muh privilege means, the etymology (private law) inevitably signals an intentional inequity in the vicinity.
Retarded, i.e. artificially held back, is the perfect word for it. The emphasis on muh lived experience is to hold back and divert discourse away from common material matters and into one's own navel.
The designation of normalcy is just a formal description of what muh privilege as a social relation does, i.e. what it has the potential to describe. What the term needs to do is to reveal the brutal contradictory logic at play that sustains this relationship it describes, so that >"shut the fuck up prole" can be held as an explicit socially generalized perspective.
If changing the definition currently won't do anything it's because the term reflects the conditions of its own use; anybody who uses the term muh privilege affirms without a shred of self-awareness that they are muh privileged in a very specific way. This is written across the firmament of Facebook and Youtube, to such a degree that literal children can pick apart the fantasies and fairy tales of seasoned 'socialists'.
Privilege means whatever the group that uses it wants it to mean. That socialists are struggling to reconcile their arcane practical usage with the term at large is really just a description of what white nationalists recognize the term to be: a confrontation between fantasy and reality, respectively. If you want to be one of the first to christen what the new sense of muh privilege should mean, focus on what the idiots at places like /r/socialism are trying to do, and why it's failing.
This board
Is cancer
horrible language
I only hang around
for the OC
yeah,but such an interpretation is silly
bourg piggy has interest to fulfill his basic needs (food), the same as a worker (food)
that's just the most basic example
user haven't you ever heard of
boy, Do I detest people that love to write but hate saying things.
Oh n1x. You really know how to piss off everyone.
we should make an edit of this with bourgie idpol feminists who deny the exploitation of cheap labor in the third world because Hillary losing is the real tragedy
Is this an Onion headline?
My money's on Guardian
It might be empowering them vis-à-vis their own families and the rural elites. That's the whole problem with idpol; capitalism can survive, and often even thrives, by replacing different kinds of oppression with the class dichotomy.
I don't think AprilMaria even knows what leftypol even is. I was with her in the raiding group VoteAnimal2012 is trying to claim he was part of and admin banned for, she was our leader and he hardly participated at all. He was added by one of the other lower level leaders. She doesn't internet well. I know her well, she came from an Irish forum from the farming board that has a lot of crossover of membership with reddit.I asked because I was surprised she even found her way to reddit.
I don't know her stance on identity politics I think it might be an attempt at blending in with the fags on /r/socialism she is a fairly good social engineer as i saw in the raiding group. The overall plan was to take down /r/european and she had people on the inside but then they just got banned so we disbanded.
I don't think she is either /ourgirl/ or a moralfag she seems to just be a chaotic neutral. From what im hearing her attempt at moderation is because just because she doesn't like the leadership and wanted to change the place into a recruitment ground. Her motivation is kind of hard to figure out because shes the type to just move on to something else when her goal is met, that's what she did with the raiding group any way.
I think she just wants to burn the world down tbh. She just seems to do things because of a perceived injustice, Ill ask her directly what this is all about and report back i haven't spoken to her in a couple of weeks.
Do you really think there are many women out there who are nerdy enough to browse political subreddits yet liberal enough to chose /r/socialism?
Do you think there are many women who would just go and join an online circlejerking community on how males are terrible?
I really wish there wasn't so much division. It makes me sad to see that two growing leftist communities are separated as they are because of an issue like this. It's the sort of thing that punches the hope out of you.
And I don't know what the solution to this is; it seems mostly to be about a difference of culture and how chan culture has always valued free speech over offending people, and leftist reddit has always been about improving conditions for people oppressed by institutions in addition to class.
Are Holla Forums users interested in non-bourgeois feminism, non-bourgeois anti-racism etc.?
Even these seem to boil down to "free speech" issues.
I dunno really but I do know she has old IRA family background and was radicalized as a child not as an adult so its not exactly average circumstances. I dont think she really likes /r/socialism tbh, just using it as a platform.
Im waiting for a reply as to what her deal is with this moderation attempt, has anyone else any questions they would like me to ask?
There really should be more threads about noon bourgeois feminism
That's the problem with anonymity. Since you don't know anything about the poster you don't know how many oppression points to give them. You might accidentally listen to someone white and male and never even realize it!
The difference goes far beyond muh free speech
except that /r/socialism is hemorrhaging activity while Holla Forums is growing consistently since the elections. Or look at /r/LeftWithoutEdge, before the latest drama it had a bit more than 2k subscribers, now it's close ot 3k. With every drama wave /r/socialism loses users
and feel free to open threads about that, as long as it's not identity politics you will have good discussion
That's the point of r/soc, to punch the hope out of you. It's anti socialism on purpose, to discredit it in the eyes of normal people who would otherwise latch onto socialism. r/soc isn't growing, either, as some other poster just said.
Really? Is it, really?
I'm against racist & sexist assholes. But class consciousness is extremely important in identifying why we are all so exploited.
r/anarchism is also whiter than us.
she's from fucking Limerick
who knew
Not surprising. Idpol is mainly for well-off whites/males/"cis"/hetero/whatever to become enlightened defenders and lead the charge in masturbatory internet fights or panel discussions. I guarntee almost everyone in that thread is swinging a white sausage, unless n1x finally cut of his.
What is more interesting is number of self-reporting petit-bourgs. I suspect most are proles but the faggots are too stupid to realize the difference in relationship to MoP and amount of income. Reddit once again proves it is retarded.
Just because she was fucked over by r/socialism doesn't mean she's cool.
Btw I still think that we shouldn't give up on de-modcucking redditors.
It's a
wtf is "leftbook"?
Btw I love the inflated sense of self-importance she gives herself. Really, no one cares about r/soc because they're so insane & it's painful to read their ignorance on issues/life in general. They should care only because they're so damaging to actual leftism/socialism.
I wonder what the original was. I'm sure it was garbage, just curious. This one is great.
Because we didn't fall for "Super Porky's Ultimate Divide And Conquer Fighter 2 Turbo Hyper Fighting."
There's an interesting phenomenon in the US where the term "middle class" has been becoming more and more vague. I'm below the poverty income line and so are most of my friends yet we'd all be described as "middle class" because due to debt we have decent cars and apartments. The vast majority of american's are not "middle class" in the 1950's homeowner sense because nearly all their "wealth" is in theory and are a medical emergency away from losing their home, but no one really wants to describe themselves as poor with an iphone. Yet, my room mate's parents make over $200k a year describe themselves as "middle class" because they are paying off cars, their kid's college, and a 2 story house with a pool, so they still have to budget money in a tight margin. Middle class now seems to mean anyone who isn't homeless but feels financial pressure, no matter how high a style of life they live.
you can see here that Poblacht Oibrithe was laying it into April Maria even though all the posts are baleeted
Americans idolize winners and despise losers, and in a society where your worth as a person is derived from your worth to your bank, being poor isn't just being a loser, it's a deep personal failure and embarrassment. You didn't work hard enough. You didn't study long enough. You didn't invest your money correctly. It's confirmation from God that you are an inferior person whose inherent faults mean you can never redeem yourself because you're a failure and that it's all your fault.
Ill ask her about it. I know for a fact that during the catgirls fiasco they thought she was leftypol and during the ableism shitfest and i think due to our involvement they might have started trying to say she was one of our infiltrators.
It really is. When people see you as worse than nothing, it cuts deep, psychologically. It's hard to explain the deep feeling in your stomach you get when being looked down upon in that way.
as i recall i may be wrong but it came up once it was 1916 to civil war era (hence old IRA) and after that her family just became regular "reds under the bed" i know her mother was a very active socialist.
It's a denial of the recognition of subjective being; it's less about being a failure and more the communal humiliation-sport of turning people into living objects of their own free will. You can be a failure and succeed, but you can't be a failure and fail.
Whats with the white males and idpol?
That is why basing class on accumulated wealth instead of a relationship to the means of production is absurd.
Aryan Brotherhood is jealous, alright.
I suspect that they feel a need to have irrational guilt.
thanks for the info, famrade.
In the US, if you live in the suburbs, you are automatically a petit-bourg.
It also somehow spawns the most entitled kids, that end up with idpol.
Back then emo was the new thing and there were way more of them in the suburbs than downtown where I grew up.
One of the most retarded things I have ever heard in my life was "Growing up in the suburbs is much worse than in the ghetto"
That's not true. Most people in the suburbs are still workers.
That is the silly. A lot of the people in the suburbs work in the city but cannot afford to live there.
Have you ever been to a suburb outside of a city that it gentrifying? That is a whole other world.
How Holla Forums is afraid of these wimps is beyond me.
It came from my ex-girlfriend who was rather well off but was "bored" and hated her parents for minuscule reasons.
That was 14 years ago.
It could be that I have it wrongly in my mind, but the ones I knew were definitely white-collar folks.
Things definitely change over the years, but I am talking about early 00ies here.
That's retarded. The suburb I grew up in was solidly working-class. Quite a few of them are for workers who can't afford to live in the city but still fulfill the labor demand of the cities. I've worked in richfag suburbs and the difference is night and day.
That's retarded and emofags should be shot. Still growing up in a working class suburb isn't great and they shouldn't universially be classified as petit-bourgs.
European countries is completely random. I would say that in most capitals and bigger cities there's random working class areas and upper class areas in both downtown and the suburbs.
White collar workers are still working class.
You're mixing up "class" the way Marxists use it and "class" the way porky economists use it. In the Marxist sense, class has literally nothing to do with income other than the general statement that capitalists tend to have more money than workers. One could theoretically be a billionaire and still be a wage worker (though this has obviously never happened ever).
I came to conclusion that there's no difference between:
"The enemy of people is a jew!"
"The enemy of people is a white man!"
Both are the same rhetoric that shifts focus towards one single frame and blames all problems caused by capitalism on specific identity group, which essentially leads identity politics into a war between those identities, where everyone is attached to a single subject. Replace "white" with "jewish" in any liberal speech and you will get same shit Holla Forums spews every day.
Most important thing for true marxist is to understand the fact they are both capitalist, and right now with rise of radical notions, to preserve themselves from crash they are both becoming ways of fascism and oppression, alienate different kinds of workers for the sake of preserving themselves, and using class conscious people as tools to promote different kind of fascist capitalism, that's competing with other kind of fascist capitalism. Like two spookefied religions, clashing with each other over souls and money they can get from them.
I love how Wolf always manages to make his point simply without being simplistic.
The fact that it's listed as "class bias" should tip off anyone that this is a shit understanding of class and by extension everything else.
Guilt and impotence
I don't think we're against "intersectionality." In fact, most of Holla Forums seems to think that the social problems focused on by idpol are inherently related to, or part of, class struggle–which is practically the definition of "intersectionality"–the struggles intersect.
It's just that Holla Forums is exclusively dedicated to class struggle. And with good reason. This is an Internet community, and like all Internet communities, SJWs are waiting in the wings, who want to turn us into yet another place for them to talk about how oppressed and righteous they are for any number of reasons that are utterly unrelated to capitalism. But we're all about shitting on capitalism, so ignoring it doesn't really fly here.
Not complicated.
I refuse to believe that this non-marxist usage of the word isn't intentional.
Oh I am laffin. Does this fucker live in saudi arabia or some shit?
To be fair they use the term patriarchy in a unique sense that makes sense for their arguments.
Of course they had to pick a word that implies something more heinous than the things they're describing.
What the hell are those three 75+ year olds doing there?
To expand on: Imagine you live in a world with constant bear attacks. You have an Internet forum where you and others talk about the bear attack problem, and how to eventually end it once and for all.
And all these fucking assholes keep showing up who just want to talk about how hard it is to find salmon. No matter what the subject is, they will try to turn the discussion back to the lack of salmon.
Now, the salmon are all gone because of the bear attack, but they either don't understand this or don't care. So you tell them to fuck off.
Then they get pissy and make threads on reddit about it.
That's why Holla Forums isn't interested in talking about idpol.
There's always a proportion of liars in polls, especially on the Internet. This could actually be the reason we appear to have more females than Reddit but ssh don't tell them
We should all pretend we're black girls to equally piss off Reddit and Holla Forums
Why? They're already the ones pretending they're class-conscious.
Yeah but they would self-hate even more and just leave us alone.
He doesn't even use "comprise" correctly.
Shaking my head to be honest family.
That is not the way of faggots.
Is it hard to type with fingers like that?
I really like this analogy. Well said.
Pic related.
Thanks, fellow bear human.
Fuck you. There's a good amount of women here, we just don't broadcast it.
You really are not from here.
Funny how when r/soc is mentioned here all of a sudden a bunch of """"""brocialists"""""" pop up so conveniently, out of the blue. You're very transparent, r/soc.
This post just confirms it.
This one further. We're not all neckbeards or white/male, as much as you're trying to push that. There's a wide variety of people here. Apparently much wider than r/soc.
Doesn't matter, we're all comr8s here.
Go to bed, Jason.
One of the responses from the leddit thread:
I don't think this is completely correct, but it hits a lot of the right points.
Guess jews should just ignore the calls for genocide by the right wing too since its made by "indivisuals"
wtf does that even mean, it seems extremely unlikely to me that most people there are gay
I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to say.
Anyone can claim to be queer. It's an easy source of oppression points.
Hardly; it's just a means to explain away criticism of their ecclesiastical canon without putting it into scrutiny, whether their observations are valid or not, by claiming that it hasn't been understood properly.
Either plain lies or a term with very loose meaning
That post is complete dogshit. I'm really tired right now but I'll just give a quick reason why.
Idpol infiltrates socialist/leftist movements like a cancer. We don't give much of a shit about crazies cited in that post("kill all cis men", etc). We don't see ourselves as victims of minorities, they are our comrades. It's like this poster is describing fucking alt-rightists. We aren't "triggered" by race, we just don't like it when class is completely put aside to explain the situation we find ourselves in under capitalism & being exploited.
They should shut the fuck up about Holla Forums or come here & present this so they can be corrected. That poster has likely never been here, judging by these comments.
wtf does that even mean, it seems extremely unlikely to me that most people there are gay
Maybe they consider rubbing one out to traps every once in a while queer.
posting for relevance & a chuckle
I found this on Holla Forums, btw. I never visit "left" reddit.
But fapping to traps is absolutely straight.
That's pretty good.
That's my point.
Damn, that is some military-grade projection right there.
Postmodernism: language-based solutions to non-existing problems
Only the cishet white male sinners allies are able to free the disenfranchised non-binary people of color from their permanent underpriviledged status.
Jesus, it's like listening to furries talk about how they aren't really like the schizophrenic rejects that we see online.
How much ideology do you have to swallow to come to that absurd conclusion?
I don't talk about SJW stuff much. Is this a wordfilter for "sinner"?
Welp, answered my own question.
Holla Forums actually believes this so maybe reddit's onto something.
That's kinda true tbh, doesn't mean Idpol is the way to do it.
It's funny because the guy replying is a much bigger pseudo than the furry (who looks like a strawman).
Can you give an example of such a ard scrutiny or critic? None have been given in this thread.
Post is gone, what did I miss?
You'll know when it happens.
Please let it be the end of /r/socialism
Criticism how? Of /r/socialism and its divine law? Because that entire subreddit is its own critique.
Shoe beatings soon comrade
No, it's her feminine penis.
It's a meme, you Holla Forumsdip.
It's a joke, you retard. Lurk Holla Forums.
Sorry but I don't want to kill off my remaining brain cells.
I know it was a joke; it made me laugh. That was supposed to be a smiling kitty. ;~; Turns out a more creepy smile than I wanted, lmao. This better?
what is this witchcraft????
This is your mind on socialism. This is your mind on class struggle and not identity politics.
Oh, sorry. Still looks like a scowl. Cats are evil tbh.
Watch it, hooman, or I will scratch your feet when you're least expecting it :^)
Dogs are true proletarians. Cats are kulaks.
Ok, ok. I will reaffirm with communism. We will fight alongside, then.
sleep tight comrade pupper
Hampton was a fucking legend. Small wonder the FBI assassinated him.
To keep those /r/socialism friendos and their cancerous ideology away from this board
It bothers me that Reddit will see something like this, and then translate it to, "Holla Forums doesn't care about race," or, "Holla Forums doesn't think racism is real," or whatever other bullshit they say to make us into their enemy so they can feel holier than thou.
I oppose racism. All rational people do. I just think all races, and all other groups, should be united by class struggle. That's what this board is about.
Sorry for sperging.
That's not sperging; that's a good post.
I get it, I'm just saying that pointing to a post like that & claiming it's how Holla Forums regards black people is the type of misleading shit r/soc would do. Just because it's a thread they're clearly already in, now. Not to mention it's just unnecessarily racist. This isn't Holla Forums where that's a word in our constant vocabulary. At least not when talking about actual black people.
What was the post
Yeah, I use nigger the way non-Holla Forums boards generally do: a cross between an insult and a term of endearment. Like
If I knew the person I was talking to was black, I probably wouldn't do that. But it's an imageboard, so I can't, and fuck you, anonymity is the point.
I don't really care what Reddit thinks about it either way.
It was just deleted & posted again with different words, but same video here
Initial post was just asking who the guy from was.
We're not talking about black people though.
This webm, just with different text. He was asking who was speaking in this webm. I'd like to know, too.
Addendum: That type of usage is also largely influenced by the way American blacks use it among themselves; it's supposed to be similar to that, but filtered through the prism of "chan culture" (I hate that term).
Except they were.
I know.
It was a response to the black dude in the video, which is the only reason I said something about it.
Well shit.
Oh, I know. I just wanted to talk about the word and its usage on here. You're right; the guy you were responding to was being a twatwaffle.
I had a brain fart because haven't listened to the .webm for a while. Pretty sure it's Fred Hampton.
Internationality says that targets of bigotry have more than the sum of their individual identities combined. This is easily testable.
Been a while since I've had a chance to post this