This really starts to look like the election was rigged by Trump, nobody likes his shit ass, or they all regreted it
Gets BTFOed by based Bernie on twitter
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Bernie is a shill. Stop kissing his ass already
lol they also attempted one in Raleigh, NC. It was like 40 people at its peak.
Bernie isn't a shill you fucking retard. Stop trying to be edgy and against the mainstream.
Fake news
Found the delusional Trump voter
I mean he is a clown. He has record low unapproval and he has barely been in for a month.
If all of Bernie's supporters got together maybe they could have influence in their own party. Oh wait, they don't.
He was forced, he isnt a shill retard
That is why he is currently living like a normal person and not the average rich republican cuck
If all of Bernie's supporters got together maybe they could have influence in their own party. Oh wait, they don't.>>1426266
Bernie was minding his own business?
This. The DNC is constantly backing Bernie into a corner and co opting his movements for his followers.
I could see the argument that Bernie should be tougher on the Dems when this shit happens. Even post Primary's he definitely shouldn't have backed Hillary but after damn near splitting the Party 50/50, it would've been such a bad look. (Jokes on them for still fucking losing). And it's still happening now with Donnie in the office.
Only from his congressional salary. Unlike everyone else there who sells themselves off to the nearest corporation.
at the very least they didn't hand over the email list. that would have been a disaster
Honetly Bernie should ditch them and create his own party. He has the people supporting him and if he has his own party he wont get fucked yb DNC
If he does that sometime soon he will be president by 2020
I want him to form a revolutionary Hoxhaist or Posadist party. Have you heard the tapes before he went de facto dem? He used to seriously anti-capitalist.
I'd like to see how many Berniebots are willing to flip over to some obscure hardcore leftist ideology just because their hero Bernie did.
Either one would be enough to make me accept Bernie which I never did btw
OP, go back to Hillary worshipping /r/socialism and continue never reading any exit polls or any data whatsoever about the election you dumb piece of shit.
hint : red hat wearing teenagers did not make trump win, neoliberals destroying their voting base did.
normal people have huge mansions?
Hello to our new /r/socialism comrades! You should lurk for at least 5 months before posting, and learn the secret rules as provided by our honourable mod staff. If you see a tripfag with the name of Hoochie know that this is the BO shitposting. Just because the mod team can shitpodting doesn't mean you can though, know your limits before trolling. Overall you'll feel /comfy/ after you settle in.
fuck you Holla Forumsyp
Wow maybe Bernie could go back and not embarrass himself in front of Ted Cruz ffs
Bernie has style tbh.
He still is imo, he is just playing in the system
bernie is not a shill.
m8, he's a fucking stooge and a coward, which is the worst part about him.
i agree. he needs to
retard, he was forced, it was the best case scenario since he couldnt win.
Did you want him to autistically screech like trump and achieve nothing again like trump?
Only a shill or a cuck would think like this. Which one is Bernie?
Stay retarded, you probably voted from trump
he probably got threatened with suicide tbh.
At the outset Bernie's "political revolution" was a sham to redirect discontent back into the dead end of party politics. Endorsing Hillary wasn't some capitulation, it was the natural culmination of his political project after losing the vote.
This hiding behind a veneer of false "pragmatism" to justify more diversionary and opportunistic "struggles" is really wearing thin. Lesser-of-two-evilsism has been exposed as thoroughly bankrupt.
so true
Who are you arguing against? Who said any of this shit?