Co-Creator of Counter Strike party v&'d

I wonder how deep this goes.

Other urls found in this thread:

Duplicate of a shit thread.

He's a pedo?


During his trial he should use the "I'm stuck man! I cant move" as a defense





No, in classic anime lolis got raped.

Fucking more.



I know exactly why I have this boner.

lewd but sauce on both webms?




It's probably some shitty hentai that isn't even loli, or porn.


What's that song?

Boner killer right there.

Riot, by Dance With the Dead.

Oh, I'm sorry, it's not pedo, it's lolicon. Yeah, that makes it better.

If you never seen this before you are newfag kys

It was in the US so probably not 2d



Pedophilia isn't illegal. Child molestation is.


hot as fuck

you disgust me

just fuck me up fam


I'm not worried about the drawings. I'm just passing judgement on lolicons' mental state. If someone faps to scat or guro porn I don't think they will necessarily go out of their way to fuck a corpse or smear shit on them in real life. But it's still of very poor taste and a sign of a diseased mind.

Pretty sure having pictures of child porn is illegal, even if you don't personally molest a kid.

Trying to argue that a pedo needs anything other than medical treatment and possibly surveileance and maybe castration, is like arguing that the archetipical crazy person who thinks he is Napoleon Bonaparte himself should actually be catered to, given a french flag to play with and be greeted with "helo mr. emperor" every now and them. You know, since he isn't actually gathering his armies to conquer france, what's so wrong about letting he live his fantasies instead of giving him treatment, right?

More reason to play rainbow six siege over counter trash I guess.


Pedos 1, Moralfags, 0

Arguing that someone might commit a crime and therefore they should be harshly punished is irrational. Your rest of your ridiculous post is equally irrational. The delusion that you are what or whom you are not is, as I've just now pointed out, a delusion, while finding something sexually arousing or not is not a delusion but an evaluation (or perhaps an involuntary reaction). To equivocate them is folly and misleading, though you may be misleading yourself so as to justify their torture. It is entirely logical to want pedophiles tortured to death, it likely comes from some primordial instinct for the protection of your own children. However, actually torturing them to death is entirely irrational - especially if they have done absolutely nothing except have sense data processed by their minds. The notion that any and every pedophile deserves "medical treatment, surveillance and castration" is especially interesting. Do they deserve it because they're sexually divergent from the norm, or because they may harm children? If the former: all homosexuals, foot fetishists, people who enjoy large women and necrophiliacs deserve the exact same sexual torture, invasion of privacy and total loss of sovereignty. If the latter: all the individuals responsible for advertising agencies, toy manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and supermarkets also qualify for this ghoulish treatment. Yet I'd wager that you disagree about both, meaning you're at best inconsistent but most likely simply having gut reactions with absolutely no thought put into it. That sort of behavior makes a good sheep but a bad Human.
If you disagree that advertising agencies, toy manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and supermarkets may hurt children then you have a serious misunderstanding about what many of them do and the possible quality of their products.

But nice dubs.

99% of all of these "sexual exploitation" cases that popped up during 2017 and now feel like political moves, attacks really. They know that the defendants in these cases have their career and reputation crippled for life EVEN IF the charges are found to be false, because retards still believe what the media says when its convenient for their ideology or whatever moral they live by.

there have been too many instances of someone pissing the (jewish) system off only to mysteriously have child porn on their comps or some other bullshit charge for it to be a (((coincidence))). the reason they do it, i imagine, is that even if the man is innocent a thousand times over, their reputation is tarnished in the eyes of the masses because a frontpage headline has a more lasting and emotional impact on the masses than a page 7 retraction does after the trial proves him innocent.

He broke the law of not having enough moe & smug anime girls on his hard drive. He only had 10,000 out of the 50,000 minimum on his desktop. He'll pay for his crimes of not appreciating anime and Japanese culture.


Loli appeals to pedos, end of story.

Also, Chris Hansen is a hero.

both are lies.

I can't wait for that lying Jew fuck Milo Yiannopoulos to get busted in a sting.

I think he needs to take lessons on how to fix this from some of his biggest fans.

Getting caught and having niggerdick baby snuff torture porn leak all over the internet will be one helluva day.

for that matter you might as well say FPS games create murderers if you're going to start playing amateur psychoanalyst with that reasoning

Gook and crook doesn't rhyme.

Are you saying they don't? Pretty much every major schooter played an FPS to the point of obsession.

jack is that you?

fucking disgusting, kill yo-

thread restored

sage is not a downvote, fellow newfag pedo

you've been at this for over a decade and were disbarred, why even still try?

there's no point in this fucking civilization anymore, nuke it all


Better downvote the thread some more, pedoredditor.

I've seen that sort of claim from an anglophone before. Does english poetry really reject any rhyme that isn't exact, or is it a exact phonetics thing?
In my language you can use rhymes that only have one sound in common, they're categorized as "poor rhymes" as opposed to "rich rhymes", but they are no less valid.

Here is a secret -I am slav

Oh it's a poor rhyme alright. Poor in the sense that you're a bad poet.

im saying drawings making someone wanna act out is the same as saying vidya will

It is all aligned.

I ask a legitimate question and you shitpost? I don't think a mess of a language like english has any right to be this full of itself. Come back when your authorities on grammar aren't the odd autistic man who wants to make up a rule for shits and giggles.

I wasn't clear on that post, and it ended being very misleading, so let me rectify it because you actually make points that I agree with.
No crime = no punishment. I'm on board with that. Meaning no surveileance or castration for their deranged sexual drives alone, but only if having perpetrated a crime or in eminence of doing it (like when the FBI baits and catches predators through the internet).
The equivalence between pedophilia and other sexual deviations isn't valid however. Because two consenting adults can do to each other a number of deviant acts, harmful or not, as long as it's consensual, going by the fact that adults are responsible for their own well being. A child cannot be trusted with that responsibility, thus acting on pedophilia is an agression to the child.
And as harmful as consumerism and it's products can be, a child's exposition to them invariably passes through it's parent, even if only in the form of the parent choosing to buy a product or not, or taking a child to a certain ambient or not. Pedophiles won't bother themselves with asking permission to a parent, and so are funamentaly worse than any consumer practice can be.
Being a lolicon may be an innocent practice in itself, but the lolicon cannot complain about being profiled for his tastes, and being held at higher scrutiny under an investigation regarding a case of child molestation. Just like the functional alcoholic who never beat on his wife before might be held at higher suspicion if she suddenly goes missing, as opposed by a well adjusted husband. So even if lolicons are not held under constant surveileance, they can't complain that prying eyes will see his tastes as some form of alert sign.

I'm not shitposting. Gook and crook is not a legitimate rhyme. It's a rhyme a gradeschooler would make. Why are you being so butthurt

i use antihistamines. should i be under scrutiny because i might make meth?

Don't listen to that user! I happen to think you're a great poet!

The general use of antihistamines is not the production of meth, just like use of alcohol doesn't signify alcoholism in itself.
But if you are known or show signs of abuse of drugs, legal or not, then yes you are going to be held under high scrutiny. Same for the alcoholic husband in my previous example

tell that to my drugstore when i bought claritin and had to sign a form and provide ID when meth was a problem in my town

its just fake news.

here is a (you) for you.

It doesn't, but it still shows something. If he is a pedophile we know that he is a potential criminal because those are his sexual interest. He might keep it in pants but when he doesn't we know who he will target. Violence is different than sexual desire. 99% of the time its not about actually hurting someone but about a person's natural desire for action/sport/activity ans such things as frustration and anger. Those things might be caused by someone but they can easily be relieved through things such as BIDEO GAYMES.


You answered your own question there. The unnusual situation you found yourself in is what prompted the unnusual measure.
If kids suddenly go missing from your neighborhood you bet people are going to be cautious around a the known lolicon who thinks his tastes deserve to be seen as normal and try to pass as harmless.

everyone is a potential criminal

wait! there are towns full of lolis?! where?!

must suck to have girls that consume fecal matter on a regular basis

patrician taste user

Especially those who show interest in criminal activity. Such as fucking a child.

Must have missclicked on /int/

better arrest everyone interested in counterstrike then

Read before you reply.

its interest criminal activity to play counterstrike. literally role playing as a terrorist and bombing a place

What you're suggesting is basically forced treatment. Doesn't matter if the individual is harmless and doesn't demonstrate his anti-social habits in public, just put him in the asylum and give him medication until he stops acting the way I don't like.

Not even trying to defent the pedos here because they can be pretty disgusting. But the whole concept of possessing a certain something being illegal is purely retarded. Especially when that "something" is intangible, like files on a hard drive. Not only it's some Orwellian shit but is also barely enforceable.

Holy shit you fucking nigger
Its not about the terrorist acts when you play CS, its about action and people would have no problem changing the game to another action game. When it comes to CP its about fucking a child and not just some sexual interaction. Its a fucking fetish and its fucking specific because if it wasn't why risk the law and not watch some normal fucking porn?

it's only a matter of time before smart devices start ratting on you to the authorities for wrongthink.

columbine shooters had no problem playing doom before they shot the school up. we know people who play murder simulators can keep their guns at home most of the time but when they don't we don't know who will catch their bullets

if only people were more normal

They had no trouble going bowling either, should we ban bowling too? Sure, some people are more susceptible to delusion than others, but you don't have to project like this.

I've been trying since forever to find out the story of that image.

They should have joined the church and shoot at blacks if it was doom inspired.

Is that pic suppose to be straight because it places real great emphasis on the catboy's dick and ass?

There are your variants.

they were addicted to murder simulators and then murdered. the sooner we ban this filth the sooner we will get to a pure society with no murder

You're part of the problem, you know. The government revels in your approval to turn society into a hyper-surveillanced nanny state.

Bless you user.

It gave me a boner
sounds dope as fuck, too

Consider the absolutely massive size of the English vocabulary and you'll understand why poor rhymes aren't as acceptable. We simply have so many possible rhymes.

But you are fine with banning things too.

You don't even need to be a brainwashed ideologue to do that. Most people are essentially glorified nigger cattle and believe everything the idiot box says.

No, what gives you that impression?

Found pedo.

Oh no, I've been found out

Mod where the hostages are little grils when?


Counterstrike is the last stand of implicit cunnysseurship.

Citation needed faggot

CS_PedoDungeon when?

That is a remarkably nonplussing word.

Pretty sure the Viginia Tech guy was a fucking Sonic autist. Wasn't even a FPS guy iirc.

VT tech, columbine, that finnish shooter with a P, that other finnish shooter that played CS a lot, breivik, just about any isis guy.

Nice fallacy, dumbass. Anyone can make bullshit conclusions like this, watch:

Wow, amazing! I wonder how murderers were incited to violence in the mystical age before FPS games? It was probably Rock N' Roll, I was told on good authority that it's satanic.

n1, are you going start to sage the thread thinking it's a down vote too?

OR you could just stop rolling in garbage. Why go from one trash can to the next?

Where do you idiots come from?

100% of Mass Shooter Perps drank water, therefore water turns frogs gay and humans into psychos.


What a waste of time. Should make an article when we know what happened.

>getting (((caught)))
silly goyim, he'll just get GRIDS once he stops being useful.

Just another day that ends in Y.


Check your IDs, I'm not the same user that asked you for sources. I just think you're wrong.

Wow, how could I be so blind! Obviously video games were always just a cover for this guy's pedo ring! It all makes sense now!

sauce on the vid? my friend wants to know. also if you have any more that'd be cool too.

your friend has shit taste to be honest

Counter-Terrorists win


ITT: Goons

There's nothing wrong with liking loli


shoo shoo leftycuck

Fucking Jack Thompson. It is almost quaint how minor things were back then. It really was a simpler time when this was the worst person we had to deal with. I want to go back.


Water has many uses. Guns and first person shooters have only one use. Train how to kill and kill people.

Same thing goes about the multiple uses your mother has. It's unfortunate that the exception here is that you yourself are completely useless.

What do we have here?

I hate you.

Anti-loli fags are reddit and cuckchan cancer. Never give in to this faggotry.

This and Redditors. These digits don't lie. This guy probably fucked a 15 or 16 year old in the prime of her attractiveness and all the feminist cunts and beta male cucks are bitching about it.

80s hentai had actual underage looking girls get raped uncensored and all. Our society is regressing.

Lolis are the best.

If you think undeveloped midgets with no tits and high pitched voices is attractive, I'm sorry to tell you, but you have shit taste. But I guess it goes without saying:

I want lolis and loliposters not to leave. They deserve headpats for protecting us.
t. thiccfag

To clarify, lolis are fine. But wanting to fuck a 3D 15/16 year old, regardless of the law or "morals" associated with it, is shit taste.

Have you ever had a high schooler hit on you? Regardless of how nice her tits are, it's weird. Go back to Instagram, kid.

How are you today, Reddit?

Everyone's debating the merits of loliposting, but nobody ever wants to tackle the hard questions.

I don't get it, where's the cock?

The point is that frenchies don't know how to spell pepe.
Or know what he looks like, for that matter.

Fuck off soccermom user.



Shota ISN'T gay

Just read and listen to Shakespeare you faggot, then you'll understand where most of the modern standards for English poetry come from.
In short: It's more dependent on phonetics than spelling by a long shot.

you shouldn't be making that kind of bait, user

Don't tell me what I can't do

Why are you fags even talking about loli? It has nothing to do with this story.

i bet you're black
and a leaf

that's the only way to explain having the same level of taste as a HOMO

You have to be gay to post a smug anime reaction image, so stop projecting.


I'll be projecting exactly what you were secretly searching for for you and be smug that you'll be the one touching yourself to it and not my straight self.
Checkmate atheists.


Chris Hansen probably doesn't frame people or use actors. It's just that what these people are doing for the most part shouldn't be illegal, and only is because the US is a cuck country full of busybody cancer. It's one thing when you're hunting people who are molesting genuine children, but when an adult guy is consensually fucking a teen girl and 99% of the world is telling you you're retarded assholes for trying to stop it, you should probably listen, but Americans aren't known for their intelligence, just for their pretension.

What the fuck is this? I don't get why people try to do this. I've seen it constantly on any board that normalfags are trying to astroturf. Someone with an obviously pro-status quo opinion will come in and tell you to go back to a site known for banning anti-status quo opinions if you express the exact anti-status quo opinions said site is known for banning. Who the hell do these people think they're fooling?

Go back to high school biology, because 15-16 year olds know more about biology than you.

You do know IDs aren't persistent from thread to thread, right? This complaint sounds a lot like the complaints namefag forums direct against anonymous imageboards about people "hiding behind their lack of an identity", which of course is for the purpose of creating a situation where people have to attack and defend ideas rather than personalities. Hmmm, it's almost as if a person who would make a complaint like this is from a namefag forum such as neofag or SA, and it's almost as if those namefag forums share opinions exactly like yours, and it's almost as if you need to go the fuck back to your cancerous goon shithole.

Who could've seen this coming?

how shocking

why is pedophilia so common in the first person shooter community?

Why should we care about this one hit wonder?
What did he do after being a co worker on Counter Strike?

Loli continues to prove it is the greatest trigger and deterrent against normalfags and reddit.

OK just to be 100% clear though, 2D loli is perfectly fine but 3D loli absolutely wrong for every reason, right? We're not going to unironically start endorsing real pedophilia here right? Because sometimes I worry that's going to happen.

If it helps to take down Valve, good.
If not, i don't care.
Post more lolis.

Pedos will always exist on imageboards for obvious reasons retard. It's your decision to listen to their drivel or not.

I'd rather have pedos than normalfags, and if you think otherwise, then you're clearly some post 2014 newfag giganigger.

There's a big difference between "people who want to diddle kids are here and will probably make creepy comments every once in a while" and "the general opinion on this board is that real life pedophilia should be legal"


That would just be horrible, wouldn't it?

You sound like a redditor. Why am I reminded of a certain rotten sub-human?

The general opinion is loli only. It is a moral obligation for all real life pedos to kill themselves as quickly as possible.

And we should keep it that way.

hyper futa loli is best loli


We're acheiving full BENIS.


Yeah, no, there are a substantial number of people here who believe that US age of consent laws are draconian and ridiculous and should be lowered. Deal with it or leave.

I honestly don't care if you find underage hot, but it's funny to see you sperg about it. It's like when furfags and /monster/ get into it and try to rationalize shit.

Adults had sex with teenagers for literally humanity's entire history before feminists came along. Have furries existed that long?

Not an argument.

dude you are just a barrel of fun.

Yes, now fuck off you retarded TOR poster.

This was made around 1470.

I don't really give a fuck if you want to fuck underage torfag. I was shitposting.


ā€¦okay, well then, I guess furries did exist that long. That'sā€¦interesting. But still, was being a furry common? No. Was adults banging teens common? Fuck yeah it was, and still is today everywhere that it's permitted. I don't know why I bother to do this though. It's unlikely that anyone will be convinced by posts on a Chilean frittata making imageboard, especially not the thick-headed hivemind Reddit faggots who are currently trying to colonize this place.

That's all anybody does here. If this board isn't for shitposting, then what is it for? Certainly not video game discussion.

everyone was just mocking you man, why are you getting so defensive?

I find those sharks very erotic

He's just defensive about his love for cunny.

Why does anyone here get defensive when rapefugees from Neofag/Reddit come in talking about how titty games are lame shit for weebs? It's partly just preaching to the choir, but you have to occasionally so normalfag cattle don't start getting the idea that the bullshit they've absorbed from the media because they have no opinions of their own can go uncontested here. They don't have a consensus of any kind. If there's any board that doesn't have a consensus on fucking anything at all, it's Holla Forums, because it's the most contrarian board on the internet.

What are you worried is going to happen if this occurs? People will have fun in ways that trigger you? The way this post is written reeks of Reddit concern trolling.

Well don't let me stop you. Proclaim your cunny lust to the heavens.


This discussion is just about the logical merits behind having or not having a certain law. What's to be gained by making post after post about delicious prime teen pussy? It's not a productive use of time to talk incessantly about how amazing it is to gaze at a teenage girl's creamy smooth titties and ass, or to kiss her soft lips and lovingly lick her tongue. Surely you don't want to hear a long, meandering speech about how I want to hear a teenage girl squeal with heavenly delight as she has gushing orgasms all over my rock-hard towering spire of a cock and then falls asleep on me blissfully holding her naked body tightly against me and murmuring that she loves me. Really, it'd just be a waste of a post to describe how I want to spray enough jizz to flood the world 87 trillion times all over every part of her fresh, nubile young body. What kind of threadshitter do you think I am?

user they shit everywhere on this site.

why are americans so puritan?

What does your post have to do with the OP? And gee, maybe it's because of the fucking puritans from which that term came?

3D woman/girls are not important, user-kun.

Just filter the impotent soyboys and keep posting lolis.

Mohammed got you cucks beaten, he's been fucking goats since the 6th century.

By and large 15/16 year olds have no tits, or they aren't fully developed. Either way no match for the beauty of a well developed 20 year old. But hey, if you prefer girls lacking hips with barely B cup breasts, more power to you. I'm still going to call your taste shit and there's nothing you can do about it.
And yes, I know IDs aren't persistent from thread to thread. But we do have IDs here to prevent samefagging and faggots like you who want to post without any sort of scrutiny. The problem with Onionfags is I don't even know if I'm talking to the same guy who replied to me or another Onionfag who's just trying to make him look like an asshole. So fuck all of you. Take your five minute internet spanking for having a shit opinion and move onto the next thread like the rest of us.

Or maybe we don't have a consensus on anything because of the old mantra:

What a thread to step into


i had a loli once now i dont have it anymore

user, the only reason you'd want to categorize pedophilia is so you can browse child porn easier.

In any case, yes - a lot of teenagers are mentally mature and ready to have sex. Yet still - many aren't. Our age of consent is basically a cutoff age by which normal teenagers can be expected to be able to consent, not necessarily a universal age by which EVERY teenager becomes able to. I know that I wanted to suck a million dongs by age 14 already, but that doesn't mean that there's not many 15 and 16 year olds that just aren't mature enough to decide for themselves.

Frankly speaking the age by which most people generally can consent to sex is like 16, in my opinion -yet still, the lawmakers want to be 100% certain so they add two years of generous padding.

Find another.
They are everywhere.



Sure you do, Ackhmed.
Just a reminder that you will never be welcome here or anywhere else and that you should kill yourselves as soon as possible


Onion fag you are honestly a quality poster in my eyes and I am gay for currently barebacking the site, I mean this unironically.

You are wasting your autistic energy trying to explain common sense to amerifags. Having philosophical debates over shit that has been fucked in this country since sometime around the 80's, or maybe sooner idk I am tired, is a waste of energy.
-t. Amerifag

My condolences user. Cunny withdrawal is a serious situtation. Visit your nearest school yard if the problem continues.

If you did an objective test measuring burgerclaps' capacity to give consent to anything, two thirds or more would fail because burgerclaps are morons. And why are they morons? Because the educational system isn't giving them what they need. That's the real problem. People who've shown that they're capable should be allowed to do what they want.

Milo, is that you?

A border collie is more mature than the average American regardless of age. inb4 furries

Actually in many US states they don't. However, I think even 16 is still too high. I'd bump it down by another 1-2 years. Bumping it up creates more problems than it solves.

This guy is a true patrician. Some of us, despite knowing the superiority of 2D, have not achieved full enlightenment and are still slaves to the allure of 3D.

Your policy only benefits those who can decide, and not those who cannot. What you're proposing cannot be done, mainly because it's exclusive to people who have not matured enough yet.

We could always try giving people a real education so they aren't stupid anymore. Maybe that's why other countries tend to have lower AoC than the US: they're not fucking retards.

Who you fuckin' talkin' to? Why are you so bad at shilling job? Go fucking lurk SA more you dork.

requesting the longer version of this webm with the opening of the song included

Just let burgers sperg out as much as they like. If you live outside the US, have fun.

lmao, lolicon is legal in most States. in America it's on a State-by-state basis. California lolicon is legal because it's protected by creative freedom laws lobbied by Hollywood jews during the exploitation era

I think is children had a better education they wouldn't want to fuck men 20 years older than them.

One of these fucking days we'll tell those fucks in the District of Cockmunchers to fuck off. Then we can finally be the CON-FEDERAL "united states" of America instead of the (((Federal))) (((United States of America))). Then, finally (and once more), when someone says "The State of California" it will mean the same sort of thing as "The State of Russia" or "The State of Italy".

Are you implying you would rather live in a country where fucking DRAWINGS can get you v&'d?

You know where lolicon is illegal? Cucked Canada. You want to follow Canadas example you be my guest. Me, I'm glad lolicon has a level of legality here in America, where freedom of speech is still paramount.

Stop using that shitty webm, here's a time corrected version.

Not going to get into a big argument over stupid technicalities and semantics, just stating the facts.

The guy in question met her through a website called seekingarrangements, which is a popular site that rich people (like software engineers) go to to meet young girls (or guys) to be their sugar babies. They pay and spoil these young people, and in return, you can figure out what kind of services they get in return.

Counter-Strike guy started a relationship with this particular girl who was actually 16, but pretending to be 23. In their final sexual encounter he decided he liked that pussy so much that he wanted to record it, and when she found out she was angry so she went to the cops because he recorded her without her consent. Cops informed him that he was a person of interest in their investigation, so he decided to take a day or two to enjoy fresh air and then turned himself in. And then they informed him that he had sexually exploited a minor, which he denies, stating that he was under the impression she was 23 (like her profile says).

Basically highschool girl lies about her age, trades money for sex, then when someone decides to keep some fap material so he can stop paying she fucked his life up. And she won't get any penalty for posing as an adult and prostituting herself, because this is the world we live in. Only men can take advantage of people.

How did she figure out he saved porn anyway?

I guess he went to grab the cell phone and she realized he was recording or something, I don't know. This is all the data that's officially been posted. He could lose his job over prostitution charges alone, but then he finds out that he's "sexually exploited" a minor, and literally all hope goes out the window, how do you justify something when you were lied to? All he can do is persist that he was unaware of her age and that she lied to him, which SHE ADMITS he didn't know her age.


Infanticide rates used to way higher too. You're making an argument that because it was more common or accepted in the past it's morally, ethically, medically, or whatever other metric your using to measure with, acceptable. That's a fallacious argument.
I'm not saying you're wrong or right, just that this argument doesn't prove your point and if you want a more airtight argument overall you shouldn't be using it.

I never thought loli could be this shmexu

From what I've heard the US has extremely shit sexual education, I remember when I was in grade 9 our sex Ed wasn't
It was literally

I think here in Canada our legal age is 16 but 14-15 year olds are legally allowed to have sex if the person is within 5 years of them. Personally I think this is a decent enough compromise.

My biggest problem is child porn laws, well not the laws itself but how they're handled and delt out. I think it's stupid to charge a 16 year old as a pedo cause his girlfriend consensually sent him a pic of her tits.
I'm 19, been dating my GF for a year. She just turned 18 about 3 weeks ago, we sext often or she sent me pics to jerk off to cause we're long distance and sex doesn't happen often. I'm not stupid and I didn't save any of it cause it I got caught with it I'd be fucked but that my whole issue with it. We're in a relationship and she's sending them consensually, I'm not fucking exploiting her or anything but that doesn't fucking matter cause the moment I would've been caught with it my life would be ruined.
That girl should be at least charged with producing child pornography, but it won't fucking happen cause women are always victims. Pedo or not if the dudes telling the truth he should be able to get a decent lawyer to get him through this.

And cause I've seen other people saying this dumb shit of
If the girl is on this fucking site whoring herself out she obviously has the body to look older. I've seen plenty of 16/17 year olds that you could mistake to be in their 20s and vice versa with 20 year olds looking like they're 14/15.

It is only a problem when it harms a boy or a man.
Women are objects.

Reminder that not that long ago Canada told their agents in airports that all anime was child porn. Causing countless innocent people to get arrested and charged with bullshit "crimes". Fuck Canada

Anyone that goes to Canada deserves to be screwed.
Canada is a shit leftist country, and that alone is reason enough to isolate it from the rest of the world.

There's no accounting for taste. Education isn't going to change that.

None of this is surprising.

My argument isn't based on what was done in the past. It's based on the fact that biology says people at puberty should have sex, and biology doesn't discriminate by age. Infanticide isn't a biological function. Although there are too many people who do make the argument from tradition, so your trips aren't a total waste.

I don't get why people give so much of a shit about the participants being close in age. Sex doesn't change based on how old you are. There should just be one age of consent for everyone. Anything else is a legal clusterfuck.

Also, fuck that shit, if you're old enough to fuck, you're old enough to film it.

Lads, should I go pedohunting ala The Punisher? Seems like a fun passtime. The best part of it would be that no cops will be involved

Sure, go ahead, go hunt down pedos. But the guy in this story is not a pedo, he's a normal dude who got entrapped by a girl who only reported him to the cops for recording her without her consent. Then the cops booked him for sexual exploitation of a minor, because she "conveniently" "overlooked that fact."


Don't be surprised if you get killed. You're not the only one who can buy a gun. A lot of people are fed up with hysterical lynch mob bullshit and have nothing left to lose, and they're just looking for any excuse to put in the grave as many of those faggots as they can.

This guy gets it.

you will be doing the world a favor

When you kill someone, people don't just look the other way "well he was a pedo, so it's okay." Vigilante justice is illegal because vigilantes tend to mete out punishments that are unwarranted, and we don't allow just any fuckhead to take the law into their own hands. You will get shot whether by the cops, a bystander who was also packing, or even by a suspect. You think people are going to accept the explanation "he's a pedo, this is okay!"?

Don't forget that the sound of gunfire might scare completely innocent people and give them a heart attack.

do you think cops will waste their time invastigating a murder of a pedoshit?

rhyming's not about spelling, it's about phonetics, like you said.

"Gook" and "Crook"'s end phonetics are pronounced "ook" and "ruh-ock" respectively, due to rules involving R changing the O sound from "ooh" to "aoh", which is the difference. Not sure if the written phonetics can be portrayed better, but that's how it goes.

It's something that can't be forced via accent either, it's an aspect of the language that has to be that way, since the language is simple and uses 24 characters when the actual number is that the soft count, in regard to phonetics, is near 100 or more since paired letters change the entire sound of a word. It's something you learn by heart growing up and, so english can seem a bit confusing to outsiders, since the language heavily relies on tone to get messages across.

For example, the sentence "You're trying to fuck me?" is contextual and can mean many different things depending on your tone of voice. The language of english seems simple but is exceedingly nuanced, which is probably why it was designed, in order to reach out to others with a simple writing and pronunciation system that doesn't tax the learner much, but it has huge room for implication, context, body language and tone.

I want you to do this. Please. When you end up dead, it won't be for me to read your shitty posts anymore.

Looks like we've got an internet tough guy who loves to post about his edgelord comic book fantasies. The first time one of you retards turns up dead with a note beside your corpse that says "Stop this fucking bullshit" the rest of you will flee like the cowardly bitches you are. People like you always run away when you meet the slightest bit of genuine resistance because you're not doing what you're doing out of any real belief in the supposed righteousness of it, but just to give grief to what you think is an easy target. Once it turns out that the target is not only the one in the right but can actually end your worthless fucking life, you won't bother anymore. Now scamper back to whatever capeshit Reddit board you crawled out of before you get hurt.


Gook and crook do rhyme though. They both have the ook sound.

No, they don't. Gook has the ook sound, but Crook has the "rook" sound, which cuts the o short, despite spelling, it has a silent O. So the phonetics are different despite spelling. You don't know about the silent letter rule?


No, I want YOU SPECIFICALLY to do this. He can do it too, but I specifically want YOU to do this. I want to see your fedora lying in a puddle of blood with the headline about madman trying to take justice into his own hands.

This is what happens when you don't pay attention in school, kids.

To put it plainly, "ook" is "ook" and "rook" is "uk"

When I say crook, and I say gook, I pronounce them the same. They should by all means rhyme.

If you pronounce gook the same way you pronounce crook (or vice versa), people are not going to do know what the fuck you're saying and might even point out how stupid it sounds.

Just cuckchan my shit up

Then you're foreign and don't know english. This isn't an accent thing, you're literally saying the word wrong, it's like pronouncing "island" as "is land" instead of "i land"

ok gimme your adress and a name with a timestamp, I will pay you a visit

We could shoot you if you like.

Why? I'm not a pedophile. Go find one. Go find moot for all I care. You want to see people consider you a hero? Go take out George Soros.

Isn't gook pronounced with an uk? Why does it have a long o?

Sorry, "uk" is gook and "uck" is rook.

The R before the ook makes one O silent, so "uck". Phonetics are hard to explain through spelling, especially when people don't know the language.


I'm not ESL though.

Just saying, but don't ask how the English language works on a fucking imageboard. There are language theorists who have been working for decades trying to figure out this language of ours and why it's so fucking awful.

I didn't defend anything, mongoloid, I pointed out where the bend in your brain tubes is. Apparently it's even worse than I thought.

Well I'm USA so fuck off or learn english.

It's the main trade language, so if it's so horrible we should all speak chinese with it's 2 million characters.

Actually, most Americans probably will because they're idiots who just want to go on witch hunts to make themselves feel better about the fact that they're the laughingstock of the fucking planet, and they'll completely ignore the fact that they could be falsely accused of being a pedo and killed on the same basis until it starts happening to them, just like when the US government was censoring people critical of its AoC policies Americans turned a blind eye until they started getting censored too. Fortunately, the American public in general is also useless outside of a political context. Any actual attempt at this will be quickly dealt with because people smart enough to see through the media's propaganda are going to be better at dealing with vigilante dipshits.

Who's talking about internet toughness? I'm not the one making threats to hunt you down and murder you for having a different opinion, only saying that people will defend themselves against vigilantes and that it's patently obvious from the behavior of the people in here supporting vigilantism that you don't have the slightest clue what you're getting into.

Works both ways.

If you think the police are going to take the side of a pedophile you have quite the delusions, bud.

Go back to Canada.

100 years ago, I'd say maybe.
Nowadays they're all degenerates with a legal system they haven't completely redone yet.

Holy shit, Amos Yee, is that you?

If you think the police are going to let you just shoot a pedophile you have quite the delusions, bud. "That's our fucking job!"

It's an invested interest for police to enforce law even when it works similarly against what they want, because if you let any old idiot enforce the law, your job disappears.

I never understood why people call it moralfaggotry. Who decided their perspective was moral? Is it moral to go around threatening to murder people? Obviously not. You're right about the cuckchan part though.

shitposting aside, I think you two are the real deal here, so please please get professional help

It's not going to matter because the people who kill these vigilantes aren't going to let themselves be known, are they?

I haven't advocated fucking babies even as a joke, so no. The vigilantes in here are going to get fucked though.

I think I'm just going to filter you at this point, you're making baseless accusations and shitposting. Bye.

The police have no vested interest in protecting a pedophile because it doesn't bring in cash, doesn't impact their work to not take scum like you down, and most importantly brings great PR to the force in taking you out since the police are eternally shat upon for apparently not doing their jobs or some shit by the left.

They have no reason to protect scum like you, and if they do it's worse, because you have to watch your back from every angle if you're in that position.

Originally it was called moralfaggotry because the supposed fags couldn't articulate reasons outside of morals to commit to their actions, so pedophiles and degenerate cling to the term as a buzzword to deflect, when in fact they're dangerous elements of society that destabilize communities and churn out mentally ill adults through their actions that further impact the various communities long-term and must be taken down and killed because of that reason.

you sided with them so there is a slight chance you are one of them, sorry if you really aint

So that means you really are a fucking pedophile, you played right into it. Get help or get killed.

Oh I get it, it's 3 pm, school kids just got out. Okay, I'm done with this thread.

For what, not being a cuck who's fine with being limited to going after used up slags? In countries with sane laws you'd be the one people would be telling to get professional help. Politicization of psychology is a real thing.

Done with it because you've been rebuffed rightly, you honestly think that people around you support you because you talk idly here? As soon as you show your true colors people are disgusted by you and want you gone, you need to change yourself to fit normal society because it's not going to change for you. Keep your filthy hands to yourself you fucking degenerate.

And you touching kids better not be a thing or you'll understand exactly where you'll spend the rest of your life.

Why bother announcing that you are filtering someone? It does not make any sense to me whatsoever, especially since you will not even see what they say anymore.

That was created before reddit was more then a turd hanging off an ass hair.

Yes the epitome of manliness is going after children. Or at least that's what you assured yourself in believing along with your NAMBLA support group.

sadly it is, at least when it comes to gays, I am not sure about the pedo issue tho. Still, you could try to find a non pozzed doctor or even read few non pozzed books about the issue yourself.

Normal society? What fucking board do you think you're on? You just outed yourself as being a fucking Redditor/4cucker (same shit), as though all the rest of your posts weren't proof enough. Nobody here gives a fuck about what normal society wants. And if you're looking for someone to protect from touching, you should try yourself, because any teenager is less of a kid than you.

If you want to peer down the rabbit hole.
The current trans movement is one part liberals trying to degrade society further, but the second part is the money behind it.

You have someone who claims to be a woman and you could have them go into therapy, maybe write them some crazy pills.

You could have them commit to a pricey experimental surgery to mutilate their genitals into the form of the sex they identify with.
On top of that its paid partly by health insurance or military service.

On top of THAT, you then have them buying hormones for the rest of their life.
Its a huge boon for the whores who call themselves doctors and surgeons.

Typical SJW word distortion.

Read about the Rind controversy. Rind proved that the US establishment was wrong and then the feminists got buttmad and ran to the government to have them condemn him for wrongthink. It's all political bullshit. There was never any real science behind it.

I'll point out women treat you already like a pedo if you have sex with 18 year olds, and you're over 23.
Women hate younger women.

Do you honestly think that every single fucking group outside of the public eye supports you BECAUSE they're out of the public eye? Are you that fucking retarded? Let me make this clear, NO ONE support you fucks, not mainstream, not here, you tell yourself that normal society doesn't matter because normal society hates you.

Most of us have jobs or go to school, we live and fucking breathe out there and come here to vent and talk without Big fucking Brother watching over our backs, without mods to supress our speech, so naturally people like you are attracted here because you THINK that you'll be accepted immediately.

That's not how this fucking works. We come on here and converse, bounce our personalities and see what sticks, what's acceptable, what's the truth. You're a bunch of fucks who aren't even accepted here. And you never WILL be. Get help, go fuck a grown woman or fall in love with your own dick, I don't give a fuck. You fucks have no foothold here for conversation, you should know that there's plenty of people pretty much all of us consider assholes, this isn't a place of acceptance. This is a place of truth. And the truth is you're an unreasonably retarded faggot that thinks his ideas about touching children are acceptable in any shape or form. You came here to talk and mingle with "broken people" but you're the only one that's fucking broken.

gb2 12chan, I'll even provide you a time machine to go back to that era, it's shaped as an oven you degenerate kike.

I sincerely hope that ANYONE on Holla Forums doesn't fall for this FBI psyop.

Someone dump a loli doujin I can use to repel cuckchanner women in any thread they decide to shoah.

You're the pedophile, you already know where to look you stupid fucking degenerate.



this is for you

wew lad, looks like you're new to the board.
Get the fuck out.

wheres the porn user?

whoops i messed up the last pic

these ones aren't even porn nigger, there is not porn here, only pure love

Mark, for once in your life do something useful and shut this fucking thread down now before it comes back to bite you in the ass.

You mean except for the vast majority of the world that has lower age of consent than the US and thinks Americans are idiots, and even a decent chunk of Americans who don't want to be associated with people like you because you're the reason the rest of the world thinks Americans are stupid?

America's population is mostly made up of followers who believe whatever they're told to believe. Their opinions don't matter.

I've been here since the first exodus and we're more accepted here than you. Actual pedos aren't as accepted, but most people here can tell the difference between a child and a teenager. And actual pedos are still more accepted here than you.

This is pure Reddit/cuckchan astroturf. You don't own this community by any means and as a matter of fact, most people here who don't explicitly come down on either side would rather have you gone than us, because we've never censored them, unlike the society you're bellowing that we should conform to.

I'll just build my own time machine if I want one, and I'll do a better job of it than your stupid ass who couldn't put together a fucking sandwich without the media telling you what to do.

Kill yourself.

*being derailed by a leftist
Either way, kill yourself.

Why would you save this to your computer, user? I am beginning to be seriously concerned.

That seals it, this thread should be canned before rules are broke.

Either it's a genuine pedophile looking to brute force pedophile acceptance, an FBI honeypot, or a leftist looking to paint the site as pedophiles, again.

Either way, get the fuck out now.

You derailed the thread by professing your love for fucking children, you're not accepted an no amount of retroactive lie bullshit will change that. Most of the porn posting on here has never been Loli.

That's toddlercon, nigger.

and the post aren't in order again bah i give up here is the link if you want to give it a look in order

Nobody wants to fucking look except for you you sick piece of shit.


Are you so fucking mentally retarded that you can't remember the shit you posted, or is it so SHOCKING that far more then half the thread's posters are telling you to fuck off?

I am not going to argue with someone who is fucking anally ravaged over a loli manga.

I already posted the link for that guy who requested and i am late for my job, see you later homos

Where do you work, a fudge packing factory?

Trying to hide your affiliations to some places that aren't exactly less then pathetic? Someone's paranoid, wew.

Also there's only two pedoposters and one's using TOR, do you think we're that fucking retarded? You're the same fucking guy.

Soon as I said that, all of 000000's posts got deleted, either he's trying to pull some retroactive shit or Mark's doing his job, in that case thanks.

Wow user, you're so cool. Are you trained in gorilla warfare?

You do realize you're next, right?

I'm shaking. I bet you have a laser sight on me right now. What can I do for you to spare my life?

You can leave, for one. Please oblige, no one wants you here.

Better than nothing, but i guess i'm not surprised (((Mark))) would take it easy on pedophile supporters.

hey, don't bully the jew, that's what the oven is for.

It's a Tor IP, user.

and all his posts got deleted as well. It sends a message, if he tries again it's obvious and he'll just get his shit deleted again. Posting with TOR doesn't make you immune.

The thread was off topic by the eighth post.

I haven't broken any rules, so quit fucking banning me, you Redditor cunt mod. Having opinions that trigger you isn't a fucking rule violation.

Porn dumping is against the rules.

I can't dump porn because I'm on fucking Tor, you moron. Jesus Christ.

How about you go back to cuckchan?

Just another day on 8/v/.

beat it

Hey you fucking cunt who banned me, your days are numbered. I'm gonna get in touch with Mark when he's phoneposting from the synagogue, and your cuckchan ass is gonna get canned.


Take your meds, faggot. I don't care about your holy war.

If I may askā€¦. Where do you think you are?

Nah that's a joke, I know this isn't 2014's Holla Forums, this place has no freedom of speech anymore, that died with hotwheels


Pedo content was banned off this site and good riddance. So where do (You) think you are?

That's were you're wrong, /hebe/ was banned and that was showing REAL girls.
Also because Hispa-chan led a CP bot here so it ended up getting posted on Holla Forums

Don't talk about things you weren't around for.

Hello goon, nice slip of the tongue there

Filter and report the impotent soyboys that can't even be comfortable around children.

Show me where I said this.

You'll probably get banned for reporting them.

SoyBoy Land claims another victim

*2D drawings right?
I mean I'm on your side. Loli is OK. Pedo is not. But if people will use one to help themselves get rid of the other these people should not be here.

Also If such a taboo topic is going to be allowed then at least both sides should allow only well formulated arguments.
It's a better if you defend a strong point in your favor than ten weaker ones. But that's maybe too much to ask of the average visitor.

Only if it's a boy-diddling gay pedo.
Today's little girls are tomorrow's 3DPD.
Stick your benis in them or slit their throat, it's all fine.
Remember: 3D women are NOT relevant.

Well thread is oficially dead.

Why let the enemy have a space?
Lolis in.
Goons out.
That is good enough.

The impotent soyboy torfag thinks that he and other goons can't be reported.

That is what happens when you don't kill goons in real life.


It is not.
We still have lolis to post.

Go away you fucking canadian. Nobody wants to have that discussion. It's not a matter of being a pedo, it's a matter of the fact that you post in a gay, reddit fashion.

I favor your right to post whatever you want. Maybe that would be more apparent if the mod hadn't deleted all my posts.

Thanks. And we all must stop goons from posting, is what i'm saying.

It's amazing how goons and redditors can hate something as pure and sweet as lolis. Truly subhumans.

"The redditor is the nigger of the internet" - John Lennon.