Good source of PC gaming news and reviews? Preferably GG-approved. Not PCInvasion please, can't stand their constant MOBA obsession and politics.
Hell, even multi-platform website would do.
Just post your suggestions and discuss
I am now your news anchor. Go on user, ask me the haps.
where do you get your gayming news when you want to read something while you drink your morning coffee?
Go ask this in the GG thread, dumbo
Any good shooters coming out soon?
Whats the haps?
How about we make our own gnews website? And everywhere comments and critique are welcome push free speech and stuff. Would be cool kike free gaming journalists of the people. Our magazine could be called the redpill or something.
green and purple gaming
That's my problem that I don't have that much time now so I have to browse through headlines to stay informed but PC gamer and trash like that is making me mad with shitty articles and politics. I wish I could browse Holla Forums whole day like I used too.
Wow, i never paid attention to the whole GG thing the reason i left cuckchan was because of the free speech censoring, i only noticed that GG was also a result of this, but i never really was interested in it.
I'll make the logo.
Open the catalog, see threads and tell me you can get some decent info from titles. FUCK.NO.
You're one tryhard faggot, man.
Cuckchan why must you shit this place up?
Any good 2D games coming soon?
Like I said, tryhard faggot.
8/v/ ripping apart game news outlets is the way to go. There's no single journalist/organization I trust, or at least none that are active which I can think of. Listen to one guy's take and if he sounds like a cunt, ignore him. By this reasoning, I can't take Jim Sterling seriously.
By today's standards, Morrowind is unplayable, anything difficult must be compared to Dark Souls, and games are a cinematic new-generation art experience platform that needs diversity. The market is made for chinks and lockbox addicts so just ignore most of it.
If you feel like playing a game right now, you could always replay VTMB.
that's normal. I mean you can watch people complain about those damn lefties born with a silver spoon in their mouth without a hint of irony or awareness of who's the president of america
in4 angry nu/pol/ comes and cries about someone criticizing based jews and (((trump)))
yeah I guess less is more in that particular case. I mean if something is universally loved here it's probably good and worth my money and that's all I need to know without a "journalist" telling me what to buy. BTW great taste m8
fuck off muhammad its 4d chess
trump is a good boy
He's just frustraded the way he writes looks like a lot of anger. He wants this elitist club that never will happen just dont worry peeps like him never get people off this site.
Nichegamer and Oneangrygamer is generally what I use
operationrainfall and lewdgamer are okay
No idea about many other sites, gamesradar might be okay? But I have no idea
Jewtubers and shit are the only other ones I can think of unfortunately, some anons seem to like digital foundry
I might be thinking of techradar then
what's with all this "we" shit faggot?
This isn't ebin anonymoose, get the fuck out of this thread and go back to cuckchan if you feel this way
(((Youtube)))rs start out alright and get progressively worse as their audience grows. It's probably due to something between wanting to be more entertaining for the audience and getting a big head over it.
There's a longer format channel run by Noah Caldwell-Gervais that's pretty good. The biggest problem I find with video review content is that they tend to either tangent or run with stupid assumptions the whole time through. The best review is a pirated copy and 20 minutes of your own time.
thanks, I'll check them out>>14257305
Oh, also brutalgamer is good afaik, they're still on the whitelist
I don't use them personally on my rotation but they seem alright overall might be worth checking out
You're correct. Totalbiscuit went down the shitter in a big way and he was "neutral but pro-GG" and anti-censorship, or at least he used to be. He was one of the ebin PC mustard race tards who liked to talk about menus a lot, but he wasn't a complete shithead until 2015 or so.
one of the only jewtuber I know who talks about news and is still committed to pro-GG ideals (staunchly so) is nuclear negro (eventstatus) but he likes to talk a lot about the FGC and other shit that isn't relevant to me (but he's still entertaining to see). He's very grounded and real, but there's still some personal things about him that are just kinda silly
oh boy have you got a lot to learn. ass cancer has always been ass cancer.
Nichegamer are pretty good in my book, they publish well-written articles and don't do shitty clickbait practices. Only downside is that they-shockingly-post just a lot of niche games. I think the GG thread has some charts on those, I think you are better off asking them.
I heard about his SA spergout and that was one of those things that made him a lolcow in my eyes, but when did he quote this?
subscriber asked him to cover overgrowth I think. the furry game or whatever and instead of saying "sorry, I don't take requests" he goes on a self important crusade about how insignificant his viewers are compared to him.
people didn't like that at all, damn
What a fucking embarrassment, he was even worse than I thought.
worse than you thought? What do you mean? Where will you get your cutting edge 40 minute video reviews of options menus now?
I thought he was just a lolcow sperg that turned into an SJW; didn't hear that he was the kind to suck his own dick on this level, especially on something like fucking subscriber count
Ah,it's always nice to see companies be sassy instead of being "nice"
Blue's News.
I mostly get my news from here, but I like Techraptor
The Jew, once exposed, loses all of it's power.
I wanna fug that snail
Niggerless News Network
Didn't they delete all their GG articles?
Well that is Devolver the company that published fucking hatoful boyfriend.
They did, I think they ended up apologizing; I forget if they put them back up, some people accepted their apology but others were pissed
Some rumors were floating around that they fired their only conservative writer who did a lot of GG-related work, but that's just a rumor I heard, you'll have to confirm or deny it elsewhere
I don't know about what happened to them since the Steam curator drama that happened a few months ago, I'd ask the GG thread as I didn't follow them during that
He deserves that butt cancer.
shame the game itself was a one note joke that got boring.
They also made Hotline Miami and a shitton of other good games
nobody likes him
Published. They don't actually make games they are a publisher.
yeah i know they published them,just saying that game sucked
Woops, mistake on my part
Ah, that's fair enough
They've got a decent eye for quality indie studios to scoop up and publish for, but their marketing can be a little overbearing (i.e. the last E3 parody presentation they did). Although it still pales in ccomparison to $50 million AAA meme marketing.
its shit and they will make it taste more like it.
Is this Total Biscuit sperg seriously one of those "muh cardboard" faggots?
This image feels cursed with the sorrow of a hundred slavs
Am I the only person on the planet who feels that SS3 was way too short and had boring levels? I really couldn't say that I care to know about SS4.
What should I be excited for playing since I am about 3 years behind due to backlog and not upgrading for 2 more?
is a bit true tho.
we are just some cash cows to them.
why care about our feelings while the money flows ?
fucking reroll
I'm not sure I'd say it was short but the boring opening levels were definitely a thing, they were actually recycled from some sort of shitty military shooter they were contracted to make that fell through and got turned into an (overly) extended parody.
They recycled what was supossed to be a military shooter before Devolver butted in and they made the HD versions and a year later SS3.
It's basically a tutorial for newfaggots, later levels are top tier though and the better effects and animations makes the whole thing really great to experience.
wish you had dubs after posting that
What is even going on
Delete by IP.
Persistent shitposters and revoltfags were cleaned up