Donald Trump: Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated.
Bernie Sanders: *laughs out loud*
Donald Trump: Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated
Trump is we leftists call a useful idiot.
if you're that triggered by a fucking socdem, I have news for you user
I'm only copy/pasting comments from YouTube, retard.
which dog of the dnc is he going to lick up after next?
those are comments from Holla Forumstards on YouTube you retard LOL
Youtube comments never fail to provide the laffs
hurr durr socialist health care, so simple
why didn`t you push for Single-Payer YOU FUCKS
That's the one good thing Trump may have done, getting rid of Obamacare. It was arguably worse than nothing because it was standing in the way of UHC.
Exciting thread
Now sick people will get nothing instead because companies won't insure them without huge costs. It's great, they're going to get exactly what they voted for.
And yet Bernie went on TV to defend Obamacare against Cruz like a good little cuck
He went on TV and shilled constantly for UHC while explaining some of the benefits of the ACA. If you look at it while ignoring its impact on getting UHC, the ACA was better than nothing.
He constantly called for single payer during that whole thing. Sounds like someone didn't actually watch the debate.
your a commie ringer
They can't say they weren't warned.
It was important ideologically because he was defending "health care as a right" not just current health care systems.
Bernie is just hiding his power level.
I'm on Obamacare.
If I he gets rid of it and I die, you fuckers better make the fire rise after they find my body in the wreckage, brothers.
I have a PEC, so basically ditto
We'll make sure to increase the number on one of those "capitalism death count" pics by one, don't worry.
Assassinate someone b4 u die.
Make your life worth something
Karma will be kind if it's jones or Limbaugh,etc.
heh. last year i had a 2 week stay in hospital in my own room with my own bathroom and a windows box seat. i had a helicopter ride between hospitals, CT scan, 3 echos, a couple of x-rays, 2 abdominal ultrasouds, an elective herina repair, a endoscopy and colonoscopy, and was treated by a cardiologist and other specialists.
no insurance and no out of pocket cost at all. my only heath expenses are medications (most of them heavily subsidized).
feels good to live in a country who's government does not spend half the budget on the military.
Maybe we've all been thinking about Obamacare the wrong way.
Maybe we should be looking into kickbacks within the lumber industry
Speaking of jewtube comments, found this hiding underneath one of the spencer punching vids.
This world makes me want to kill myself