Molymeme completely spergs out on caller
This man is a lunatic lmao
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He's a lolberg verging on fascist but I have to admit he has good arguments.
No he doesn't
He is LITERALLY a climate science denier
He LITERALLY has unscientific views on Autism Level and intelligence that no credible scientist accepts
He LITERALLY will defend anything that Trump says or does using the most twisted logic that I have ever witnessed
He is a crazy meme """"philosopher"""". That's why his name is Molymeme.
Not an argument, sorry.
Damn, you're right that is the best argument.
That and his "stare blankly while someone much smarter than him lectures him" are the epitome of persuasive rhetoric tbh
It's pretty ebin how the alt-right has embraced this guy with open arms, given the defooing meme, or that weird obsession he had with (causally) linking strict parenting to lower Autism Level. Or when he recorded himself flipping shit over his mummy, uploaded it, then later took it down.
You sound angry my dude. I suggest reading some Cernovich, he has a decent outlook on things.
Interesting. What about my lightly flippant comment made you think of anger? Were you predisposed to thinking of angry mindsets for some reason?
That's some cool introduction to Freud shtick you got going there.
Thanks friend
He's an exceptional debater, that much I'll give him.
Like what specifically? Autism Level and intelligence being related somehow has some pretty decent ground, as far as I know.
Ya, he's absolutely drunken the Koolaid.
Anyway, none of this proves he's not good at arguing, he is, that's the problem.
Sorry I actually meant to say Autism Level and race. My bad.
I love these youtube debate club guys. Too dumb to be logicians, too spergy to have normal human interactions.
Get your shit together ancoms. This is embarrassing.
I presume the poster means he has uninformed opinions on the subjects of *IQ and intelligence, not that he is uninformed that they are related.
But yeah, he understands rhetoric better than most. Too much of the left denies the importance of tone of voice/narrative framing/etc. which is incredibly vital to any argument coming from anywhere less than 100% complete knowledge (unrealistic to say the least)
Well there's an "ancom" in this thread who recommends Cernovich, so take that as you will
Well, there is definite correlation between Autism Level and race. That doesn't justify racism, which many racists like to think. But ignoring this correlation like many liberals and leftists like to do doesn't do anything to fix it. Certain environmental factors like not breastfeeding, corporal punishment, poor diet, etc. can lead to drastic reductions in Autism Level and all of those things are often present in, for instance, black communities, and should be fixed. Whereas racists like to attribute it entirely to genetics and therefor justify their racism with "being violent, dumb criminals is inherently in black people's nature, therefor there's nothing wrong with the justice system/slavery/eugenics"
Just because you disagree with someone does not mean you can't mention skills they have.
Good, relatively thorough video on some of the nuances of the issue as they relate to racial violence, african american neighborhoods, etc.
Holy fucking shit he's completely losing it. All the left and right idpol is eating him from the inside.
Few months ago Molyneux fell for the Ted Cruz hoax that Obama would have sold "the internet" (ICANN) to the U.N. and made a hysterical video about it.
Now? You don't hear anything about it anymore.
Molyneux never admits it when he said bullshit.
Holla Forums is beginning to understand how try to blend in with us. This is clearly not a real ancom.
I mean I guess you could call it "blending in" but it seemed pretty obvious. No flag can fully hide Holla Forums retardation
cult leaders never admit to being wrong to preserve power film at 11
That is true, but they seem to be learning. They are moving on from pretending to be SJWs to pretending to be us. I don't think they will ever be able to mask their idiocracy, but there is a conscious pivot towards other '''''strategies'''''
It's like watching a multicellular cell organism evolve through a microscope. Truly fascinating.
It's simple though, Holla Forums is spooked as hell and if they were fully able to blend in they'd have to be adequately de-spooked to begin with and therefore not Holla Forumstards anymore
It's a non-issue except that it gets tedious hearing the repetitiveness of it all.
Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. How many layers of complexes is One Dollar Man operating on?
He's a sociopath like all ancaps. And also a narcissist to the point of lunacy.
I will admit though that he is articulate. But that's it.
notice how he is sperging out and responding to all the comments with Not an argument.
where is this from?
10/10 breddy good
the screenshots I mean
what's more interesting is reading the comments supporting Molyneux. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that ever fag with a youtube channel gets a fanbase that will defend everything they ever do. In this case, these people must be miserable. they really are just full of antipathy to mostly everyone.
At least most of the comments were saying how he sperged out and acted like an asshole. That gives me hope that most of his followers aren't full cultists.
What the fuck is this retard trying to achieve lol
Does Stefan know 'not an argument' is a non sequitur response and is in no way an argument? It's a single premise statement with no conclusion. It doesn't fit the formal definition of argument.
Not an argument
this is some advanced autism
yeah bro u gotta get on the gorilla mindset and pop alpha brain supplements until you have a seizure
Stefan is such a bully.The guy is trying to give him advice!Stefan keeps trying to make himself into a victim.The guy is trying to tell stefan to stop being an asshole.No ones going to change a persons mind if your insulting them stefan!!!!!!
Ideally you say "Not an argument" when someone used a fallacy or just didn't make one. Stefan is probably memeing or just being retarded when he replies with that.
Does Molymeme count as a Nazi? Because then we could punch him.
Stefan Molyneux has an emotional breakdown again.
Communism wins again!
His face really creeps me out from some angles. He needs to not do over the head shots ever.
sry i am newfag in leftypol.
does leftypol believe in goverment provided facts? like getting hanged for denying that the earth is flat?
Kek what is this madman doing
Replying to a non-argument with a non-argument is just shitposting.
I don't get what you're trying to say there famster.
I also don't know anyone who was hanged for those beliefs. The people thinking "earth was flat" in ancient times/mid ages is a myth. It was started by a shitty biographer of Columbus who didn't really know much about history and the knowledge people had, but most people knew the earth was round since at least the Roman Empire and the belief was touted in earlier Greek writings. I think there is a Snopes article about this, but it might also just be on Wikipedia, as it's pretty common. Even if Europeans didn't somehow have this knowledge/it was lost somehow Chinese, Islamic and native American mathematicians were aware of this for a long ass time.
Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for other beliefs, but not because the "earth being flat" the actual offensive belief was that we weren't living in the center of the universe and his pantheistic ideas about god.
No, fuck off. He's a retarded ancap. Stop with your pointless gang violence memes.
Well, ya, and that's basically what he's doing the the comments. But if someone made a non-argument and they're trying to argue with you, usually you have to point out that it's a non-argument that you can't respond to.